Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 552: Rui? So cute and cute!

In the summer of 1998, the appearance of the card girl Sakura brought the spring of cute culture, and the great comic team p created an immortal legend in the acgn world. , X.

As for the Baihe Fan drama, after the enlightenment of "Girls Revolution" last year, everyone was more or less impressed.

It can be said that the second half of the 1990s was the origin of the development of cute culture.

And after coming to July, a new animation appeared again.

This well-made animation is called "Girls Fall in Love with Sister".

After the spring breeze of Lily and the Magical Girl, another new starting point for cute culture appeared, and that was "Sister Sister" Miyakoji Ruiho.

The appearance of Gongxiaolu Ruiho led the audience to open the door to a new world again.

At the beginning of the first episode, the whole drama did not cause much disturbance, but when the plot progressed to the third episode, there were more discussions about the actor "Miyakoro Ruiho".

Compared with the original version, the story of the Mori summer version is almost completely different, but the spirit of the cute boy is passed down.

Compared with the supernatural existence of "ghost" in the original, Morinha’s version is much more realistic, but on the other hand, Morinha’s version of "Sister Lord" is more perfect than the original version. In terms of characterization, this is also very brilliant. It can be said that this is a work of excellence.

On the Internet, discussions about "Gongxiaolu Ruiho" have also become heated.

This time has entered August, and the time for Xia is already near. Many people are even asking whether there will be Gongxiaolu Ruiho's book in Xia.

Of course, this matter is temporarily impossible. If you want to have a notebook in August, it is simply impossible. There is not enough time for painting.

But at this time, someone has already said that they will draw Mizuho's book in Winter, so everyone is looking forward to it.

"Yao Shou La, these people are actually looking forward to reading the actor's book, what are they thinking about!"

When Ichiro Kuroshima saw someone on the forum discussing Mizuho's book grandiosely, his face showed a look of contempt.

Ichiro Kuroshima snorted disdainfully, and then he closed the forum. Opened qicq.

The software qicq is the latest thing discovered by Ichiro Kuroshima.

In fact, the software qicq has already existed, but Ichiro Kuroshima has never cared about it before.

The reason why Ichiro Kuroshima got a qicq software now is because of Sega.

Yes, after entering July, Sega DC also began to launch a promotional strategy. After the completion of the new model, Sega eagerly announced this machine that will be launched in early December.

When Sega introduced dc. Ichiro Kuroshima heard about such a thing from there. At that time, Ichiro Kuroshima suddenly thought that there seemed to be such a qicq software in the Crown of Crime.

After Ichiro Kuroshima learned about this software on the forum, he immediately discovered that the door to a new world was opened in front of him.

The login screen of qicq appeared just after logging in to the system. The login interface with the background of the evil crown can be said to be very beautiful.

However, Ichiro Kuroshima had already seen these pictures, and he was only skillfully typing his password at this time. Then landed in qicq.

As soon as it went online, the three groups that Ichiro Kuroshima joined were arguing.

Ichiro Kuroshima clicked on an animic fan group. Everyone in this group is a fan of Mrs. Xia Sen.

Speaking of this group, it is also very interesting. At the beginning, this is the group of the crown of sin, and then there are people in this group. The group owner simply changed the name of the group. It became a fan group directly, everyone was not limited to discussing one work, but it became a hodgepodge.

"Ms. Xia Sen's new work is super interesting!"

"Ruiho is so cute, he is obviously a boy, but why is he so cute! Damn it. I can't hold it at all!"

"Zuiho is very cute, but is there really such a cute boy in the real world?"

"Why is it impossible? I think the role of Mizuho is well portrayed, and Mr. Akiyuki Xinfang is also working hard."

"Yes, this supervisor Sang is really incredible..."

In the group of qicq, a group of people were chatting, and they immediately talked about the new supervisor from Teacher Xia Sen's new work.

When talking about this supervisor, everyone in the group was holding a very complicated mood, especially a few experts who pointed out the country in the group from the beginning, and they vowed to say how the editor was. , But when Xinfang really handed in the answer sheet, they could be said to be all dumbfounded.

The effect of the work that Xinfang finally made can be said to be very amazing. Perhaps his control of the rhythm is a little rusty, but the overall rhythm and feel of this work is indeed in line with everyone's expectations.

Ichiro Kuroshima doesn't like to talk, he likes to watch others talk, especially when a group of experts discuss some new technology topics there, Ichiro Kuroshima finds it very interesting.

It's like now.

A while ago, an in-depth analysis of the work appeared on the forum. That post appeared shortly after the completion of the first chapter. Ichiro Kuroshima remembered that the tone of the post was very similar to the humble "God." "Like", but because this post is a vest post, and the look seems to be Natsumi Black, Ichiro Kuroshima doubts it.

Other people on the forum did not notice this. They generally think that this post is very reasonable, and it is also very interesting to see someone analyze and conduct a comprehensive analysis from this perspective for the first time.

"Who made this post?"

Ichiro Kuroshima wanted to know who made the post, but he was helpless. It seemed that there was no way to understand it briefly.

"Well, that's it." Kuroshima Ichiro yawned. He was a little sleepy today, so he was going to go to bed earlier.

However, at this moment, he noticed that someone had posted some new messages on qicq.

"I don't quite understand the specific techniques, but the new house is really amazing. I didn't remember the other heroines who appeared on the stage at all, but Ruiho has been in my mind forever!"

"What are you talking about! The cute student president of Takako Itsukushima, you said you didn't care?"

"Shijo Ziyuan, the flower of the high mountain, is a more perfect girl!"

"Wait a minute, compared with our protagonist Ruiho, these heroines seem to be a little different. Although they all have their own characteristics, Ruiho is the cutest one..."

"Hey hey hey, the cutest one in a work is a boy. What is it going to do?"

"I don't care, Ruiho is so cute and cute!"

"Moe", Ichiro Kuroshima remembers this word, this word seems to have appeared from the animic forum... By the way, that "shenlike" seems to like to use this word very much.

Even so, it is said that the word "moe" seems to have been used on the lovely Kinomoto Sakura in April.

Looking at it this way, the word "Moe" is really amazing, and there are many indescribable feelings in this word.

And Gongxiaolu Ruiho is also a child with a cute appearance, and this child also contains the meaning of "cute".

After seeing the post "Mizuho is so cute and cute", a certain switch on Kuroshima Ichiro seemed to be turned on at this time.

"Zuiho is so cute and cute!"

For some reason, Ichiro Kuroshima followed suit with such a sentence and entered the group of qicq.

"Zuiho is so cute and cute!"

But at this moment, someone who agreed immediately said the same thing.

"Zuiho is so cute and cute!"

At this time, other people also sent out such a long list of messages. The entire qicq group was swiped by this sentence!

"It seems that everyone is really in the same way." Ichiro Kuroshima nodded, he turned off the computer comfortably, and then lay on the bed to rest.

Probably because of a good mood, Kuroshima Ichiro got up from bed early the next day.

After finding out that the time was still early, Ichiro Kuroshima opened the forum. For Ichiro Kuroshima, he now looks at the forum every day. This is the normal life of Ichiro Kuroshima.

However, after entering the animic forum, Ichiro Kuroshima found that the situation seemed a bit wrong.

"Zuiho is so cute and cute!"

I don't know why, Ichiro Kuroshima can see such replies in many posts.

What is this?

Ichiro Kuroshima entered the section where the girl fell in love with her This section seemed to be the same as before, but at this time, he noticed a very conspicuous post in the forum, this post There are hundreds of floors, and the title of this post is "Ruiho is so cute and cute!"

He clicked on the post, and immediately found that there were also such replies under the post.

"This, what's the situation?" Kuroshima Ichiro looked dazed at this time.

But if Ichiro Kuroshima came from later generations, he probably knew that this behavior was called "water stickers", and in the section where the girl fell in love with her sister, a group of people made a post like a carnival here. Kind of like.

In fact, it's not just Senxia's forum, this viral buzzword spread all over the network at once.

Suddenly, there was watering "Ruiho is so cute and cute!" everywhere...


It is still the third update full of morals~ (to be continued.)



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