Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 468: Consolation

"I don't think it is appropriate at this time. [..]"

Senxia shook her head, then left the game, and then entered the forum.

There is a discussion area for the demo version of "Guilty Crown".

"Until today saw the demo version of Guilty Crown, I suddenly discovered that animic is a game production company..."

As soon as I entered the discussion forum, Senxia saw a spitting post.

Well, just ignore it...

"What about a game with excellent writing style? After Mr. Xia Sen made his debut, did he actually want to do such a game?"

Someone was surprised to find that the original teacher Xia Sen had even played such a game.

Relatively speaking, game is easier to show madness. In other words, game is easier to get second.

Those who have played the demo version seem to be very useful to Morinia's madness.

"Relatively, the game really reflects the strength of Teacher Xia Sen. This unparalleled sense of exaltation really makes people feel that the whole consciousness is like a different world!"

"Qijiang is super cute! Who knows who the original painting is? The first time I saw Qijiang, I became a fan of her!"

"The design of i is great, and the plot is also looking forward to it. I like it very much."

On the forum, most of them are similar to praise topics.

"I've seen everything in the forum, probably... there is no problem, right?" Ayana was a little strange, she thought that Mori was talking about system problems or something.

Senxia shook his head: "No, I'm not talking about this. You see, what everyone is looking forward to here is our game. If you distract everyone at this time, I don't think it is a good thing."

Qianjia agreed: "Indeed, too scattered is not conducive to our publicity... Then put it on iket and bundle it?"

"Well, just follow the original plan." Senxia nodded, then he said again. "In addition, our system can also be modified. At present, this system is open, and there is no difference between the basic structure and the full version. There are only some differences in the content."

All the plots in the game are all integrated into a single file. Just select Load in the system loading menu. The demo version is also a separate file, which is loaded in the same way.

But Morinya felt that it was so complete in the demo version. It doesn't seem very good, but because of a lot of time, subsequent modifications are not a problem.

After proposing this suggestion, Morinya switched back to the game: "The cg system is good, and the character attributes are set according to the traditional rpg... Well, find a data balancer? It seems too early for us. Just take a picture of a cat and a tiger for now. By the way, do you want to add an automatic archive?"

Morinia is thinking about the technologies that can be incorporated with the technology of this era, such as automatic archiving is one of them.

Well, old games are not automatically archived. If you accidentally die without saving, you can only start from the end of manual saving. If there is no saving, then congratulations, heroes, please start from the beginning.

The real-time archive and quick archive used by the b company in Laojun and Fus are very good things, especially pressing f5 for quick archive, many players have f5 obsessive-compulsive disorder, and they want to press the button from time to time f5...

Senxia thought for a while, and simply opened a document, and then wrote down his suggestions for system modification. From the parts that continue to be improved to the parts that need to be fine-tuned, Senxia has written on it a little bit.

"Well, let's hand it to Morinka first." Chika patted Ayana on the shoulder, although this is his computer. But Senxia is now inspired, so I will leave it to him temporarily.

Although Senxia likes brain d, but the brain d in this game is enough, and if you want to continue brain d, waiting until the next game seems to be a good choice.

The next game Morinka hasn't decided yet, but at least the details of this game. Senxia doesn't plan to leave, anyway, we have money now, the big deal is to continue to hire people!

Archive mechanism, mod loading mechanism, cg event playback added, vertical drawing switch...

After everything was done, Morinya finally nodded in satisfaction.

"It's hard work, Senxia-kun." At this moment, a cup of lemon tea was brought to Senxia.

Morinka raised her head, and it appeared that Erika, who was wearing a maid outfit, was smiling at Morinka at this time.

"Senior Qianjia specially ordered this for you," Erika smiled at Morika, then placed a small cheesecake in front of Morika, "This is my special service for you. ."

"Ah, thank you." Senxia nodded towards Erika, then he turned to look at Qianjia's side. At this time, Qianjia had returned to her seat and was thinking about the computer.

But at this time, Morinka noticed that Erika seemed to be watching herself all the time, so he turned his head back: "What's the matter?"

Erika shook her head quickly. She seemed to want to deny that there was nothing wrong, but she choked as soon as the words came to her mouth. She tilted her head and asked: "Mori-kun, you are here to manage The animic club has to take care of school matters there. Is this really no problem?"

Erika is not the first person to ask this. Moriha's response to this is the same as before: "No problem, isn't my grades the same as before? Squad leader, you know this best. And Squad leader, aren’t you running the White Bear Cafe yourself?”

Erika shook her head quickly: "That's not the case. I didn't do most of the coffee shop. The purchase, management, and promotion are actually nothing to do with me!"

Looking at the sky, she seemed to think about it for a while, and then continued: "I think I seem to be more like an ordinary working girl. It's just that the control of time is more free."

"Yeah, but I think you are quite suitable for a managerial talent as the squad leader, and the squad leader is also full of authority. In fact, there are many students in the class who said that, in fact, what the squad committee member said seems quite appropriate. "The disciplinary committee members are students who maintain the school and class atmosphere. They are similar to the student union, but they are not the same. If they are placed in the celestial dynasty, this is probably the role of disciplinary committee members. Of course, because of the different nature of schools, some schools may not have posts such as discipline committee members. In fact, members of the discipline committee are more active in the time and space of the second dimension, such as Shirai Kuroko who writes Kuroko and reads abnormally, and there is a black long straight sister paper like Furukawa Yui.

She was mentioned as a "commissioner of style and discipline," but Erika was not happy. In fact, the corners of her mouth began to twitch at this time.

Well, since ancient times, people like this type of management have been hated by others, after all, no one likes to be managed. At Sakino Gakuen, there is nothing to say about the members of the manners, but if the members of the manners are used as a metaphor, the situation is obvious, which is obviously a derogatory usage.

"Who said that?" Erika gritted her teeth.

"Ah... I remember that Tonggu seems to say that often." Morinya sold the fool of Tonggu without hesitation.

"Well, thank you so much, Mori-natsu-kun." After hearing the name of Tongya, Erika did not run away, but instead smiled as before.

It's just that no matter how Morinia looked at it, he felt that this smile seemed a little different.

"Then I'll go back first, Senxia-kun will sit down when I have time, I'm very welcome~" Erika waved her hand at Senxia, ​​and went downstairs on her own.

"Tonggu...please ask yourself more."

Senxia silently mourned for Tonggu for a second in her heart. Although the cause of this incident was because she had missed her mouth, you did say that, Tonggu, didn't you? Since I have said it, I can't blame anyone, and I'm not the only one who has heard this...

Well, anyway, with the fool's IQ, I probably don't know that I betrayed the other party.

Senxia guessed irresponsibly in her heart.

"Huh... this is fine."

Senxia picked up a floppy disk next to her, and after copying the document, she stood up.

"Sorry, Ayana, I didn't pay attention before, and I will return the computer to you now." Mori summer apologized to Ayana who was sitting in front of her computer, and then took the cake and lemon tea to Chika's table. , And then gave the floppy disk to Qianjia.

"Senior sister, this is my revised idea, what do you think?"

Qian Jiashun took the floppy disk and put it in his computer.

"Huh?" At this time, Qianjia noticed that Morinya pushed the cake in his hand in front of her.

"Senior sister, would you like to taste it?" Morika said Qianjia ignored Morika, but looked back at the screen: "No, isn't this a special service Erika gives you?"

"It's just a cake, and I don't really like to eat cakes, but it is Erika's kindness after all, and I don't want to waste it." Morinka explained, "So, senior sister, we should be half of us."

"...Tsk, Senxia, ​​when did you become so glib?" Qianjia looked at Senxia suspiciously.

"I have always been very serious!"

Senxia said that he has always been an honest gentleman, well, an honest gentleman.


Lao Gun is the ancient scroll, because there was a translation of the weird "Old Man Scroll Bar" recently, so it was nicknamed Lao Gun.

The first chapter today is still updated on time. (To be continued.)



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