Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 234: Sato Ichiro in Infinite Elementary School Student Hell

A car heard the gate of Sakano Gakuen, and three elementary school students jumped out of the car happily, and then chattered.

With a helpless sigh, Ichiro Sato got out of the car.

"Uncle Sugar, let's go in and have a look!" After the twin ponytail fool Yue Yong Shuizhi came down, he immediately leaned over.

"Uncle, come with me, let's ignore this idiot!" The single ponytail idiot, Nangong Meixiang, also came up.

"Uncle, you said you want to accompany me..." The remaining ponytailed fool, Marie Kosaka, looked at Sato Ichiro with pitiful eyes.

"You guys have to be safe, this is a very serious and terrible high school!" Sato Ichiro was actually a little baffled at this time, why did he become the temporary guardian of these three fools?

Alas, that's what the world can't predict.

However, their parents are also their own big customers, so letting them take care of these little guys is probably to help them build a good relationship with them?

But if you can watch these elementary students, I would probably be happier, right?

Sato Ichiro is a person who says one is one. Although he looks very young, in fact he is absolutely majestic, but no matter how majestic, he doesn’t know what to do when facing three elementary school students who haunt him. What look to face them.

Elementary school students are the most powerful gods of destruction in the world, and more importantly, for such gods of destruction, you cannot destroy them. On the contrary, you have to protect them carefully.

"Forget it, just take a look at Morinka and Xuena..."

Sato Ichiro rubbed his temples.

"Hmm. By the way, give me a call to my hometown." Sato is very organized, but because of the noise of the three elementary school students, Sato almost forgot the most important things.

"Well, you follow me obediently. Don't get lost!" At the moment, three loli are still important, and Sato Ichiro greeted the three and entered the school.

I have to say that the atmosphere in the school is almost completely different from Japanese society. After entering the school, the whole air and atmosphere seem to be lighter.

Sato Ichiro also felt that he was slightly relaxed... well, if there were no three elementary school students around him.

"Uncle. There are goldfish fishing over there, uncle, let's go fishing for goldfish!" Yue Yong Shuizhi saw a goldfish fishing stall in the distance at a glance, as a repertoire of Japanese culture, at various festivals. Activities such as takoyaki and goldfish fishing can be seen almost everywhere, and it is now here.

Yue Yong Shuizhi's eyes lit up after seeing the goldfish.

"Goldfish~Goldfish~I want to catch the goldfish with my uncle~" Yueyong Mizue shook Sato Ichiro's arm.

"Well, everyone should go fishing for goldfish. Uncle just happened to make a call~"

Although it is Loli's act of acting like a baby, it is also in Sato's arms.

The stall for fishing goldfish was opened by the agricultural community. In addition to goldfish, there are also a variety of cold dishes. They are all vegetables, with pictures on the side.

Sato Ichiro bought thirty goldfish nets for them in one go.

"Long live uncle~" the three elementary school students cheered in unison.

Sato Ichiro shook his head and watched them start fishing for goldfish. Sato Ichiro started calling.

"Mosimosi, daddy...Well, I have a little bit more business this year, so I won't go back to Hokkaido for the New Year..."

Sato started calling, and on the other side, the three elementary school students looked at each other fiercely. As if standing by his side is his own life and death enemy.

"Look at me, Dragon Break!" Nangong Meixiang quickly picked up the net and started fishing.

"Huh. My side is Heavy Slash, better than you!" Yue Yong Shuizhi also immediately grabbed the net. But it hit Nangong Meixiang's net.

"Wow!" Nangong Meixiang's net broke.

"Um, look at me... Bamboo Dragonfly!" Seeing the two men shouting inexplicable words, Marie Kosaka who was next to her felt very powerful, and then she also shouted aggressively.

But...what's the point of this?

"Wow, look at me, the sword of light!" After the fishing net was pierced by the water stick of Yueyong, Nangong Meixiang also retaliated.

"You are still too tender, I have absolute domain!" Yueyong Shuizhi blocked the opponent's fishing net, but her fishing net accidentally pierced Zhenya's fishing net and then broke.

"Air cannon!" Jinya, whose style is completely different from that of the other two, is also shouting the name of the trick.

The students from the Agricultural Society were already dumbfounded.

"For Morinka and Yukino, it’s good in Tokyo. A place like Hokkaido is not suitable for children to grow up... By the way, Morinka said he wants to open a club to do video games... What? Hmm, I think It’s better not to tell the uncle..."

While talking, Ichiro Sato suddenly felt that someone was hugging him. When he turned around, he saw three loli looking at him with tears.

"Um, old man, I still have something to do now, I'll contact you again..."

Sato Ichiro hung up the phone, then squatted down with a bit of laughter and tears: "You are over?"

"All the nets are broken..." Tears flashed in Nangong Mika's eyes.

"It's all gone..." Yueyong Shuizhi pouted.

"Neither did you catch a goldfish." Kosaka Marie added.

"It's only a minute!" Ichiro Sato simply collapsed. Oh my god, what did you do? Although the net for fishing is made of paper, your speed is too fast!

Sato Ichiro looked at the three loli, and he couldn't help thinking back in his head that he had been tried for a murder a few years ago. That cunning criminal was extremely difficult to deal with, and he almost escaped the punishment of the law. At that time, Ichiro Sato was the most stressed. when. And now Sato Ichiro saw the three loli in front of him, he suddenly found that the case was nothing compared to the three elementary school students.

And these three people are now looking at Sato Ichiro with pitiful eyes, making everyone around them look at them. They thought that Sato Ichiro's incompetent "father" was bullying their three lovely daughters. What...

"Uh... one more time?" Sato Ichiro tried to ask.

"No!" x3.

The three elementary school students almost unanimously, and Ichiro Sato felt cold sweat on his cheeks.

His eyes looked around. In any case, these three elementary school students cannot be allowed to cry.

At this moment, Sato Ichiro suddenly saw the bulletin board not far away, and his eyes lit up: "Ah, that's right. Let's go to the drama!"

"Play?" The three primary school students were a little unclear.

"Well, it's a very nice drama, just like TV." After discovering that they seemed to be ignorant and interested, Sato quickly added.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that the play seemed to be written by Morinya. He was just talking casually, but after thinking about it. Sato also became interested.

It happened to be close to two o'clock now, and the first game of the afternoon was about to begin, so Sato walked forward with two loli, crossed the track and field, and arrived at the theater.

"Uncle?" Just got here. Sato happened to bump into Yukino who was buying a ticket to enter.

"Hello, Yukino." Sato smiled at Yukino, "Right, where's Morinka?"

According to Sato's impression, Yukino usually follows Morinka, but after entering high school, he didn't know if it was Sato's illusion. He found that Yukino and Morinka seemed to spend less time together. By the way, Senxia was also with a girl last time, wouldn't he be interested in that girl?

"Uncle is ours!" Yueyong Mizue saw that Sato was so gentle with Yukino. It exploded immediately, and she stopped in front of Yukino and Sato.

"You can't take our uncle!" Nangong Mika also hugged Sato's thigh, then pouted and looked at Yukino. Although Zhenya didn't speak, she looked at Xuena full of hostility.

"Ah Lala, really a cute child, sister, I am the one who loves children the most~" Xue Na squatted down. A warm inner smile was sent to the three of them.

The smile that seemed to be the howling of a banshee pierced the hearts of the three little loli, for a moment. They seemed to see an indescribable terror appearing in front of them.

I really want to cry, but I can't cry at all. When I cried and thought about it, I would be eaten by this big monster...

I really want to run, but I can't use my feet at all. I can't move at all. I can only watch the enemy open his teeth and claws at me...

So scary... So scary...

The three lawless elementary school students quieted down instantly.

Sato looked at Yukino in surprise. Why did he train them for three and a half days, and they were completely different from their own words, and Yukino's smile made them honest?

Is this magic? A magical technique that can suppress the **** of destruction!

"Uncle, the drama is about to begin, shall we enter the venue soon?" Yukino glanced at the time, and then reminded Sato.

"Ah, good." Anyway, these three little guys can be honest, this is the best situation!

Sato immediately led them into the theater.

Because they bought tickets at the same time, Sato and Yukino both sat together.

The three elementary school students were a little relieved after entering the theater, but after finding that Yukino was sitting next to them, the three elementary school students could only shrink in their seats and shiver.

They are as helpless as Little Red Riding Hood facing the big bad wolf.

"What's wrong with you?" Sato saw that there was something wrong with their situation, so he asked with concern.

"Ah, maybe the child is a little afraid of the cold? It's already November now, the child must dress well~" Yukino smiled at the three of them.

"Is it cold?" In the theater, almost two-thirds of the forehead was filled, and Sato even felt a little hot at this time.

"It's a kid after all~ it will be fine after a while." Xue Na continued to smile, and the three elementary school students couldn't refute it, because they found that they couldn't even open their mouths when facing this terrible wolf.

It's terrible, this woman is like an abyss...

However, Sato has no feeling for this. He feels that he has a lot of peace at this time. If you follow the usual performance of these three guys, you should start fighting immediately. The sound in the theater is not good, but it is good. They seem to have a very good attitude towards Yukino, they must be able to become friends, congratulations, congratulations~

"If you feel cold, tell uncle, don't hold on." As the play was about to begin, Sato immediately warned the three of them.

With Miyakoji Mizuho's self-report, the drama officially began.

"This script was written by Morinka?" Because the tickets were bought late, Sato and the others were sitting in the back row at this time. After hearing that the story was a story of a boy entering a girls’ school, Sato quickly asked Yixuno.

Yukino smiled and nodded: "I also made some suggestions. Uncle, you will definitely find this script very wonderful~"

"That's it..." Could this be Yukino's creativity? Sato seems to understand.

Stories like boys in girls' schools are really weird. Such stories are usually bad adult literature...

Sato looked at Yukino deeply, and he became a little worried.

Fortunately, the following development is not a bad one. The whole story always has a fresh feeling. The article first describes two stories that do not know whether it is friendship or love, and then at the end, the theme is sublimated to Mizuho Found the value of self-realization.

The script itself is nothing strange.

As the story unfolded, Sato thought he could breathe a sigh of relief, but he suddenly discovered that the "Takako Itsukushima" was exactly the same as Yukino.

"That's Morinya?" Since Yukino is by his side, is it Morinya who is standing on the stage?

"Yes, that's my brother, I just watched his performance specially~" Xue Na's smile remained the same.

"Wait, what's going on?" Sato asked quickly.

"Because the student who originally played this role was sick, but there was no one else in the drama club who could help, so only my brother was able to play." Yukino replied with a My brother was performing this morning. Unfortunately, when I knew it, the performance was over, so I could only come back in the afternoon. "

"Oh, that's how it is." Sato nodded.

Fortunately, there is nothing strange.

Sato relaxed and began to appreciate the drama wholeheartedly.

Although Mori summer is a temporary substitute, I have to say that Mori summer's acting skills are very good, even Sato thinks it is great.

And the most important thing is that the three elementary school students around him now seem to be good babies. They didn't say a word, they were all quiet.

Oh my god, life is awesome~

Sato Ichiro seems to have re-appreciated the beauty of the world...


It is still two in one, I am correcting the mistake, the previous Saito Keiko turned out to be Sato Keiko, hitting her head... (to be continued)

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