Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 268: Flash cooking and medicine cooking

After the discussion of the matter is completed, the matter is considered to be over for the time being.


"Sinxia, ​​you are so amazing, even Sony's people are worthy of nothing!" After Ono left, Wang Qiwen and Shen Jiahui both came together, they also had a plate of fried chicken nuggets in their hands, obviously a pair It looks like it's not finished yet, the buffet is what you want to eat.


   "That's right, it's actually people who have said hello. They all know each other, so they can talk easily." Morinya sighed. Interpersonal relationships are also very important resources. If it weren’t for Saito’s hello, it’s not a simple matter to talk to someone from Sony, and the possibility of communicating with Mr. Ono as one of the decision-making It will disappear. If you change another person, things will not be so easy to solve.


"But this is enough. Mr. Ono has almost settled on this side. Our biggest advantage now is that no one dares to perfuse us. Since Ono has said so, it means that our next plan will go smoothly." Qianjia-senpai made Morinya feel at ease.


After discussing this question, she seemed to be relieved a lot. After saying this, Qianjia-senpai happily picked up the cup in front of her, took a sip of Coke, and sighed: "Can this be done? It’s so refreshing to drink unlimited drinks."


"If you drink too much, you will get fat." Senxia couldn't help but vomit. There is no way. For the current Senxia, ​​it has almost reached the level of passive skills. If you encounter a slot, don't vomit. I feel sick all over!


"That's prejudice, as long as we maintain the daily energy and nutritional balance." Qianjia-senpai seems to be quite knowledgeable. "If we are afraid of this and that we dare not eat, we still have What do you mean?"


   "I agree with this!" After Shen Jiahui heard what Qian Jia said, he immediately put down the half-eaten ribs, and then inserted a sentence.


   Morinia looked at Shen Jiahui, his face was greasy at this time, his hands were on the plate, and there was a large glass of orange juice in front of him.


"You are wrong, you are not tired of eating fine. You are not tired of being careful. If you are just satisfied with such rough things, you will simply blaspheme the term cooking!" As a former celestial person, I usually have a gourmet food from all over the world. summer. The act of wasting life on junk food is despised in the eyes.


   "If you find a Pleiades Liu, I promise to have an appetite for all kinds of meals every day." After Sister Qianjia finished speaking, she also picked up a piece of omelette and started to sip it.


"Luminous cooking is not so magical at all. Most of the cooking in the comics is fictional, and we must make dark dishes that we can't swallow in the real world. If you want me to see, even Xingping Chuangzhen’s medicine and cooking are better than that.” Mori Xia followed him to complain. Although she was a little embarrassed, Mori Xia had actually cooked exactly the same dishes based on the plot of the animation, but how to say...tragedy what!


   Since then, Morinatsu has understood that cooking does not shine. Rather than let the supernatural fantasy dominate, we might as well put the medicine in the medicine.


   "Xingping Shuangzhen? Is it a new comic?" Qianjia-senpai asked curiously.


"Uh, I'm ridiculous. The best cooking comics right now are only Chinese!" Morinya almost forgot, the spirit of eating halberd has not appeared in this year, even if I vomit at this time, I will not be caught Treat it as a stalk.


Wang Qiwen next to    was inexplicable at this time, what was going on. They don't seem to understand it now.


  Why does this topic start from food comics? Also, who are Liu Subaru and Xingping Chuangzhen? Can cooking shine?


   "Oh, it's the latest Chinese show, comics about ancient cuisine stories from the celestial dynasty." Shen Jiahui has seen some recent comic stories. This Zhonghua Yifan is a script for writing cooking and food stories, and many people like to watch it.


   "Oh, that's the case." Wang Qiwen nodded, from cooking to cooking comics, there is nothing unusual about it. However, Wang Qiwen still cares a little about the shining dishes and medicated dishes that Mori Natsu said. What is it?


   "Okay. We should go almost too." Seeing that the conversation was almost done, and when Morinka had no intention of continuing to enjoy the cooking, Qianjia-senpai stood up.


   "Anything else?" Senxia asked strangely.


"Of course I will take you to meet people. If you start a company, sure enough, you still have to meet the client, right?" Senior Sister Qianjia said naturally, "Although I have said so much, you have never seen each other. If you don’t see it, Mori-kun will be troubled, right? This is my arbitrariness after all."


   "So that's the case, it's good to see." If you can't see people, Morinatsu actually feels very unreliable in her heart. If you can see the other side, you can feel better.


"The reason why I say things are stable is actually because of them." Senior Sister Qian Jia added, "They originally planned to set up a club in June, but because of some minor accidents, things did not succeed. , I found them at that time, just to discuss related matters."


   Morinatsu looked at Qianjia-senpai dumbfounded, his eyes filled with incredible expression. However, at this time Morinia also understood why Qianjia-senpai had such a plan, she had already prepared!


   "So you have been planning this thing a long time ago?" Mori was surprised.


   "It just happened to happen, and then it reminded me of them." Senior Sister Qianjia spread out her hands, "I didn't think about this matter specifically, but just happened to meet it, so I just got it right."


   "Well... that's right." There is nothing to hide about this kind of thing, but Morika was really taken aback by Qianjia-senpai.


   Qianjia-senpai looked at the time again: " are almost there too, it's time to set off."


   Senxia nodded, then turned around and said to Wang Qiwen and the others, "You eat first, I have something to do here, so I'll leave."


   "Well, you are busy." Wang Qiwen and Shen Jiahui have not eaten enough yet. Looking at the plate in front of them, they know that these two guys are probably planning to stop going without eating.


   Qianjia-senpai nodded towards Wang Qiwen and the others, then stood up and walked towards the door.


   "Where are we going?" Senxia trot up and followed.


   "Go to Musashino."




   Liu Maoxing is the leading actor of Zhonghua I, that is, the little master in the familiar Chinese little master. The feature of this show is that the cuisine will shine, commonly known as luminous cuisine.


   Medicine cooking, naturally it is the spirit of eating halberd, I am really curious, if the luminous cooking and the medicine cooking PK will be be continued.

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