Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 438: Novice's fortune, you can't control it

The time has entered March, the temperature has finally warmed up, and the cherry blossoms on the campus seem to be about to bloom.

After noon, the suitable temperature is already very comfortable, and it makes people feel warm all over.

After the class was over, Senxia leaped on the desk, as if she had lost her soul.

"Sinxia-kun, you seem to be in poor spirits these days, what's the matter?" Tonggu noticed that Senxia's spirits seemed to have been very bad these days, "It's going to be a holiday soon. Spirit."

"Nonsense, if you try to play for a week, and then you haven't won for a week, you will be like me." Senxia's head is still lying on the table.

Unexpectedly, the self-proclaimed card game king would be abused for a week, and Senxia's heart was crying.

"Uh..." After Tonggu heard Senxia's words, he was also stunned. He laughed dryly, and then said: "If you meet a strong person, there is nothing you can do about it."

"...If it's the strong, it's fine." Senxia's words are really Budweiser Chen Za, and she doesn't know what people should say.

"Uh..." When Tonggu heard these words, as an idiot, he no longer knew how to comfort Senxia.

At this moment, Senior Sister Qianjia wandered in from the outside, but the second class of the year had long been accustomed to this.


Tonggu was startled when he heard Qianjia's voice. He turned his head and saw that Qianjia's face was drained at this time. It seemed like Senxia, ​​with no energy.

"Two, are you really all right?" Tonggu asked worriedly.

"What? Well, it's okay, how could something be wrong, this classmate, you are too worried. Hahahaha..." Qianjia laughed, and then took Senxia's hand. The two of them were like grandpa and old lady. Same, left here slowly.

"Is there really no problem?" Even a fool. He also saw the abnormality of these two men.

Looking at the back of the two holding them away, Tonggu muttered in doubt: "It's strange, isn't it fun to play mahjong?"

On the other side, Morinka and Qianjia left the classroom, and then went to the department.

Opened the bento. The two sat face to face, looking at each other speechlessly.


After a long time, Qianjia's face finally collapsed: "It's too bad, it's too bad, obviously just a newcomer, why is it so powerful..."

"That kind of thing should be called the novice's fortune." Morinya also sighed, "Compared with that kind of thing, it was originally a very misguided thing."

"But that guy Lihua can win so many consecutive wins. This is simply cheating..."

Qianjia sighed.

Ok. Yes, the reason why these two people are so miserable is entirely because they have been abused by Auspicious Academy Lihua in the past few days. Whether it is Qianjia who has always listened to the so-called **** alone, or that I am invincible under the sea Senxia, ​​it's all tragedy. The two of them had been blood tortured for seven consecutive nights, and finally someone won. It was Yukino, Morika and Qianjia's seven-day life, it was like hell.

"Isn't it all because senior, you have to stay here every night to grow up and play mahjong?" Qianjia sighed. Senxia spit out as always, "And on Sunday, let's play all day! All day!"

On Sunday, Morinka and Chika were abused for a whole day. The scene at that time was really sad for those who heard it and tears for those who saw it, and it was beyond tragic.

"How can you blame me, no matter who it is, after losing, you will want to send it back!" Qianjia sighed.

"Well..." Senxia was noncommittal. Because when playing mahjong, Morinatsu and Qianjia are in the same mood, even if they only win once...

Faced with Qianjia's accusation, Senxia was also speechless.

"Senior Qianjia, speaking of it, how did you make President Lihua come to play mahjong with us for a whole week? She doesn't seem to be this kind of person, right?" Senxia suddenly thought of a very strange place.

"Secret~" When talking about this topic, she was already a face of Qianjia with a face on the street. At this time, her face finally recovered, and she looked very energetic, just like a character in RPG directly. From near death to full blood.

"Forget it if you don't want to say, there must be some secret between you." Senxia shook her head.

Although he was very curious, Qianjia was unwilling to tell herself that Moriha had nothing to do.

However, Senxia will not give up on this. After people's curiosity rises, it is difficult to be extinguished. I don't know now, and there will definitely be opportunities in the future. Don't say Qianjia, the big deal will come to President Lihua!

"Um... I seem to have thought of something very serious." Suddenly, Qian Jia frowned.

"What?" Senxia numbly responded to Qianjia, and put the lunch in her mouth.

"The manuscript, Mori Xiajun, this week, we seem to have not written a manuscript at all! Your work progress is completely correct!" Qianjia's voice suddenly mentioned several times.

"Calm down. It's not normal to delay work because of playing mahjong."

Morinatsu chewed rice in her mouth: "Because of playing mahjong and delaying work, this is the good quality of a famous master."

"What kind of crooked way is this!" Qianjia complained, "You are just making excuses for yourself!"

Even though I said so, but I don’t know why, Qianjia felt that Senxia’s words were actually as convincing as they were, really inexplicable...

"Well, don't worry, it will be a holiday soon. In about three weeks, I think I should be able to complete a large part of the work, don't worry!"

In fact, Morinka just casually talked about playing mahjong, but there will be some time to concentrate on writing, so Morinka is not in a hurry, and he has been fighting for more than a month, and occasional rest is needed.

"Well, that's right." Qian Jia took a deep breath, "After that, you must work hard!"

Senxia nodded. At this time, his spirit seemed to have finally recovered: "By the way, "Plants vs. Zombies" should be on the market now, I don't know what everyone's evaluation is."

"I'll go to Sony to inquire about it." Qianjia said simply, "Although it is just an ordinary casual game, I have to say that this game is really interesting."

As a gentleman, this kind of ordinary game is usually nothing worth seeing, but the game of Plants vs. Zombies is really fun.

"That is, this is the game I made!" Senxia started to fart again.

"Although I said it is very interesting, but the final situation depends on the sales, Mori Xiajun, although "Young Girl Wars" has sold a lot, it does not mean that your current game can also be very good. Sell ​​it! Maybe other people will say junk games when they see this game~" Qianjia said on purpose.

"Impossible!" Just after saying this, Morinya also felt guilty. After all, it was ten years later. Maybe people in this world are not themselves...

But then Senxia also let go of her heart: "Well, it doesn't matter that way, anyway, we don't have a bad money now, it's enough to make money back, and it's even better to make money."

If you can't make money, you can't make money. Anyway, we don't need money anymore.

Originally, this game was used by Morinka for extra money, but things seemed a bit unexpected. Now Morinka and Chika are not much difference, and if they want to make a large game, the money for this game It's a drop in the bucket.

If you change it to three months ago, Morinia will definitely be full of expectations, but for Morinia now, this thing is at best the icing on the cake.

How should I put it...probably the feeling of "no love".

Speaking of it, there are actually many games that Senxia is interested in. Not only the Plants vs. Zombies in front of me, but also the combination of Isaac, what super carnivorous boy, what angry bird, these are all very good. game.

But in Moria’s view, although the current game consoles and platforms have the performance to run such games, they don’t have much soil for such games to survive. These games are not large-scale games, in terms of communication and payment. They are both more troublesome. It is not the best way to sell them as CD-ROMs. The best way is to sell them on the Internet, such as the future Steam platform.

Speaking of it, the Steam platform is also a legend, but during the Chinese New Year, this platform is absolutely not allowed. It is said that this platform has a master with the surname "G", who will cast illusions every year during the festival, as long as the player logs in at this time On the Steam platform, they will be confused by illusion, and then lose their memory. When they wake up, they will find that there are countless games in their game library, and there will be no money left in their cards.

In Morinxia's opinion, is the best game platform for spreading genuine games through the Internet. In fact, the casual games that I can think of are developed through similar online channels. , Is the best.

Although PS looks good, it is not the best platform Senxia most anticipates.

"Speaking of it, the original Plants vs. Zombies seemed to have a tens of millions of sales. If I can sell 1% of it here, it is estimated that it will burn a lot... Well, I don’t know if the original author sees it, Will you come over and beat me up?"

Senxia spit out herself silently in her mind.

When others go through the rebirth, they all make one hundred thousand sales into one million sales. Is this one of you lowering the average level of the traversers?



Okay, yesterday was the twenty-ninth Chinese New Year, and there is no Chinese New Year's 30, ahem.

The second get on the first day of the new year, this is a festival~ (to be continued.)

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