Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 375: Fermenting

Mori Xia found that when he was in Qianjia's mansion, his work efficiency was particularly high, and the codeword speed was astonishingly fast. In only two days, he had completed a 50,000-word script manuscript. ∈↗, x.

At this time, Senxia was simply touched. If his daily codeword speed is so fast, it seems that all the tasks at hand can be done within one month.

So after working for two consecutive days, on the third day, Morinka finally left the mansion with Chika and they arrived in Hakone.

Hakone is not very far from Tokyo. As a famous hot spring sanctuary, Morinatsu has also visited here. In fact, this is a weekend resort for Tokyo people, and many Tokyo people come here on weekends.

Morinka and the others got off the car in Hakone Yumoto. Naturally, it is impossible to just take a bath in the hot spring a day today. They also plan to stroll around here.

Their first stop was Sounji Temple, a temple built for the first Hojo Soun in the Hojo Five Dynasties of the Warring States Period.

"Speaking of Sounji, I have to talk about the Hojo family and their Odawara Castle." Chika, who stepped into Sounji, was talking at this time, and she and Yukino had already replaced the previous ones. The kimono Mori summer has seen.

"Unfortunately, the last Hojo actually surrendered, or maybe Odawara Castle could see a super exciting offensive and defensive battle." Mori summer was a little emotional.

Many people may not know Hojo, but if you say "Odawara Castle", anyone who has played Taiko's Ambition and Nobunaga's Ambition will probably know it, because Odawara Castle is often a special city in the game. Unique modeling or stand-alone paintings are completely different from other cities, and the city’s protection capabilities are also first-class. In the Warring States period, people often mentioned Osaka Castle, Azuchi Castle, and Odawara Castle. some type of. This is an absolutely classic place.

Sounji Temple is not big and there are no tall buildings. Compared with Kyoto or other famous temples, the temples here are really mediocre.

But I am used to seeing those beautiful buildings, and now it seems quite interesting to look at such a rustic temple here.

"The Azuchi-Momoyama era... Well, it’s also very interesting to say. Taiko is determined to pass on the second generation is really great." Chika was in Sounji, but her thoughts suddenly jumped to the Warring States period. It is worth mentioning that weaving The period between Tian Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi. It is also called the "Azuchi-Momoyama Era".

"In fact, I'm even more curious about what will happen if Oda Nobunaga is not dead and Japan is unified by him."

Mori Xia is most interested in scripts in this "if" category, and he also feels that it is just what has happened in Japanese history.

"Well, maybe we can also play a similar game in the future," Qianjia seemed to think of something when she looked at Senxia's face. Then he laughed, "By the way, it is said that Oda Nobunaga once dressed up in women's clothing. I heard that he is also a beauty. It's really interesting."

According to historical legends, the man of the era, Oda Nobunaga, who nearly unified Japan, was once a "pseudo mother". Not only did he wear women’s clothes, but he also appeared in meetings like this and was not even recognized. His "little surname" (similar to a follower and secretary. But more closely related) Moriranmaru was equally famous .

When Morika heard what Chika said, she suddenly thought of another attribute of Oda Nobunaga, which is sister control. This guy has a sister, Ashi, because Oda Nobunaga hasn't let him get married for a long time, so He was also suspected by his retainers, but it is a pity that this girl did not control it to the end, and Ashi finally married Nagamasa Asai...

Eh, but if you say that, it seems that this person also has a lot of playable secondary element attributes...

Senxia complained in her heart.

"But wars, no matter where and when they are placed, are extremely cruel, right? I really hope that no war will break out in the future." Xue Na sighed beside him.

Senxia chuckled in her heart, this is the realm!

"Yes, but war games are very interesting. If you can change history with your own hands, this is really a great thing." Qian Jia also sighed.

"Then we should really be grateful to Glory, otherwise, how can the Three Kingdoms and Nobunaga play for us..."

Even so, Morinka also knows that these Japanese games are not actually large-scale games. Whether it is Romance of the Three Kingdoms or Nobunaga's Ambition, the sales are in the hundreds of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

In addition, there is also the Taige Zhi Chuan series. Why does Taige Zhi Chuan have no scripts after the 5th generation. The reason is simple, because the sales of Taige Zhi Chuan 5 generations are not good. , Although it cannot be said that the violent death, but it is really nothing.

But how to put it, this is also related to Guangrong's own death.

Guangrong is also a generation of cold rice king. The original version was released, then a powerful version, then a PS game console version, and then a handheld version. Finally, a sequel was released, but suddenly a page version came out. Reuse... What's even more painful is that when other game makers cut prices for Tianchao games, the price of glorious games has never been lower than a hundred oceans!

Although there are pirated pots, it has to be said that Guangrong is called "Dark Rong" for no reason.

Sounji Temple is not big, and after walking around inside, Senxia and the others left here.

The breath of the New Year has not passed, and the feeling of the New Year still remains on both sides of the street.

Qianjia and Xuena were wearing wooden clogs, and they were not very convenient to move. They just walked slowly along the road like this.

Follow the road signs and see a small shrine with the words "Baiyun Inari" on the sign. Probably because it is New Year's Day, this shrine also has many decorations.

"Where are we going?" Senxia asked Qianjia-senpai while admiring the surrounding scenery.

"All in all, let's go to Tiancheng Garden first, let's go see the waterfall." Qian Jia said without looking back.

"Is it Yulian Waterfall?" Xue Nao was really interested in that place.

"Yeah~ If everyone goes to see the waterfall together, it will be a good memory?" Qianjia smiled.

"But is the place like Yulian Waterfall really interesting?" Senxia had also visited the so-called Yulian Waterfall there, but how should I put it... I was a little disappointed.

"Ahra, does Morinya hate hot springs?" Qianjia said, tilting her head.

"If you want to say, there are many famous hot springs in the world, so I didn't expect too much from it." Senxia shook her head.

It's not that I hate it, but that I didn't expect anything from the beginning, of course. If you look at it, it doesn't matter, it just doesn't have any special feelings about it.

"Well, if there is a chance in the future, it would be a good thing to be able to visit those places of interest all over the world." Qianjia did not blame Morika, her thoughts are similar to Morika's to some extent. If this kind of place is in place, scenic spots are naturally indispensable!"

"That's true. Speaking of which... Maybe the hot springs of the Celestial Dynasty are good?" Senxia suddenly had a new idea.

For example... Hukou Waterfall, Lushan Waterfall and the like, the former is atmospheric. The latter is refined.

If you have a chance... it would be nice to go there.

If you can, this can be regarded as a memory of your past.

It's just that this period of time is too busy for Senxia. It is better not to think about this kind of thing for the time being. Half-heartedness will only make her work more unable to concentrate.

"Let's go, there is no need to be so harsh on the scenery, it's just the scenery created by nature, let's go, go and see the beauty there." Senxia smiled at the two.


"Hello everyone. I am Nasu Mushroom. I came to your station for the first time. Please advise me."

When Morinka and Chika Yukino were playing together, they hadn't logged in to the connected Nasu mushroom for a long time. At this time, I finally found the opportunity to go to the station. There is such a card in eva-retake's book, which is marked with animic station.

Interconnection is a good thing, because both in the world. No matter when it is, everyone can find ways to communicate with friends and strangers on the Internet.

Take Nasu, for example.

He just posted a post on this forum as a greeting to everyone. This site is full of book friends and fellow friends. Nasu took a look. There are about a hundred posts on this site.

Everyone is discussing things about eva-retake.

"Hello everyone, it turns out that the person who wrote this book is Teacher Xia Sen who made "The Witch's House", it is really amazing!"

"I want to ask everyone, does Ayanami and Asuka at the iket site know anyone? They are super cute!"


I have to say that although this forum is very deserted from the perspective of the future, it is considered very popular on the current Japanese station. After all, this is just a forum that has just been opened.

The story of &ake is very exciting, Shinji can be reborn and go back to the past to change everything, can this kind of thing really be done? "

Suddenly, Mushroom saw a post, he was most interested in this kind of post about the plot, and there were more than 50 replies to this post, which was considered the most populous post, so Mushroom opened it immediately.

"According to the original script, at that time, the world was destroyed, and the only people alive should be Shinji Ikura and Asuka. They should be Adam and Eve of the new world. If you have to discuss based on the original script, this script is definitely not. Possibly, because the original is a perfect ending."

The people on the second floor seem to think the original ending is pretty good.

"Going back to 2l, do you actually think the original has a good ending?! That's obviously the ruffian of Anye who is fighting against us! It's the same no matter how you look at it!"

The people on the 3rd floor quit, but the 2nd floor dare to wash the floor for Anno Hideaki? This is the rhythm of death!

"I think at the end of the story, Shinji and Asuka have been separated from the concept of human beings. They should belong to the human beings after being'filled up'. At this time, Shinji and Asuka themselves should belong to the state of'God'. Even if it distorts time and space, this should be possible."

On the 4th floor, he put forward his opinions seriously.

Mushroom felt that the answer on the 4th floor was reliable. He had not read the following content, so he typed up his own opinion.

"According to the description in the original text, will it be a setting similar to a parallel world?"

Mushroom thinks that this is very possible. More importantly, he talked about the theory of "parallel universe" during the last discussion with Mr. Xia Sen. Although Mushroom knew that this book was not written by Xia Sen. It's his sister's work, but the outline of the script was completed by Mori. Will this concept extend to the script? He is very interested.

After posting the post, Mushroom continued to look down.

The people behind are discussing the script. Unlike other books, this volume of Morinka’s eva-retake has a total of 200,000 words, which is definitely a huge amount of content. Compared with the original version, Morinka has also refined the original setting and even tested it. Some of the contents of the Old Testament and the New Testament, this is not a casual copy.

Because of the large amount of information, there are a lot of people discussing. One of these friends bought a Bible specifically to verify the content of eva-retkae!

You know, this is only the third day of the new book release!

"In fact, I think the content of the retake can already be made into a new work. The level of this work has surpassed the level of ordinary people. Even if it is a separate series, there is no problem!"

Many people think so.

"Why do I always find this style of writing a bit familiar? I always feel that where I have read it, this author is not a famous writer writing in a vest, right?"

One of the friends said what Nasu Mushroom also wanted to say.

Not to mention, many people are discussing the author's affairs, not only that, even "Witch's House" was also pulled out at this time.

The Witch’s House is also 200,000 words, and the amount of information is the same as this one. It is very large. It can be said that the whole world has been structured.

Although the writing of the two books is different, it has to be said that these two stories are excellent.

"What exactly does animic do? Do they have official works?"

Not only that, because of the praise of the two works, everyone's topic has gradually shifted from the discussion of the plot to the community itself.

"It's really amazing. If our Xingyue is so good, that's fine." Mushroom sighed.

Then he heard someone talking from behind: "If you really want that, you shouldn't be here!"

After that, the mushroom was dragged back to the room by the Qing Bing guard...


Today I saw a certain new show, and then I had a strong sense of sight, I went...

Well, all in all, the two-in-one chapter, win10 is simply a pit... (to be continued.)



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