Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 417: Anyway, don’t let us pay for it...

"This is Xiao Ma from the celestial dynasty. He is mainly responsible for the social system in Kadokawa All-Stars. Animic is developing a social networking software, similar to icq, but provides more powerful social community functions. More people communicate. [Full text reading...]"

Xiao Ma was also waiting on the third floor of the cafe at this time. After the three of Sega's people came over, Senxia introduced them to each other.

"Hello! o_meet_yo!"

I have to say that Xiao Ma's English is much better than the Japanese he is learning and selling now.

After everyone greeted each other, they sat down.

Morinka, Chika and Xiao Ma happened to face each other, Thomas, Thomson, and Sakagi.

"This is our plan." Mori Xia first handed over the Kadokawa All-Star plan.

This plan is much more detailed than the previous one, including the game's mechanics, item system, level system, and skill system.

"In this moba, each character has different combat modes based on their own attributes, such as melee, long-range, and assistance. Each character has its own unique skill system. They can use different skills to fight against each other. The opponent's defensive tower and main base are toppled down to win victory. This is also the key to the game." While they were looking at the information, Senxia explained.

On these plans, a concept map was also used. If someone in future generations sees this map, they will definitely complain that this is a copy of lol.

But it doesn't matter, lol still doesn't know where to stay anyway, even dota is not born, we are the pioneers now!

Of course, it is a little different from 3d. Moriha and the others use a 2d mechanism, which is actually easier in terms of resources, and the effect of performance is also easy to make more gorgeous moves-after all, the Japanese are good at this. In 2d, they are definitely among the best in the world.

However, 2d also has 2d defects. For example, the characters are blurred when enlarged, and the multi-resolution effect is extremely poor. You can only use a fixed resolution, which is unavoidable, but in Moria's view, most computers these days have a resolution of 640x480 or 800x600, even if it is higher. It's only 1024x768 resolution, so Morinya doesn't panic at all.

Of course, I will talk about it in the future. What is 1080p, what is 720p, what is the mess of resolutions and ratios, then the advantages of 3d will be great, especially 3d can also be zoomed, the effect is great, and it kills 2d in seconds.

The three people are also very interested in this battle mode. To be precise, these two Americans are very interested in this game. Although there have been games these years, most of them are in the rpg category. To be honest, at this time, there is really no one who said they could figure out anything. It's a tour.

And this idea of ​​Senxia gave them new ideas.

Unlike the Japanese, the Americans do not just focus on the mainframe, they are sometimes exhausted, let alone a mainframe that is restricted everywhere?

But for pc. This feels much better.

"This design is really great, a novel battle mode, but it's not suitable for the console!" What Sakagi thinks in his mind is to use this game to cooperate with the console. But he found that it seemed impossible. Without the support of the mouse and keyboard, the game was troublesome to run.

"Hi, this is PC-oriented, including our embedded chat system." Senxia explained.

"Chat system? Is this the friend system? There are many instant messaging games. Is there anything special about this?" asked Thomas Thomas.

"Yes. We have a group function in the game. Players can join like-minded friends to the group, and then everyone can organize a team or play against each other. In addition, this software is not just for gamers to chat. It is also a software for everyone to socialize. This is the strategic software of our animic club. We want to integrate all our game players through this system."

What Senxia said is actually easy to understand, but if you say it together at this time, the effect will be better.

"That's it." Thomas nodded, "But for stand-alone games, this kind of social system seems to be a bit redundant. Not everyone likes interconnection. Although interconnection is hot now, it can be online all the time. After all, the number of people is a small number, and the online game also has a built-in chat system and a guild system, so it does not seem to be very necessary, but in terms of the game mechanism itself, this kind of social system is very convenient."

The other party didn't seem to notice how huge this kind of instant messaging software has changed the future of mankind, which disappointed Morinia.

But think about it, this is also the case, there are many instant messaging software, as for group chat, there are also various page chat rooms, the current model, it seems... really not important.

"The drawing is broken..." Senxia murmured secretly.

These people simply didn't understand how great the Internet is, and the empire created by Brother Xiao Ma with chat software will be extremely powerful in the future.

Well, but Sega itself is focused on games, chat software, and so on, and it seems to have little influence on them. Thinking about it this way, Senxia somewhat understands their thoughts. Does the surgery industry specialize? Look, Sega’s The game concept is good, but what the **** are their business strategies?

"This game has a lot of rpg elements." After reading the project, Thomson nodded.

"Yes, this kind of moba game itself has both rt elements. This is a game of confrontation and competition. The game time is about half an hour to an hour, so the game strategy is different from rpg." Senxia explained.

"Well, fast-paced games are really suitable for confrontation." Thomson nodded, "and, if you can play games with friends or swimmers, it's also very interesting."

Fortunately, someone is still interested in our game...

Senxia quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Regarding the game part, after our discussion, this game mechanism seems to be feasible, and this is the content of our cooperation with Kadokawa, so we attach great importance to it." Sakagi saw the two Americans seem to be about it. He was very applauded, he also said.

"Yes, Kadokawa's first batch of character designs have been handed over to us, including some characters from Kadokawa and Fujimi Study, Lena Imbass, Gregory, Kane Bled, Mirellian, Ophelia Wait, we initially designed a total of 16 heroes to choose from."

The part Mori Xia talks about is the characters in the works such as "Showing the Magician", "Lost Universe", "Magic Orphee" and so on. These works are science fiction and fantasy works, which are very suitable for setting the role.

In fact, at the back of the project, there are settings for these roles, including each person's actions and skills.

"In addition, we will continue to add new roles in the future. We have reached an agreement with Kadokawa. In this system, if authorization can be obtained, the roles that will appear will not be limited to Kadokawa itself. Our ultimate The goal is to make it an all-star event that surrounds animation, comics, games, and all walks of life. At that time, only the most popular characters will be added to this system." Qianjia explained.

"So, your ambition is to create a work similar to the "Machine Warfare" series..." Sakagi first understood Qianjia's idea.

The game he said is "Super Robot Wars". In the Super Robot Wars, in addition to the original characters, this series includes characters and robots from series such as eva, Gundam, Demon Z, Tianyuan Breakthrough, etc., and The machine combat series is not what you want to play, you can play it if you want to, similar to the mv series, because of its 18x nature, there is no way to enter the series for many years.

As a Japanese, Sakagi thinks this game mode is very strange, but the sentence Qianjia just said made him understand the other party's plan.

"Yes, I think for Omi, our Japanese industry should unite. If there is such a beautiful work that can promote our role to them, wouldn't it be great?" Qianjia explained from the perspective of justice. "Our game is mainly for the Omi region. For them, this type of game should be very attractive."

Morija also added: "Yes, in this regard, Mr. Thomson and Mr. Thomas should have more say. I remember that next month, a rts named "StarCraft" will be released soon. The game's attention in Beimi is very This is to emphasize the gap in the game concept. After hearing what he said, Sakagi couldn't help but nod. In fact, he knew this at the beginning. In the game, he is actually not interested. If he is allowed to come by himself, he will not care about this kind of game, that is, the All-Star showdown is somewhat creative, but this alone cannot make him interested. Yes, but Sega North America seems to be very interested in it, plus this is a collaboration with Kadokawa, they simply sent someone over.

"Yes, it is true. The Internet is developing rapidly recently. A novel network game is very helpful for us to verify our ideas." Thomson concluded.

"Hi." Although it was regarded as a test product by the other party, Morinia didn't mind it. Anyway, don't let us spend money and sell an idea. The copyright is our own. There is nothing better than this.


First update today, owo

It's a new month, I ask for monthly support~ (To be continued.)



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