Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 226: I have seen the ending


"What happened?!" When Senxia said goodbye to Mushroom and Xu Yuanxuan and hurriedly came to the backstage, he found a group of people gathered here, gathered in front of a sofa, Senxia leaned over. I saw Rena lying on the sofa with a blanket on her body. Her face was flushed and her breathing was a little short.

   "Rena is ill." Senka-senpai walked over after seeing Morika coming over, "She has been in a coma just now and is now awake."

   "Fortunately, Senka-senpai just pinched Dongseong-san's people and let her wake up. We were all panicked." Sato Keiko was also thankful.

Senior Sister Qianjia continued: "Rena had a cold a few days ago, but she didn't care about her body at all. So when she was nervous before the game, she went into a coma. Before I called you, I had sent someone to the health room to ask. The teacher is here."

   To put it simply, Rena is sick from overwork.

   After hearing what Chika-senpai said, Morinka immediately thought of what had happened before. Thinking about it now, there was something wrong with Reina at that time.

   Morika nodded, and then hurriedly walked to Rena’s side, and asked with concern: "Rena, are you all right now?"

   Rena shook her head hard, and then said in shame: "Sorry, I didn't expect things to become like this..."

   "You don't need to worry, just take a good rest." Morinka chuckled softly at Rena, "There is nothing in this kind of thing, it won't happen, you don't have to worry at all. How is your health now?"

   "I'm a little sleepy, I can't use my strength..." Rena answered Morika's words softly.

   "You take a good rest, and it's okay." After seeing Rena seems to have no problem, Morinatsu breathed a sigh of relief. Then stood up.

   However, when he looked at everyone, he found that other people's expressions were very bad now.

   "What's the matter?" Senxia asked quickly.

   "Although Rena has no problem for the time being, what can we do with our drama..." Sato Keiko sighed.

   "Now, I can only change people." There is no way, after this, I can only change people. Although this might hurt Rena, there is no alternative.

   "But now there is no one who can replace Rena..." Keiko Sato was also anxious.

   They never expected that Rena would fall ill at this time, and there was no additional plan.

"Yeah, if one day in advance, it is okay to find someone to replace it. But now there is no one..." Hearing this sentence, Senxia herself also reacted, and now there is no way to find someone temporarily. , Senxia rubbed her temples with a headache.

   The role of Takako Itsukushima plays a larger role in the script. Apart from Rena, there are not many people who can play this role well. What's more, even if candidates can be found now, there are relatively few people who can speak completely.

   Everyone looked at each other.

   "Sorry, it's me..." Rena bit her lip in shame.

   "This is not your problem. Physical management is part of what we should pay attention to. Rena's hard work these days. We are all obvious to all. At this time, the wrong person is not you." Mori summer comforted Rena.

   "But we don't have a candidate right now. This is also true..." Keiko Sato was a little embarrassed. "There is only one hour away from the opening. If we are like this, there is no way..."

   But Rena is hot now, her lips are pale, and she can't help her. In this state, it is impossible for her to appear on the stage.

at this time. In fact, no one wants to blame Dongcheng Rena for her progress over time. Everyone is there for all to see. It can be said that Rena herself is the least willing to have problems.

   But the problem has arisen, and at this time everyone has no choice.

   "There is no alternative..." Sato Keiko sighed.

   Generally speaking, opera and drama actors generally have alternate members, and some even have two sets of teams, but the number of drama clubs nowadays is stretched, and there is no room for alternative candidates.

   "No... there is another person." However, at this moment, Qianjia-senpai suddenly spoke.

   Everyone's eyes were attracted by her, Morinka also turned his head, but it happened to hit the eyes of Qianjia-senpai. At this moment, she was looking at Morinka with those eagle-like eyes.

   A bad premonition popped up in Morika's heart.

With a "pop", Senior Sister Qianjia stepped forward and put her hands on Senxia's shoulders. Then, Senior Sister Qianjia said to him in a solemn voice: "Sen Xia Jun, at this time, I can help. Only you are busy."

   "...Huh?" Looking at Qianjia-senpai's firm gaze, Morika was stunned for several seconds.

"Mori Xia-kun, I have seen you and Rena before, I think you performed very well at that time." Qianjia-senpai said earnestly, "Now we are the one who is most familiar with the lines here, Sen. Xia Jun!"

   Indeed, in addition to these people, the only person who is most familiar with the scene is Mori Xia, and Mori Xia often guides Rena's performances and often speaks on stage, all of which behave perfectly.

   More importantly, they have no other candidates at this time except for Morinya, and no one else who knows the play knows what is going on.

   "But I am a boy!" Morinka protested.

"But there seems to be no one else to help us except Mori Natsu-kun..." It was Keiko Sato, the president of the drama club, who spoke. It was obvious that she was very unwilling to accept the script until the end. Turned into a bubble.

Senior Sister Qianjia nodded: "If it's someone else, there are still some problems, but if it's Mori Xia-kun you, there won't be any problems at all. You can pretend to be a girl by simply changing into your clothes, so you Don't worry about this at all!"

   Morika feels so stressed.

   "Mori-natsu-kun..." Rena said softly.

   "Don't talk, take a good rest, the teacher is coming over soon." Morinka squatted in front of Rena quickly.

   "That," Rena's voice was very soft, and there was some shame in her voice, "In fact, one of the reasons why I worked so hard is actually because of Mori-kun..."

Rena said slowly: "Although at the beginning, I did try hard because I didn't want to hold everyone back, but afterwards, it was Mori Xia-kun that you have been supporting me. However, I found Mori Xia-kun you are giving When I talked about the drama, the performance was very good. I really don’t want to disappoint Mori Xia-kun for your care for me, because I know that if I know that, I can’t stand by Mori Xia-kun and walk with Mori Xia-kun... …"

   At this point, she was a little excited and wanted to sit up, but then her head was dizzy and she was about to fall down.

   Morika hurriedly held Rena, and at this time, Rena also held Morika's hand.

   "Mori Xia-kun, please, although I don't want to beg you, but at this time, the only person who can help everyone is Mori Xia-kun!"

   Rena’s hands are very hot, and I don’t know if it’s because of fever or nervousness. Morinka opened her mouth when she looked at Reina like this, but couldn’t say the words of rejection.

"Excuse me, are the sick students here?" At this moment, a middle-aged female teacher wearing a white lab coat and carrying a medicine cabinet walked in. The health care teacher is standard equipment in many Japanese schools and is being After the notification, he rushed over immediately.

   "Teacher, this way!"

   Qianjia-senpai immediately greeted the teacher and walked over.

   Morika eagerly stepped aside and asked the teacher to check it.

"Some fevers seem to be excessive fatigue. Really, during the cultural festival, there will always be students who don't pay attention to their bodies..." After seeing Rena's situation, the teacher breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "All in all, I First take her to the health room for an examination."

   If there is a problem, you must go to the hospital as soon as possible. If there is no problem, you must go to the health room to rest. However, Rena is absolutely absent from today's performance.

   However, at this time, everyone was just stunned.

   "Let's take Rena over." After Morinka finished speaking, she took Rena on her back, followed the teacher, and headed for the health room.

   Watching Morinatsu and the three of them leave, only then did the president Keiko Sato react: "The sentence Rena just it a confession?"

   "It's a confession..."

   "It must be a confession..."

When Keiko Sato saw everyone responding to, she realized that she seemed to have said something that shouldn't be said: "Ahem, please don't tell me about this matter, just I was just guessing. !"

   If you say it, Morinka’s situation will become very embarrassing...

   "But what about the role of Takako Itsukushima?" There are still people who are worried about this matter.

   "Don't worry, Mori Xiajun should be able to help." Senior Sister Qianjia spoke at this time.

   "But didn't Mori-kun just now looked reluctant?" Sato Keiko was a little curious, because Senka-senpai had a determined face, and seemed to have captured Mori's mind.

Senior Sister Qianjia smiled: "Actually, when only Senxia-kun was the candidate, he would definitely agree. Don’t look at his reluctant look, but Senxia-kun is very gentle with girls, he I won’t allow girls to cry in front of me~"

   Boys are another matter, but for such a group of girls helplessly begging themselves in front of them, Mori will never stand idly by, because this is one of Mori’s ideas.

Therefore, Senior Sister Qianjia believed Morinha’s judgment, she clapped her hands to make everyone concentrate, and then said: “Okay, let’s go and prepare first. There will be less than the opening time. It’s been an hour!"


   Two sets of changes are completed~ Seeking support for counting votes~

After    there is a plot that everyone understands, you can skip it if you don’t like it, thank you. (To be continued)

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