Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 426: Detonated EVA-Retake

Entering the last week of February, the temperature has gradually warmed up, and the pace of spring is approaching. 【No pop-up window..】

Kuroshima Ichiro came to the bookstore again today, he was here to buy the history books of World War I.

Because "You Girl War" is about the history of Europe, although the whole story has been tested by many people, but in Kuroshima Ichiro's view, this is not enough. If you don't investigate some things yourself, it is for the textual party It's not addictive to say, some things will be interesting if you look at it by yourself.

"I heard that Mr. Xia Sen still has a book that was selected for the fantasia awards, and I don’t know what the final result will be. However, the work of Mr. Xia Sen’s participation seems to be earlier than "You Girl Wars". There won't be any gap..." Kuroshima Ichiro murmured.

After purchasing two books, Ichiro Kuroshima was ready to check out.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard waves of whispers next to him.

"No, the previous news turned out to be true..."

"What's going on, Amano Hideaki is crazy?"

"I know this book. It's an outline written by Mr. Xia Sen. His "Young Girl Wars" is very good..."

Hideaki Anno?

Teacher Xia Sen?

After hearing these two news, Ichiro Kuroshima immediately lit up.

"What's the matter?"

He leaned his head, and then saw a poster.

"Wow!!!" Then Ichiro Kuroshima let out a scream.


In the last week of February, it was a good time for Senxia and Animic Clubs, and exciting news followed one after another.

The sales of "Young Girl War" is the first good news. Although it is nothing compared to the big names, it is definitely a super good thing for a newcomer. This means that Morinha's starting point is very high and the future Will become stronger.

The second good news is that "Plants vs. Zombies" is about to go on sale, although it is a casual game. But Sony will not cheat people in this area anyway.

And the third news is that "eva-retake" has begun to warm up and will be launched soon.

Yes, "eva-retake" is also on sale.

If the story of the young girl war is only causing a sensation in the industry, then "eva-retake" has begun to promote the news. It was an explosion.

When Kuroshima Ichiro heard this news, he was also very surprised.

When he squeezed into the crowd, he saw the propaganda poster inside.

"This is—eva?!"

No, this is not an eva.

No, this is eva. But this is a promotional poster for the eva colleagues.

"&ake", yes, it is the work that triggered a wave in the fandom two months ago.

And now, the poster of this work has actually appeared in regular bookstores.

This is not an ordinary work, but a fan made. This is not a fan bookstore, but a regular bookstore.

What happened?

The chaotic person is not just Kuroshima Ichiro alone. In this place, there are many other people watching posters.

On the poster, it is a trio of eva, but the style is slightly different from that of Sadamoto Yoshiyuki.

How to put it, it seems that the characters have become more textured, especially their colors and clothes. This feeling is more refined than the characters in the original, and the combat uniforms on Asuka and Ayanami are also different from the original. On the body side, they are all transparent...

"This style of painting, is it Mr. Gunso?" There seems to be Mr. Frog Gunso here, who is also a fan of Shiina Himeha. Her lustful style of painting was immediately recognized.

Although Ichiro Kuroshima didn't care about this, he also had to admit that this stand-up painting was really wonderful.

"Eva's if series stories..."

Next to the poster, there are a series of descriptions about eva's fan works...

"A fan work of "eva". Can it be published as well?! What the **** Amano Hideaki is thinking about!"

"Doujin, it's actually a doujin! Anno Hideaki, he played us once, do you want to play us a second time?!"

"Hey, hey, do you look down on Xia Sen?!" Ichiro Kuroshima quit, and someone dared to slander Xia Sen, is this really worth it?

He admitted that eva is a good story, but this does not mean that Mr. Xia Sen will be vilified, and not only the teacher Xia Sen who wrote the original script, but also the teacher Xia Noxue who is in charge of writing is also very respectable.

"I don't know what Teacher Xia Sen...but Anno Hideaki is obviously doing strange things again!"

The other party was originally angrily, but when he turned his head and saw the black island, he instantly withered. The physiques of the two were too different, so he finally fiddled with it.

"Kso, fortunately, I even watched the theater version twice, but it only made my heart hurt twice!" Don't say it, in the end, his fooling others resonated.

"Yeah, yeah, Anye Hideaki is really a shameless guy, ruining my youth, damaging my spirit, and consuming my money!"

Everyone talked about it.

Kuroshima Ichiro shook his head, and then squeezed out from the crowd.

Ichiro Kuroshima was shocked by the news, so he couldn't wait to go home.

After hurriedly checking out, Ichiro Kuroshima trot back home.

He then put the book down, then turned on his computer, and after turning it on, he began to dial.

Heidao’s network is relatively backward, so I can only use dial-up.

After a long beep, Ichiro Kuroshima finally connected to the Internet.

After quickly entering animic's station, many of them are already discussing the topic of "eva".

Some time ago, there was still a discussion about "You Girl War", but now, the content on the station is the original "eva".

"I didn't expect that retake was going to be officially published! I didn't expect there to be such good news!"

"Good news! Good news! Retake is about to become a library!"

After many people got the news, many discussion posts appeared on the posts on the site.

Kuroshima Ichiro also wanted to know what happened, so he began to browse the station.

"This is the ruffian's money-swindling strategy! Don't be fooled! I'll analyze it carefully!"

This is another post.

"Although I also hate that ruffian, but your statement obviously confuses Teacher Xia Sen and Teacher Xia Xue. I will never allow this kind of thing!"

Kuroshima Ichiro immediately clicked on this post and prepared to refute them one by one.

"Let's start from the beginning and analyze what is the purpose of Anno Hideaki."

"He has only one purpose, very simple, and that is to cheat money."

"Because he is such a rascal, that's why there will be those two hateful theater releases."

Although this person has the feeling of a headline party, I have to say that the content behind the headline party seems to be pretty good. At least, Hei Dao, who was originally prepared to refute, looked in at once.

"Based on this premise, it is not difficult for us to imagine why Anno Hideaki would like this work by Xia Sen.

As teachers' book fans, we all know that the script composition of "retake" is very good, and the writing is also very good. In the fandom, this is a very popular work. And many people have already recognized that if this work is not a fan of eva, but a separate work, it is equally good.

After we understood the excellence of Xia Sen and Xia Xue, Anno Xiuming found the purpose of the two teachers, and it became clear.

The story of eva in this article is over, but in retake, a concept similar to parallel worlds and space-time travel is proposed.

Eva is a good national masterpiece, but eva is different from the Gundam series. This story is not suitable for making a series, because the Apostle is different from Gundam, and there is no way to mass produce it, and the whole world is at the end of the day, and it is destroyed. The whole world is only Shinji and Asuka , The story has no way to go on.

&nbsake brings another possibility. This fan story is not only excellent, but the concept of the multiverse is also very interesting, which means that the ruffian can use this concept and continue to add to the story of eva.

Moreover, the project of making a product by the same person also gives eva the possibility of life extension. As we all know, those game and animation makers usually don't like doujin. They think doujin infringes their rights, but the market for doujin is huge, as evidenced by the annual iket. Anno Hideaki obviously realized this, so he did the opposite, and penetrated his evil hand into the fandom. After defrauding the money from the eva fan community, Anno now extends his hand to the fandom. In the foreseeable future, I think we should be able to see all kinds of eva, comics, and even games, and our wallets will only get more and more dry..."

After reading this long analysis Kuroshima Ichiro actually felt sorrowful in my heart at this time.

Yes, if you think about it carefully, this is really the ruffian's plan to defraud money!

Kuroshima Ichiro hurriedly thought about other people's comments, but after seeing the reply on the second floor, the whole post was ended instantly.

"The landlord is right, but it is of no use, because I can only do multiple-choice questions between buying one copy and buying two copies."

Ichiro Kuroshima burst into tears instantly.

Yes, what the second floor said is too right.

The ruffian wants to pit you money, what can you do?


The first one, hahahahaha

By the way, don't get dirty, the book review area has been turned into a pollution area by you! (To be continued.)



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