Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 499: Get out of the way, I want to eat the keyboard!

"Fuck, why are there so many people watching without such a thing?!"

When Senxia saw the crowd clamoring for keyboards, he was shocked. 【..】

"Isn't it just a keyboard? Why are there so many people watching?" Senxia was stunned.

Senxia made a post on the network with the mentality of fearing that the world would not be chaotic, saying that he would eat the keyboard live.

As a result... this post went viral.

For the past half month, Moriha can be said to be suffering to the extreme. Not only is he busy every night until the early morning, but during the Golden Week, he also has no leisure time. Everyday work is to get up, wash his face, brush his teeth and eat code words. Not only is the quantity required, but the quality of the article is not bad. In those few days, Senxia almost became schizophrenic.

After going through the most difficult time, Senxia finally ushered in relief, and Senxia, ​​who was finally able to relax, instantly switched to the funny* mode.

Then Senxia found out that she really became funny.

He doesn't know if he is the first red (network celebrity) in history, but Senxia knows that the thing he wants to eat the keyboard now, it can be said that the whole world knows, Senxia is on fire. Japan became popular in the decade.

"This is called self-sufficiency..."

Qianjia, who was wearing a pure white shirt and pajamas, complained about Morinka.

During this period of time, Qianjia was also exhausted enough, so from the time the work was released to the present, her whole person has also been switched to a waste of humanity.

Both of them were lying in the room in their pajamas.

"Xue Nai sauce hasn't come back yet." Qian Jia muttered suddenly.

"There is no other way, right? Miss Sakino is in the election, and Yukino's kendo competition is about to start. The contestant rights contest is a national competition..." Morika murmured, lying in front of the computer, "And I heard that God Lord Grandpa doesn't seem to be very well recently, and the part-time job at Toba Shrine is also very hard."

"...Speaking of which, the shrine is called Toba Shrine, but why isn't it in Kyoto?" Chika thought of a question, "Is it the shrine related to Emperor Toba?"

"Who knows, I remember it seemed to be heard before, well. Don't care, it's like why North x and South x are in the great eastern countries, but Tokyo is in Japan, and they are obviously'King'." Sen. Xia Tucao.

"These are two things. And Tokyo over there should refer to Luoyang, right." Qianjia turned to look at Morinia, but Morinia replied with a "serious you will lose" expression.

"Such words are not what you should say when you are playing stubbornly, Qianjia-senpai! Besides, Tokyo is also called Tokyo before Kaifeng!" Morinka sighed.

"So, the name'Tokyo' is really popular. Although the angles may not be the same. But the Chinese characters are the same." Qianjia shook his head, and her black hair was dancing in disorder. Looking at Senxia: "Well, forget it, I don't have the mood to discuss this kind of messy problem... What I want to ask now is, what should we do for dinner?"


This is a very important question.


"Yes, there is no dinner, this is a serious matter!" Senxia also frowned, but the two guys had no energy to get up from the tatami to cook.

"For today's plan, the only way to use the killer is." Qian Jia took out the phone. "Appear, Shenlong! I want to eat fried j!"

Well, in the end Qianjia took out the Dragon Ball phone and ordered a takeaway.

Although fried foods are all junk food, it has to be said that people who eat such things when they are decadent can really feel extremely happy.

After drinking Coke and eating fried j, these two waste wood teases finally returned to their daily appearance.

"Huh, Senxia. You haven't answered my previous question yet, don't you want to eat the keyboard?"

"Of course I have the keyboard. The mold I made from the shopping street has been delivered to the White Bear Cafe. I have already entrusted Erika to the keyboard!" Morinka looked confident.

"Forget it, who cares about you, you'll know it's great by tomorrow..."

Qianjia rolled her eyes, and then ignored Morinia.

And Senxia shrugged indifferently.

Then he continued to cast his gaze on the network, looking at the computer while holding the bomb. Don't feel too cool.

"So, it seems that these guys are taking what I said seriously..."

Senxia suddenly realized, as if she understood.

The network itself in this era seems to be different from the future. It is now in the 90s. The connected people who have not been baptized by the navy in this era have completely different perceptions of interconnection from the people of the 21st century.

With this understanding, Morinya realized that things seemed to be understood.

"That's why people in this era regard this as big news..." After understanding the facts, Mori Xia suddenly realized.

You guys, just want to make some big news...

"... Now, Senxia." Just after eating the roasted wings on her hand, Qianjia turned her head and looked at Senxia.

"What?" Senxia asked strangely.

"Our game has sold 50,000 sets now, right?" Qian Jia said.

"Well, that's right." Senxia nodded.

"But why didn't I feel the slightest excitement about this?" Qianjia sighed, and then took a sip of Coke.

"Yeah, this feeling is more like a relief." Probably because they were too tired before, so at this time Morinka and Qianjia are basically in the sage mode. They obviously care very much, but they just can't lift the spirit. It feels like an otaku who has just dealt with a physiological problem with a tissue is watching a gentleman's content. At this time, there is no feeling at all.

"Probably because of the high sales of Plants vs. Zombies before?" Qianjia continued to sigh.

Senxia nodded in agreement. Since the previous high sales volume is now only a few percent of the original sales volume, it is really not that easy to get Senxia and the others to cheer up.

"It's a pity that our game platform is just an idea. If we were able to develop with the game at that time, maybe we can use it now." Senxia sighed. He thought that the steam platform was too early, but after going through the Sega DC incident, Mori Xia suddenly realized that even though it is early now, it also shows that he can make the layout in advance!

"By the way, how is our current game situation?" Qianjia held the bomb in his hand. It was not easy to read the content on the computer. Senxia freed up a hand and controlled the computer to enter the network.

"Well, it seems quite interesting."

Excluding the content that asked Senxia to eat the keyboard, there are still many people discussing issues on the forum.

Morika noticed that the person named Ichiro Kuroshima was more active on the forum.

This guy had made up his mind from the beginning to go to the main line to attack Yuqi, but in the script he always encountered various death traps, so this guy was asking for help everywhere.

"This guy is also a talent to be able to find all dead fgs at once." Senxia exclaimed.

"This person seems to be the one who has been asking you not to run before and wants you to eat the keyboard." Qianjia thought of this guy named Ichiro Kuroshima. He had been pinging the keyboard-eating posts before, on the forum. Jumping up and down, no matter who it is, you can tell at a glance that this guy is a diehard fan of Teacher Xia Sen.

Thinking of this, Qianjia looked at Morinka, and didn't know what expression he would have when this Kuroshima Ichiro knew that the guy who was arrogantly posting was the "Ms. Xia Sen" he admired.

By the way, does Senxia really want to eat a keyboard?

Qianjia looked at Senxia again, she was a little curious, she didn't know what Senxia wanted to do.

But by the next day, Qianjia knew what Senxia wanted to do.

Because Senxia did prepare a keyboard.

The next day, when Morinka and Qianjia came to the animic club, everyone was already here, but they seemed to be the same as Morinka. The previous one million sets of sales and the current 50,000 sets, so that everyone did not feel It is very pleasant, after all, the difference is too big.

And after a period of rest, everyone went to work again, because the content of the rpg version of the guilty crown has not been completely finished. After the game is completed, the part of "Apocalypse" will continue, which is not perfect. Scripts, character data, etc., rpg is more troublesome than game.

But at this moment, Erika knocked on the door of the animic club and walked in with a keyboard.

"Sinxia-kun, your keyboard is ready."

After hearing this sentence, everyone at work immediately turned their heads.

"Teacher Xia Sen, you really want to eat a keyboard?!"

Old Xu was taken aback.


But Qianjia noticed something wrong.

"Yoshi, thank you so much, Erika!"

Senxia smiled and took the keyboard, or the chocolate keyboard, from the opponent's hand. Yes, it's chocolate.

"--So, what you are going to eat is actually chocolate?" Qianjia suddenly realized.

"It's a hand-made milk-filled chocolate!" Rena jumped out behind Erika and gave Morika a surprise.

"Rena Sang also helped me a lot," Erika explained.

"Oh, thank you so much, Rena." Morika smiled.

"Wait!" Qianjia over there said, "Sinxia-kun, do you think that the public outrage on the Internet can be solved by a mere chocolate keyboard? They want to see you eat a real keyboard? Self-defeating!"

However, Senxia smiled slightly, he did not speak, but went directly to the forum, took the keyboard and began to type...


Today is the first update, please subscribe to qaq, please subscribe to qaq (to be continued.)



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