Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 393: This is knowledge that only old drivers know

Although Ayana has already joined Morinka and the others, the other party has not seen their actual game program yet. After thinking of this, Qianjia immediately sat in front of the computer and called up the program backup placed here. Although the degree of completion is lower than that of Qianjia notebooks, there is no problem in displaying them. |Of every two people who read romance, there is an account that has registered °.

"What's the matter with this cd-key?"

Senxia found out that the computer here seems to have done a special treatment, and it actually requires a cd-key to enter the game.

"Ah, the verification system that Kiyobei ​​said, Mori-kun, you don't want to be pirated by casual copying of the game!" Qianjia took out a note and handed it to Mori with two strings of numbers on it.



"This is the key?" Senxia asked curiously.

"Yes, I added the genuine verification program here, just doing a simple test." Qianjia said.

After entering the cd-key, Qianjia finally entered the game.

"Hey, cd-key is entered during installation, so what kind of trouble is it when entering the game to enter cd-key!" Senxia couldn't help but complain.

"It's just a test, the game itself is the focus, you don't need to care about this kind of place!" Qianjia rolled her eyes at Senxia, ​​and then chose to start a new game.

Ayana was not the only one watching the game nearby, but Wang Qiwen and Erika were all here at this time.

"The style... seems to be different from ordinary gg."

As soon as he entered the game, Wang Qiwen discovered that this game seemed extraordinary.

How should I put it, the picture of the entire system gives people a very refreshing feeling, which is different from the games he has played before.

"This system uses the win95 system, so it's the function of the system." Shen Jiahui said, "Most of the games we played before were PC-98 games."

p-98 is a completely different thing, now the win system with i chip. The performance is also much better than the previous pc-98.

"You are right, but this game does also represent the ambition of our aii community." Mori Xia said, "This game is fundamentally different from other games."

&nbg..." Wang Qiwen didn't understand. He also saw that this type of game seemed a little different from the previous gg, but he didn't understand what the difference was.

"Feeling the do you put it, it has a good texture?" Shen Jiahui thought.

"It's very refreshing, if you have a background. Wouldn't it be better?" Nana next to him put forward his own opinion, "By the way, it would be better if you add a dubbing?"

"Well, Nana's proposal is not bad." Qianjia nodded.

"But where are the different places?" Ayana tilted her head and looked at the picture. "More transparent? Fuller colors? Higher resolution?"

"It's all right, but what you said is not complete." Senxia hugged her chest, looking like an outsider, "To be precise, our crown of evil is a transformational work of gg."

"Change?" Everyone looked at each other. I don't know what Senxia is thinking.

Mori summer continued: "I usually divide Mei. Girl gg into three generations, the first is the pc-88 era, the pc-98 era and the current win era. We have crossed the previous Mesozoic and Paleozoic, and are moving towards the new generation. With the continuous advancement of computer technology, the old game style will be eliminated, and the era of fully displaying the beauty of games and graphics will come. In the foreseeable future, the content of our games will become larger and larger, with graphics and music. The system will also continue to improve. This is like the crown of evil in our hands, and its art is a leapfrog development."

It is worth mentioning that many people regard the pc-98 generation as the beginning of gg art history. This is actually inaccurate, because before that, there existed a more ancient and historically significant era, that is, the legendary pc-88 era.

pc-88 is the pc9801v series after the release of pc8801. This generation can be said to be the ancestor of the G-series games. In that era, the machine only supported 8-color display, that is to say, there can only be 8 colors on the same screen. In the pc98 era, this limit was raised to a higher level.

note. I'm talking about 8-color, not 8-bit color.

Why is Japanese art so awesome as 2d?

Those are all practiced from this era. People who can make such slick works in 8 colors and 16 colors are not waiting for a while. The more classic works are the beauty. Girl DreamWorks series and computers. Although there are only 8 colors in the academy scenario, gainax can rely on the delicate shades of color arrangement to make the visually exquisite and beautiful style. This is really a terrible ability. By the way, these two game series are produced. All are gainax, and the set of characters is Takami Akai. Another example is the culmination of the 16-color painting style, which is the legendary "Platinum Star".

Don’t get me wrong, this platinum star is not Jojo’s stand-in for Jotaro, but a masterpiece of 16-color art. Although at first glance, this game has the unique style of the 90s, but the cg of the game itself is very powerful. Obviously there are only 16 colors, but both the light and shadow processing and the character lines are very good. The 16 colors are made into a super delicate style through the dithering algorithm, and even when you can only find it with the PS software, there are only 16 A variety of colors, this is the ultimate picture skill of the game era, the pc-98 party can be said to be blue sky at this time.

However, this 1996 game is very difficult to find on the Internet. Only old drivers like Darkwind have special search skills. If you want to search, you must know the mysterious skills. Otherwise, even search. I can only find Jotaro's substitute...

Of course, even the great dark wind can only find the future pc version, which is the 256-color version, but even so, put it into ps, and then filter the color to 16 colors, you can still see the pc The style of the original screen on -98...Oh, yes, the English name of this game is the same as Chengtaro's substitute, both are sr_pi.

Morinka combined his theory with the views of later generations and explained it to Chika and Ayana. Although they were not painters, they nodded frequently when they heard Morinka's words.

Senxia sighed a bit. It would be great if there were e-stations in this year, no matter what cg can be found, when the time comes for comparison, the future development trend of cg will be fully understood.

But it's a pity that neither the magnetic link dedicated to the old driver's driving nor the e-station or the p-station existed in this era. Now the whole world is still a wilderness, and Senxia and the others are heading toward the wilderness.

Although it seems to have a sense of sight, please don't care.

"...In short, we are in the transition period of two eras, our gg will also become the leader of the era, even if it is shot to death on the beach, in the future, someone will definitely come to dig out the historical significance of our game ."

Although Morika said that she was photographed to death on the beach, Morika is very confident in their works. Jiye-senpai's painting style may seem very advanced at first glance, but in fact her collection of paintings is very popular. It shows that this kind of quite textured picture is actually popular in this era.

And what Mori summer didn’t tell them was that the Japanese industry’s gg game art level was actually in decline in the next two years. Morija had seen some recent gg and felt that the previous life’s conclusion should be correct. At this time, "Guilty Crown" came in with sophisticated production, which is also a super powerful buying point.

"It turns out that Senxia-kun, your thoughts are so profound..." Even Qianjia was stunned at this moment. She never expected that Senxia would have such thoughts.

"Well, it's a trivial matter."

Senxia shook her hand stinky. I have to say that it feels so good to be admired.

"Natsu-kun, how do you think gg will develop in the future?" Nana didn't understand those things that were too professional, but she was half an industry insider. She was also interested in Mori's thinking and reasoning.

"The next step is to make the characters move." Senxia said.

"Move up?" Everyone around looked at each other.

"3d?" Ayana tried to ask.

"No, it's still 2d. I call this technology 2d-liv. Interaction with 3d technology is within 20 years. I think it's impossible."

It’s very easy to use 3D to render pictures similar to European and American But if you want to use 3D to render the same hand-drawn style as Japanese anime, it is quite difficult. Although Japan will have a lot of 3D in the future The animation, but the picture is always flawed, some seem to be good, but in fact, there are still hand-painted supplements. This is just animation, and it is even more difficult to apply it to games.

"Well, in a nutshell, 2d-liv is a flat technology that makes 2d characters move, not 3d. It's good for you to understand it this way. It's too troublesome to expand, and I'm still thinking about it." Senxia noticed everyone's doubts. The look in his eyes, "But what is certain is that this kind of technology is a precious technology for us and the gentlemen of all mankind, and it represents the future of gentlemen..."


Regarding the game mentioned above, I only have the pc version here, that is, the 256-color version, but the e-station has 16 colors, and the picture is very against the sky. You can look forward to it, but it is mixed with the 256-color version and needs to be compared. It can only be said that the Japanese artists at that time were too enchanting, and those talents were real masters.

Second, continue to code words! (To be continued.)



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