Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 428: The fire in the cold spring

The weather this year seems particularly strange.

After the extremely cold January, the temperature seemed to gradually rise, but by the end of February, the temperature began to drop sharply again.

As a result, in the days approaching March, Tokyo ushered in another snow.

"Huh, obviously there is still a month left, and the sophomore life is about to end, but there are always so many things in the student union..."

In the student union room, the members of the student union are gathering together to sort out the information of the club. April is the new school year, and everything will change at that time, so some things must be sorted out in advance.

Each of them was flushed with hands, their scarves wrapped their heads several times, but they weren’t enough to keep them warm.

They put the document away tremblingly, and they picked up another document.

The air conditioner in the student union room is broken, and it must be fixed until tomorrow.

The president Lihua, who was sitting at a separate desk, was like everyone else at this time. She was wearing a pair of lace gloves and a shawl wrapped around her. Although her face flushed like everyone else, she was still meticulous.


The first person to deal with the matter at hand was Jixiangyuan Lihua. After all the materials were archived and sorted out, she looked at the other people on the other side.

Their work is only half done.

Lihua looked outside the window, the snow seemed to be a bit big, the sky was very dark, it was less than five o'clock, but it was the same as night. She turned her head and said to the others: "Let's do it today, and the rest will be done tomorrow."

"But the president's job has been done, and we can't fall behind!" A little girl stood up, she seemed to be very unwilling.

"Well, don't worry, we still have time. It's better to say that everyone has completed a lot of work ahead of schedule. It is very dark today, so let's go back earlier!"

After all, they are all high school students. After hearing the news, many people showed a sigh of relief.

After receiving the order of Lihua from Jixiangyuan, everyone was on the verge of amnesty, although they were working barely. But without air conditioning, this kind of weather is indeed unbearable.

Qianjia sat there and didn't move. She smiled and waited for the others to leave before getting up from her seat.

The harsh weather has restricted the activities of the club.

Lihua's gaze was subconsciously focused on the window of the teaching building on the right.

"Sure enough..."

An inexplicable smile appeared on Lihua's face.

She sorted out the things in the meeting room. After taking a long breath, he left the room.

The corridor is slightly colder than the inside of the room. Although the air conditioner inside the room is broken, the temperature inside is still slightly warmer than the outside.

There are not many people in the classroom anymore. Walking in the empty corridor, there is only the sound of air moving around and the sound of their own footsteps.

Jixiangyuan Lihua likes this feeling.

In an empty world, there is a sense of elevating the whole person who has been liberated, and the body and mind seem to be excited by this.

When the whole world is left with itself, it seems to be able to show the true self.

Stepping forward, Lihua left the teaching building. Then came to another building.

A burst of familiar typing sounds came to her ears.

Now the door of the research department was hidden, and a faint red light radiated from it, which was the light of the electric heater.

Looking inside, Morinka, who was sitting in front of the computer, was watching the screen in front of her attentively, while his hands were constantly tapping the keyboard.


Lihua found some different scenery, so she exclaimed in surprise.

"...Who is outside?"

Senxia stopped the movement of her hand, and then looked outside.

Seeing Senxia's focused eyes, she couldn't help but recall what happened before.

That kind of thing...

Lihua's face gradually flushed.

How should I put it, at the moment Morinya saw it. In Lihua's heart, something seemed to be broken.

Since that day, Lihua has been subconsciously trying to avoid Morinia, but on the other hand. In her heart, there always seemed to be a strange desire. She hoped that Senxia could look at herself, just like the previous scene, looking at the self that is different from daily life.

But why is there such an idea?

Could it be. Is that the true self?

Looking back, at the moment Senxia noticed it, Jixiangyuan Lihua's heart was filled with a strange sense of elevation. Dopamine and endorphins bloomed violently in the brain, and the whole head seemed to change accordingly. To be confused.

Although subconsciously wanting to avoid the other party, on the other hand, my heart always seems to be eager for something.

Senxia-kun...If you can be with Senxia-kun, if you can let Senxia-kun see himself that day...

"Um, is anyone out there?"

Morinia's voice came again.

Hearing this voice, Lihua seemed to have recovered herself from the illusory world.

After she recovered, she realized that she had been standing here for a long time. She raised her hand and looked at the palm of her gloved hand.

Lihua took a deep breath, and then slowly spit it out. She raised her head and smiled and walked into the room.

"It's me, Senxia-kun." She smiled and walked in.

"Ah, it's President Lihua." After seeing Lihua, Mori was relieved.

"That, Senxia-kun, you changed your hair style. I was going to leave just now, but I was surprised." Lihua smiled at Senxia and said the reason for her surprise.

"This, I think it's very interesting." Morinya fiddled with the ponytail behind her head, "and it's very convenient."

"Really? But I think Senxia-kun is not suitable for ponytails." Lihua walked to the opposite side of Senxia.

"Senior Qianjia said the same thing." Senxia shrugged.

He looked up at Jixiangyuan Lihua, her face was very red, and the small half of her ears that were not covered by her hair were also red. Every time she breathed, she would exhale bursts of white gas.

"Now, chairman, if you don't mind, sit down and keep warm?" Senxia invited with a smile.

"Huh? Hmm..." Lihua wanted to refuse, but she really came to see Senxia at this time, otherwise she should leave school now.

Morinya took a stool and adjusted the direction of the stove to make sure that both people could keep warm.

Enjoying the warm light quietly, this feeling is really very comfortable.

"Um..." Morinatsu wanted to continue working, but at this time he noticed that Lihua was looking thoughtful at him.

"What's wrong?" Senxia also looked at Lihua.

"Although they are all ponytails, Senxiajun, you ponytail seems to have room for improvement." Lihua smiled.


Moriha’s ponytail was actually made by Rena at the earliest, but Qianjia seemed to be dissatisfied, so she helped herself get it again. The ponytail on her head was still on her head when she left the house, Qianjia helped herself again Made it. Morika still remembered that when they came to class, Kiriya and Inoue were surprised when they saw their ponytails.

However, Rena changed her hair style, and Qian Jia also changed it. Now the guild president came to change it again?

An inexplicable sense of absurdity suddenly appeared in Senxia's mind.

"Senxia-kun, don't move." After Lihua finished speaking, she stretched out her hand to help Senxia fiddle with his hair.

When Lihua raised her hand, Morinka noticed the lace glove on the opponent's hand.

It was a pair of white lace gloves. The gloves fit Lihua's palm very well, fully reflecting the slenderness and softness of her fingers. The beautiful lace pattern was even more eye-catching at this time.

"It's so beautiful."

Senxia couldn't help but complimented.

"Um...Um..." But at this time, he noticed that Lihua's face was a little red.

Hey, is the president such a shy person?

Senxia was a little strange.

No, it doesn't seem to be the same thing, these lace gloves seem to have been seen somewhere...

Damn it, isn't this the pair of gloves I saw that night!

Because the scene at that time was really impactful, Morinya was very impressed with what Lihua was wearing at the time. That lace tunic suit... these gloves seemed to be one of the components.

Although Senxia extremely wanted to treat the events of that day as a piece of black history, the reality was that it seemed impossible for the time being. After seeing the pair of lace gloves in Lihua's hands, Senxia flashed in his mind almost immediately. After Lihua's appearance.

There is no way, even if Senxia wants to force herself to forget, but such a picture has been lingering in her mind.

This is a pair of long lace gloves. When Lihua is helping her haircut, the lace with Qianjia's body temperature will come into contact with her face and ears. The wonderful touch, after touching her skin Senxia's heartbeat suddenly doubled and was beating Yo Xi, so be it. "It was probably because of too much concentration. After the president had arranged her hair, Senxia came back to her senses, "Well, that's fine, very handsome, Senxia! "

"Well, thank you, President." Senxia smiled at Lihua.

"Huh, this thing is somewhat obstructive." Lihua seemed to feel a little inconvenient, so she took off her waistcoat and put it aside.

Senxia glanced over Lihua's white shirt inadvertently.

She wore those gloves today, the clothes inside...

Although it feels impossible, the fantasy in Mori's mind at this time cannot be suppressed...


Chapter One! get!

Lao Xu is going to be a thunderbolt, and I know there will be such a day...Orz (to be continued.)

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