Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 363: Brother, how dare you do such a thing!

Probably because of the discussion about the gentleman topic, Morinya felt that inspiration was flowing into his mind continuously at this time, the movements of his hands were constantly brushing, and the text began to be constantly tapped out in his hands. . ◇↓,x.

Qianjia is not idle either. Her current job is program plus performance. To be more specific, she puts the scripts and materials into the script in an appropriate way. When should there be bgm and when should I set up a stand-up painting? To master, this job does not seem to be hard, but it actually requires a lot of brainpower.

As the first in Morinka’s "Scumbag Rescue Plan", the script and original work of "Guilty Crown" have been greatly changed, but because there is no need to refer to the original work, the whole The story has no constraints, which is a good thing.

It just wrote, when the passion burned out, Senxia's brows wrinkled.

"What's wrong with you, Senxia?" Qianjia turned her head after sensing that Senxia had stopped working.

"This paragraph is written without feeling."

Moriha stepped aside and let Qianjia look at the computer screen interface.

The part of Senxia is the part where Yingmanji presses Yuki under her body.

The plot of this place is an important fg. If Sakura Manji is overwhelmed in this place, it will enter the prayer line, if it is thinking of the school festival, it will enter the festival line, but there is another fg when entering the festival line , If the fg is not triggered, it is the badend of the line.

In other words, half-heartedness will not result in good results.

In this place, Mori Xia originally wanted to write about the aggressiveness of Sakura Manji and the charm of Ichi as the female number one, but he felt a little dissatisfied with how he wrote this part.

"Isn't it great?" Qianjia was not as picky as Senxia. When she saw this text, she seemed to think it was great. The content inside is also very touching.

"But I always feel that it's still a little tasteless... It feels like the cherries on the cake are not the same. It looks good, but after all, it's not a cake. It's a little tasteless."

Morinya deleted a part, and then began to write again.

However, the more you write below, the more absolutely wrong Morinatsu is. Although Qianjia looks at her with gusto, Morinza, instructing him, is not what she expected.

"It's still a bit short." He shook his head regretfully.

"Um..." Qianjia saw Morinya thinking. I read the article once again. The text written by Morinya was not problematic, but after hearing Morinya's own constant raising of questions, Qianjia also felt a little tasteless.

If it's somewhere else, it's fine. As a key plot, Morinia doesn't want to perfuse the past like this, but because of this, this makes the whole story even more tense.

"Why don't you come and experience it for yourself?" Qianjia seemed to think of a new plan.

"Experience for yourself?" Senxia turned her head.

Qianjia nodded: "Yeah, Mori-kun. Don't you think that this part of our plot is always lacking in flavor, then, if we come to preview it, maybe we will have new inspiration."

"This is a good way!" Senxia nodded.

"Well. It's a pity, if we wear cos costumes at this time, maybe we will feel more." Qianjia still has some small regrets in her heart, "but I don't look like Qiqi itself. Even if cos is up, the degree of reduction is It's not very high... but Xuena can try it."

Morika turned her head and looked at Yukino who was still sleeping. Because Jiye made reference to Morinka's appearance when designing the characters, looking at Yukino now, Morinka suddenly felt that this degree of restoration was very high.

Wait, the younger sister is Yuqi, and the older brother is Yingmanji. Didn't these original lovers become brothers and sisters...

Hey, it’s not right. Originally, the prototype of Jiqi was the real name of Yingmanji’s sister, Yingmanji. In a sense, the two people seem to have a certain degree of "blood relationship." Zhang Lian has no sense of disobedience. From this perspective, is Yingmanji...German orthopedics?

Damn it! This is the first time we have discovered something in our lives!

Senxia was shocked.

He did not expect that the original plot of the Sinful Crown would have a dark line of evil hidden so deeply!

"Well, maybe the original production team didn't have this idea..." Senxia comforted herself quietly in her heart, but I have to say that the brain hole that Senxia suddenly discovered really opened him up. new world.

"Okay, let's try it." Qian Jia was already lying on the ground while speaking.

Senxia nodded, then walked over and pressed herself against Qianjia-senpai.


The eyes of the two met, and they didn't know why, they suddenly felt an electric shock.

Probably because of the high temperature in the room, Qianjia-senpai’s yukata was half-opened, her long black hair draped behind her head, pressed by her clothes and body, she stared at Morinka, breathing a little, as if It's like a little wife staring at her lover.

It wasn't until this time that Senxia realized that she just seemed to have agreed to Qianjia's incredible thing. He is now pressing on Qianjia-senpai's body like this, the distance between the two is only the distance of the arm that Senxia uses to support the body. They just looked at each other like this, and for a while, everyone forgot to speak.

"Well, should we say something?" Qianjia asked softly.

"Well, that's what I said, but I'm still thinking about lines or something." Senxia felt that his brain circuits were not enough, and he didn't remember what he just wrote in the lines.

But this is not important. Those half-hearted lines will probably not be used.

Morika thinks so.

"Then play well on the spot." Don't know why, Morinya felt Qianjia's tone was a bit shy.

Both of them started to breathe sharply.

"Then I will come."

Senxia took a deep breath, calmed her mood, and devoted herself to the role of "Sakura Manji".

Then he spoke: "Pray, I want you...puff--"

Don't get me wrong, Senxia didn't do anything rude, he was just halfway through. He was kicked directly by someone, and then lay on her back on the ground, but before Senxia could recover, a foot in black stockings stepped on her face.

It's Yukino...

The first time Morinya saw Black Silk, she knew who actually kicked herself.

"Brother, what do you want to do? Why do you want to do such a rude thing to Qianjia Senior, you shameless pervert! Pervert! H!" Xue Na seemed to see the scene that had just happened, and then became angry.

"Misunderstanding--!" Morinya wanted to explain, but his mouth was also pressed by the soles of Xueno's feet. There is simply no way to make it clear.

This is a misunderstanding, I just want to find inspiration! There is absolutely no other meaning, I am just exercising my legitimate rights as a gentleman!

Senxia shouted in her heart.

"Brother, do you know that you almost did a terrible thing in front of your younger sister just now, brother, did you know that your behavior just now will be caught by the police!" Xue Nai said The misguided "Oni sauce" is simply heartbreaking.

"Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!"

Morinya desperately wanted to defend, but at this time he didn't dare to resist Yukino. Because he knew that if he dared to resist at this time, Xue Na would definitely give himself a triangle lock or articulation. There is no way to resist.

Xue Nao's right foot slammed on Senxia's face, and her eyes were full of grief for her bad-learning brother.

And at this moment, Qianjia over there also stood up.

Senxia finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time, if the senior sister was there. It should be better for her to explain.

However, before Senxia could react, a sole wearing white stockings. After that, he stepped on Senxia's face, neither of them had any odor, but the smell of stockings and body still covered Senxia at this time.

Afterwards, Senxia heard Qianjia's gloating voice: "That's right, Senxia-kun, how can you do such a thing? Fortunately, Xuena is here, otherwise things will really be bad~"

Qianjia! You betray me!

Senxia immediately began to struggle, but it was useless to resist. Xue Na stepped on more and rubbed Senxia's face with the soles of her feet: "Brother, you should admit your mistakes when you have done something wrong. Do you still think Do you want to resist?!"

Xue Nao's voice is righteous!

Senxia-kun was really in tears at this time, Yukino, things were not like that at all!

Originally Morxia could explain it, but who would have thought that Qianjia would actually fall into the trap after seeing Morxia being stepped underneath Yukino's feet. Instead of clearing Morxia, she talked coldly behind and stepped on it. !


Senxia lamented in her heart.

"Brother, don't move!" Xue Nai scolded Senxia, ​​"At this time, brother, you should admit your mistakes, do you know?"


Senxia struggling to make a sound, no matter what to do, it is best to find a way to unlock this state of I have been worried before that brother, you will come to peep when you are in the hot spring. I prevented the worst of you, brother, but didn't expect you to do such a thing now..."

Yukino began to preach to Morinka.

Morinya burst into tears, but he couldn't do anything when he was trampled under his feet...


The previous chapter was incorrectly transmitted and deleted. It turned out that more than 300 people have subscribed. This should be a book friend who opened an automatic subscription. I did not expect that so many people would subscribe to qaq in just one minute. , There is no one before the refresh! I’m also to blame for my brain pumping in the middle of the night. It was fine to talk to the editor, but I had to die. I would like to say sorry to the three hundred book friends.

Today, I said that everything must be changed five times, just as compensation for everyone.

First more qaq

Crying for the code word... (To be continued.)



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