Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 237: You did it on purpose! !

On the second day of the Sakano Gakuen Cultural Festival, the sky was clear and the temperature was moderate. Probably because it was a rest day, many people gathered in Sakano Gakuen. Compared with the festival of ordinary schools, the culture of Sakano Gakuen Sacrifice seems to have risen to something similar to popular festivals.

"It's really a great school. Although they are all aristocratic schools, Bai Baihe is completely incomparable with this place..."

Ms. Takasu Ogawa has always heard of Sakano Academy, but after she really entered here, she realized that the luxury inside Sakano Academy exceeded her imagination.

"Oh, editor Dahe, how are you!" Mori Xia stood here early, just to welcome the other party.

At this time, Senxia was wearing autumn sportswear. There was no way. Because of the inexplicable disappearance of the school uniform, Senxia could only choose this school uniform, anyway.

"Morning, Senxia-kun." The editor-in-charge smiled at Senxia, ​​then walked to Senxia's side, and handed him a rough-printed book, "This is our trial version. I said it was for you last time."

"Oh, thank you so much!" Senxia smiled and accepted the book. For him, this is a rare good thing in recent times.

"In addition, your young girl war story seems to be very promising. The magazine is going to focus on it. Then based on readers' feedback, it is very likely that a separate book will be published. You'd better give me an outline recently." Just met, the editor in charge So I told Morinya about the business first.

"Wait, isn't it just a short story?" Because it is a short story, Morinya is completely brainy and happy how to write. This book itself belongs to the super sick series. The Huya editor had told himself about this before, but Senxia didn't take it seriously, but at this time the other party told himself that this book might really be a separate edition?

"So it depends on the reader's feedback. If the situation is good. I will continue to make a debut with this book. I think it's good." Ms. Dahe smiled and patted Senxia on the shoulder, "Come on, Senxia Jun , I am optimistic about you."

Well. Anyway, Senxia belongs to the kind of people who can see. It’s the brain hole. This kind of article writes 700,000 words to open the brain hole. For us, isn’t this a matter of minutes?

But the story of the young girl is just a happy brain hole text. It is not easy to cause large variables. In this regard, Morinya feels that the Earth Defense Boy is more reliable.

Senxia's first consideration is to see if the current things can serve her purpose and can help herself change the world and replace the world line, and the second purpose is to make a lot of money.

Money is of course to be earned, but this is for the first purpose. That's why Morinka pinches her nose as a maid.

After wearing a maid outfit all the way home yesterday, Morinya felt that she had figured it out, isn't it a maid outfit? If it can be of great help to us. Even if it's dead reservoir water, I don't hesitate!

Well, Senxia has already spared it.

"But it's only eight o'clock now. Do you want to go shopping here?" Miss Dahe is watching the drama, but the drama has not started yet, so Morinia asked her about her arrangements.

"No, I happen to have acquaintances here. We also agreed to meet, and I will go to the theater later." Miss Dahe replied.

Is she still waiting for someone? Then why see me here. And don't you say who that person is?

This question passed through Senxia's mind for a second, and then he passed it. Who do they want to meet and what does it have to do with us?

Anyway, the good news is what it is.

"Then I'll go first, and when I look back at your performance, I'll come back, and then we can just discuss the plot behind the story of the young girl."

"Well, see you later."

After the other party left, Senxia set his sights on her own book, which was very crude, because it was a trial version in itself, only for senior readers to read, not for sale.

Japanese light novels use the mode of turning pages from right to left, and they are in vertical version. It is a bit difficult to read, but after getting used to it, it feels good.

"feel good……"

Seeing the text she wrote was printed, Morinka felt very comfortable with the satisfaction in her heart.

Obviously they are all written by themselves, but looking at such printed text, looking at this book bound into a book, a sense of accomplishment arises spontaneously.

"This is our first step in the future!" Senxia sighed.

"Ahra, Morinia, you also got the trial version of your book!" Qianjia's senior sister's voice came from next to Morinia, and she was going to the theater too, so on the way, just Met Morinia.

"'Yes'? Senior sister, have you already read the book I wrote?" Senxia asked curiously.

"Yes, as a senior reader, of course I can get the award-winning books, not just your works by Morinata, I have already seen other people's works, Morinka, please rest assured, in my opinion There is no work that can be compared with you in this big award. The award is definitely a sure thing." Senior sister Qianjia encouraged Mori.

"If you got it long ago, why didn't you tell me!" Senxia complained.

"I don't know that Mori-kun also wants you, and in principle this kind of thing is not suitable to tell you this author."

"In principle" this kind of words come out of your mouth, is this really appropriate? !

Senxia complained inwardly.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, this is for you." Senior Sister Qianjia didn't continue the topic just now, instead handed the plastic bag in her hand to Senxia.

"What is this?" Senxia asked strangely.

"Your clothes, I found them in the student union." Senior Sister Qianjia said, "Our school clothes are unlikely to be discarded casually. I think it is more likely to be regarded as lost items, so I went to find them. Sure enough, I found this. Your mobile phone is in it, but there is no battery. Otherwise, someone should contact you yesterday. Anyway, there is also a lost and found broadcast in the school, but we were in the theater all afternoon Inside, so I didn't hear it."

The soundproofing of the theater is very good. Even if there is a war outside, no one in the room can hear it. On the other hand, if Godzilla appears in the theater, people outside probably know nothing about it.

Senxia patted her head, yes, how could she ignore the possibility of lost items!

Senxia is wearing a school uniform. It is unlikely that this school uniform will be regarded as rubbish, but the possibility of being regarded as lost is not small. Thinking about it now, she has made a big mistake.

"Senior sister, didn't you deliberately faint me at that time?" Senxia looked at Senior Sister Qianjia with contempt.

You must have deliberately led me into the ditch!

"How is it possible, I didn't think of it until I got home..."

Hey hey hey hey hey, when you say this, can you not just glance over your head!

"Forget it, let's go to the theater first, Senxia-kun, I still have to put on makeup for you." Senior Sister Qianjia decisively chose not to discuss with Senxia, ​​she pulled Senxia and headed towards the theater.

As soon as he arrived at the theater, Morinia realized that the atmosphere today seemed a little different. Everyone seemed to have become a lot more serious, in sharp contrast to the cheerful appearance of yesterday.

"Everyone, what's wrong?" Senxia asked curiously.

"Because of the parents." Saito Mie, the director of the drama club, came over. "Today is a day off. Many parents will come here to watch their daughter's performance, so everyone may feel a little uneasy."

Senxia nodded in agreement. When encountering this kind of thing, I am afraid that only careless people would not care.

"What should I do, Dad wants to watch my performance, and tell people everywhere...well, it's almost ashamed..." It was the girl who played Zhou Fangyuan, and this role was considered a high-level actor.

"Yeah, my mother also tells people everywhere, I feel like I am up and down now..." The other girl was also worried.

Sure enough, the existence of parents like this, no matter where they are placed, seems to be the same...

Senxia clapped his hands. After everyone gathered their eyes, he said loudly, "Don’t worry, you can show your best side to your family. Isn’t this the best thing? What we are going to do now It’s to show energy and go all out!"

Hearing Morinha's words, everyone seemed to feel a little calmer in their hearts, and then a kind of exciting feelings slowly sprouted in everyone's hearts.

"I can't tell, you are quite inspiring." Senior Sister Qianjia smiled and patted Senxia on the shoulder.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time." At this time, Jixiang Academy also arranged the work of the student union and went to the theater.

Senxia chuckled and continued to shout to everyone: "If you don't want to disappoint your family, everyone should use all their energy!"

Everyone seemed to be excited by these words, they left here one after another and began to change clothes.

"What are you doing?" Jixiangyuan didn't hear the cause and effect, so it was a little inexplicable, so after speaking, Jixiangyuan came to Senxia.

"Because many people's families will come over to enjoy your performance today, so everyone is a little shaken, Mori Xiajun just calmed people's hearts!" Senior Sister Qianjia did not leave, and after asking the Jixiangyuan, she answered Qianjia first. if.

"...Family?" Jixiangyuan murmured.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Senxia found that Jixiangyuan’s eyes were a little sad...


The first one is completed, I want to cheer up!

Waiting to change Mie Sato, who was wrong in the previous article, back to Mie Saito...orz (to be continued)

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