Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 384: Burn it, my gentleman's soul!

The game hasn't crashed yet, but as a result, the c operating system crashed twice in a row. Both Senxia and Wang Qiwen both smected. 【Full text reading...】

The great Bill Lid classmates proved with facts that only the blue screen of windows system can beat BG. Yes, the great blue screen, the sublime blue screen!

Senxia and Wang Qinian, who were defeated by the blue screen, didn't really trigger this bg until the third time they started the game.

After entering the No.1 University of Kings State, the system began to become more and more stuck, the mouse became more and more sticky, and then the memory overflowed and gameover.

"No help." Senxia sighed.

"It's not saved." Wang Qinian nodded.

"Hey, as the main program, you say it's not saved now, what should I do!" Senxia couldn't help but vomit.

"This is something that can't be helped. I checked it many times before, but I couldn't find where the bg is. What do you want me to do." Wang Qiwen was also helpless.

"Forget it, it won't work, you can rewrite one, anyway, as long as it is done within time, I won't deduct your money." Senxia patted Wang Qiwen on the shoulder, his expression on his face was sad, but he said cruelly. The words of capitalists.

"Jiahui will go back to Tokyo tomorrow. I will check with him again. If we can't figure it out next week, I'm afraid we will have to start again." Wang Qiwen sighed.

"It's okay to start again, you have experience now, and the program written again is definitely better than now." Senxia comforted the other party.

Wang Qiwen left the office in loss, and Lao Xu leaned forward at this time: "Teacher, is the procedure going to be delayed for a while?"

"Look, I hope they can get it done soon-yes, Lao Xu, how is your script?" In order to change her mood, Senxia turned her head and asked Lao Xu.

"Ah, the main body of the main story has been done. I am now designing a gentleman plot." Old Xu said.

"Oh oh oh!" As soon as the gentleman's story was said, Senxia, ​​who was still somewhat lost, was originally. At this time came the spirit.

"I don't know what do you think of the teacher in this regard?" Lao Xu humbly asked Senxia about the gentleman's way.

"Let's talk about Lao Xu's own thoughts first. As a member of the family of gentlemen, I believe Lao Xu also has extraordinary thoughts." Senxia nodded towards Lao Xu.

Lao Xu showed a smile that only a gentleman could understand, and then handed the manuscript in hand to Senxia.

This is an independent plot designed by Lao Xu. The content is rich, but also very long, divided into five stages in total.

The trigger of this plot requires the protagonist Ji Qi to join the resistance organization, and then there will be a task of saving the hostages at this time.

In this task, Qi Qi will follow the instructions behind the scenes. Put on the gentleman props step by step.

After saving the hostages, this script will come to an end, and Qi Qi will also get a prop of a "jumping egg", but the whole plot is not over yet.

This item can increase Naiqi’s feelings, changes in mood will increase Naiqi’s void energy value. The performance in the game is that the mp will be restored every round in the battle, and it will also be restored every time when walking on the big map Some mp, and increase the damage of the void weapon.

At the end of the plot, Qiqi will say to herself that she felt her own energy increase when she put on this beating egg.

After the first plot comes to an end. Go back and rest for a day, and the second plot will be triggered. At this time, Qiqi will receive a task from the Rebel organization to find a doctor who studies void energy.

But Qi Qi finally found out that the doctor had been killed, but he kept the research record elsewhere.

After finding the ultimate goal, Qi Qi found the other party's information. According to the information, the void energy is the inner strength, and then by improving the body's feelings, it can be artificially improved. Jiqi also suddenly realized why he felt his feelings improved after wearing a beating egg.

The third plot requires the player to wear this beating egg for three consecutive days, and then return to her home. At this time, she will receive a package. There will be two beating eggs equipped on the chest, and one armor called "Mr. Horn" equipped on the bottom.

The attributes of these two armors are excellent, and the three-piece suit can directly double the power of Qiqi's void weapons and void skills.

After equipping the suit, talk to Yalisha of Enshrine, and the other party will tell her that there is actually a better way to improve feelings than equipment, after all. The equipment is only temporarily upgraded.

In the fourth part, after wearing the suit for three consecutive days in the third part, Jiqi will find that the suit is broken. At this time, go to the temple of worship, Arisa, and the other party will give Jiqi a kind of injection, which can increase the sensitivity. But she will temporarily lose her senses, and she will take Yuqi to pierce ears and other parts of the neck below. After that, Yuqi will get a new chain armor and a jumping egg armor. You need to pay attention. The thing is, this armor can't be disarmed by normal methods, so after this story, this equipment will be locked on the body.

In the fifth part, you need to inject s sensitivity potion before going to bed. Seven times in a row, after seven times, Jiqi will find that the effect of this potion will be fixed on the body besides simply increasing the sensitivity. Qihui feels an incomparable emptiness, and when she goes to the worship house Arisa, she will find that the other party is with the boy, and then she will invite Qiqi, who has been unable to resist her instinct. Then both sides fell into the abyss together...

It's super fun.

This was Senxia's first reaction when she saw the script.

The gentleman script designed by Lao Xu is different from the scripts of others. In this plot, Lao Xu dragged Qi Qi into the dark abyss step by step. When the other party came back to his senses, he found that he was unable to extricate himself, which was simply awesome.

"It's great!" Senxia was surprised for Lao Xu from the heart.

"My thoughts are limited. I don't know what do you think of the teacher?" Lao Xu asked again.

Senxia nodded, and then began to talk freely: "Well, Yalisha in the temple has been darkened inexplicably, here we can change it and turn her into a behind-the-scenes man, and Yalisha in the temple is actually the undercover of the dark lord Sakura Manji. , This is much more reasonable."

"Undercover?" Old Xu asked strangely.

"Yes, this is another world anyway, we just designed it like this, it doesn't matter!" Senxia waved her hand.

"There is another point, that is that there is no follow-up to this script." Senxia is dissatisfied with this point. The gentleman's plot has just begun, and this Nima is over?

"Because this is one of the many gentlemen's scripts I have designed, only this is completed, and the others are not completed. After all of them are added, it will be much richer." Lao Xu said.

However, Senxia thought for a while, but shook her head: "Things are not that simple. We need a benchmark gentleman mod so that we can attract others to write the script for us."

"...Oh?" Lao Xu hadn't heard such a statement yet, and he became interested.

Moriha sorted his thoughts, and then said: "We need a benchmark script, so that other players can be enthusiastic. This script is very good and we can make it a boutique."

At this time, Morika thought of another game. This game is called "Nobi Nobita's Resident Evil". Because of the original plot, others will write the so-called modified version, dark version, and unreasonable modification. In fact, compared to the original version, these latter versions are more widely known.

Morinia's game is also facing this problem at this time. If the level of the script produced by itself is not good, but the creativity is good, some people will think that the script is good, and then remodel it by themselves, but if the technical level is capped, the player may feel that their level is limited or too satisfied, and therefore not proceed. Transformation.

It is naturally impossible for Morinia to make her game level worse, even if this is just a gentleman script.

The question is, what if you can maintain the standard while still letting players have the passion for creation?

Senxia thought of a very simple plan, that is, "desire, desire, dissatisfaction, and fullness"!

"Make the player dissatisfied?" After hearing Senxia explain his thoughts, Lao Xu quickly understood what Senxia was going to do.

"Yes, we have to make the players feel fun, but at the same time we can't satisfy them. This is of great help to us." Mori summer is very serious. When discussing academic issues, there is no external force that can shake him.

He continued: "I suggest that the last male part of the script should be removed. We will go to the shrine to end this story. The shrine did not stay with the male in the end, but left something meaningful to Qi Qi. if."

Simply put, it is unfinished.

"What do you do later? Teacher, don't you think the script is too short?" Old Xu asked strangely.

Senxia smiled: "At this time, we need another vest. The identity of this vest can be a senior game fan. He thinks the original author is really worthy of and then So I supplemented the follow-up script..."

"Wonderful!" Lao Xu also had his eyes shining, "The player does not know the real identity of the mod creator, so we can completely fake the appearance of the player's enthusiasm, which can also inspire other people's fun."

People often need a leader, and after having a leader, it will be much easier to do later.

Senxia nodded, with a teachable expression on her face: "Not only that, we need to know that'three people become tigers'. At this time, we need a third mod producer to appear on the stage. This'author' is for the first The second author felt dissatisfied with the kind of depraved script, and then wrote a script by Baihe Xiang..."

In this case, there are mods, creators, and in the end, controversy. Why don’t players get tricked into making mods?


Today is the second daze~

Ask for monthly pass, ask for subscription, let the gentleman's soul burn! (To be continued.)



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