Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 381: Textual research on the mighty and domineering party

On the afternoon of January 9th, after another full day of rest, Senxia and the others packed up and prepared to go back. ↖, x.

Originally, Morika suggested that Senior Sister Qianjia stay here to cultivate, but Senior Sister Qianjia did not agree, and her father was busy with tomorrow’s banquet at this time, which was a gathering of big people, so Qianjia insisted. With Senxia and the others, no one could stop it.

"——So you said you were completely healed?"

When the car stopped in front of Tianhai’s house, the three of them got out of the car together. Qianjia was supported by Xue Nao. Her footsteps were vacant and her eyes were weak. Obviously, she was already at the limit. She had cultivated for a whole day. It has recovered a lot, and looking like it is now, it has been beaten back to its original shape.

"Don't worry, I'm just a little uncomfortable, but the fever has gone..." Qianjia's words were unconvincing, and her whole voice seemed to be weak.

Senxia glanced at Qianjia worriedly, then walked quickly into the house and turned on the floor heating and air conditioning together.

If Qianjia-senpai is still very healthy now, Morika will definitely complain why she ran to their house with her face, but now, he can only watch Xue Na help Qianjia onto the bed and lie down.

"Then I'm going to prepare dinner, senior, lie down obediently." After putting Chika on the bed, Yukino went downstairs to prepare dinner, because the ingredients were brought from the mansion, which is not Additional preparation is required.

"?" After Xueno left, Morinka leaned to Qianjia's side.

"It's okay, I'm just a little dizzy." Qianjia waved his hand.

"Well, it's too close to the start of school. For these two days, Senior Sister Qianjia, you can just stay here to recuperate. If you are still like this tomorrow. I suggest you go to the hospital." Senxia warned.

"Hi, hi." Qianjia smiled and responded to Senxia, ​​"Senxia-kun, if you care about me so much, it doesn't matter if I have been sick!"

"Be sure to get well soon." This is Morinia's response.

"Oh, but this thing is really unfair. Senxia Jun has been with me for the past few days, why Senxia Jun, you regained your vitality so quickly, but I still lie on the hospital bed now." Qianjia Sighed.

"If you didn't want to come back so soon, your illness should be almost healed by tomorrow or the day after you cultivate." Senxia shook her head, all because Qianjia wanted to leave there by herself.

"If I stay there again, there will be problems. Dad and the others are preparing for the banquet. It is a business matter. I don't intend to affect them." Qianjia was very serious at this time.

"That's it." Senxia nodded.

In fact, Qianjia is a very careful person. But the problem is that she always uses her "intelligence" in some very strange places, which is not so pleasant.

However, after falling ill, Senior Sister Qianjia rarely calmed down, and Senxia felt that her ears seemed much quieter.

"Well, it's been over a week, so let's go and have a look."

Because there is no network connection on the other side of the mansion, Morika has no idea what happened on the network so far. Their stations are also under the control of Ono Daisuke and Lao Xu.

"Let me take a look too." Qian Jia said quickly.

"Hi, hi." Senxia nodded, and then took out her notebook from her backpack. Then I turned on the computer and connected the line.

When Senxia opened the forum, he was so frightened that there were hundreds of more posts in the small forum that was originally empty!

"What a great popularity!" Qian Jia was obviously shocked by the popularity on the network.

"This is actually okay." Senxia was already calm after the initial shock. Although so many posts are indeed amazing, it is only because the number of posts in this forum has exceeded my expectations.

For a person in the information age, this online post is nothing at all.

"It seems to be very popular. I have heard that the Internet in the United States seems to be very powerful. At that time, I didn't have any real feelings. I didn't expect that I could experience it firsthand." Qianjia exclaimed.

"No, in fact, many of those are just economic bubbles. Although the interconnection is good, the current development of computers and the popularity of interconnection do not match. This bubble will burst in three years at most."

Morinia shook his head. At any rate, he is also a person who has read economics, and it is strange that he does not understand the Internet bubble.

"Well, but I don’t want to deny it, the Internet itself is a great thing." If it wasn’t for lying in bed and unable to move, Qianjia might have already rushed to the computer at this time, and then started to grab the computer and look at it. Content.

There are so many people in &nbsake. "After entering the forum, Senxia found that there were a lot of posts here, all of which were about retake, and a small number of posts were about "Witch's House" and other news posts. In addition, there are A post asking Winter’s Ayanami and Asuka who are...

"It's really good, it's very popular, Mori, it seems that your Miss Ayanami is really popular." Qianjia smiled beside her.

"Obviously I like Oupai more." Mori Xia also found that although many posts have complained about the size of Nikka Oupai, everyone seems to be happy to see Chika's Asuka.

"Hey, Senxia-kun, look at this, there are people here who say that we need to use the ‘battle suit’ in retake for cos!"

Qian Jia found some interesting places again. She was elated. If it weren't because the voice was too vain, I'm afraid Senxia would have been complaining about it.

Although &ake is a derivative work of doujin, the combat uniform in it was stuffed into private goods by Mori Xia... No, strictly speaking, it is not private goods, but the kind that only exists in the new eva theatrical version. Translucent battle suit.

Well, it's the kind of translucent combat uniform that can see half of the oppa on the top and the gap in the bottom.

This kind of novel and gentleman's combat uniform, of course, aroused the cheers of a bunch of gentlemen and otakus. In fact, some people got into the pit because of the wonderful setting of the combat uniform.

Of course, there are also fundamentalists and vindicators, some people are spitting out the settings, and some people feel that some content is 18x suspect.

But how to put it, because there are more disputes and more people discussing, the topic will become popular.

This is Senxia's experience all the time. Otherwise, what do so many celebrities do?

Uh, of course, sister paper scandals may also be negative news. For example, in Japan, the fan community in this country seems to be particularly concerned about whether the stars are married. Many female singers and stars will greatly decrease their popularity after they get married.

"Hey, there is another proof post here?" Senxia noticed that there was someone beside her who made a proof.

"I borrowed the New Testament and the Old Testament from the library, and now I begin to research and reason about the parts of eva-retake."

This post is really interesting. There are not many people on the Internet these days. They are happy with what format they should have on the Internet. However, because of this, the Internet at this time is more diverse.

This man made a very rigorous and serious research on eva-retake.

"First of all, let us start with the interaction between Shinji and the two Asuka after passing through."

In the story, there are two Asukas, one is Asuka who came to this world with Shinji, and the other is Asuka who is in the world itself.

"Although it is different from the script in the original book, I believe that the animic society will not mess up. The setting of "The Witch's House" they used to publish is very rigorous. Therefore, my reasoning is based on their profoundly following the original setting. (Laughs)."

"We divide Asuka into the world's Asuka and the eoe world's Asuka. Eoe's Asuka came to this world with Shinji, but unlike Shinji, this Asuka did not interfere in the world like Shinji. In the original plot, The humans in eva are Lilith’s children, that is, "Li Lin". In the Bible, Eve was born after Adam and Lilith separated, while humans are descendants of Adam and Eve. In the original plot The separation of Adam and Lilith can be regarded as the end of eoe. At this time, God created Eve, and the performance in the original work is Shinji and Asuka."

"There is no excessive description in this article, but there is a love movement between Shinji and Asuka. In the original book, Shinji once shot against Asuka. This part of the plot is placed here. It can be regarded as Adam. Combination with Eve, because Eve is a part of So Asuka in eoe can only interfere with Shinji himself. But since Asuka in eoe can’t appear in this world and become Eve, then the world’s Asuka will inherit the identity of Eve. We have reason to suspect that this author might make this Asuka conceive, and then give birth to Cain and Abel, or directly use the part of the New Testament to allow **** Christ to appear here. ..."

Morinia and Qianjia were both dumbfounded by this dear friend's textual research.

To be honest, even though Moriha referred to the Bible, he didn't think so deeply. This man's textual research was more detailed than Moriha's conceived, and he finally got it right and guessed that Asuka would be pregnant.


Senxia sighed, how do you say this, the textual research party is really v587...


&nbs, happy brainstorming or something, I like it the most~

In the past few days, I have tried to find a way to finish the old book Survival outside the world notebook for the sake of moral integrity! (To be continued.)



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