Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 331: Mori Natsu is on the run ...

After resting at Qianjia’s house for a night, Morinka was kicked out by the other party after receiving a call early the next morning. The reason was to see a foreign friend, but Yukino was not driven away. .

Senxia, ​​who went home anxiously, had no choice but to continue with the work at hand. The two big pits of Guilty Crown and Young Girl's War are still infinitely far away from filling the pit. Now time is used to fill the pit without any problems .

By this evening, Yukino didn't go home. Instead, Morinya received a call from Qianjia, saying that Yukino would stay there for another day. By the way, Morinya went to the company of Shinshi Research the next morning. They have important matters to discuss.

"Ha... let me arrive so early, but I don't have a shadow, isn't this cheating..."

Early in the morning, Senxia came to the department of Shinshi Research. Only among the huge department, Senxia was the only person. Although the temperature here is not too low, the feeling of being alone is still impressive. Feeling deserted.

And don't know why, Senxia always feels a malicious lingering on her body, this feeling makes him even more irritable.

"Oh, good morning, Senxia-kun~"

"Good morning brother!"

Just as Morinka turned on the computer and was about to work, Qianjia and Yukino finally arrived, and Qianjia was still carrying a small bag.

"This is early, it's a consolation for you. If you left you for one day yesterday, you would definitely feel lonely in your heart?" Qianjia smiled.

"Oh, that's really thankful, but how do you know that I didn't eat breakfast?" Seeing Qianjia's breakfast, Senxia really felt warm in her heart.

"Hmph, because if I'm not at home, my brother will not take good care of himself, right?" Xue Nao stood up proudly.

Senxia touched her forehead and said, if there is Yukino at home, Senxia can be said to be a very good brother, and she does all kinds of housework in an orderly manner. But if Xue Na is not there, Senxia will slack off easily.

"Well, I can't say that. I was going to go to the school's convenience store to buy fried noodles and bread before class. But with your comfort products, I will save more trouble." Senxia chuckled and stood. Get up, ready to walk to the table to take the breakfast.

However, at this moment, Senxia suddenly heard a "pop". It turned out that at this moment, Xue Nao actually closed the door, and Qian Jia also rushed towards Senxia.

"What are you doing?!" Senxia immediately backed up two steps, but at this time Xue Nao had already outflanked the other side.

Senxia, ​​who was being chased down, had no resistance at this time, and was controlled by Yukino from behind.

"What are you going to do?! Why do you do this trick again!" Senxia had just written the words of these two people the day before yesterday. Is this going to repeat the same mistake now?

I have to say that Senxia's hunch is always accurate in strange places, just as he thought, at this moment, Qianjia-senpai took out a mysterious fat time from her schoolbag. Then squatted in front of Senxia.

"Hey, hey, don't you have any shame? I'm a boy and you are a girl, why don't you react at all?!"

Senxia can't complain.

However, Senior Sister Qianjia didn't have the slightest psychological burden. She said indifferently: "Anyway, I have to watch it sooner or later. I'm already enlightened, so please enlighten you, Senxia-kun!"

"Hey, this kind of second-degree words is completely inappropriate here! Also, please don't do this kind of awareness!" Senxia strongly complained, and he struggled desperately. But the reality is that the pants have been thrown aside by the opponent.

"Tsk, I haven't seen it, as long as it's Senxia-kun, there is no problem at all." Qianjia said indifferently. On the one hand, he picked up one that was similar to the mysterious fat one the day before and put it on Senxia.

Strictly speaking, it seems weird to say that this mysterious fat time is a fat time. The closer word is a human skin mask or something, but no matter what, Qianjia and Yukino have put this strange fat time on themselves again. .

"Yo Xi, that's it!" After putting on the fat times. Qian Jia nodded contentedly, and then stood up.

"So, earlier is your bait, right?" Senxia understood the conspiracy of these two men.

"Of course not, I have said that this is a consolation for you~" Qianjia smiled and shook his head, and Yukino finally put Morika down.

"Yes, Qianjia and I just want to let your brother try the new product that Nini brought yesterday."

So, who is the "Nini" you are talking about!

I don't know if it is an illusion. Morinia found that compared with the one she tried the day before yesterday, the waist she is wearing now seems a bit hard.

Not only that, this piece of fat does not seem to be ordinary latex. It has some treatment on the outside, and it feels similar to the skin and is more breathable.

"Good morning everyone, Qianjia, what's the matter with you asking me to come..." Senior Ji Ye suddenly opened the door and walked in. However, as soon as she entered, she saw this shocking scene.

"Stop messing around!" Senxia said as she wanted to take this fat off.


However, Senxia found that this fat edge was close to her waist. It seemed so tight that there was no way to get it off.

"Don't waste your efforts, Senxia-kun~" Qianjia-senpai chuckled lightly. "This is an enhanced version of the fat body. The waist is reinforced with tough materials. After putting it on, it is not that simple. Take it off~"

"Okay, brother, hurry up and put on this. Senior Qianjia has already said that I want to show it to Senior Jiye." Yukino took a pair of panties, or "fat bottom" in technical terms, to Mori summer In front of. Although it is also fat times, this is obviously a girl's thing.

"Ah, I said that that day..." Senxia remembered, and Qianjia said that that day, she wanted to show Senior Ji Ye.

"Not only, this is also necessary in winter." Qianjia stretched out a finger.

But before Morinka could do it herself, Yukino had already helped Morinka put on his pants again.

"Sure enough... it's exactly like a girl..." Ji Ye squatted in front of Senxia, ​​looking at Senxia seriously.

Please, senior, your breath is sprayed on me!

Taking advantage of Xuena's carelessness, Senxia finally broke free of the opponent's claws, and then fled to the side.

"This kind of thing, as long as it is time to wear it temporarily, even if you try it for Senior Ji Ye, you don't have to do it! This is the school!" Senxia complained while trying to get the mysterious fat time down.

But the edge of this mysterious fat time is very tight, almost invisible, as Qianjia said, it is very troublesome to take off.

Qianjia also immediately stopped Senxia: "No, you have to wear it all the time, because Senxia-kun, your walking posture is too weird, you can wear it, you have to wear special training until then, Senxia Jun, you don't want to wear a suit, do you?"

"Uh..." Indeed, if you wear a gang, that's the big problem...

This kind of weird fat time, but after putting it on, there is indeed a very awkward feeling when walking. It seems that there is something more, and it seems that something is missing. If you don't adapt, it is indeed a little troublesome.

"Sinxia-kun, you have to wear for 24 hours for special training, until winter, the special training is over!" Qianjia looked at Senxia with oppressive eyes, "As long as you don't agree with me and Xue Na Can't take it off."

"Hey, hey, even if it's adapting, one or two days will be enough. You are just satisfying the evil taste in your heart, and I am a boy, why must I dress like this!" But Senxia didn't do it. Up.

"Because my elder brother is a boy, this makes it more cute and interesting!" Yukino said righteously!

"Your Three Views are already crooked from the bone!" Senxia complained.

"Well, all in all, you must listen to me during this period of time. After that, as an equivalent exchange, I can also ask you to do strange things to me. Whether you want to see a bikini or want to push down, it is not a problem!" In order to lure Senxia, ​​Qianjia threw herself out as bait.

"No way, brother is mine!" Xue Nai approached from another angle, and at the same time looked at Qianjia with a vigilant look!

Although it feels that these two people have said something terrible, Morinka feels that her pressure is even greater now...

"Ring Ling Ling..."

However, at this moment, the preparation bell suddenly rang, and Qianjia and their voices were all attracted by this sound.

Senxia was quick with eyesight, and immediately rushed over, grabbed the pants that were on the table, and ran away for several meters before putting it on in a panic, and then quickly opened the back door... and drove away.

"Brother!" Xue Nai pouted and chased after seeing Senxia Luohuang running away.

"Sinxia-kun is so pitiful..." Although Ji Ye feels very happy to hear, but she still sympathizes with Senxia's experience.

"Ah, it's okay, Yukino, like me, likes to see the girlish Morinatsu-kun." Qianjia seemed to have no psychological burden on this.

"But it's easy for you to play off like this. If you encounter someone who likes the boy side of Senxiajun, your strange feelings are simply vulnerable." Ji Ye said casually.

"Who is a fetter~" Qianjia disapproved of this. "It will be 1998 soon. In the new year, I believe that I will defeat Xue Nao Jiang and turn Mori Xia-jun Of~"

"Well, who knows." Ji Ye shrugged, "Next year you will come on, I hope you won't be taken away by others."

"No way~" Qian Jia's eyes are hot, as if she is already in control.


In the student union room, Jixiangyuan sneezed twice, and she tightened her clothes tightly.

"It seems that I wear a little less clothes today. Well, the holiday is coming soon, and I should remind everyone to keep warm..."


Do you think I would use something like glue? nnn, you are too cliché nbsp;Today's first update, today's morals (to be continued.)

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