Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 358: What are the red and white songs worth complaining about?

Fourth! 1.2w words! The previous six more!

Second time for debt repayment, ask for votes for support!


"Have you bought soba noodles?"

"Of course. [Read the latest chapter..]"

"How about fried jerky, Coca-Cola, raw fries?"

"Am I so stupid?"

The time now is the evening of December 31st. Morinka, who just entered the room from the outside, was carrying a lot of things at this time, and then looked at Qianjia-senpai standing in front of her with her mouth.

"Well, I just bought them all, I also took advantage of the time I went back and brought my kimono." Qianjia smiled and took two large bottles of Coke from Morinya, and put them in. Over the living room.

"I'm exhausted."

After putting things down, Morinya twisted her neck.

Among the things bought here, in addition to the ingredients bought from the shopping street, there are also some beef and fresh vegetables sent by Granny Asahi. There are a lot more things, and Mori summer also consumes a lot of physical energy. .

"Mother-in-law Asahi is also a person anyway, and Grandpa God Lord is also a person, do you want to bring them together..." A strange thought suddenly came into Morxia's mind.

"Get the French fries to the kitchen. Yukino is cooking. Please remember to tidy up the garbage in the living room." Qianjia has completely regarded herself as the owner of the house...

"Hey, can't let me rest." Senxia's mouth twitched.

"Who called you a man, Senxia-kun~" Qianjia took the Coke and walked towards the living room swayingly.

"Hey, why do you admit that I am a man at this time!" Senxia strongly complained, not all these days have been made by you like a sister paper, have you been tossed to death? Why is it that when you need to work? Think of us as a man!

Moriha expressed serious protest against this, but unfortunately, the refutation was invalid.

He shook his head, then sorted everything in his hands. The refrigerator should be the refrigerator, and the living room should be the living room.

After giving the raw French fries to Yukino, Morika returned to the living room, and then sat down on the sofa with a normal sound.

"Thank you." He just sat down. Qianjia handed a cup of Coke to Morinka.

"Thanks." Although it was almost impossible to complain, Qian Jia is still a pretty good person.

"It's a pity, I didn't plan to use kimono for Mori-natsu-kun, otherwise. You can put Mori-natsu-kun in that kimono when you go to worship in the evening..." Qianjia's words revealed a pity.

The foreword is withdrawn.

Whenever Morika feels that Qianjia is actually a girl with a good personality, she will always disappoint herself without surprise.

"You and Yukino can wear them if they want. It has nothing to do with me." To be honest, it is actually quite cool to be able to walk with a girl wearing a kimono, but if you insist, Morinka is actually Those who prefer yukatas, although yukatas are cheaper than kimonos, yukatas are actually better than kimonos for highlighting the charm of sister paper.

"Well." Qianjia was noncommittal. Then she walked over and turned on the TV, and then tuned to the channel, waiting for the start of the red and white song meeting, "Mori Xiajun, do you think this year's winner will be the red or white group?"

The full name of the Red and White Singing Club is "Red and White Singing Combat". Simply put, it is held annually by the Japan Broadcasting Association. It is the highest-level singing party in Japan. Nana wants to be on the stage of this song. It is for this reason. . This means that her level is recognized as the highest level in Japan.

The contestants of the Red and White Songs Club were selected from the Japanese music scene that year, the most powerful, popular, good character and popular singers. These people were divided into two teams according to gender. The "red group" is composed of Female singers, while the "white group" is composed of male singers.

The competition usually starts with the red group singer. After that, the two teams of singers alternately play, and the contestants can be a solo singer or a multi-player group.

It is worth mentioning that the Red and White Songs will not only be the Japanese, but the Women's December Square, Teresa Teng, etc., have actually been there. Or in future meetings, as long as they have concerns in Japan, they will be invited. In addition to them, South Korea has actually attended a lot.

"It must be the white group, this is something that can be guessed without saying." Senxia shrugged.

Just your red team? Humph, the elderly version of Chibonzakura is so funny*, who kind of thing! Mori Jinichi's おふくろさん (mother) is the feeling!

"Is that right, the white group, tut, I thought I could bet a game, I also tend to bet against the white group." Qianjia originally planned to bet against Morinia, but it is a pity that Morinia had the same choice as her own.

"Eh, why don't you choose the red group?" Senxia asked strangely.

"I stand in the group with a higher winning rate. Does this have anything to do with personal emotions." I didn't care about it in front of it.

"Okay." Qianjia didn't make the plan, which disappointed Senxia.

"The French fries are ready~" At this moment, Yukino had already walked in with a large plate, and inside this plate was a plate of French fries.

These French fries, fried jerseys and coke were all placed on the low table.

"...I don't know why, when I see these things, I always feel like we are not celebrating the New Year." Senxia murmured.

"What do you care about so much? Besides, don't we also prepare soba noodles?" Eating soba noodles for the New Year is a small tradition in Japan.

"Of course I know this, but... now the sense of violation in front of us is so serious!"

This kind of feeling is terrible!

Senxia feels this sense of violation is simply overwhelming!

However, Qianjia didn't care about it at all. She picked up a piece of J-wing happily, and then began to drink Coke.

"This New Year is also very interesting!" Yukino next to him was not on Morinka's side either, she smiled and picked up a French fries.

"These French fries seem to be less than one-third of what Senxia Jun bought, right?" Qianjia found that the French fries were a bit short.

"Yes, because the French fries don't taste good after it cools down, so I only took part of it. My brother bought so many French fries, we can't eat them all at once," Xue Nao said.

"Well, but all you have to eat then." The night is still long, and Senxia and the others still have time.

While eating and drinking, the red and white song will officially begin.

In fact, Senxia is not very interested in singing and dancing parties, but the red and white songs will be held once a year, which is like a Spring Festival Gala. No matter what the film is, she will watch twice, even if she does not take the initiative to go. Look, someone around you will mention it, and you will see it in the replay.

The Red and White Songs will be considered a grand event anyway.

"Now, Senxia-kun, how many people should we call when we run the team?"

Then Qianjia-senpai started to digress.

"Are you still thinking about our Cthulhu running group? Discussing Cthulhu on the night of the New Year's Eve, don't you think it is a shame, Sister?

Discussing Cthulhu on the New Year’s Eve, this kind of funny thing, I am afraid that only Qianjia senior sister can do it.

"What's the matter? Maybe the audience at the Red and White Songs will be deep divers. Why can't we discuss Cthulhu?" Qianjia-senpai had no repentance.

"If the audience at the scene are all deep divers, our current san value has fallen out." Senxia was too lazy to complain.

"Well, don't worry about it, but we really need to sort things out for the running team." Qianjia seems to really care about the running team.

"Hey, hey, wait for me to think about it, it's not in a hurry, why should this kind of thing be discussed today..."

Senxia really wanted to complain.

There are a lot of things to prepare for running a group. Generally speaking, board game players run a group about one to two weeks. Each time is about forty minutes to two hours. Some will be longer, but in general This kind of table game is not the same as other games, it belongs to long-term table role playing. In Senxia's view, a whim like the senior sister is not enough, and it may be pitted at some point.

No, it will definitely be pitted!

In Senxia's view, even if Qianjia-senpai said she was really going to run the team, she would have to refuse it a few more times, otherwise she would definitely not see it in her eyes.

"But having said that, we can also promote the content of running groups, such as making videos..." Mori summer put forward her own views.

Relax on &nbsv? Putting the video of the running group on the TV to relax, seems to be a very interesting thing. "Qianjia feels very good.

"Uh, it's not like that. I mean putting it on the network to relax." Morinya explained, "If you can put pictures on the network, the video will be fine."

"But can it get hot like that, obviously no one will watch it? And if you relax the video, this kind of bandwidth is not available everywhere." Qianjia felt that Senxia's thoughts were too jumpy.

"Well, maybe there will be opportunities in the future." Speaking of which, barrage videos are not popular yet, should we think of ways to seize the opportunity...

" there is another way." Senxia shrugged, and things were all right for the time being. Since there is no way, so be it.

"By the way, Senxia-kun, remember to tidy up the salute tonight." Qianjia's attention is completely off the red and white song meeting. "If we wait for tomorrow, we will leave here for camping training."

"Well, all the computer stuff has been packed, don't worry." Senxia said and picked up a croquette. Although it is weird to eat these things in the New Year, this New Year is a very weird one. Why do you care about so much?

I hope that the new year will have a new beginning.

"Better let me rest..." Lying on the sofa, Morinya secretly made a small wish.


The old version of Senbon Sakura was the event of the Red and White Songs a few days ago. The old man Mori Jinichi sang for 48 years, and finally called his mother with a song...

Fourth today! (To be continued.)



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