Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 474: Tail... sneak

I don't know if it was because of the cold current in late March, so cherry blossoms were not blooming in all places. 【No pop-up window..】

For example, the cherry blossoms in Sakano Gakuen came out at this time.

Walking on the boulevard, there are falling cherry blossoms on both sides. The boulevard should have been green, but at this time the surrounding area turned into a cherry-colored ocean.

Because this is the internal relationship of the school, there are not many people at this time, let alone the cherry blossoms. Being held by Qianjia and walking on such a road, Morika feels a completely different atmosphere from Ueno Park.

It's like being in a different world, the whole world is completely alienated into something wonderful at this time.

"This feeling is really amazing." It was Qianjia who spoke first. "It feels completely different from when I went to enjoy the cherry blossoms."

"Well, this feeling... it's like walking in the passage of time."

The cherry blossoms are fleeting, but walking on such a road seems to be able to feel an almost still feeling. The whole world seems to have been still at this time. Walking in this place seems to be completely isolated from the outside world.

"It's pretty good." Qianjia walked in front. "You know, when I was in my first year of high school, I would walk along this road every day. Spring is the season of cherry blossoms. In summer, there are green trees. It’s golden. Although winter is a bit boring, once it snows, the scenery will be very exciting."

"Every day...?" Senxia was shocked.

"Well, although every day is a bit exaggerated, but every week should be fine." Qianjia smiled, "Sinxia-kun, the scenery here is really good, haven't you seen it all?"

"I went shopping at the beginning of school last year," Morika looked around, "but after that, I never had time to watch it."

Sakano Gakuen is very big, but Morinatsu hasn't really appreciated it.

"The one in front... is the racecourse, right?" Morinka barely remembered the environment here.

"Hi. If you are a member of an equestrian club, you can go horse riding every day." Qianjia pointed to the front of the racecourse, "Don't you want to wear a female jockey?"

"Don't talk about this kind of forced gentleman topic..."

If it is normal, Morinatsu is happy to discuss some very topics. But now Morinka and Qianjia are going to see Lihua. If we are discussing gentlemen now, after seeing Lihua, Morika is afraid that he is full of gentlemen...

Qian Jia didn't take Senxia to stay here, but continued to walk back. The two stopped all the way to the front of a large warehouse.

This warehouse is very large, and there is a very wide and flat road in front of it. At this time, there are still trucks constantly driving in and out.

"This side is...?" This side has reached the entrance of the other side of the school, and then going there is the middle school and elementary school departments.

"This is the warehouse. The school stuff will be delivered here first, and then distributed. When the school starts every year, the student council president will count the items delivered here." Qianjia explained.

She looked around. Then he took Senxia to the small door on the other side of the warehouse.


Qianjia made a silent cleanup towards Senxia, ​​and then took Senxia and walked in.

"President, this is the newly arrived desk, here we abandoned the desk last year..."

"Well, wait a minute to transport these desks to the teaching building..."

As soon as he entered, Senxia saw that on the other side of the corridor, Lihua was holding a document in one hand and directing the students on the spot with the other.

"Here are the basketballs that need to be updated and supplemented. These are shipped to the gym first, and after their recruitment is over. Ask them to submit a usage report. They lost a lot last year." Lihua said as she stretched out her pen. What is checked on the text.

Senxia and Qianjia stayed here quietly, then quietly looked at Lihua in the distance.

She seems to be a general in the camp. At this time, the battlefield is being deployed and ready to go to war.


With so many things, if ordinary people come here, I am afraid that they will already be in a hurry, but at this time, Jixiang Academy Lihua has arranged everything in an orderly manner.

"Sir President. This is a message from the racecourse manager..."

"Well, show me."

Senxia noticed that the members of these student unions seemed to look at Qianjia with some admiration.

Yes, worship.

Senxia stared at Lihua. During her work, she seemed to have a very attractive temperament.

She is focused and serious, meticulous in her work, and has a serious and careful look.

How should I put it, Lihua at work, Mori Xia clearly felt a noble temperament.

Yes, unlike the feeling of a girl when she lived together, she was like a real nobleman.

It is precisely because of her temperament that she is so admired by other people in the student union. Even Senxia, ​​he felt as if he had been attracted to her at this time.

Suddenly, Senxia seemed to feel someone poking her waist, and then he heard Qianjia whispering in her ear: "Hey, how is it, not bad?"

"Well... the usual president is completely different." Senxia exclaimed.

"No, no, this is Lihua in daily life." Qianjia denied, "What you usually see is not the nature of a girl in front of a boy, but this is Lihua. The usual appearance..."

Senxia nodded, but then curiously asked, "Speaking of which, why is our student union so powerful? Some things have nothing to do with our students, right?"

"Our school has always followed the strategy of student self-management, and since we changed to the new principal, this situation has not only remained unchanged... Well, it is better to say that the new chapter promotes this approach even more. "Qianjia muttered a word next to him, and then went on to explain to Morinia, "Our school's funds are basically managed by the student council. The predecessor of our school was also a noble academy, right?"

"Well, you said that, it seems that it really is." Morinka nodded, after the merger of Sakino Academy, there is indeed the tradition of aristocratic academy. In the past, Morinka didn't care about this matter at all. If you think about it this way, Sakano Gakuen itself is a private school.

Thinking about it carefully, this is not the school’s fault. It is entirely because Senxia did not experience too much school life at school. Except for class, Senxia’s time basically spent writing in the department.

Well, think about it this way, it seems that from the day I met Qianjia senior, the thing I did the most every day was codewords. As for other "campus life", it seems...that there is no such thing?

"It seems to be such a thing." Senxia nodded and confirmed again.

Although he discovered that Qianjia was looking at herself with alien eyes: "Senxia, ​​are you really a student in our school?"

"What stupid thing are you talking about!" Senxia was already unable to complain.

"That's the way it was originally, Senxia-kun, you don't even have a lot of common sense. After so much activity time every day after class, what are you doing Senxia?" Qianjia looked at Senxia in confusion.

Senxia gritted her teeth: "Senior sister, who do you think caused this thing on earth!"


Qianjia shrugged and looked away.

Then she continued: "But what you see now is only part of Lihua. If there is a chance in the future, I will take you to see the other side of her."

"It seems that Lihua still has a lot of things I don't know..." Senxia sighed.

"...I'm leaving, let's follow too!"

At this time Qianjia noticed that Lihua was ready to leave, so she pulled up Senxia again and followed the other side.

After the two left here, they came out one step earlier.

At this time, Lihua and the students from the Student Union also left the warehouse in a hurry, and then walked to the other side, but they did not go back to the teaching building at all, but to the other side of the road.

"Is this the one to the music building?" Because of the music class, Morinia is familiar with the music building area.

"Well, it's over there, be careful and quiet..." Qianjia warned Morinia again.

The two of them just curled up like this, and then looked at Lihua over there.

But after watching for so long, Senxia was a little uncomfortable: "Hey, senior sister, if we follow this way, there is really no problem?"

"It's this time, Senxia-kun, what are you still caring about? At this time, you should follow me to the women's dressing room without complaining, right." Qianjia turned her head and despised Senxia's fake seriousness.

"These are two different things! Don't get confused!"

Actually, I didn't feel anything at all, but I don't know why. Following the president, Senxia suddenly had a strange sense of sight.

I haven't seen it in the real world, but I always feel like I've seen it in the game.

What game is it...?

It always feels familiar...

"Keep your eyes Qianjia is pulling Senxia and continuing forward.

Lihua walked in front of the members of the student council and led them. Although Moriha had some complaints about Qianjia's lurking, but seeing such a president, Moriha always felt like it was worth it.

Speaking of...

Senxia looked at Qianjia in front of him, and Senxia remembered that in the descriptions of others, Qianjia seemed to be different from what she had usually seen.

Speaking of which, what does Qianjia look like in the "daily"?

The curiosity in Senxia's heart could hardly be suppressed.


New chapter~

The title of the new backstage can be up to 20 characters, and I can’t play Long Terrier anymore. I choose dog with qaq (to be continued.)



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