Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 369: From Warcraft to Dota to LOL to Three Hundred Funny

In the afternoon, Senxia was in a particularly good state. In just over four hours, he wrote a script of about 20,000 words. This level can be compared with professional scripters. 【No pop-up window..】

"Hmm... is it already five o'clock." When Senxia came back to her senses, it was five o'clock. The setting sun went west, and the room was created by orange-red light, showing an unreal beauty.

Qianjia and Xuena didn’t know when they went out, and the dedicated Senxia didn’t even notice their departure. At this time, in the empty room, there was only Senxia alone. This feeling of emptiness made Senxia feel a sense of emptiness. Peace from the heart.

This kind of feeling is probably called "Yijing". Everything in the real world seems to be sublimated at this moment, and the whole person seems to melt and become one with this world.

Suddenly there were footsteps outside the door.

"Sinxia-kun, you have worked hard."

Qianjia came in from the door.

She was wearing a black kimono, with her head turned into a bun, and against the setting sun, she smiled at Senxia.

It is as elegant as a princess in the Edo period.

Senxia has almost never seen such a senior Qianjia. She stood there gracefully, as if she had traveled through thousands of years of time and walked in front of her from a corner of history.

Cultivation and the princess have built a wonderful scenery together. Senxia seems to find that she has seen a painted scroll displayed in front of her eyes. This feeling is so beautiful that Senxia almost forgets about it.

"Are you all right, Senxia-kun?" Qianjia noticed that Senxia was acting stupidly, tilted his head, calmly with a little playfulness.

It's really like stepping into a corner of time.

"Well, I'm in a good condition today." After returning to his senses, Morinya chuckled slightly, and then he noticed that Qianjia was holding two red cans of Coca-Cola in her hands.

How should I put it? Originally, he felt that Qian Jia had an amazing feeling when Qian Jia first appeared, but this feeling only lasted for a moment, and now Mori Xia felt uncomfortable.

director. This style of painting is wrong!

The truth of Senxia shouted in her head.

This feeling is simply touching.

"Take it." At this moment, Qianjia had already handed the Coke to Senxia.

"...Thanks." Senxia took the Coke, then opened the can, and took a sip of herself comfortably.

If the style is wrong, then the style is wrong. Such Qianjia is also quite good.

After saving the document backup, Morinka leaned over to the computer and opened a new game.

"what are you playing?"

Chika got close to Morika, but she was wearing a kimono, so her actions were a bit simple. She can be said to sit awkwardly beside Senxia.

"A foreign game, just play and relax."

On Senxia's screen, the word "wart" appeared at this time.

The name of this game is Warcraft... Well, yes, it is the warcraft that will be the best in the future, but Senxia is not playing the future three-generation version, but the work of this era-Warcraft 2.

Although the picture is not as stunning as the third generation, but this one has indeed shown the demeanor of Warcraft.

In fact, Mori Xia originally wanted to play StarCraft, but unfortunately this game has not been released yet, so he didn't have the opportunity to revisit the game. He had no choice but to put the Warcraft 2 on his computer.

"It seems quite interesting, this game." Senxia had already clicked on the game at this time and entered the main interface. Qianjia-senpai also sat next to Senxia, ​​watching Senxia start to play this classic work. .

"This kind of game seems to be called a real-time strategy game, right?" This kind of c-control game using keyboard and mouse is relatively rare in Japan, because this is the world of home machines, but it doesn’t mean you don’t know if you haven’t played it before. , Command and Conquer series are all classics among the classics.

&nbss is a very interesting category. It's a pity that there is no network in this place, otherwise I can connect to the Internet to let you see the network battle. "

Morinia has some regrets. The essence of this game lies in the competition between people, although Morinia also likes single-player campaigns. But rts was not always the picture, the plot and the performance, Morinka never expected it from the beginning.

The Blizzard of this era is not the future Blizzard that sells editors and comes with StarCraft 2. The map editor of StarCraft 2 can even do fps games. The performance is naturally not inferior, and it matches with Blizzard’s consistent cg. . The picture feels really good. But unfortunately, this game is not called StarCraft 2, but Warcraft 2. Although it is very good from the perspective of this era, there is no way to compare it with the future.

In fact, even if it is Final Fantasy 7, the polygon-like character modeling, the performance effect is the same as cheating. It is hard to say which picture is easy to do these days, but the Japanese 2d game does a good job.

"Sinxia-kun, you seem to be very optimistic about this type of game." Qianjia noticed the gleam in Senxia's eyes, and he seemed to have some new ideas.

"Well, okay, I think it should be popular, but in this category, compared to other fps and other games, the professionalism is too strong, it is difficult to say that there is much development...well, also It's different..."

When Senxia was halfway speaking, she suddenly denied her own thoughts.

Real-time strategy games like &nbss are indeed declining in the future. They are different from games like fps that can be played with the mouse, whether it’s StarCraft or Warcraft, or Age of Empires and Red Alert. They are all games that require practice and thinking to master. This kind of game seems not to be popular in the future pan-entertainment culture circle.

However, at this moment, when Morinka looked at the picture in front of her, she thought of something.

The game itself can be said to be very good, but StarCraft, which will be released soon, will immediately obscure the style of Warcraft 2. This situation will continue until Warcraft 3 appears before it changes.

Then, Senxia thought of a custom game on StarCraft and later on Warcraft: dota.

The &nbsa game, in simple terms, is a game where player c controls a game unit, divides troops with his teammates on a three-way map, and then finds a way to flatten the opponent's main base. Some people may not know dota, but the number of people who don't know about League of Legends is definitely a minority.

And whether it is dota or lol League of Legends, the ancestor of these confrontational games. It can be said that they are all rts, and their c mode is the most basic c mode in rts.

The &nbsa and lol inventory is basically inherited from the inventory system in Warcraft 3, some c-made commands and tips. It was also because of Warcraft at first.

The earliest prototype of &nbsa appeared in StarCraft, and then carried forward in Warcraft 3, and in Tianchao, a map that imitated Dota's "Dynasty Warriors 3.9d"-first explain, this is not the glorious same name Games-I have also notified various pirated battle platforms. At that time, people discussed the most not on lol, but on battle platforms such as Haofang and vs, and then the scolding battle between the real three players and the dota players.

&nbss has fallen, but what about rts born out of it?

Senxia thinks the reason is actually very simple. Because this type of game is easier to use, and compared to a certain race, a single hero is also easier for players to focus their attention. There is no need to practice hand speed, no two-line control, etc., and a pure hero is more It is easy to make players feel emotional.

Moreover, the feeling of this category is different from pure rts, but it has the feeling of rpg. In Senxia's view, this is nothing. In fact, at the time when Warcraft was the hottest, Warcraft itself was not the most popular. On the contrary, various types of RPGs and tower defenses made by players with a map editor were more popular. Oh, look at it this way, the fiery tower defense, it seems that Warcraft's contribution is not small.

If you think about it from this perspective, this type of game seems to be pretty good...

Senxia thought. This kind of game is not only cute, but also flammable, and it is also an artifact of gold. Making a game of this kind is more powerful than Angry Birds or Plants vs. Zombies.

Thinking of this, Senxia felt that the inspiration in her mind was constantly erupting.

"Sinxia-kun, do you mean that we can also make such a game?" Qianjia seemed to understand Senxia's thoughts.

"No, Blizzard is professional. If we follow the trend, it doesn't make any sense at all." Senxia shook her head.

Sister, don’t you know, StarCraft is about to come out soon, this is absolutely right "the work of the century"!

And StarCraft pk? This is looking for death.

"Then Senxia-kun, what do you want to do?" Qianjia was curious, because he noticed that Senxia was not disapproving of it, he seemed to have some thoughts.

"Now, Senior Sister Qianjia, can I ask you some questions?" Senxia asked.

Qianjia nodded, "Of course, it doesn't matter if I don't wear it or not."

"..." Please stop joking at this time...

Morika shook his head: "It's just a few simple questions, Qianjia-senpai, have you ever thought about putting the characters in the animation and the game into the same world for a big fight?"

"Huh? What do you mean? I remember Nintendo seemed to say it was going to be an All-Star Smash Bros. Is that what it meant?" Qianjia didn't know what the game Moriha had in mind.

Nintendo is currently working on an All-Star Super Smash Bros. game. This game will be released in January 1999. The feature of this game is that Nintendo will pull out all the stars in its family and let them play pk. In other words , Is Guan Gong vs. Qin Qiong, even the mushroom fate series, it can be said that the same category.

Facts have proved that the brains of people all over the world are the same, and it has been the same from ancient times to modern times.

When Senxia thought of it, he instantly thought of another copycat game called 300 funny*...ah, no, it was 300 heroes.

Although it was a "cottage" at the beginning, this "cottage" is not ordinary, because this game is on fire, it is not a normal fire!

The reason for this is simple. In this game, the heroes that players can choose are saber, Kenshin Himura, and Mikoto Misaka. In this game, players can come up with their favorite games. Character, then enter the game to fight.

At the beginning, except for the heroes, the game was completely modeled after lol, but as the game became popular, the game began to be alienated and gradually embarked on another path.

It can be said that if it is not because of the infringement factor, this kind of game is actually very popular, and even many foreign travellers did not hesitate to turn over "the_great_wall" and then came to, with more than 300 delays. Pit teammates, high from one side.

In Morinka's view, if the land of Japan wants to make this kind of game popular, it seems that this kind of all-star chaos is more popular.

"Wait, Senxia-kun, you tell me from the beginning, what exactly did you think of? Ideas for new games?" Qianjia felt a little confused now.

"Well... I'll show you something. That's probably it..."

Moriha first took out a piece of paper, then took out a pen, and drew a rough outline on it, and then said to Qian Jia: "In short, it is the pk between the two camps. Players can play Choose some special heroes..."

Senxia roughly talked about the gameplay, and Qianjia finally understood it by combining the pictures she saw.

"That's it, it sounds great, and if you can let players use their favorite role games, it will be wonderful!"

" But in fact, I'm just talking about it." After all, this is Japan, and copyright issues cannot be avoided. Morika's head became hot, and then she reacted, "But it's probably like this. That’s it for categories."

After saying these words, Morinka retreated. Although this kind of game is very popular, Japan is the hegemony of the host, not to mention the copyright, this kind of PC-oriented thing, and it is extremely dependent on the network. , Is this really hot?

"...It seems very interesting..."

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside the door.


I was exhausted and went out to do errands, and today it was raining in the capital of Greater Akalim. It was too uncomfortable.

This chapter is a two-in-one chapter. In short, let's talk about it today, and I will sleep first.

Finally, please brazenly ask for a monthly pass, I will continue to explode owo tomorrow (to be continued.)



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