Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 441: Is it really okay for you to dig hard like this?

"In other words, "Plants vs. Zombies" doesn't have much attention in China, but is it popular in the United States?"

When Morinka and Qianjia received the news from Sony, the two of, including the members of the club, they are all embarrassed and awkward.

A while ago, they were still lamenting the bad luck and the game hit the street. Later, the news of "Plants vs. Zombies" in the United States received rave reviews, which caught Senxia and the others by surprise.

"It's almost like that." Qianjia nodded, and answered Morika's question. Then she hung up the phone and sat on the sofa next to her, "According to Sony's estimated sales, there can be at least several hundred thousand. Set it up!"

"Hundreds of thousands of sets!"

Everyone was so surprised by the news that they were speechless.

"How, how is it possible, obviously the sales here are not so good!" Ono Daisuke was even more surprised.

"Because of the audience." Qianjia said, "And we had a good time. More than a month ago, the release of "Resident Evil 2" raised the popularity of the subject of zombies to a fixed point. When our game appears, things will naturally get better."

After the series of "Resident Evil" became popular, this series is even well-known in Europe and America.

Moreover, the second work of Resident Evil moved the scene to Raccoon City, and the whole person's vision seemed to broaden. Such a story is naturally more attractive.

And because of this, Resident Evil 2 has become very popular. Since its launch a month ago, the craze of this game has been pushed to its climax.

Try to think about it, if you can really incarnate in the world of Raccoon City, how interesting it would be!

Not only that, in addition to the story itself, whether it is Lyon, Claire or King Ada, these are the super famous game stars in the future, and King Ada is almost always involved in the infinite stream of the game version of Resident Evil. It is a role that must be overthrown.

but. With the popularity of this game, zombies have become more and more popular. At this time, many people are actually beginning to worry about whether there may be a biohazard.

Let alone impossible. The Americans actually issued a zombie survival manual later. It can be said that zombies have become part of their culture in the future.

Things like zombies are often associated with negative words such as horror and blood.

But at this time, a wonderful game appeared!

Plants vs. Zombies!

"...So. At this time, our work occupied the hearts of the American people who were in urgent need of healing, and then healed them." Mori summer followed Qianjia and explained to everyone.

"No wonder you were so calm just now..." Qian Jia complained about Senxia while holding Senxia's calf with her feet.

"I didn't have any hope for the sales in Japan." Morinata shook his head.

This is not nonsense. "In the future" when Plants vs. Zombies 2 will be mighty all over the world, only to return home in Japan. Morinatsu knows this too.

"The American people's acceptance of games is indeed higher than ours." After all, Lao Xu is a person who has worked in a commercial company, so he understands this well.

"According to the current situation, our game seems to be very popular in the Omi region. Sony also seems a little surprised, but the specific situation depends on the subsequent sales. If such momentum can be maintained, this game's The sales volume will probably reach millions of sets." Qianjia further relayed the news she had received to everyone.

"Hundreds, millions of sets?!" Nana and Ono Daisuke were shocked.

"Galgame can have one-tenth of the sales, that's a super masterpiece..." Lao Xu also sighed.

"This is Dazhongxiang's game, of course our gentleman game. It must be a long way to go." Dazhongxiang and Gentlemanxiang are different. The gap between the Three Kingdoms and Dynasty Warriors series is a very good one. For example, the gap between the minority and the public is terrible. And as a gentleman game. There is a long way to go.

Of course, this does not mean that the gentleman game has no value. The value of the gentleman game itself may be limited, but the characters created by the gentleman can be popularized. Similar to Saber, Sister Pao, etc., these are all models that gradually extend from a relatively niche field.

"Hey, Senxia-kun, I suddenly had an idea. We might be able to divide the game into two parts. One part will be used to make money for the general public. The other part will be made into a niche trend to develop our gentleman culture How about working hard?" Qianjia put forward his own views.

"Theoretically, you can make money in each of our games as long as you can guarantee that you can make money."

Senxia quickly skipped countless games in his mind. He knew a lot of games, and many also had super popular mini-games, but those were all things in the touch screen era, and now... it's not appropriate. Even if these games can run on current machines, it is almost impossible to get popular before capacitive screens appear.

"That's right..." Qianjia nodded.

"After this matter, let Sony take responsibility. For us, this kind of game is not the center of gravity." Mori summer concluded, "Even if it is to take the popular route, I think from the RPG aspect, or action It’s better to start with similar games."

"Indeed, this is more our style." Qianjia nodded, "and it's easier to insert a gentleman's script."

This concept is very good, and it is also a sharp tool for the curve to save the country. Qianjia and the others have accepted this suggestion of Senxia.

"But this game will make us a lot of money. This is already booked." Qian Jiayou said.

"Senior sister, what do you mean?" Morinya saw that Qianjia seemed to be thinking about something.

"I think we might be able to do a new project on this, remember the RPGMaker mentioned earlier?" Qianjia rested his chin, as if thinking.

"Isn't that Kadokawa's thing?" Morinka asked strangely.

"Yes, but don't you think their stuff is too superficial?" Qianjia said, "In the foreseeable future, we will definitely be able to make a lot of money, so if we can cooperate with Kadokawa, it is not very Great?"

"Senior Qianjia, what you said is really good!" Senxia sighed, "but do you think we have so much time?"

Morika has no doubt that Qianjia can convince Kadokawa, even if Qianjia-senpai has nothing to do with Kadokawa, there must be a way to talk about it by her means.

But how to put it, the problem lies with Morinya and the others.

The concubine can't do it!

After all, Mori and the others want to do it, but their club does not have that many people. Now these two "Guilty Crowns" alone make them uncomfortable. Although the Kadokawa All-Star is not in the game, Sega and Kadokawa will do it from time to time. Come here, so they don't have that much effort at all.

"Um..." Qianjia thought for a while, "Indeed, if we don't get the job done, it will be more troublesome on our side."

"Hello, senior sister, you don't really want to fix this, do you?" Senxia was shocked.

"With this idea, if there is a chance, it might be an opportunity." Qianjia nodded and said.

"Then it depends on the time." Morinya shook her head, "Speaking of which, Yukino also told me before, we should have a perfect timetable afterwards, and we must have some plans for what we should do. Don't mess around."

After finishing the evil crown, they will have nothing to do. Since it is a club, backup plans and plans are also necessary.

"After Natsu-kun Mori, you have to go to Xingyue to help. Nasusan also said that after that, Sega's new game console should also be on the market. Let's see the situation at that time." Qianjia has an idea in his mind. But this is just an idea. External affairs are constantly changing, and their strategies are also changing.

"Galgame actually has requirements for the program, but if Wang Sang and the others do it, it seems a bit redundant." Lao Xu said.

"Well, yes, but Wang Sang and others will not necessarily continue to help us make games." Senxia explained.

"That's good, our progress is maintained in an RPG or other type of game, and then we do Galgame on the other side, how about?" Qianjia suggested.

"Is there no problem with this?" Senxia felt that this didn't seem very good.

"If it's just a game, then maybe there is no problem." Qianjia said, "Ayana's technical level is very strong. If it is just a Galgame, it will be no problem at all if it is given to her. I think we can compete with other games. Same as before, looking for outsourcing together."

Before "Plants vs. Zombies", it was Senxia who found overseas students from the celestial dynasty to do outsourcing work, so Qianjia thought of outsourcing at this time.

"Compared to looking for foreign students, I heard that it might be cheaper if you can go directly to the heaven to find someone." Qian Jia was very concerned about this.

"Um..." Senxia nodded Indeed, in that case, it is indeed cheaper. Brother Xiao Ma is here now, and we may be able to ask him later. "

Brother Xiao Ma is from the Celestial Dynasty. Maybe it would be better if you ask him?

"But if we can, I think it's better for us to focus on it." Senxia warned again, "The consequence of half-heartedness is that we have to work overtime day and night now."

"Well, everyone in Japan came here like this. It would be nice to let everyone experience the life of a community animal~" Qianjia said jokingly.

"..." Senxia shook her head.

He is more concerned about the intelligence of "Plants vs. Zombies" than digging holes, and he doesn't know whether the popularity of this game in Europe and the United States will continue...


New chapter!

First today~

In the new year, please ask for votes~ (to be continued.)

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