Tokyo Literature and Art Times

Chapter 433: A nice guy card?

   Chapter 433 A good person card?

   "You must be wondering, why do you want you to be the president, right?"


   "It's actually quite simple, because I think you're a good fit."

"that's it?"

   "Then, do I have to say anything else?"


   "Oh, by the way, you must be wondering, how does this president get to be?"

   "This... Haye."

   "It's actually very simple, and it won't affect your singing career. It can even be said that the better your singing career is, the easier it will be for this president."

   "Red bean puree?"

   "Red bean puree. In fact, to put it simply, I'm using you."

   "Ah, this..."

   "I do have to say sorry about this, but, trust me, I will never use you to do something bad."

   "How come! I always believed in Iwata-san."

"Thank you."


"I can briefly tell you how to become the president. In fact, it is very simple. It is just one thing. In your name, make a lot of contributions to education, donate to schools, and then, slowly, you will become more and more The understand. When you reach a certain level, at this time, you can really attack.

  We found through some investigations that many of the Soka Gakkai's funds are still in question, which can be regarded as their seven inches, we took the initiative to attack, and then..."

   "I understand. Actually, I don't need to go into too much detail. I will definitely do my best and cooperate well."

   "Spring, you are such a good woman."

   "Ah, this..."

   "Please don't get me wrong."

"I see."

  The embarrassment between people is sometimes inadvertent.

The conversation between   Izumi and Takeshi Iwata naturally revolves around the Soka Gakkai issue.

  From the beginning, this is helping the spring, but it seems a little strange.

  Yeah, why did you just get involved?

   is so weird, isn't it?

   However, Quan Shui doesn't think there's anything wrong with her, at least not many people are harassing her now.

   And, in terms of donating to schools, she is also very happy.

   As for the utilization relationship that Iwata-san is talking about, the spring water does not feel that way.

   At least, in terms of school and education, she also likes these careers.

   The song "Don't admit defeat" is now the opening song of Koshien. It's always a pleasure to be with the children.

   But, about the chairman...

  The spring water still feels a little weird.

   Well, the real embarrassment is that Quan Shui clearly felt that Iwata-san had no special thoughts about her, and Iwata-san didn't know his own thoughts at all.

   Oil Gada.

   Well, the spring water thinks it is very good.

   Yes, such a relationship is really good, isn't it?

  Although, it is indeed a little embarrassing.

   On the side of Takeshi Iwata, he really didn't feel too much, and he was more apologetic in his heart.

   He should not use the spring water, although, in itself, it is not a use.

Iwata Takeshi and Akina thought together that spring water is a very good one. The two of them, or to expand a little, belong to Iwata companies and many Japanese entertainers such as spring water. Politically, spokesperson.

   Japanese artists, the status of this group is really too low.

   is a member of the Kabuki family, and he has a good relationship with many high-ranking officials.

   And Takeshi Iwata has another identity. For now, there is no law that comprehensively targets Yakuza in Japan.

   However, there is no guarantee that such a thing will not happen.

   Hosokawa Morihime is no longer enough, which means that Japan's political winds are about to undergo a major change.

   Of course, Takeshi Iwata knows a little bit.

   In Murayama Tomiichi on stage now, he is generally a pro-China guy, but his attitude is actually quite ambiguous.

   This person is called Dad in politics, but in fact, he has a natural feeling of being a scumbag.

   Moreover, Murayama itself lacks a strong side, and lacks leadership and binding force on the current political hills in Japan.

  These shortcomings of Murayama will probably be revealed soon. In short, he has not been on stage for a long time.

  After Murayama, the political wind in Japan will continue to move to the right.

  Although, many people understand and know in their hearts that even the bursting of Japan's economic bubble is up to the United States.

   However, embracing America is what many people have in mind... it can be said to be faith.

  Japan is like this, especially those guys, very disgusting.

   And regarding this matter, as far as those right-wingers are concerned, their thoughts are even more bizarre.

One of the    right-wing propositions is to make Japan a normal country.

   But this claim is obviously in conflict with embracing the United States, and the conflict is not small.

   However, what the right wing thinks is to embrace the United States first, and then rely on the United States after accumulating strength, or make a lot of deals in it.

   They saw a very critical point, that is, the United States, in fact, does not have such 'principles' for many principled things.

   In short, the United States is a 'company', a company disguised as a country, so this company can actually sell anything.

  Selling the yoke tied to Japan?

   This thing definitely has a price.

   Therefore, the abacus of those right-wingers is very simple. When the strength is similar, they will do business with the United States. In this case, Japan will not be normal.

  It should be said that, as far as their brains are concerned, this move is still feasible, and it is very in line with the tradition of Japanese Muqiang.

   However, such changes in the political environment will definitely affect Takeshi Iwata.

   Not only Iwata movie, not only the entertainment industry, but also Yakuza.

  In the current Yamamoto-gumi, under the vigorous development and reform of Takeshi Iwata, the previous Yakuza style of conduct has been greatly improved.

  Yakuza, be polite too!

   Well, in fact, this has been raised before, but there were many disputes and there were many internal struggles.

  But Takeshi Iwata suppressed the martial arts faction, and he really did a lot of business for the Yamamoto group.

   As far as the current financial situation is concerned, the Yamamoto-gumi already has a scale of 2 trillion yen.

   This is much more than before, almost doubled.

   You must know that right now is an era when the bubble bursts, and there are few companies in Japan that are making money.

   Yamamoto group has such a performance, what else can you say?

  I didn't offer the Iwata martial arts board, and it was already very restrained.

   Of course, I heard that some of his subordinates bought a poster of Takeshi Iwata, and then put it up at home, and built a small incense burner underneath, and burned incense every day for worship.

   Takeshi Iwata for this... alas, I thank you!

   Therefore, the current Yamamoto-gumi also has the intention of infiltrating into politics.

   In fact, this intention started a long time ago, and the previous team leader was closely related to political figures.

   And now, Takeshi Iwata wants to make a big one.


  If Izumi can become the president of the Soka Gakkai, then the society can win more than 40 votes in Congress.

   As for the operation method, Iwata Takeshi did not have any reservations, he told Springs about it.

   In short, this matter is very crucial and very important.

   will have a huge impact on many people, many things, and even the whole of Japan.

   And, personally, Takeshi Iwata is very clear.

  The game-breaking battle is coming soon!

   Of course, he must not speak.

   But what about springs?

  Iwata-san's request is also Akina-san's request. Of course she is fine.

   However, she still has a small problem.


   "You can say anything you want."

   "I, I am..."

   "Facing me, there is no need for social fear."

   "Ah, no no."

  The spring water blushed, but she really had to ask this question.

   "That, why..."

  Iwata Takeshi actually had one thing he didn't talk about, and now, he knew that it was probably it.

   Looking at the spring water, which is a little difficult to speak, Iwata Takeshi should take the initiative.

   "You're asking, why do you want to do this, right?"


  Spring nodded heavily.

  Iwata Takeshi actually wanted to answer this question early in the morning, but this question, he discovered early in the morning, didn't seem to be easy to talk about.

  This, this, this…

   "Because you are a good person."

   Well, this is the answer given by Takeshi Iwata after his final conclusion.

   The meaning of this good person is that your spring water is clear enough and people are nice enough, even if you are in the political circle, you are still a different kind of existence.

   The most important point, Iwata Takeshi's invasion of the political circle this time, he is not trying to do bad things, what he wants to do is good and just.

   For those who can do such things well, spring water is a correct choice.

   All of the above are summed up as a 'good'.

   But good…

   I, Takeshi Iwata, actually sent Quan Shui a good person card?

   is not right.

  What is the reaction of the spring water?

"Thank you!"

   She was very happy, because what she felt was, trust.


   1994 is coming to an end and 1995 is coming.

   The movie "Jing Ke Assassinating the King of Qin" is finally about to be released, but what do mainland fans think about it?

   "The latest blockbuster! "Jing Ke stabs the King of Qin"! Directed by Takeshi Iwata!"

   "The Japanese historical blockbuster film is about to be released!"

   "Is it cultural aggression?"

   "Director Chen said that his "Assassination of Qin" is ready!"

   In traditional media, that is, in various newspapers and magazines, most voices are still positive.

   That is, although Iwata Takeshi is a Japanese, the film he made is really not bad.

  It is not like the previous "Dunhuang", which is basically dominated by Japanese actors. This time, "Jing Ke Assassinates the King of Qin" has more Chinese actors, as well as actors from Hong Kong.

   This highlights an important meaning.

   This is a co-production.

   However, there are some people who say that is very ugly.

   "Not just a cultural invasion! It's premiering in the Great Hall!"

   "Iwata Takeshi, this little Japan, is too deceiving!"

  Some tabloids, or some radicals, it is really a life-threatening spray.


  PS: Not much to say, please support me, thank you.

   (end of this chapter)

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