Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 465: I obviously just want to make everyone happy.

When the four went back under the cherry tree together, the atmosphere became strange. 【..】

Qianjia and Yukino were both smiling, but Morinka couldn't feel the slightest warmth in their smiles.

And they also stopped arguing, as if they had reconciled.

But... the atmosphere is very strange! ! !

Originally today's temperature was unusually warm, but at this time, Ke Senxia seemed to feel a certain icy cold.

At this time, the only normal person is probably Lihua next to him.

But when Morika wanted to ask Lihua, he would find two cold eyes coming from Xue Na and Qianjia.

It’s so stressful, everyone...

Senxia couldn't laugh or cry.

President, why don't you come out and help me out?

On the other side, Senxia was expecting Lihua to stand up again.

According to her character, Lihua should stand up and relieve Senxia at this time.

But at this time, Lihua didn't know why. At this time, she was sitting on the spot and lost her mind, and she didn't know what was wrong.

Is anyone there! Can anyone come and help me out!

Morika cried in her heart.

"Eh...Mori-kun, the this classmate Yukino and Senior Qianjia?"

As if hearing Senxia's prayer, when the scene fell into embarrassment, a voice suddenly came from outside.

Morika turned her head, and then was surprised: "Rena?!"

That's right, the person who appeared over there was Morika's classmate of the same grade, Reina Tojo.

She was wearing a dark blue bathrobe with a handbag in her hand, and she was standing less than ten meters away from Senxia and them.

After spotting Morinza and his party, Rena seemed very happy, and she walked over after a trot: "I thought I saw some familiar figures before, but I didn't expect it to be Morinatsu!"

"Gui'an, Rena Sang." Lihua also stood up and walked in front of Rena.

"President! It's great to see you here!" Rena was very happy.

This is a normal high school girl!

Senxia on the side sighed silently in her heart.

Unlike the surrounding creatures of different dimensions, Rena felt like a real female high school student. After seeing each other's smile, Senxia seemed to feel that her whole person was cured!

Finally met a normal person.

As if noticing Morinya's moving eyes, Rena also turned to Morinya, after meeting Morinya's eyes. She smiled at Senxia.

"It's great to be able to meet here, Senxia-kun." She said with a smile.


But I don't know why, Morinya always feels that the atmosphere here has become even stranger.

"Sinxia-kun, your relationship with Rena-chan seems to be very good." Lihua seems to have noticed something, she may not have realized it herself. But in her feelings, something was indeed suppressed.

"Now, Rena, come and sit here!" Qianjia suddenly invited Rena at this moment.

"Well, it's hard to meet an acquaintance here, Rena Sang, come and sit down." Yukino also looked at Rena.


Rena froze for a while, sit here? But why is it a little uneasy?

She turned her head to look at Senxia, ​​seeming to be asking him for help.

"Rena, do you want to keep a cup of tea?" What else could Morinya say. Can't drive people away, right?

Then she looked at Lihua again, and the other person also looked "welcome". When she turned her head and looked at her home, the gentle mother waved to Rena to indicate that there was no problem.

"Then it's better to be respectful." Rena chuckled lightly, then took off her clogs, and walked to Morinya and the others.

"Rena, how are you doing recently? I haven't seen you for a while." Just after sitting down, Lihua smiled at Rena and asked.

In the first half of the semester, Lihua and Rena often met. Rena was a show of presence in front of Lihua, but after the school festival ended, the chance to meet was much less.

"Well," Rena glanced at Morinka. Then he replied, "Not bad, and President Saito often mentions Mori Natsu-kun about you. She is very happy that "Girls Fall in Love with Sister" can be made into an animation."

Saito Keiko, the president of the drama club, is also a rich second-generation, on the production committee of "Girls Fall in Love with Sister". Saito's family also has a share.

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen you Rena for a while. Is the drama company busy?" Although Morinka is in school every day, he finds that his chance of seeing Rena seems to be good.

"No!" Rena was a little panicked, "I'm relatively stupid, so I concentrate on studying, so I seldom wander around on weekdays..."

Eh, wait.

Rena suddenly noticed something.

Whether it's Morinia, Lihua, Xuena or Qianjia, they... seem to be masters!

Yes, these are the top students who dominate the rankings all year round, and their results are always very good.

Rena was admitted to Sakano Gakuen from a foreign school, and her grades were not bad, but it was all the result of her hard work.

But at this moment, Rena suddenly realized that these few people in front of her were incredible characters...

"Rena, what's the matter with you?" Morinka noticed Rena's cramps at once.

"No, it's nothing, I just think everyone is so good. When the final exam, everyone seems to be in the forefront of grades."

Rena's grades were actually in the front row, but the gap between the general and super academics was very far away.

"It's okay, I remember Rena, you were ranked 30th at the end of the term. You are ranked in this position among the entire school. In fact, you are already very good." Senxia smiled.

"Eh, did Mori-kun see it?!" Rena was surprised.

Senxia nodded: "Well, I will pay attention to it."

Do you want me to tell you that many dragons in my article are based on the names of the students in the rankings...

But this kind of thing is hard to say, so Morinya did not answer in detail.

"It turns out that elder brother cares so much about the grades of girls in the same grade!" Xue Na's voice came over.

"Yeah, Senxia-kun, I didn't expect your attention to be quite extensive." Qian Jia also followed behind and continued to speak.


Although Lihua didn't speak, she was clearly saying, "You are so concerned about a girl's achievements and trends, do you want to do something to her?"

It was the first time to come to Ueno Park to enjoy cherry blossoms with the girls. I met Rena, a pure and lovely classmate. The two joys intertwined and brought more joy. but. Why is this so……

I obviously just want to make everyone happy!

"Then, that... If I did something wrong, I'm very sorry..."

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene became a little strange, Rena hurriedly came out to apologize.

"Well, this matter has nothing to do with Rena." Qianjia said kindly toward Rena. "I'm just so concerned about a girl's grades for Mori Xiajun."

"Besides, my brother seemed to care about Rena Sang very much before, and his name was also very kind, completely different from others." Xue Na also vomited.

The words of the two of them were full of hints. Rena, who was carrying the girl's mind, instantly understood what, and her face turned red.

"It's nothing like that. I actually came here because I saw the president here!" Rena explained hurriedly.

"Eh, is that true?" Qianjia's voice was a little strange, "but from the very beginning, I found out that Rena, you always put Morika's name in front of our president..."


It seems to be so!

Rena panicked, and Morika next to him was also stunned.

But at this moment, Qian Jia pounced and laughed: "Forget it, I won't tease this lovely junior."

"Well, let's just end the joke here." Xue Na also tilted his head.

"What do you think of your classmates?!" Lihua stood up and reprimanded these two people at this time, but she didn't find out. In her eyes, there were some rejoicing expressions.

"Don't make such a joke!" Mori Xia Yizheng stood up, "Although it has nothing to do with me joking, don't you guys know that this will make Rena embarrassing?"

Who is free to play with you at this time?

Some things are a matter of principle and absolutely cannot be tampered with!

"Minxia-kun..." Rena looked at Morinya, and her tone of voice was relaxed.

"There are some jokes that can't be messed up, senpai, Yukino!" After Morinka finished speaking, he smiled at Rena and nodded, who also smiled at Morinka.

After Senxia's reprimand, the scene seemed to finally return to normal. Yukino and Chika also converged slightly.

Well, viewing cherry blossoms in such a harmonious atmosphere is the most beautiful thing!

Senxia sighed inwardly.

Finally found a bit of majesty as a man, and Moriha found that it felt really good. This kind of eloquent feeling, the feeling of making the girl obedient by the shock of the tiger's body is simply superb!

"Ah, it's Senxia-kun!"

At this moment, a voice full of surprise came out.

After hearing this voice, Morinya looked in the direction where the voice came from: "Erika-monitor?"

He almost yelled wrong again.

Erika actually came to enjoy the cherry blossoms, and she was still wearing a maid outfit for work.

"Sure enough, it is Senxia Jun!"

After seeing Morinka. She rushed over immediately, and then leaned in front of Senxia.

"I didn't expect that we could meet here-eh, are you all here too?"

Erika also noticed other She took a step back, then pulled up her skirt, and made a lady's gift to everyone: "Everyone, Gui'an."


The four pairs of eyes looked at Senxia, ​​and the majesty of the man fell to the ground.

Senxia was at a loss.

Am I doing something wrong again?

Do not! I did nothing wrong!

I just want to make everyone happy!

He lamented again in his heart.


new! chapter!

I can update it on time now, hahahahahaha~ (to be continued.)



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