Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 333: Future plans

The bell rang for the complete class. 【..】

It's already six o'clock in the evening, no matter how beautiful the time was before, it should have passed.

After cleaning up the department, Morinatsu and Kichijoin retreated from the inside together.

"Great, the rain stopped." Senxia originally thought he was going back with an umbrella, but when he came outside, he found that the rain had stopped.

"...The rain, it stopped." Jixiangyuan looked at the sky, it was already pitch black over there.

For some reason, Senxia seemed to hear a little regret from the other's voice, and she didn't know why.

At this time, Senxia suddenly remembered his previous thoughts. He wanted to understand what happened to Jixiangyuan, but afterwards, because of his busyness, Senxia himself actually forgot about it.

How should I put it, in Morinxia’s impression, Jixiangyuan is a meticulous student council president. Although she is always bullied by Qianjia’s senior sister, she is still the idol that students look forward to, an impeccable idol. Predecessors.


How should I put it, Morinka seems to be able to feel that Jixiangyuan has been suppressing his emotions all the time.

She follows the rules and studies well, but she always feels a little strange.

"Sinxia-kun, what's the matter?" Jixiangyuan, who stepped out, noticed that Senxia didn't seem to keep up.

"No, it's nothing." It's better not to talk to Jixiangyuan about this kind of thing. If you have the opportunity, let's learn about it from other places...

The two came all the way to the school gate, and the sky outside had completely dimmed.

"Then, see you tomorrow, Senxia-kun." Jixiangyuan bowed his head towards Senxia, ​​and then walked towards the road on the right.

"See you tomorrow, chairman." Senxia waved goodbye, then turned left.

"Oh, it's good to be able to chat with the president of Jixiangyuan here." Senxia sighed as he looked at the figure of Jixiangyuan going away.

Unfortunately, this kind of thing is very unlikely. Because Mori Natsu usually still has various manuscripts to write, even if there is no manuscript, he still has Liuweizhai's part-time job and club affairs.

After getting on the subway and going home, there was no one at home.

"Huh. Yukino probably works part-time at the shrine now." After the scene this morning, Morinka was even a little scared to meet with Yukino.

Normally, she would only feel comfortable when Xue Nai was at home, but today is a small exception. Today's Qianjia-senpai and Xue Nao are too scary.

"Well, speaking of it, if someone like the president of Jixiangyuan stays at home..."

Think about it, the president of Jixiangyuan wears a kimono, then walks out of it after he gets home, and then greets himself: "Welcome back, Mori-kun, do you want to eat first or take a bath first, or..."

Well, all right. Don't think about this kind of delusion. After all, this is not a meat-selling drama... Well, although Jixiangyuan has the potential to be the protagonist of the meat-fan.

Shaking his head, Morinya returned to the room, then took out his notebook and started to continue the unfinished work.

After all, because of the sudden appearance of Qianjia-senpai, Moriha's scheduled work was not completed.

But before stepping forward, Senxia also landed on icq by the way.

&nbso Old Xu: Yes?

Old Xu: Yes.

Originally, Lao Xu’s nickname was not Lao Xu, but Senxia strongly recommended that Lao Xu use Lao Xu’s nickname, but Lao Xu changed to this nickname.

Xia Sen: How is today?

Old Xu: Yes. Everything is going well, the water and electricity are finally settled, and the laying of walls and floors is also in progress, so hurry up. Maybe it can be done before Christmas.

Xia Sen: Okay, but don't force it, just do your best. We have limited funds, and you don't need to listen to Qianjia completely.

Old Xu: Well, I try my best.

Xia Sen: Uh. I still have something to do.

Old Xu: I see, I want to have dinner here too.

In fact, Senxia still wanted to chat with Lao Xu, but Xiao Ma sent a message over there, so he stopped temporarily and cut to Xiao Ma's side.

pony: It's been a long time. Recently, things have been a little bit. It's been a long time.

Xia Sen: It's okay, work.

pony: Not all, mainly on the agency side.

Xia Sen: My "Witch's House"?

pony: Well, the review is too troublesome, but everything is going well now, the good news just got, the version will probably be available soon.

Xia Sen: Congratulations.

pony: By the way, I started to make the software we talked about earlier, and the practical version should be made as early as possible, so that we can spend the New Year comfortably.

Xia Sen: But you have to think about the specific entrepreneurial direction.

Although he is younger than Xiao Ma, speaking in this elder's tone is really cool.

Having said that, if two lifetimes are counted, we are indeed a "comer".

pony: Well, after I came back from Japan, I also consulted with friends in the industry. The game industry in China is really far from Japan.

Xia Sen: It's good to adapt to local conditions.

The most profitable thing in the celestial dynasty is travel, but so far these are not shown for the time being. According to Morinia, this will not have a chance until at least two thousand years. The earliest wave should be during the "Legend" fire, and then World of Warcraft, followed by "My Big Three Million" and the Drop City and the Weak Warriors, and even more afterwards "Fuck, Fuck", these are great opportunities to intervene.

It’s just too early. Even Xiao Ma doesn’t have the ability to double the speed of broadband construction in the Celestial Kingdom.

After the discussion with Xiao Ma, the old Xu over there was already offline. After feeling that it was almost the same, Senxia stretched out, turned off icq, and started writing.

After all, the crown of evil is the most important thing. The network game is still far away from the gentlemen. The game is the stronghold of the gentlemen. The late night game is the most powerful weapon in the hands of the gentlemen, and the energy of the gentlemen is still very big.

Especially in Japan, when the box office of other places is slaughtered by Jurassic World, Japan is the best proof of lovelive. This is the best proof.

Of course, ll, something that can only be compared with the ship woman and the East, is at the monster level. Moriha does not have that big ambition for the time being. His goal is concentrated on the lower level. At least this time, he must first adjust the crime crown Come out, this is the most important, but speaking of it, the Heavenly Dynasty seems to be a very good place. Gentlemen will also be part of the great world in the future. It might be a shame to just give up... …"

Maybe there can be development in the heavenly dynasty?

But that is a very remote thing, and long-term layout can be done, but now there is no need to think too much.

After figuring this out, Morinka no longer cares about it, but devotes himself to work.


The thing after the ellipsis is actually used to sell cuteness, I can’t speak owo where it’s not suitable

To make a spit, I chatted in the author group and said that I had a great record of 6w in the previous day, and then...then...then the editor was banned! ! !

Okay, I was wrong, I will go to the code... (To be continued.)




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