Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 265: What a great game!

"It's very interesting." Ono looked at the scene in front of him spiritually.

Although I thought it was a terrible copycat game before, after watching the video, Ono immediately realized that this game seemed more interesting than he thought.

The style is very fresh, and the game video itself feels very good. After watching the video, Ono has an urge to play.

"The degree of completion is very high, the content is also very interesting, there are also small game settings and challenge modes, borrowing the theme of zombies is also a highlight."

After discovering that the game is excellent, the original shortcomings of this game have also become bright spots at this time. This is the change caused by the different look and feel.

The rare fresh style, interesting and lively game mode, this makes Ono think of Nintendo. Although not very willing, the first-party game made by Nintendo itself is indeed very good. Although n64 is not a success, it is similar. It's undeniable that games like Mario and Zelda are very good.

"If Sony can support us, that would be great." Qianjia smiled.

Hearing Qianjia’s words, Ono didn’t immediately agree, but asked: “I don’t know if I can take a look at the demo version of the game? There is only one video and I can’t comment on this game.”

Senxia turned her head to Wang Qiwen, wondering what happened to him.

Wang Qiwen noticed Senxia's gaze, and then took a step forward and replied in a voice no less than Ono: "Of course! The game is currently undergoing bug removal work. Although it hasn't been packaged yet, there is no problem in trying it out!"

Ono nodded, then glanced at the time, and said, "I have time from now until three in the afternoon. Let's go to Akihabara together."

"No, our equipment has not been moved to the club." Qianjia-senpai said again, "Our club is still under renovation. So the equipment is on the Waseda University side."

Ono nodded: "Okay, let's go to Waseda. It's closer over there."

This person is an activist. After saying this, he got up and prepared to take Morinya and the others to Waseda.

The three of Morinya followed Ono, Morinya looked at this person, and shouted for luck in his heart.

The other party is obviously interested in their game, otherwise he would not want to see this game with his own eyes, whether it is the quality of the game itself, or the influence of Chika or Saito. This is a good thing for Senxia and the club that has just started.

After leaving the building, the vehicle had stopped in front of the building waiting for them.

After getting in the car, Wang Qiwen borrowed Moria’s cell phone to call Shen Jiahui and the others to get them ready for work there, while Ono asked Moria and the others in the back seat, “It seems that the club has not been officially established. Well, as high school students, why did you think of setting up a club."

That's it for Wang Qiwen, but Ono is also very interested in the student status of Morinka and Chika, "a club for high school students." It is also a place that attracts Ono's attention.

"The club information has been handed in, and it should be down within the year. For our games. This is not a problem." Qianjia replied, "As for why we want to make games, it is probably because we love games. ."

Ono nodded: ""Witch's House" is your debut, right? I have also learned about your game, which is indeed very unique."

The House of Witch is an independent fan game. Although it is a fan, it is very famous in the fan world, so both Sony and Nintendo have heard the name of this game. Of course, it is limited to this. But after Ono knew that Morinka was the game developer. I just checked the relevant information by the way.

"It's a pity that our ability is not enough, otherwise I think we can do better." Senior Sister Qianjia sighed with regret.

"Well. There will always be a chance in the future." Senxia chuckled and interrupted Qian Jia's words. He was afraid that Qian Jia would bring the topic to the Witch's House again at this time.

The Witch’s House is a good game, Mori Xia admits this, but Ono’s current interest is obviously in Plants vs. Zombies. At this time, if you lead the topic to the Witch’s House, it is obviously that you have picked up sesame seeds and lost watermelon.

Qianjia pouted her mouth, and then severely pinched Senxia's waist, causing Senxia to almost jump out of her seat.

Fortunately, Qianjia didn't intend to entangle on this topic. After Morinya broke the topic, she stopped talking.

"Speaking of which, the theme of Plants vs. Zombies seems to be very interesting. I never thought that plants and zombies could be mixed together." Ono is still very interested in the theme of Plants vs. Zombies. He wants to know, after all. What kind of person would think of making such a game.

After Qianjia-senpai went on strike, the work naturally fell on Morinka. He replied: "This idea is what I thought of. Everyone likes thriller and horror games, but the crowds of games are not only those who like excitement. Veteran players and others have their own preferences for the game, and the theme of zombies is very popular recently, so I was wondering if we can show the existence of zombies in a cute way. There are many things that games can do. I want everyone to try out the beauty of games and electronic products."

Senxia's remark was casual, but it can be regarded as an argument.

After hearing Morinka's words, Ono couldn't help but nodded. Sony's strategy is pan-entertainment. They not only want to dominate the game industry, but also want to use this as an opportunity to expand their platform. The future ps2 and ps3 are all proof. For example, many people buy ps3 not to play games, but because ps3 used to be the cheapest Blu-ray player, but after these people buy ps3, they will definitely think of playing games, and people who play games will definitely want to use it occasionally Play Blu-ray...

All in all, popularizing the product is a good way to make money, and Moriha's words are on the point.

"This game is actually very attractive to me. If possible, I will make a summary report and submit it, but the premise is that your game is really as good as it is shown."

Although it was through the back door, Ono didn't have the authority to give Morinya the green light. He has a good impression of the game, but this does not mean that he can support them all the way on behalf of Sony. At most, he can say a few words to help. That's it.

"Mr. Ono please rest assured, I dare not say anything else, but I am still very confident about the quality of the game and the experience of the game." Morinya smiled, "We are not the kind of rashly doing things without our heads. The game is not just about Plants vs. Zombies. In the future, we also want to develop many interesting games."

"Actually, I think the platform is also very interesting." Of course, Morinya would not tell Ono.

Well, but Morinka has no hatred of Sony, except for Nintendo, who is always black, regardless of Sony or Sega, Morinka treats him equally.

Well, when Nintendo released the Chinese version of Pokemon and Zelda, when will we not black Nintendo.

"It seems that you are really ambitious." Ono sighed.

All the way to Waseda University, Shen Jiahui and the others were called by Wang Qiwen.

"Please follow me." After arriving here, it is Wang Qiwen's home game. Although I can't say all of them, Wang Qiwen and the others have completed the main program work. These are all their credit.

Zun and Liu Xin are not here today, and Shen Jiahui is the only one in their small office.

"When can this game be completed?" The machine over there has been activated, and Wang Qiwen has just been introduced to the office. Ono saw the game he was interested in, so he asked immediately.

"There are still several relatively large bugs being checked, but the basic game experience will not be lacking," Wang Qiwen replied. "Another problem is optimization. When playing infinite mode, there may be some cards and sometimes pictures. The problem of layer disappearance...well, it will be solved in about half a month!"

The game itself has been settled, and even the zun music has been completely finished, so this aspect is no longer a problem. The remaining Wang Qiwen said are minor problems, that is, the inspection is more cumbersome and time-consuming.

"Well, let me try the game first." Ono nodded.

Wang Qiwen nodded, then cast a look at Shen Jiahui, who immediately passed the handle over.

Real experience and watching videos are another different experience. The most suitable mode for Plants vs. Zombies is actually the touch screen, but the experience of the handle is also good. At least Ono feels very smooth when controlling.

The first few levels of the game are tutorials for novices After the tutorials for novices, the following content begins to expand gradually.

This game is not a game for **** players, but the experience is really great, or it can be used to pass the time.

Because of the times, Ono didn't know that this was an "office killer" game, but he did discover the bright spot.

There are not only regular levels in the game, but also scripts such as playing zombie attacks and smashing cans. This is also very interesting. If the player is tired, they can also play a small game to relax, which is great.

Ono could not make decisions for Sony, but after half an hour of playing, he was convinced that this is a very interesting game.

Of course, Ono did not expect that the prospect of this game would be more interesting than what he imagined as "interesting"...


The first update today, go to the code word immediately!

Roar! (To be continued)

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