Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 492: Sell ​​5000 I eat keyboard!

After arranging the work, Senxia’s work has finally been a lot easier. After handing over the secondary scripts, Senxia’s remaining scripts are the backbone scripts and Lao Xu’s scripts, Senxia here There are only a few hundred or two hundred thousand words left, but the manuscripts on Mushroom and Lao Xu need to be revised before they can be used. Although they pay attention to the style between the scripts, the necessary corrections are still indispensable. 【No pop-up window..】

And just as Moriha got into action, Qianjia also started to move. Animic Club has also launched a promotion at this time, and the demo version of the Guilty Crown is now being given out everywhere.

At this time, the Internet becomes the most lively place.

Although this is not the future of the Internet era, because of this, once a topic on the Internet in this era becomes hot, the topic can last for a long time.

Just like now, with the offensive of propaganda, more and more people know the crown of evil.

With the listing of &nbsake, the name "Xia Sen" has spread.

&nbn has always been a family, and many people who had torn* on the forum did not care about the "Guilty Crown" on the forum, but with the publicity offensive, many people have already played the demo version, and then these tears* Those who hadn't torn enough were immediately transferred to the forum.

"Mr. Xia Sen is finally about to publish a new work. It hasn’t been long since re-take and Young Girl's War Story were just released, but why do I always feel that I have not read enough?"

"Super fun game! Xia Sen's game is completely different from the previous games! This is the same pioneering work as to-heart!"

In the forum of The Crown of Sin, the voice of praise is still the same as before, but compared with the beginning, there are now a lot of black posts in this place.

"This is just pure electronics, it's not a game at all! There is only one route in the entire game, and apart from the death option, there is no effective branch plot at all!"

"I admit that Mr. Xia Sen is great, but he completely regards the game as his. I admit that the teacher's writing is great, but it is not enough. Because this is not a game at all."

&nbame has not taken shape, so many players are judging this game with their past eyes. In fact, many game makers now do the same, in order to forcefully increase the gameplay. They added some unnecessary decryption or exploration mini-games to the game, but such mini-games not only did not play a good role, but they caused confusion for the players and seriously affected the rhythm of the game. This common problem is also the basic situation of such games in the 1990s.

After &nbame removed these forcibly increased "gameplay", the entire game market has become hot. The reason why f clubs are respected is that they are one of the pioneers.

And Moriha's idea is more radical. This part of almost giving up the necessary options is almost as if the game is really treated as an electronic.

This radical approach obviously makes many people feel very uncomfortable.

Especially many people who have come here especially, in the trial beta, they are very uncomfortable with this type.

In the huge picture, a black screen appeared. Cover the background and the vertical painting. Although the coverage of this full-screen dialog can be adjusted, this type is rare after all, in fact.

"This is just a poor imitation of to-heart."

Some people say so here.

&o-heart is a game that uses a full-screen dialog box. In this regard, the other party is the pioneer, and the "state of the world" of f agency is also promoted by this game.

Maybe f agency itself doesn't think anything, but some nc fans feel that there is a problem with Senxia at this time.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Xia Sen is also such a person, this kind of following the trend is completely blasphemous for the game!"

The dialog of &nbso-heart is the same as Morinka’s side, but in fact the two sides are still game different, because to-heart has at least free action time. There is no such time in Morinha’s "Crown of Sin".

Everyone is only playing a demo version, but even so, they have moved from this version

But some people think that some **** fans are a bit too much, and some people say: "The game mode is just a game mode. The writing style of Mr. Xia Sen and the painting of Mr. Frog Guncao are first-rate."

But someone said: "This game of animic is a typical example of looking for change but hitting the wall!"

"If this game can sell five thousand copies, I'll eat keyboard live! This kind of dead house work that sells r has no future at all!"

Well, the last post was sent by Morinia, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

"Brother! You actually posted such a post yourself, what are you thinking about!"

When Xue Na saw that Morinya was slandering herself with her vest, she was extremely shocked.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, I rarely take a break. Yukino, don't say that." Yukino was on the line holding the notebook and wanted to appreciate everyone's praise for her brother. However, at this moment, Yukino found one of Morinka's Since the black post.

"But brother, what are you thinking about, why do you want to do such a thing!" Xueno's eyes widened, and she seemed to be a little worried about whether Senxia's brain was burned out.

"It's nothing." Senxia waved her hand, "I'm just joining in the fun, and it's my interest to hack myself away."

Well, to a certain extent, Morinka still likes to tarnish herself.

Being hacked and being hacked is a very different experience. For example, a certain author named "God" wrote a book about turning into a lily, and then he said, "Being turned into a lily without wearing shoes means wool!" Then Saying, "The people who write the transfiguration are all **** with **** in their heads!" Such words are very interesting to say, but if someone else scams the god, he probably would never agree.

Of course, Senxia's heart is wider. He not only likes to blacken himself, but he also likes to play with black and play with black.


Xue Nao pursed her mouth.

"Well, don't worry, Yukino. Aren't there more praises on the network." Senxia shrugged.

"It's not the same thing, brother, you really don't love yourself!" Xue Nai said dissatisfied.

"Uh..." Why do I feel that this word is not used in such a place?

Senxia shrugged, and then continued to pounce on the street. She has been exhausted from rushing to the paper these days, and now she can have time to rest, of course she can't let it go.

"Brother is really true." Xue Nao rolled her eyes at Morinya, and then continued to read the comments on the network.

Although there are many forums in this era, the forum of Senxia can be said to have become a place where people gather. Because of the high threshold, there are relatively few soy sauce crowds in this place, even if there are no people on the forum. Dry goods, speaks quite convincingly.

But because of this, Xue Nai became more worried as she watched the forum.

Especially under the self-black post of Senxia.

"Don't run away!"

"Guy who speaks Kyoko!"

"Owner, I support you! This kind of game is not interesting at all. These people don't understand the essence of game at all. Game is not!"

In addition to this self-hacked post by Morinya, there are some content behind it that worries Yukino who is watching the forum.

"The animic club may be bad. Teacher Xia Sen probably didn't do market research. He didn't even understand the difference between games and..."

"Ms. Xia Sen's work is closer, but in the field of games, the two are completely different."

As we all know, the sales of game sellers in the first two weeks, the reservation basically determines the life and death of a game, and the word-of-mouth effect lasts for about a week.

There is no way to form a long tail effect in this type of game.

This kind of beautiful girls. Female games usually choose to be released on Friday, and then sell as much as possible in the first three days of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and then the first week and second week will occupy the rest. After the sales, these games are basically unsellable. If you increase the cost of publicity and the first return special code, you will only increase the reservation. When the deadline for the reservation is reached, the result of the work has already been determined.

Xue Nao has been visiting the forum for so long, and after being popularized by science, she also secretly developed some worries.

"Guilty Crown" was originally scheduled to go on sale in August, and the time for reservation and promotion will be But the current situation is an exception, because their time has been advanced to May. Now it's more than half a month, and this time is not enough for publicity and reservation.

Although the online communication is very hot, it only depends on the network. Compared with the game itself, this type of work actually depends more on the company effect, celebrity effect, and accumulated reputation. Before the work itself is listed, it is actually in a black box state, and no one knows the content.

Yukino looked at the content on the screen, and then looked at Morinka's side. She was also worried about the game, but Morinka's careless appearance made her feel weak.


At the end, Yukino just sighed, then shook his head, and then turned off the computer.


Hey, three shifts today, three shifts! Ask for monthly ticket support qaq

187 more still owed (to be continued.)



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