Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 366: I always think of something strange...

With servants, Senxia and the others reduced their work by half.

After all, the purpose of Senxia and the others is not to have fun or experience life, but to complete their work well.

Senxia had been working hard all morning. After lunch, she finally found some time to rest.

After eating, Qianjia took Morinka and Xuena around here.

"This place is really quiet."

After coming out of the mansion, there is a road. This road is flat and clean, but not spacious, but this place seems to be the end of the road. Although the road is narrow, there is no problem passing a car.

On the opposite side of the road, there is a compacted dirt road with some steps in front of it.

"Is that the way up the mountain?" Senxia asked curiously.

"No, this mountain has no way up the mountain. The road ahead can only reach halfway up the mountain at most. There is a small shrine for rest. This dirt road is circular, and you can go back in a circle." Qianjia It seemed to be quite familiar with this, so after hearing Senxia's question, she immediately answered Senxia.

"So that's it." Senxia nodded, "Should we go around?"

"Huh? Don't you go to Hakone Town? It's also fun to visit Lake Ashinoko." Chika had her own thoughts.

"If we go there now, including the journey back and forth, it's already night time. We only got to this place today. If we don't start working hard now, what should we do then!" I can see that Qianjia invited herself and Yukino over to stay together. Her motive is definitely not that simple to want to work. Maybe she just wants to find someone to play with herself, no, maybe she has some conspiracy or something... …

"If Qianjia-senpai you are also thinking about playing at this time, what is the point of staying together!"

Hearing Morinka’s teaching, Qianjia looked like he hated iron for not making steel: “Really. Morinka-kun, this is Hakone, the famous hot spring capital! Why can’t your ideas become more mature? When it was so good..."

"..." Senxia didn't speak, just staring at Qianjia-senpai.

Qianjia-senpai who was still talking. After being stared at by Morika for a long time, she finally stopped with a little embarrassment: "Well, I will arrange things tomorrow. If it is going to Owakudani, I will arrange a car or something. La. In this case, the time to go out can be shortened to about half a day, so there is no problem!"

Hearing Qianjia's words, Morinya finally nodded and agreed.

The combination of work and rest is the kingly way, and this is Hakone. It is strange to say that Morinka has no curiosity about this place.

But in any case, Morinia felt that their purpose of coming this time was not just for playing, if they came for playing. That is understandable, but the reason Qianjia-senpai uses is not.

In Senxia's view, Qianjia's unscrupulous personality should also be changed, otherwise, she and Xue Na will be embarrassed, and her own future...well, it is very worrying.

Thinking of this, Morinka lamented in her heart, why the sister paper that appeared in front of her is so unique, this is Japan, okay? But why do they all lack the gentleness of Japanese?

Erika is usually serious, but she seems to be a bit fanatical about the maid; Yukino is very gentle and cute, but she is too casual with herself as an older brother; Jixiangyuan is okay, but a blonde girl has the most Japanese atmosphere. What kind of trouble is this...

Hey, wait, forget about the squad leader, the desperate poor breast is really impressive, but why do I think of the president at this time?

The intersection of Jixiangyuan and Senxia is actually not that big, except for meeting at school. They rarely meet in other places, and the intersection between the two parties is probably similar to that of Dongcheng Rena, or even smaller than Nana.

"Perhaps blond hair is too dazzling."

Morinya defined this in her heart.

He came back to his senses, Qianjia-senpai had already compromised at this time, and of course Senxia herself nodded. As long as the time is arranged properly, things can almost be done. If you don't have it, you can continue to come back in the future. Hakone won't run away anyway, but if things are not done... the tragedy encountered during the summer vacation, Morinka doesn't want to repeat it.

"At that time, I must invite Senxia-kun to visit the women's bath..." However, at this time, Qianjia has not forgotten her own evil taste.

"Don't think about that kind of thing, senior sister, when will you be a little more reliable." Senxia sighed with hatred for iron and steel.

"Ah la la, this is for your sake, Mori-kun, Hakone is such an interesting place, it must be fun to let Mori-kun go to play with us." Qianjia smiled.

"Yeah, I can't leave my brother alone. In that case, it would be irresponsible. I can't make my brother a terrible **** monster!" Yukino also looked serious, um, really serious.

"So in order to prevent me from becoming a **** monster, I have to take me to the female soup. What kind of trouble is this!" Senxia found that her proficiency in voicing has been increasing in the past two days.

But fortunately, Qian Jia also felt that the amusement was almost the same. She finally returned to normal at this time: "Well, tomorrow’s things will be discussed tomorrow, I will take you around for a while, just as exercise after dinner. , We are always doing business together.” Qianjia finally admitted that she had been thinking about playing around.

She stepped forward and led Morinka and Yukino on this path. She also sighed: "But to be honest, as far as this is concerned, I don't seem to have explored as well as other people. I know how to go, but I can't remember the scenery inside."

Entering the mountain forest from a small road, the surrounding sides are surrounded by trees and rocks. Apart from the road in front of him, there seems to be no trace of human beings nearby.

The environment of the Japanese has been modified, and the traces of that modification, no matter how similar the disguise, are also man-made, but this place has obviously not been deliberately modified, which Mori summer can see.

"This road is probably more than half an hour away. If it rains, the road here will be more difficult to walk." Qianjia didn't study this place deeply. "It's a pity. An open-air hot spring at the end is fine, but unfortunately, there is no such thing here. If you want to go to the open-air hot spring in the wild, you can take a car to the other side."

Yukino was also looking around at this time, and she was also amazed by the environment here: "Unfortunately, it is winter. If you come to this place in spring and summer, it will be more beautiful."

"In summer, there are more mosquitoes. If you sleep at night, sometimes those sounds will make you unable to sleep, especially the cicadas, which is really uncomfortable. When this place is the quietest, it is still winter. Qianjia smiled, Xue Nao's words seemed to evoke her memories.

Senxia didn't speak, he just turned his head and looked at Qianjia's face. Sister Qianjia, who is in a normal state, is actually a nice person to get along with. If she had always had that kind of funny character, she would have been rejected in the class.

But why does that bad negative energy burst out completely when she is with herself? Obviously this kind of quiet smile is what I like.

No... if Qianjia is exactly that kind of person, it doesn’t seem interesting. Her escape gives her a feeling of being unfettered. This feeling is also a factor that attracts herself, as long as she targets her own evil The interest can be slightly reduced, which is actually enough.

Senxia sighed.

"Senxia-kun, you always seem to sigh today, is there something unhappy?" Qianjia turned her head, seemingly looking at Senxia with some concern.

Well, yes, senpai, if you stay in this state, you will be the goddess in your dreams! Facts have proved that if you follow the funny route, even if you are a pretty girl, it will also become funny!

"It's nothing, it's just unknowingly. You should take it as my habit." Morinya shrugged, he turned his head, and started to admire the scenery around here just like Yukino.

Just because there is no modification, there is not much beauty here. Some people say that pure nature is the best, but nature will never care about human aesthetics.

However, there seems to be an empty atmosphere here.

Except for the three of them and the path under their feet, there was no human breath around, and Senxia suddenly felt like being in a lonely mountain and old forest.

"Hey--the shrine is in front." After a while, Chika realized that it was not far from the shrine. Sure enough, after a while, they saw a torii and a lonely small shrine behind the torii. The place is small.

"It seems to have a rural smiled.

"If you say that this is the countryside, that's no problem, but compared to the countryside, it's more primitive here." Qianjia felt that Senxia's words seemed correct.


Quiet forests, small shrines, summer cicadas... etc. Why do I have the feeling of "when the cicadas cried"?

Senxia suddenly flashed a legendary work of healing in his mind.

Wait, it seems that the earliest hatchet girl appeared in this game and animation, right?

Morinha thought of something very unreliable...


I fell asleep after the power outage last night, and now continue to update after I wake up.

This is the fourth update in the promised update, with 194 chapters left! (To be continued.)

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