Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 537: Could this be intuition?

Qianjia has been monitoring the new production process these days.

"Good afternoon."

After finishing the class, Qianjia came to the third floor of the White Bear Cafe and came to their temporary office. Nana, who was serving tea and water to make sundries, greeted Qianjia.

"Good afternoon~" Chika also greeted Nana, "How is the album?"

"Hey, although there is no big news, I am already very happy to be able to release an album."

The album Nana said was her debut album, which was released with the opportunity of giving Kadura Chisato the role of CV.

Of course, Nana has also released an album under the name "Kondo Nana" before.

After greeted others, Qian Jia came to Lao Xu's side.

"How's your work?" Qian Jia asked.

"Hi, it's going well. Teacher Xia Sen has arranged everything before leaving." Lao Xu said with a smile.

"Well, that's fine. I don't know what people will think after seeing our new." Qianjia also nodded.

"Of course I will be very happy. The previous players have always felt that it is unacceptable to let Keiqi be done this and that, but they also feel that this kind of gentleman content is very interesting. The one we created can just provide a Give them new gameplay.” Lao Xu also thinks this gameplay is a very novel option. On the one hand, it can provide players with new game modes, and on the other hand, it can avoid the controversy caused by idol worship.

"Although the content may be a little thinner, this setting should be just fine..." Qianjia also nodded.

The content is very simple, in fact, it is role playing, in other words, it allows players to customize the appearance, skills and name of the character. But because the system of the game itself is set for girls, although it can be customized, it is temporarily impossible to play male characters.

This is completely confidential to the outside world, which is also a killer feature on Xia CM.

"Xia CM..."

After leaving from Lao Xu. Qianjia came to the calendar hanging in front of the door.

The most important thing in August is summer CM, and the club is working hard for this.

And in mid-July, the animation that Musashino Animation has been preparing to produce will also be released, and before that. The things on the Jixiangyuan's side will also come to an end. No matter what Senxia plans to do, the ending will be announced at that time, and now it is not that day. It's only one month.

No, it's not just Jixiangyuan Lihua, Qianjia is also worried about Senxia.

"Well, I hope Senxia-jun will not do shameful things..." Qianjia muttered. At this moment, she realized that the person she was most worried about was Senxia.


On the other side at this time, Senxia and their posture training for the second day had ended, and the three of them were cleaning the corridors of the sanatorium.

"Huh, just after so hard training, I still have to clean up now. I feel like I'm going to fall apart..." Yuanqi Niang Liujia was feeling extremely tired at this time.

Senxia looked at Liujia. The girl who was full of energy was stretched out at this time. It can be seen that for the active Liujia, the posture training that she had been standing still took too much for her. Much physical strength.

"Well, in any case, cleaning is our maid's basic skill, no matter what you do, this is a must." Yu Dai's spirit and spirit at this time are obviously much better. She came over, and then comforted Liu Jia.

"Well, that's right, if I'm so depressed. The host will be unhappy when I see it!" As expected, the mother of vitality, after a little comfort, the whole person instantly refreshed, she looked at Yu Dai, curious Asked, "Sister Yu Dai. You didn't make any mistakes during training today. It's amazing!"

Yudai also looked very happy: "Hey, because I feel a lot more practical today."

Hearing what Yu Dai said, Liu Jia was a little puzzled, obviously she couldn't understand Yu Dai's "steel fat times".

"Well, Liujia is a child after all. If you wait until later you will understand, and the most important aspect of this equipment is that in case of special circumstances, we girls can all use this kind of thing to protect ourselves. "Ikudai smiled, "This kind of thing was born to protect our girls. In fact, my equipment is not just these, besides, I have a lot of interesting equipment."

"Sister Yu Dai, won't you be uncomfortable wearing these equipment? Steel will be very hard, right?" Liu Jia asked in confusion.

Yudai smiled and shook his head: "When I first put it on, there will definitely be some, but after a long time, you will find that if you don’t wear it, it will be very uncomfortable. Moreover, I still have some equipment. Stop giving you a massage. If someone massages you all the time, Liu Jia will grow bigger in the future, right?"

When the ignorant girl heard Yu Dai's words, the original confusion disappeared, and then her eyes brightened: "If you keep massaging, it will be easier to get bigger!"

"Hey," Yu Dai nodded. She suddenly thought of something, and then smiled, "That's it, Liu Jia, I will help you customize a complete set of equipment. I happen to be going to apply to the maid to buy some. As for the battery, I can customize a set for you at that time."

"Eh? Is it really possible?" Liu Jia was very happy.

"Hi, because the maid seems to find it very interesting, and I said that, it can effectively improve the girl's ability to protect herself, so she recognized me! If Lucia wants it too, go find it with me Master maid, Jixiang Academy should help you customize it!"

After hearing what Yudai said, the Morinka next to her was also dumbfounded.

What is the situation?

What kind of soup does Yudai give the head maid, the head maid will agree to this kind of thing! Is it possible that Yudai is really an illegitimate daughter or something!

No, there seems to be no change between today's chief maid and yesterday's harsh attitude.

By the way, what do you want to buy batteries for?

Senxia thought of the bag that Yudai put into the closet when he came back yesterday. Could there be something strange in it?

Although Senxia wanted to remind Liu Jia to pay attention, Liu Jia was obviously in the stage of LVUP for Yu Dai, and it seemed inconvenient to say anything at this time.

Well, but after all, it's a girl and a girl, so what strange things can happen...

Senxia also noticed that Yudai seemed to really like Liujia, but her attitude towards herself was very ordinary, and Senxia wondered if the other party found out about her identity.

Based on this, Senxia dare not stand up and say anything right now. If the identity of the boy is exposed, it would be terrible. It seems that everyone is doing this with friends before and now.

"Ahem, two, now is not the time to play around. After the cleaning is over, we will have a lot of free time. At this time, everyone should work hard, otherwise the maid will be angry again!"

Senxia leaned forward with her hands on her hips, and then frowned at the two.


The two men looked at each other, although it was a pity that the topic was interrupted, but when they thought of the maid who was going to check in later, both honestly picked up the broom and started cleaning.

But fortunately, after all, this place is not populated on weekdays. Although there is some dust, it will be cleaned quickly after cleaning, and it does not take much physical effort.

After the cleaning was over, the three of them all sat on the chairs on the side to rest for a while. At this time, Yudai smiled and leaned close to Morinka.

"Is there something, Yu Dai sister?" Morinya looked at Yu Dai curiously.

"Chaoyang sauce, do you want to try it too?" Yu Dai raised his brows and looked at Senxia.

"Huh?" Senxia was caught off guard.

At this time, Yudai opened the hem of his skirt, revealing the white garter on his lower body. The flesh-colored white silk was very beautiful, setting off Yudai's legs as if they were works of art. Although it is not as good as Chika and Yukino, Morinatsu has to admit that Yudai's aptitude is very high, even if he wears extremely demanding white silk, there is nothing wrong with it.

But what Yu Dai wanted to show was obviously not the white silk. Her hands continued to move up with the skirt hem, revealing the upper metal fat time. On this fat time, a lock was hung.

"Chaoyang sauce, this is a good thing to prevent perverts and accidents. After wearing it, it will feel safe." Yu Dai smiled, then moved closer to Senxia, ​​her lips almost touching Senxia's ears. "Moreover, it can become very comfortable."

Yudai's breath exploded in Senxia's ears, making Senxia flushed.

Seeing the appearance of Senxia Dai chuckles and laughs: "Sure enough, Chaoyang Sauce is still funny for you. It's really strange, why I don't feel anything for you, obviously it is so funny. child."

"What?" Senxia was inexplicable.

However, Yu Dai just shook his head: "It's nothing, I just think Chaoyang Sauce you seem to be very interesting. Sure enough, what happened before is just an illusion. Although it doesn't feel right, Chaoyang Sauce, we can also be friends."

Hearing Yudai's words, Morinka sounded a warning sign in her heart.

In Yudai's words, although this made Morinka feel a little relieved that she was not wearing a gang, on the other hand, it made Morinka worry. If this continues, maybe it will really be exposed later...

Not interested in yourself?

Is this really Lara's intuition?


Update, then go out, come back at night to continue the code word~ (to be continued.)

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