Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 348: This is the deity coming!

On iket, it is not possible to take pictures anywhere, nor is there a place where pictures can be taken anywhere. Generally speaking, the organizer will set up a special area outside the exhibition for cospy fans and actors. Take pictures. 【Full text reading...】

For the cosplayers and photographers, this is simply heaven.

However, this kind of role-playing started to become more and more weird afterwards. First, more and more photography enthusiasts like to shoot fat times, and then more and more cute boys who like to play cute girls. Think about it, when the photographers took a picture of a shy southern bird, they found something weird, how weird the picture should be... Of course, there are tools like Morinata and seniors like Hao Ge Technical Party, let's talk about it separately.

"There are so many people..."

After Qianjia, who had been put on a new Asuka outfit, arrived at the venue, Morika realized that there were actually more people here than there.

"In the morning, the weather was still a bit cold. Now it's the afternoon and the weather is warm. Everyone likes to come out more." Qian Jia looked excited at this time.

"Oh, I wanted to see Zn Sang's works..." Unfortunately, Senxia's wish could not be realized. After finding that the book was almost sold, Qianjia took Senxia and ran away from the hall. come out.

"Ayanami... Ayanami with a high degree of restoration..."

"Wow, Oupai is so big Asuka!"

"What kind of clothes is this, shiny, like a real battle suit!"

Before Senxia and the others acted, several photographers nearby had already noticed Senxia and Qianjia.

It doesn't work if you don't pay attention, because the appearance of the two is really eye-catching, and when you compare with others, you can feel the difference.

How to put it this way, this is like a special effects comparison between a Hollywood blockbuster with an investment of hundreds of millions and a celestial network drama. When Mori and Qianjia came out, they naturally had a huge sense of existence. In their eyes, other cosplayers are just like amateurs... although these two talents are amateurs in the true sense.


Senxia hadn't reacted yet, Qianjia over there had already pulled Senxia to the side of the camera, and then held Senxia and waved at everyone.


There was a burst of cheers among the crowd.

The flash flickered. Senxia felt that she couldn't see anything before her eyes.

Senxia felt a little discomfort at this time.

Although Senxia's heart is relatively big, he is a boy after all. At this time, wearing Ayanami's clothes and being so enthusiastic onlookers, Senxia feels that her heart is starting to accelerate at this time.

"An, no one will see through!" Qianjia said towards Senxia. "And I am by your side too! Besides, are you still worried about being recognized by others!"

After hearing Qianjia's words, Morinya also relaxed. Yeah, since she is a boy anyway, is she still worried about being recognized...

And Morinka had thought about becoming a big star before, but now it’s like being pointed at with a’s actually pretty good...

Thinking of this, Senxia was also relieved, since she has to do it. We must do our best.

Taking a deep breath, Senxia's state finally returned to his usual feeling. He stood here frankly, looking at the surroundings with expressionless eyes, as if it were the real Ayanami.

"Wow... Sanwu's expression is awesome, sure enough, my favorite is Ling Bo!"

"It's so beautiful, it's a goddess..."

"Asuka and Ayanami's lily, it feels great, what if someone like Shinji had never existed?"

The onlookers around have uttered admiration.

Senxia also heard these sounds of approval, and he was naturally very happy in his heart. However, Morinka's expression did not change in any way. He just looked around with a calm gaze. At this moment Morinka hypnotized himself as "Ayanami" in his mind.

"It's like a real goddess..."

Mitt Torrete, she is a foreigner working in Japan. Originally, she was only an overseas student, but when she was studying abroad, she fell in love with the otaku culture. Although the word "moe" had not yet been born at this time, she has become a lover of cuteness and gentleman. Even the largest fan exhibition in the world. She was naturally also very interested, but this is definitely a grand event not to be missed.

It’s just that Torrete has always criticized the Japanese cospy, because the characters designed by the Japanese are actually not suitable for the Japanese to perform cos, because many of the characters they created are actually not Japanese. Through them If you come to cos, you naturally have a "cheap" feeling. Of course, there are occasional highlights in this, which cannot be denied.

For example, at this time, Torrete saw an amazing scene.

As the most popular drama in recent days, Torrete has also seen this magical animation, and the unclear plot is also very gratifying.

In the east, there are also many "Ayanami" and "Asuka", but speaking, those cos only wear fake hair on their heads and wear a tights. However, in the real world, they ignore A very important element is that the figure of the second dimension is difficult to reproduce in the real world, and the tights of Lycra and stretch cloth make their cos look very vulgar.

But now it's different.

These two are wearing rare r-glue tights. The tights are very smooth and even have a wonderful brilliance in the sun. With the wonderful figures of these two cosers, this is a very technological future. sense.

Not only that, their hair also looked different from those fake hairs, and Torrete could tell right away that the hairs on these two heads were directly dyed.

Very professional! Very carefully!

Moreover, the looks of the two of them are all above the standard. More importantly, their faces are painted with light makeup, which is completely different from the heavy makeup of other coser.

In addition to these, the temperament of the two is also very amazing. Asuka does not say anything, that pride and arrogant temperament has been brought to the extreme by the other party. The only pity is that the other party’s chest is obviously larger than the real Asuka, although this setting of Asuka also has a feeling. , But sure enough, there are still some differences. What really surprised Torrette was another actor Ayanami, whose temperament was amazing.

I won’t say anything about the figure. This R-glue tights fits the body perfectly. If you don’t have a good figure, you will definitely not wear it. In the original book, the figure of the eva character is slim, and you look very Beautiful, but if you put it in the real world, as long as there is a little bit of extravagance... No, even a little bit of distortion, of course, the beauty of that figure will be lost. But the two in front of them clearly showed this wonderful feeling.

But what is more important is the feeling created by the other's temperament and this face. Ayanami's three temperaments match the other's appearance. There is really an illusion that Ayanami comes out of the animation.

"In this case, you can directly shoot the live-action version!" She exclaimed, then quickly followed the crowd to the front, picked up her camera, and walked towards the two.

The two seemed to say something. Suddenly, Asuka seemed to be a prank, and then she held Ayanami in her arms. They face to face, nose to nose, mouth to mouth, in the middle there was only light A crevice in the sky is shining with the winter sun.


The intimacy of the two girls immediately caused the screams of the surrounding otaku.

This wonderful scene of lilies blooming is undoubtedly a weakness for the otakus, and the lilies between "Asuka" and "Ayanami" have terrifying lethality. This kind of super picture that hits the soul directly makes them crazy.

"this is amazing!"

Ichiro Kuroshima is such an otaku. His body is slightly fat, and he is wearing an eva-themed coat printed with Asuka, Ayanami and Shinji, with a large backpack on his back and a camera in his hands. He looked at the scene before him, too excited to himself.

When the Asuka and Ayanami first came out, Ichiro Kuroshima had already noticed these two people. The moment he saw them, this senior otaku thought when he entered the world of eva!

"Kacha—Kacha—Kacha—" The camera in his hand was constantly shining at the two people, and he had never heard of it at all. After the film ran out, he immediately replaced it with a new one, just to give more The coser like these two gods took some pictures.

"Well, are you yourself?!" An otaku who could not distinguish between reality and illusion yelled Asuka over there was taken aback, then sneered, and turned towards The crowd shouted: "Are you doubting my identity? I am Diliu. Asuka Langley!"

Although the voice is different, there is no doubt that this is Asuka's tone.

Ayanami over there also nodded towards everyone: "I am Ayanami, above."

Although there is no voice of Queen Hayashibara, the temperament of Ayanami Rei Sanwu has also been thoroughly expressed. After hearing this voice, everyone is boiling again. This time it is not just photographers and otakus. Even the other cosins came over at this time. After seeing these two people, they couldn’t move their eyes. Those cosplayers who played Asuka and Ayanami also had a trace of shame in their hearts. Called a professional...


&nbs, three thousand words, this chapter is three thousand words! ! !

Continue codeword, codeword codeword~ (to be continued.)



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