Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 303: Come and live with another camera

"After washing, I will change me-eh eh eh?!" Morinka said, turning her head, only to find that Yukino's clothes were so touching that Morinka let out an exclamation.


The clothes on Yukino's body at this time were not Yukino's own clothes, but a set of middle-level sailor suits, and the skirt was changed to be very short... ahem, of course, these are not the points. The most important thing about this dress is It can transmit light!


Well, it’s nothing else. The clothes are blue and white. The clothes are well tailored. Yukino’s figure is perfectly displayed. Although the skirt is very short, this is not a big problem. Although this level is a bit overwhelming, It's still very convenient to put on.


   However, these are not the main points. In the face of translucency, these are not problems.


$∞wan$∞shu$∞ba, ww♀w.wa■ns⊥@om, maybe you can see it in various romance and action movies, but it’s not straightforward to see it in the real world Depending on.


   "I think this outfit is very good. I am going to wear it as a pajama. Brother, don't you think it's good?" Yukino tilted his head and looked at Morinka, seemingly not understanding why Morinka showed such an expression.


   "I said Yukino, don't you find that this dress is weird?" Senxia covered her face.


Hearing Morinka’s words, Yukino just tilted his head: "Why do I feel weird? I think this is very good, and the clothes feel very comfortable. Only my brother and me are here. Is there anything wrong with this? ?"


   "But this is the clothes in the hotel? This is for couples!"


   This is a love hotel, the purpose of this kind of clothes... well, it goes without saying.


"So, brother, why do you always like to be hypocritical in such a place!" Xueno quit, and she did not continue to discuss with Senxia, ​​but walked to Senxia's side and suddenly took Senxia. I got up, "Anyway, I'm just wearing my pajamas. Do you still want me to come out naked?"


"Ahem, of course I didn't mean that..." The meaning was misunderstood. For Morinya, this is not a good thing. He had to demonstrate it embarrassingly, "Also, don't push me, I still I didn't take any pajamas."


   "I will help you take it for your brother. In short, brother, please go take a bath!"


   Although I know that Yukino is distracting. But Morinka was still being pulled half-push and half-pushed by Yukino, Morinka didn't hate this feeling.




After Morinka entered the bathroom, he finally let out a long sigh. Today this is only a special situation. Although I usually care about it, it doesn't matter if I let Yukino indulge a little today... …


   Thinking like this, Morinka felt that her heart was really better. Anyway, this is the love hotel, so I don't need to care so much. It seems like a good thing to see something interesting that I haven't seen before.


   Take off the clothes and put them in the laundry basket. Senxia stretched, then turned on the shower, and then hot water gushed out on Senxia's face and hair tips. Then follow the neck all the way down. The warm water moisturized Senxia's stiff body due to the severe cold, and he felt as if he had come alive.


   Suddenly, the door outside the bathroom was opened. Yukino walked in with a set of clothes, and said to Morika who was inside: "Brother, I put the clothes here."


   "Yeah!" Morinya closed his eyes and felt the warm current that was booming, and he was relaxing at this time. Although taking a bath is also a good way, Morinka doesn't like to take a bath outside, and this is not a hot spring.


   After rinsing for about ten minutes, Morinka felt it was almost the same, so she turned off the shower, wiped off the water on her body, and then picked up the clothes there.




   Then Morinka was dumbfounded.


"Hey-" Morinka poked out her head in desperation, trying to find Yukino's theory, but at this time he remembered that the soundproofing measures in this room didn't seem to be very good, so he suppressed her voice, "Xuno, why did you give me This suit!"


   "Because I happened to find two sets~" Yukino walked over with a smile, "We are brothers and sisters. Isn't it normal to wear the same clothes?"


   "Kouhu, what kind of "normal" is this!" Senxia looked around, looking for her clothes.


   "Who said that?" Xueno was unhappy. "When we were young, our clothes were often mixed together, from shoes to shoes, right?"


   Morinatsu's face suddenly became embarrassing and energetic: "That was before the kindergarten!"


   Yukino, why is your memory so good in an inexplicable place!


   "Brother sometimes wears my shoes to go out now, right?" Yukino objected.


"So—that's my shoes!" Morinka rolled his eyes. He was always very careful about Yukino's things. On the contrary, Yukino had never used Morinka's things without burden. From towels to shoes, she used whatever she wanted, but Morinka never said anything about Yukino. But he didn't expect Xue Nai to turn the sky around today, actually speaking black as white.


But after hearing Morinka’s statement, Yukino stopped doing it: "So why do you always insist on strange places, brother? We are brothers and sisters. Is there any problem with changing clothes? What's more, brother and mine The sizes are exactly the same, so it’s weird to distinguish them!"


   "Yuno, you are a girl, and I am a boy. Do you think I might go out wearing your clothes? Do you want your brother to be treated as a pervert?" Senxia asked back.


"Then...then...then there is always no problem, this will not be seen by others! And it's just going out, there is always no problem when my brother is at home!" Xue Nao was unwilling, she seemed to feel that There is a problem with Xia's thinking, and at this time he is trying his best to correct his "wrong" thinking.


   "If I wear boys' clothes outside and Yukino yours inside, this is definitely more perverted!" Senxia could not complain.


"Sometimes I really can't figure it out. Boys' clothes are so rough, why are you so persistent, brother? When I put my brother's pants inside, I feel uncomfortable at all, and I don't even have the qualifications to be safety pants." Sigh the same.


   Wait, Yukino, what the **** did you say? !


   Morinatsu took a deep breath: "Yuno, I think we should probably talk about it. You can bring my clothes over now."


   "I took all the clothes to clean. When you took a shower, they were taken away by the waiter." Yukino looked at Morinka with innocent eyes.


   "——Hey hey, Yukino, do you know what you did!" If it wasn't for soundproofing, Mori wanted to shout out.


"What's wrong with this, anyway, the clothes will be delivered tomorrow morning. Also, you told me so many things before, brother, I told you to change into the same clothes as me, so you definitely can't complain about me." "Xuno said, with a triumphant expression on her face.


   Morika sighed. It’s better to go out in such clothes than to fly out without anything, right? Although Senxia no longer had any majesty in front of Yukino, at least he had to stay a little bit of his morals.


   He turned around, and then put on the semi-transparent middle school sailor suit like Yukino.


   "Is there really no problem with this?" The clothes are the same as Yukino, they are very fit, and the material is as comfortable as Yukino said. It's a pity that this suit was originally meant for "role-playing" instead of a real middle-school sailor suit, otherwise it would be very eye-catching. But now Senxia dare not just go out like this...


   "In short, go out and change something to wear. Since it is a role-playing, besides girls, there should be boys too."


   Anyway, the conspiracy of Yukino must not be allowed to succeed, after the honest Morinka tidyed up the clothes. Just walked out of the bathroom.


   "Hey, don't look at me like that." Morinka looked at Yukino dissatisfied, "Why didn't you choose a more normal outfit?"


   Mori summer also said to let it go. But when he let him go, Morinya knew that she was determined not to be so neat.


   "This is normal, right?" Yukino's gaze was erratic, and she leaned aside, seeming to be looking at the room, and also seeming to avoid Morika's gaze.


"But then again, this sense of sight, is it the legendary twin brothers and sisters taboo no X love secret?" Senxia spit out, then picked up the water cup next to him, trying to calm her mood. .


   Speaking of it, brothers and sisters are wearing the same clothes. This kind of script seems to appear frequently in Lifan, and various scripts seem to have similar developments.


   It's a pity that the real world is nothing like that, and Senxia is not a beast. He is a gentleman. As a gentleman, in front of a pure sister, moral integrity must be protected.


   "What?" A voice came from Yukino.


   "It's nothing, I just said that the current plot is really very visual...I'll go, if I have another camera at this time, it will be completely the plot in romantic action movies and comics..." That’s right, love action movies and those in comics and comics usually have this kind of plot. The two brothers and sisters look alike, and then one day the brother puts on his sister’s clothes, and it triggers Some strange things. Senxia had never thought about this before, but now she and her sister are in the love hotel, Senxia's thinking has also become crooked.


   "Brother, there seems to be something here!"


At this moment, Yukino suddenly noticed something under the cabinet facing the bed. She stretched out her hand and touched it twice, and then heard the sound of the tape being torn. Then, Yukino pulled out one from below... ...Camera.


   "Puff——" Senxia, ​​who had just drunk the water, immediately vomited out. He was smected at this time...




The one who talks about automation... That, the current time is since 1997, and after all, parallel space, please don’t fall into the situation of this dimension in 2015, and Mori summer is not an ordinary love hotel, but can be taken Fancy hotel...


   3000 words! I'm back to the 3K Party~ (to be continued...)

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