Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 297: It's only 1 light snow, don't you still hope that the blizzard will not happ

"Sneezes, Sneezes" Senxia sneezed again and again.

"The temperature seems to have dropped a bit." Yukino also felt a little chill.

The weather will be pretty good tomorrow morning, but I don't know why, after Morinka and Yukino strolled around the castle, the temperature dropped a lot.

"It's probably because it's warmer inside the castle, so I feel colder when I come out." Senxia tightened her clothes tightly.

Xue Nai silently looked at the sky. She seemed to think of something, and her eyes suddenly lit up: "Brother, do you think it will snow today? Is this a sign of snow?"

After all, it has entered winter, so it is understandable that Xue has such an idea.

However, Senxia shook his head: "My sister, you are still too naive. If it really snows, the temperature will be stable, because when it snows, the water turns into ice. Compared with snow, the process of releasing heat is not as uncomfortable when it melts."

Morinatsu popularized Yukino's knowledge very badly, but Yukino replied with a cold eye: "This kind of knowledge of junior high school students, everyone knows. Really, brother, you always like to be inexplicably confident in places where you are not aware. I really don’t know why my brother, who is usually so strict, can ignore even the most basic logic at this time."

"It's not like that!" Mori Xia 囧堋堋醭ぁ堋醴纭堋摹堋跹В瑆x. Gorilla scar, domineering and thief playing? At the end of January, not the end of December, this time How could it be snowing, I'm just stating a fact! "

Senxia had just finished speaking, when he suddenly heard an exclamation from the crowd.

Later, he found that a little bit of white had fallen from the sky.

"This is... snow?"

Senxia stretched out his hand, and the snowflakes fell from the mid-air, and then fell on his hand. Then, these snowflakes were affected by Senxia's body temperature. Directly melted into water.

A layer of cloud appeared in the sky at some point, and the sun's sunlight was obstructed. This is probably because of the drop in temperature. In addition to being covered by the sun, there are still a little bit of snowflakes falling from the sky.

As a result, it really snowed. Isn't this the "fg in seconds" that the public loves to see?

Well, there seems to be something wrong with that, something that only appears in anime like fg, why do you always associate with the real world?

Thinking of this in her mind, Senxia suddenly appeared like Senior Sister Qianjia, right. Is it because she is so "superstitious" now?

Senxia thought of Senior Sister Qianjia, this resentment can be said to be deeper and deeper, yes, she didn't care about this kind of things at all, if it wasn't because Senior Sister was very nervous in this respect, how could it be so? !

On the other side, Qianjia who was pulling Jixiangyuan also sneezed, "Well, it's snowing."

"That." Jixiangyuan originally seemed to be very dissatisfied, but when she saw Qianjia-senpai, whose nose had turned red, she said, "Would you like to go to some warm place to rest? You don't have much clothes on, right?"

"It's okay. Isn't it very warm today? The temperature dropped a little bit, but it has only returned to normal levels, and it hasn't even arrived in December now. It's not possible that there will be any heavy snowfall." Senior sister Qianjia said. Did not care about this little sneeze.

"Really don't need to take a rest? And we are here, there is no meaning at all." Jixiangyuan's gaze was placed on Qianjia's hand, her right hand firmly grasped her left. Even if you want to break free, it is impossible.

"Just want to run away? Well, go to the coffee shop and take a break, while enjoying the snow scenery while resting, but it's wonderful. And now, the most in need of rest is Jixiangyuan you!" She used it very seriously. Looking at Jixiangyuan with his eyes, the latter just sighed...

Morinka didn't know what happened on the other side, but now Morinka also feels that it won't work like this. Although they have made preparations to protect against the cold, Morinka and Yukino don't actually prepare many clothes when they go out.

Originally it was clear and fresh and it was nothing to wear like this, but now it is snowing suddenly. Although it looks like snow seeds now, if it really catches a cold because of it, it will be a little troublesome.

"Brother, it's snowing!" However, Xuena didn't think much. After seeing the snow in the sky, she grabbed Senxia's arm in excitement, and then she sighed as if she had thought of something. "It's a pity that there is no Ferris wheel in Disney. Otherwise, it must be a very wonderful thing to sit on the Ferris wheel while enjoying the beautiful scenery!"

Speaking of which, Disneyland is good in everything, but in the eyes of the Japanese, one thing is fatal, that is, there is no Ferris wheel here.

The Ferris wheel is a very magical thing, and it also plays a wonderful role in Japanese culture. Among various animations and manga, it has a very high appearance rate, which can be called the first dragon set in the animation industry. However, this kind of "standard equipment" in Japanese amusement parks is not available in Disney, so many popular developments cannot be carried out. It is really a pity.

And Morika glanced at Yukino, and didn't know if it was because of a bad mood. He also followed up with a knife: "You think too much, such a small snow, if it's not because you are in the snow, it is really very It’s hard to feel. If it’s a heavy snowfall, it’s beautiful."

"Really, brother, don't spoil the girl's fantasies, and who said it wouldn't be heavy snow, maybe it's a blizzard!" When Morinka said that, Yukino was immediately dissatisfied, and she knew she was still so. Concerned about my brother, but he actually made fun of himself!

"It's not December..." Morinya smiled, and he had enough of At this time he smiled, "Okay, let's hurry now."

"Huh? What?" Xue Nai was a little inexplicable.

"Of course I'm going to buy a scarf!" Morinka pointed to her neck, "Yukino doesn't want to catch a cold, right?"

Yukino, who was still sulking, immediately became energetic when he heard Morinka say that he was going to buy a scarf.

Senxia looked at Yukino with the same emotions as a child, and didn't know whether to cry or laugh. He shook his head, then patted Yukino's head with his hand, and then took Yukino away.


Well, starting from today to be a human again.

This is the first shift on the 12th, there is still today, the next shift starts at 3k, updated in the afternoon, and then re-behaves owo

Start counting debts. (To be continued...)



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