Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 367: About Senxia Jun's childhood

At this moment, Senxia unconsciously thought of the time when the legendary Higurashi cried. ∷, x.

Then Senxia instantly thought of the hatchet, and Ryugu Rina was the earliest hatchet girl. Having said that, Dongcheng Reina seems to be called "Rena", her appearance...fuck, she really looks a little bit like that.

Uh, wait, the surnames between the two parties seem to be different, so there is no need to worry so much...

"What deity does this shrine enshrine?" As they spoke, the three of them were almost inside the shrine.

Yukino leaned in front of the shrine and found that it was very old, and he didn't even know what deity was enshrined here.

"Well, it was like this when I was a kid, who knows what happened here." Qianjia didn't know what was going on here, "Hey, why don't we create a **** to worship, Senxia-kun, what do you think? "

Senxia was thinking about the hatchet at this time. After hearing Qianjia's words, he replied casually: "How about calling Gu Te Yuri?"

"Huh? What is that?" Qianjia was inexplicable.

"Uh, it's okay to call Nagato Daimyojin or something." Senxia's thinking at this time has not been sorted out.

"Well, forget it, it doesn't seem to be great if you change the name of Lord God at will." Seeing Morinya seemed to be out of the world, she didn't have much interest.

When Higurashi cried, this was indeed a good work. Morinka was thinking about whether it would be better to make this work at this time.

In the past, Mori Xia would occasionally think about it. After all, this is a classic work of the Healing Department. It has been adapted into animation, various ova and other works. On the popularity of "the year", when Higurashi cried Can be comparable to fate and the East. It's just that the follow-up popularity is not as high as the opponent's development.

But I have to say that this is a good idea.

Of course, the original Dragon Knight 07 is no less than the soul painter of Zn Sang...

But just because the vertical painting is not exquisite, it also shows how good the script of the story itself is.

When Higurashi cried, there are many classic stalks, for example, the "hatchet" is basically carried forward here...

When the Higurashi cicada, judged by posterity as the "three miracles of the same person", cried, it can be described as outstanding in this era. As for whether it can be popular, then does this work conform to the trend and culture of the times? . But Senxia thinks that this should be about the same, and now is not an era in which fashion trends will become obsolete in a few months after 20 years.

"Well, actually this shrine itself is not important, you come with me." Qianjia greeted Morinka and Yukino, and then walked towards the back of the shrine, which is also an open space, behind the open space. It is a mountain cliff, but because it is only halfway up the mountain, the place is not high, but from this place. It is barely possible to see the distant scene.

"--There is Lake Ashinoko!" Qianjia pointed to the sparkling lake in the distance.

"Really!" Following where Qianjia pointed out, Morinka and Yukino also saw the scene there.

"So, if there is an open-air hot spring in this place, it would be great!" Qianjia is still a pity that there is no hot spring in this place.

"But even so. It's also very nice here. After eating at noon every day, I come here for a walk. Looking into the distance, what a wonderful thing!" Xue Na was longing for such a life.

"Unfortunately, this place is a little far away from the town, and it is not convenient to do more things." Senxia also looked into the distance, but this place does not seem to be able to see the appearance of the town. The scenery is really wonderful. , But if she lived in such an environment for a long time, Morinka felt she couldn't stand it at all. Humans are social creatures. It is comfortable to be able to communicate with others. Even if it is not face-to-face communication, network communication is the same, but the problem is that there is no very mature interconnection in this era. It is okay to spend a vacation in such a deserted place. But in terms of life... sorry, this really doesn't work.

"But isn't it possible to experience the traditional Japanese style in this place, isn't it great?" Qianjia said this is what she wants to show Morinka and Yukino.

"But I don't see any ancient Japanese style."

Not wearing the kimono seems to be an ancient style, but if you add silk stockings, it won't be... But in Morinka's view, the silk stockings and the kimono actually match.

"This kind of ancient house, I think it is actually very romantic, and it feels like home." Yukino seemed to like it. "If I can wear a kimono and take care of my brother in such an ancient house. In fact, it’s still a great thing."

Yukino, there is no problem with your feelings, but why must you take care of me?

Senxia spit out in her heart.

"My hometown... Actually, I've always wanted to ask, Senxia-kun, what do you and Xuenai's hometown look like?" Qianjia became curious about the origins of Senxia and Xuena.

"The Tianhai family has always been in Hokkaido. I don't know the specifics, but it seems to be hundreds of years of history." Senxia has no interest in the Tianhai family. In Senxia's view, her grandfather is A traditional "feudal landlord" is nothing more than a traditional "feudal landlord". This kind of person was placed in the celestial dynasty and has long been divided into fields by local tyrants. However, the "traditional culture" of this place in Japan has been maintained for a long time, so the Tianhai family has also inherited it for a long time.

But in Senxia's view, this is useless at all, so what if you are a local tyrant? You are not a local tyrant in Tokyo. The land in places like Hokkaido is not worth any money! For any chaebol from Mitsubishi, Sony, etc., people would never put such small country landlords in their eyes!

Thinking of this, Senxia is a bit pity, if her family is the kind of hidden family in the middle, it would be great, rich and powerful, and can do everything... Well, but the real world is cruel, how can there be that in this world? How good is it for you to blend in?

"At home, I haven't been back for a long time, I really miss it!" Girls and boys look at things differently, and Xue Nao seems to miss the things in his hometown. "The house in my hometown is also an ancient style, then There is also a big shrine and dojo on the side. When I was a child, I learned various combat skills in the dojo. It was very hard at the time, but now that I think about it, it’s great to be able to learn these things. !"

Hearing the next half of Yukino's words, Morinya felt a little pain in her teeth.

"Eh, why didn't Senxia-kun not study?" Qianjia was very curious, why is her younger sister learning this, not Senxia.

"At that time, my elder brother was always reading books, and sometimes he would say that he wanted to be an actor. It was super fun!" Yukino seemed to think of something, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "But at that time, my brother would always do something. It’s very neurotic. Sometimes I don’t know what my brother is thinking."

"We haven't lived in Hokkaido for a long time, right? Yukino, do you remember too clearly, right?" When Yukino came out like pouring beans, Morinka finally couldn't help but speak.

"Well, Xue Nao-chan remembers your things so clearly. Doesn't it just mean that she likes your brother very much, don't care!" Qianjia patted Senxia on the shoulder, obviously, she still had an unsatisfied expression on her face.

"Forget it, just say whatever you like... Now, it's almost the same now, should we go back?" After resting here for a while, Morinia felt that it was time to return.

Qianjia nodded, and then led Senxia and the others around from the other end of the dirt road.

However, just after returning to the end of the road, Senxia and the others found that something was wrong, because a black car was parked at the door of the mansion.

"This is...?" Senxia looked at Qianjia, is there someone else here?

"Ah, my father is here." Qian Jia looked up.

"Eh eh eh eh?!" Qianjia's father actually came? Senxia was taken aback, "Um, would it be better for Xuena and I to leave here..."

"Don't worry!" Before Senxia finished speaking, Qianjia interrupted him, "It's just my father, you don't need to care at all."

"But is this really okay?" Yukino was also a little worried, "If we are here, will it cause trouble to you?"

"Don't worry!" Qian Jia smiled and took the hands of the two, and then walked toward the door.

After entering the door, Senxia found that this place seemed to be different from when the two left before. At that time, there were only Chunxiang and other servants, but after they came back, there were more in the courtyard. There are several servants, and they are all young girls with great figures.

"Huh?" Inadvertently, Senxia noticed that one of the girls was cleaning, her neckline had not been cleaned up, and her jacket was exposed, but that feeling, no matter how you looked at it, it was all... rope?

The girl was wearing a cherry-colored yukata and kimono, and she was standing there with a broom. Her face was a little red, and she didn't know if it was because of the exhaustion of coming here for a long distance.

"Sinxia-kun, what's the matter?" Qianjia noticed Senxia's hesitation.

While she was talking the girl had turned around and left here, and Morinka couldn't confirm whether what she saw was an illusion.

"Nothing, it feels like there are a lot more people." Senxia sighed.

"Yes, these are the old secretaries and servants. Although there is only such a car parked at the door, there are probably several cars parked in the parking lot behind." Qianjia explained.

"There is a parking lot?" Senxia asked curiously.

"Well, in the back, let's not talk about it, I will take you to see my father!" Having said that, Qianjia first asked a servant next to his father where he was, and then pulled Senxia and the others towards the house Away from the study of the mansion!


Yesterday’s update is complete!

Start writing today’s update.

I apologize to everyone again! (To be continued.)



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