Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 420: Therefore, this kind of life winner should burn his teeth! ! !

When a series of things were tossed over, the time had come to the end of February. 【..】


Sitting in the class and looking at the scenery outside the window, Morinya stretched.

"Hey, Senxia-kun, you seem to have been weak recently. What happened?" Tonggu, who was sitting behind Senxia, ​​poked Senxia's shoulder.

"You are not the same. Two such big dark circles, shouldn't there be something wrong with Meihui sauce, right?" Senxia glanced at Tonggu, then looked out the window.

Japan in February is much warmer than the previous cold winter. Although it is still a bit cold outside, it does not make people feel the severe cold of winter.

"There is still a month to go on holiday." Tonggu sighed.

"Ha, let's just start school for a month!" Senxia strongly complained.

"...Huh?" Tonggu looked at Senxia with incredulous eyes, "Menxia-kun, from the beginning of school, I should look forward to the holiday! Starting from Monday, I am looking forward to the weekend. From the beginning of school, I will be there. Looking forward to the holiday, this is actually a normal thing!"

"..." Senxia turned her head, and then ignored the other party.

"Hey, Senxia-kun!" Tonggu panicked when he saw Senxia no longer caring about himself.

"That's why you became a fool!" Senxia sighed, this person was already hopeless.

"Eh, eh, Mori-kun, how do you know my nickname when I was in junior high school?" Tonggu was even more shocked.

"...I was wrong, I shouldn't have communicated this issue with you..."

Originally, he was taking advantage of the class to adjust his already exhausted brain, but he found that if this continues, his head will probably be more tired.

"Speaking of which, when the new semester starts, something big seems to happen!" Inoue in the front row also leaned over.

He raised his brows and winked at Senxia and Tonggu.

"Two months?" Tonggu closed his eyes and pondered for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "It's the new semester! By then we will be second-year high school students!"

"It's really an idiot!" Inoue also gave Kiriya a wink.

"Hey, hey, don't you think it's too rude to say that! Although I am a fool. But a fool has the dignity of a fool!" Tong Gu waved his fist.

Senxia was stunned, she could admit that she was a fool. Without a little courage, she really couldn't do it.

"So. It's Miss Sakino, Miss Sakino's election! Miss Sakino once every two years!" Inoue's expression hated iron and steel.

"Oh, it's Miss Sakino." Morika nodded, "I think Yukino seems to be interested."

"Oh oh oh! It turned out to be Miss Sakino!" At this time, Tong Gu finally realized it suddenly, and then he patted Senxia's shoulder heavily with both hands. "Mori-natsu-kun, please be sure to let Yukino participate, your sister is so cute, she will definitely be able to choose Sakano-san at that time, it will definitely be possible!"

"Do you believe it, if you just heard it by your family's Meihui sauce, there will be very terrible consequences?"

Morinatsu naturally knew Yukino's thoughts, but she didn't know why, she said this from Kiriya's mouth. It feels completely different from saying it from someone else's mouth, and it makes people... very angry!

"Uh..." After his careful thoughts were seen through, Tonggu instantly withered.

"Hey, speaking of it, do you two think there is a suitable candidate for Miss Sakino in our class?" Inoue asked with a raised brow.

"Yeah..." Morika turned her head and quickly scanned one class. The classmates were basically above the standard line, but she had to say about Miss Sakino. It seems to be worse, "I think the squad leader should be fine."

Morinka thought for a long time, and felt that only Erika Aoi was the most suitable.

"Squad leader Aoi." Inoue nodded thoughtfully, "If it's the squad leader. It seems that there is a chance of winning."

"Impossible, that is impossible!" Tong Gu yelled from behind, "The kind of desperate poor, the kind of flat runway like an airport? That is absolutely impossible, if we If the squad leader can also participate in the election, you can go, Mori Xia-kun. And absolutely crush the audience! Well, let’s not say, our squad leader’s **** may be worse than boys, Mori Xia-kun, don’t Say it’s you, even if it’s me, maybe..."

"Oh? Tonggu-student, it seems that you just said something very interesting..."

Tonggu was still spitting over here, but he was patted heavily on the shoulder by the squad leader passing by.


As if it was a little j who was pinched by someone's throat, Tonggu's voice suddenly stopped, and his entire face changed drastically.

"Student Tonggu, don't mind coming to a life talk after school, right?" Erika's voice is kind and lovely, and she is indeed the class leader who has attracted much attention. This voice is really kind.

"Well, I still have...uuuuuuuuu!" Just when Tonggu was about to refuse, the pressure on his shoulders suddenly increased by three points, and Tonggu's entire complexion was not good, "I have time! I will definitely go!"

"Well, let's do this, the class bell has already rang, let's go to class now!" Erika smiled and returned to her original position.

Senxia shook her head, this idiot was hopeless.

Inoue took a pitying look at Tong Gu: "Really, Tong Gu, it wasn't me who said you. The topic of **** is taboo for the squad leader. You just wanted to die!"

"But I'm telling the truth!" Tong Gu was still stiff. "If you don't believe me, just find a boy to compare with her, I don't think there is a problem!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Erika turning back and smiling at him.


Tong Gu was hit by 100 sans minus, and couldn't get up again instantly.

After this math class, the next class will be physical education. Because winter physical education is taught in an air-conditioned gymnasium, in fact, many people will change into summer sportswear at this time. Otherwise, if If you wear winter clothes indoors, it will definitely be cold, but in spring and autumn, everyone will wear autumn sports clothes outdoors to keep warm.

After arriving in the dressing room, Tong Gu looked nervously at everyone's chest.

"Hey hey, Tonggu, we are all boys, don't you think it's weird if you look at people with this kind of eyes?" Inoue said as he stepped away half of his body, standing far away from Tonggu's side .

"No, I'm just verifying my previous question, I must talk about the monitor!" Tonggu still looked unwilling to give up.

"So, if you die, you will die, Tonggu." Senxia shook her head, Tonggu's life is not long enough.

"No, I just want to verify how desperate the squad leader's chest is!" Kiriya Yoshimasa said, and then he turned his head to look at Morika, "Now, Mori-kun, I think you can fight the squad leader. , You are hippie and tender, even girls are very envious, and have a good figure... Well, Mori Xiajun, I support you, go to run for Miss Sakino, and then defeat the squad leader! Look at this waist , This p-share-uh!!!"

Then Tonggu was kicked by the sky.

"Tonggu, if you have so much thought to gossip about others here, why not go for a cosmetic surgery yourself?" Morinia ignored Tonggu. After he changed his clothes, he walked out of the locker room.

"But you really went too far, Tongya, how can you talk about girls casually?" Inoue leaned over to the fallen Tongya.

"Hey, hey, the guy who gave me Gongkou magazine is not qualified to say this!" Tonggu stood up unwillingly.

"But that's just an ergonomics magazine! As a normal male high school student, it is normal to read ergonomics or something!" Inoue quibbleed, "but what did you do to Kiriya? To make fun of the monitor in front of Mori-kun , Isn't this looking for death!"

"Huh? In front of Senxia-kun?" It was probably because of being kicked by Senxia, ​​so at this time, Tonggu was accidentally resuscitated.

Inoue winked at Kiriya for a while: "Don't you find that Squad Leader Aoi looks different when he treats Morinka?"

"Well, you said that, it seems really eh..." Yes, in front of others, Ban is upright, leads by example, and is strict in self-discipline... All in all, he is a very standard and perfect squad leader. But when I met Morinka, things seemed a little different.

How to put it, the whole person seems to be more energetic and more energetic...

"Hehe, hehe." The two looked at each other, and both gave out unexplained smiles.

"Hey, but if you look at it this way, isn't our squad leader very disadvantaged? Morinya seems to have a relationship with the senior in the senior year..." Tonggu thought of a very important point.

"Yeah, and haven't you noticed that, every time I go to the bathroom with Morinka, there will be a female student next door staring at the passing Morinka-kun every day..." Inoue also recalled something.

"I know, it seems to be from the drama club, it seems to be called Dongcheng Rena!" Tongya recalled, yes, not only that, there is also one in the club of Senxia The predecessors of the art club, although very small, are really super cute! "Inoue's face showed a look of envy.

"How can it be repaired! Obviously it's just a summer, so many girls like it...!"

When Tonggu thinks of his "Meihui sauce", it can be said to be sad.

"Yes, I just took a huge risk and confessed to Fengzijiang not long ago, but it was said that she likes the cute type of Senxia-kun..."

The resentment in the eyes of the two people grew stronger.

Burn it! This kind of heterosexuality must be burned!

Inoue and Kiriya enviously ran into tears...


Get up early to update, today's section c...... (to be continued.)



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