Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 576: This is called IP value, do you understand?

In this era, the 3d effect is still very bad, even if the first part will appear at the end of next year, the 3d effect can only be said to be unsatisfactory. Although barely 3d is good, it is still not good in fact. In Morinxia's view, if the picture is to be smooth and beautiful, at least there must be the existence of the witch of the raven. In terms of performance, the performance of dc and ps2 is probably OK, but the premise is to understand the performance of these machines. .

Of course, 3d is not something that can be achieved overnight. Although you can’t make games of the type of interactive movies, it can be used as a technology accumulation. Now that you have accumulated, if you want to develop super interesting 3d in the future, it is too convenient. So Senxia doesn't plan to give up in this regard. Anyway, their clubs are short of everything, that is, there is no shortage of funds, and it is okay to burn a little. This situation is almost the opposite of them half a year ago.

In the transition between 2d and 3d, there is another technology.

"I call this technology 2dlive. Although I can't see it now, you will be able to see the finished product in about a month or two."

"This technology is between 2d and 3d. It is a peculiar technology that maintains 2d. For avg, it has a very powerful effect for the entire galgame and gentleman game industry."

On the one hand, whether 2dlive is exquisite depends on the artist's skills. On the other hand, this technology does not require high performance. Compared with 3d, once such a technology is applied, the effect is absolutely leveraged. This technology was originally prepared. Although it is still being developed in the later version of Sin Crown, the progress is already fast. If these people can join in the research and development, it will be more convenient.

"2d can also achieve such an amazing effect?" The representative of i society was a little unbelievable.

Morinka nodded: "Yes, but the application range is narrower than 3d. I have seen your company's previous games like that. I want to achieve this effect. It is somewhat difficult, and the inherent flaw of 2d is On zooming, it can't create 3D light and shadow effects."

"So that's it." The representatives of i-Community were really taken aback after hearing Morinka's description of 2dlive's performance. However, after listening to Morinya's account in depth, he was relieved.

"This technology is mainly developed by us with Sega, but if you want to join, we are very welcome. This technology can be licensed to you for free."

Moriha didn't want to charge at all. But since it's bragging at this time, of course it's going to be set off for everyone.

"By the way, Mr. Xia Sen, I still have some questions about the sales of the online version." It was the representative of the elf who spoke, although everyone has agreed with Senxia's statement and even with Senxia's talent as a novelist. But they still care a little about this game.

"Well, excuse me. There will be no problems with the online version, and the games sold are all old games. It will not have any impact on your new work." Senxia said briefly.

The other party nodded, and then asked: "We also know the future development of the Internet, but will this exacerbate the piracy situation?"

Well, piracy, this is also a headache for the industry, and compared to other industries, the gentleman industry can be said to suffer more from it. In this regard, it is estimated that only online novel writers will be more bitter than them. .

"Piracy cannot be completely stopped, and the'cloud archive' and'achievement' systems that we have added to the system are countermeasures. The development of things will not be shifted by human will. The development of the Internet will be the general trend. The development of piracy will be the same. My personal opinion is that instead of allowing piracy to encroach on the market, it is better to use a cheap and genuine strategy to let everyone use the genuine, when everyone has developed the habit of genuine , Our profits can be higher." Senxia said frankly that he has no choice in this regard, and this is indeed the general trend.

Morinya told the truth, and the truth is the most hurtful. But when he put the facts in front of everyone, everyone was silent.

If these people are members of the big game, they might yell "absolutely not like this" and deceive themselves with a fluke. This is what the Japanese are best at. But the gentleman game itself is a niche. Perhaps these types of games are very popular recently, but the fact of the niche will not change. The niche may be able to make money, but the most critical point of the niche is that they have no right to speak. Japan’s determination and facts to promote the development of the Internet will not change. This also means that the Internet will definitely develop and piracy will definitely be rampant. Will not stop.

The haze of piracy fell on everyone, and their mood at this time became unwell.

"But you don't need to worry, because the Internet age also has a way to make money in the Internet age, and that is influence."

Senxia smiled.

Everyone's gazes all turned around, and then looked at Senxia.

At this time, there is no such thing as the villain that appears in common novels to sneer at each other, because the problem that Mori says is the problem of the entire industry, and niche manufacturers always have a sense of insecurity, and Mori just just The words happened to their hearts.

Morinia actually wanted to talk about games like mobile games at this time, but it seems that this is a bit too early, so Morinia changed another statement: "The Internet means that we can radiate our influence to the world. , The popularity of our games will also increase. I wonder if you have heard of online games?"

"Online games?" Most of these people play gentleman games. They really don't know what online games are.

"Online games are Internet-based game systems. The advantage of this kind of games is that our manufacturers control the game servers, so it is almost impossible to have piracy. After we draw game fans through single-player games, we can completely invest them in Internet games. In China, the consumption model of Internet games is continuous, which means that we can continue to generate profits."

Well, even if there are no mobile games, there is still a big killer these years, that is online games.

"With all due respect, something like online games is a bit too illusory. For us, it doesn't bring any substantive benefits." The representative of elf was not interested in Mori's statement.

Others nodded one after another. Online games or something are too illusory. Can such games really make money?

The people who are doing it actually think this way.

"Everyone, in this respect, what we need is a pioneering spirit, just like you all joined the creation of a gentleman game in the past." Mori summer said loudly, "Moreover, even if we can't do online novels, we can adapt animation. , Even movies. Like the Lance series."

Speaking of this, Morika looked at Tada and said seriously: "Even if the gentleman content of the Lance series is removed, its own story is also very good. If an animation or a movie is adapted at this time, the most basic basic disk is Guaranteed."

The animation supervisors in District 11 are also magical, and they can even adapt the 18x game into a pure lily superstar, so that Lance turns from the ghost x animal king to the hero king, it’s no surprise.

Compared with online games, it seems more reliable to adapt animations and movies. After hearing Morinha's words, they all fell into contemplation.

There are actually many in the adaptation of the gentleman game, but the adaptation of the gentleman game into a story or even a movie?

Is this really ok?

No matter what they say, Morinia thinks there is no problem. Fate is also 18x, but hasn't it turned into a world-famous masterpiece?

Except for the kind of pure "pull work", that is, the kind of work that does nothing but do it, in fact, many gentleman works, the plot itself is very good and suitable for adaptation, this is actually a hidden treasure house.

For example, Morinha has always liked works like Yustia with the dirty wings, this kind of work can be adapted into a show.

"In addition, as to whether online games can make money, I think this is not difficult to verify. With the general development of the Internet today, I think it will not take two years for everyone to see the future of the Internet."

After discussing with these people for a long time, everyone also understands Morinha's thoughts, but how to put it, these people really still don't believe how powerful online games can be.

After they left, Senxia also rubbed her temples and sat aside. Although they were not optimistic about online games, many of the things Senxia said were the key to the problem, and they all agreed. As for the listing of old games Everyone has decided, basically, that games that are on the market a year later can be logged on to the Internet platform.

After deciding on the most critical point, Morinia left them in other respects. After all, everyone is an adult, and they also have their own judgments. It is only a problem if they must completely obey a child.

" why I don’t have the'Hero of Kings' to let them listen to me"

Senxia murmured secretly.

"Yo, Senxia-kun." Qianjia, who had already done things over there, came here at this time, "Is it done?"

"Well, probably, but there must be more talks afterwards, things will not be that simple."

Morinka shook his head. He knew why the Japanese game industry was going down, and there was no way to accept new things.

"Just talk about it, the following things are the key points, right? I'm ready," Qian Jia looked eager to try.

Morinya's expression also shrank when she heard Qianjia's words. Yes, after that is the key.

Because Senxia is coming home.

Well, yes, that magical 18x change Lily Fan is the quartet of Beyond the Blue

Today is the second one ()

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