Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 210: Are all high school students in island countries monsters?

On Saturday, November 1st, sunny to cloudy, and in a few days, the school festival at Sakano Gakuen will begin. 【【,


   But today's Morinatsu took a leave of absence and came to Haneda Airport, or to put it in a more popular way, it should be Haneda Airport.


   The names of Japan are quite compelling. The names of airports and space ports have a sense of unconsciousness when they hear them, which are more sensational than those of airports.


  Mori Xia never expected that Xiao Ma would come to Japan in person. In order to pick him up, Mori had to come.


   Compared with a few lessons, entertaining Xiao Ma is more important.


   After all, it’s Brother Xiao Ma, but he’s not an ordinary person.


   "Although the plane should have arrived by now, it should be a while before entering the country..."


   It’s not easy for Brother Xiao Ma to come here. It’s really hurtful to come here with various visas, transfers and toss.


To be honest, Senxia added Pony Ma on it at the beginning, but I didn’t know that the other party was Pony Ma, but after passing the other party’s words, Senxia seemed to understand a little bit, and then combined with the other’s life experience, Senxia also judged The other party was the legendary Xiao Ma, and then through the name on the other party's email, Senxia was even more convinced of her judgment.


   When the other party was about to come to Japan, the two parties directly communicated their names, and Morinka had a better heart.


what? You say scheming bitch? Sorry, this is just a little strategy, it's not bad to call us Zhuge in the world.


   Standing at the port, Morinatsu looked at Brother Ma with expectation.




   On the other side, Brother Xiao Ma finally arrived on the land of Japan.


Don’t look at Xiao Ma’s youthful appearance, but in fact, Xiao Ma now has hundreds of thousands of net worth. In the stock market, relying on his own sensitivity to the stock market, Xiao Ma made a lot of money, and he even made a share. Overlord, made a lot of money.


   But after leaving the company, Xiao Ma actually had no goals. Xiao Ma in this era does not have the kind of vision he will look like a year later, and his attitude is only limited to fun and "one-to-do" attitude, and for this kind of small money, Xiao Ma is also a little dissatisfied, he thinks Make big money.


   Xiao Ma came to Japan not only because he was to be an agent, but also because Xiao Ma wanted to come here to determine his future goals, so that he would no longer be confused.


   It’s really not as easy as 20 years later to want to go abroad. Brother Xiao Ma is also able to come to Japan easily because there are people on it. It would be troublesome to get a visa to change to someone else.


   "I don't know if Xia Sen is here." Xiao Ma looked around. Although he knew Senxia's real name, Xiao Ma still felt that Xia Sen's name sounded better.


   But soon, he found a banner with the name of Brother Xiao Ma in Chinese. At this time, Xiao Ma immediately saw a man standing under the banner. This man is very kind, but there is a sense of majesty in it, giving people a very strong feeling.


   This person looks about the same age as Xiao Ma himself, but there are a few little girls around him.


   "This must be Xia Sen. I didn't expect him to have a daughter at such a young age..." Xiao Ma sighed, then walked over.


   "Hello!" He whispered, "Are you Xia Sen?"


   The young man was dealing with the few animals at his feet: "You must be Mr. Ma."


   The other party's Chinese is very rusty, and Xiao Ma is a little strange. Because when he was on the Internet, he found that the other party's Chinese mastery was very powerful, and he didn't have the feeling of foreigners at all, and the typing speed was also very fast. The mastery of Chinese must be very high, but what is the situation now? Could it be that the same name and surname were mistaken?


"I am Morinka's uncle, my name is Sato Ichiro, please advise. Morinka is picking up the plane on the other side, and I will call him now." After hearing the other party's words, Xiao Ma nodded immediately. My heart is also relieved a lot, it turns out this is the other side's uncle.


After seeing the other party’s small mobile phone, Xiao Ma was also amazed, because in China, everyone is still using the big brother, which is almost like a brick phone, but Sato Ichiro’s mobile phone can be small. Good things in your purse.


   After making a phone call, Ichiro Sato walked up and said, "These girls and their parents are missing. Morinka will come over immediately. I will take them to find their parents first."


   "Please!" It turned out to be a lost child! Although Ichiro Sato is not very good in Chinese, he seems to be very enthusiastic, and he should be a good person to get along with.


   Sato Ichiro asked Xiao Ma to wait in place, but he took a few small loli away with a bitter expression.


  After the opponent left, Xiao Ma was also looking at the surrounding environment. The first impression that Japan gave to Xiao Ma was that it was similar to that in the sky, but when you look closely, you will find a little difference.


   There is a more beautiful feeling here, even the air seems to be fresher, I don't know if this is an illusion of my own.


"It's Brother Xiao Ma!" At this moment, a voice came from the side of Brother Xiao Ma. He turned his head and saw a young boy who looked like a high school student looking at him with a smile. Holding a banner, but it has been put away.


   He smiled at Brother Xiao Ma: "Hello, I am Tianhai Senxia, ​​which is Xia Sen, we finally meet today."


   His Chinese is very fluent, it is very standard Mandarin, just like that Xia Sen on the Internet speaks fluently.


   However, Brother Xiao Ma has been stunned.


   He seems a little unresponsive.


what's going on?


   "You, you are Xia Sen?" He was a little surprised.


   Morika smiled and nodded: "I'm still a high school student, so I'm almost like that. You and my uncle seem to be about the same age."


   "I really didn't expect you to be so young!" Brother Xiao Ma was really taken aback.


When Morinya was on the Internet, he was sophisticated and discerning. When discussing with herself, he also had a thorough view of the domestic situation... In the impression of Mr. Ma, Morinya should be a steady and steady The calm young man is just like the Sato Ichiro I met before.


   However, Morinha's true identity turned out to be just a high school student, which made Xiao Ma a little emotionally unacceptable.


   It’s not that I don’t understand, but that the world is changing too fast.


   "Sorry!" At this time, Ichiro Sato finally came back. It seems that dealing with the two little loli is indeed very painful.


   "Let's do this first, Brother Xiao Ma, let's get out of here."


It’s not a problem to stand here. Senxia greeted Xiao Ma and left here and headed towards the parking lot. Xiao Ma didn’t bring much in his heart, just a big backpack, which was also more casual. , So it was easy to keep up with Senxia.


   "Brother Ma, do you have any arrangements for coming to Japan?" Morinka asked as he walked on the road.


"I mainly want to look at the situation in Japan. Since I am here, I am going to stay here for two weeks. I will look at the situation in the developed countries first." Xiao Ma has his own opinion, at this time Japan is far more advanced than China. In 20 years, the other side may be on the same level, but now, there is a big gap between the two sides. Xiao Ma's idea is that since he is here, he can't come here in vain, at least some gains, Senxia also understands.


"Don't go too far, Japan also has a lot of fun. If you go abroad, you can have fun. I know some friends who are also from the Celestial Kingdom. Then I will introduce you to you." Regarding the zombies, the Witch’s House is okay, and Senxia actually doesn’t care much, but Plants vs. Zombies is his future cash cow, and he still has some thoughts on Brother Ma.


For Mori summer’s invitation, Xiao Ma just smiled. He didn’t exchange much yen. Many of these were his own venture funds. It’s not cost-effective to use in this kind of place. If you travel, wait until you have money. Anything can be done, so let’s talk about business now.


I got into the other party’s car all the way, and Xiao Ma sighed again in his heart. The Senxia family even had a small car. Many people in China can’t afford this thing. Although Xiao Ma can afford it, But he can't bear it!


Moriha has read it and said, "If you don’t have time, there are some places you can go to, such as Akihabara. There is an electrical street. It is a relatively new place in Japan. There are many computers, game consoles, and more. You can check out the game sales."


   "Oh, this is not bad." Xiao Ma nodded thoughtfully. His job is related to the electronics industry, so it's almost the same to see.


   "Where are we going now?" he asked again.


   "Go to my uncle's office first, let's put the salute there first, and then we will go to have lunch together." Morika said, "Senior sister has specially ordered a Japanese-style banquet for you."


   Well, it’s actually the Japanese restaurant that Morinka and Qianjia went to last time...


   "Senior Sister?" Brother Xiao Ma is a bit She wrote the program of the Witch's House. She is one grade higher than me and is a sophomore in high school, so she is a senior. "Senxia explained this, and Xiao Ma understood it.


   "Are high school students in island countries all monsters?" Xiao Ma sighed in his heart.


  Different from Morinatsu, Qianjia-senpai seems to be very interested in this matter. She seems to value the potential of the Heavenly Dynasty...


   In fact, the development of electronic games in the Celestial Dynasty is also quite good-if there is no ban after more than two years.


  Because of this, even though there is a prosperous look over there, Morinka is actually not very interested because there are natural shortcomings over there...




   I have been fighting with advertisements today, it is painful if you can’t delete it...


   There is one more! (To be continued...) u

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