Tokyo Literature and Art Times

Chapter 456: This movie is bad

   Chapter 456 This movie is not easy to make

  If there is a movie that Takeshi Iwata is afraid to make, "Hana" is one of them.

   Not only Takeshi Iwata, but many people regard this film as the pinnacle of Kitano Takeshi's films.

   In his later films, he was either trying his best to be funny, or he was trying his best to play hard.

   Like "Extremely Wicked", although this series of films is also very successful, it does not have the very literary qualities of Kitano Takeshi.

   The movie "Fireworks" is really very special, so special that it is even difficult to describe this movie accurately.

   Well, to put it bluntly, this movie is not very similar to Kitano Takeshi's work. Compared with his previous works, this movie is even more literary.

   Even has that artist feel.

   How does the artist feel?

  Most of the artists in this world are somewhat...depressed, neurotic, etc.

   That's right, that's it.

  If you understand this movie and do a certain analysis, you will understand that this movie is indeed full of this depressing feeling.

   And, it’s not a feeling, it’s just what it is.

   In the original time and space, in 1994, Kitano Takeshi was involved in a car accident while riding a motorcycle. Half of his face could not move.

   That is to say, he is a facial paralysis in the medical sense.

  Originally, his career was booming, and he has already reached the pinnacle of the Japanese entertainment industry, whether it is comics or film and television dramas.

  Especially in terms of film supervision, he has been supervising for 5 years, and every film he supervised has been successful, and each film has been well received.

   It can be said that the hope of Japanese movies lies in him.

  Many people have praised his films, and even some disgusting looks.

   But, just after his car accident, long-term treatment and rehabilitation, and the sequelae of this facial paralysis.

  Many reporters and critics felt that Kitano Takeshi was finished.

   Yes, according to common sense, he is indeed finished.

   His old business is manga, and he is a very good manga artist. Mangai is cross talk, telling jokes to everyone.

   A guy with facial paralysis, how can he tell jokes to others?

   Moreover, before the facial paralysis, although he was quite fierce, he was not so scary after all.

   But what can he look like after facial paralysis?

  Many people speculated that this guy must be finished.

   Mancai can't say, movies can't be made, his Kitano Takeshi is dead.

  The Japanese media and the Japanese public, their malice is sometimes really very strange.

   Kitano Takeshi was also anxious.

  Yes, it is really urgent.

   But this product is indeed a bit powerful. He held his breath and finally shot this "Spark".

   And because of the many things before, everyone felt that Takeshi Kitano had such an attitude.

   Therefore, in this movie, Kitano Takeshi fully expressed his depression.

   Of course, the story of the movie itself has something in it, and it's not so depressing, including Takeshi Kitano's classic funny techniques.

   And, the movie is really good.

  Sometimes there is that kind of question, that is, what theme is the movie going to show.

   Or simply expand it a bit and go directly to the category of art.

   What is the theme of a work of art?


   is not only the love of men and women, but also the love of father-son mother-son friendship and so on.

   This is actually an eternal art topic.

  There are countless works of art, all depicting love.

   Then, what is love?

   In fact, works of art can be said broadly, their themes are not complicated.

   That is, human nature!

  Art to express human nature, which is only right and proper.

  Because art is originally a culture that only human beings have, and is a part of humanities for short.

   Therefore, the film "Fireworks" can be said to be quite profound in exploring human nature.

  The male protagonist is called 'West'.

   He is a policeman, and this policeman is really miserable.

   His daughter died.

   His wife is terminally ill.

  His partner died while on official business.

  In such desperation, he went to extremes.

   Not a police officer, but robbed a bank instead.

   In the end, he came to a dead end, that is, on a beach, he and his wife, two people snuggled together.

   A little girl appeared, she was playing a kite, very happy.

   And after this…

   Well, the movie ends here, in fact, whether there are those two gunshots, they are all the same.

   It's just that I finally gave a little girl's shot.

   This makes one think.

   Is this girl their daughter?

   Maybe, maybe not.

   In fact, the genius of the movie is here.

   The depressiveness of this film, too.

  Inviting people can't help but have a lot of associations.

  Although, we have to reject association, not association.

   But this movie did produce such a thought-provoking effect.

  Iwata Takeshi has always wanted to make this movie, but he was a little scared.

   Because this is a very bad movie for him.

  The most important thing is, what is his current situation?

   He is very affectionate with his wife, and his children are lively and lovely.

   He made so much money and had such a successful career.

  Although, at present, there are still some small problems in his career, and he has not really achieved his expected goals.

   However, no one dared to deny his success.

   He doesn't ride motorcycles and doesn't have facial paralysis.

  Although, his appearance is indeed a bit fierce, but his wife is beautiful.

  cough...that's another matter.

  That is to say, Takeshi Iwata currently does not have these experiences of Takeshi Kitano.

   Can he shoot this "Hanawa" well?

  Sometimes this is the case, in fact, it is easy to read novels, just copy and shoot the original movie.

   But in fact, there is a lot of work involved in shooting a film.

   Unless it is some special film, the shooting itself is relatively simple, just like the first episode of "Gubata Ren Saburo", there are three characters in this episode, and one of them just showed his face.

   If it is a complex movie, even if you want to copy it completely, it is impossible to complete the characters.

   At least, a lot of work needs to be done according to one's ability.

   For example, many of the paintings that appeared at the beginning of "Fireworks", those works that look like crayons, these paintings must have extended meanings.

   However, these paintings are actually painted by Takeshi Kitano.

  Iwata Takeshi has this level?

   If he painted hard, he could paint, but what about the details of those paintings?

   It is impossible to remember particularly clearly, although these paintings left a deep impression on Takeshi Iwata.

   That’s why it’s like this, sometimes it’s easy to say, but it’s hard to take pictures.

   So, what to do?

  The current Takeshi Iwata has already bragged in front of Mr. Akira Kurosawa. He said that this is his next movie. It would be a shame if it could not be made.

   Well, after all, Takeshi Iwata still wanted to make this movie.

   Anyway, I’ve already copied so many of Takeshi Kitano’s movies, so why don’t I just copy it more successfully, right?

   This guy's face is getting thicker and thicker now.

   But, after all, I still don’t have that kind of energy.


   Forget it, anyway, I didn’t say when I would make this movie, right?

   seems to have a thicker skin.


   "Hey, what's wrong?"

   "Oh, this..."

   "Anything on your mind?"

   "No, it's about the movie."

   Takeshi Iwata returned home with such a mood and ate with his wife and children.

   And... Needless to say, on such a family reunion day, of course we have to eat sukiyaki.

   Regarding Sukiyaki, Yui is okay, she hasn't weaned yet, so she can skip it.

   But even though Quan'er is still young, I can't say that the days at Iwata's house are too long, but she already knows her mother's methods very well.

   The originally ferocious big eyes were full of fear.

   Takeshi Iwata, the father, really can't laugh or cry.

   Mingcai is even more curious about her husband's current situation, as if he has something on his mind!

   Yes, my husband has something on his mind, what's the situation?

   Before, Akina had something on her mind. Now her husband has something on her mind. So, is the Iwata family going to be in crisis now?

Takeshi Iwata didn't hide it, he directly told the idea of ​​the new movie, and the most important thing was, "I have such an idea, but in this movie, the male protagonist I conceived is depressed. I don't have the feeling, what should I do?"

   Feelings of depression?

   Akina was inexplicably moved, "Ah Nata, is it because of me?"

  My dear, Takeshi Iwata just remembered that his wife had attempted suicide in the original time and space. Although this time and space did not commit suicide, there was a period of depression.


   "You want to impart your experience?"

   Seems like this is a good solution.

   Ke Mingcai thought about it for a moment, then she shook her head, "If you don't mention it, I almost forgot."

   Come on, no chance.

This is how to do?

   But Akina said something that shocked Takeshi Iwata at this time.

   "Otherwise, I'll look for feelings."

   That feeling can still be found?

   "Don't, I'm just making movies and I don't want to lose my wife."

   This sentence makes Akina very happy.

   poked at her husband.

   In this scene, Iwata Izumi and Yui were watching... They rolled their eyes.


  PS: Thank you for your support, thank you! This film, I personally feel, is really the pinnacle of Kitano Takeshi.

   (end of this chapter)

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