Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 198: Do you want to eat my lunch?

   "A Hei Ah Hee"


   Morika, who was taking Rena to the room, sneezed twice.


   "Mori-kun, are you okay?"


   Rena asked Morinatsu with concern.


   "It's okay, but the nose is a little itchy." Senxia waved her hand.


   At noon, Morinka took Rena to the office, but I don’t know who was discussing herself at this time, causing Morinka to sneeze again and again.


   "Well, Mori Xia-kun, please pay attention to your body. If Mori Xia-kun becomes ill, it will be bad."


   Morinatsu replied, slandering in her heart. At this moment, who is talking about herself?


   Is it senior sister? What conspiracy does she have?


   Still talking about Yukino? Looking at Yukino this morning, I felt something was wrong.


   Is it possible that Hotan or Mushrooms are the same? This is impossible...


   But when someone was sneezing, someone was talking about himself. This was actually just superstition. Morinka just got a little itchy nose. Thinking about it, he was just making complaints in his heart.


"Is this the activity room of Morinka-kun?" Rena was taken by Morinka to the door of Xianshiyan's department. She looked at the sign of "Xianshiyan" with some curiosity, and then she turned her eyes on the bed. The tightly locked door was unstoppable curiosity on her face.


   "It's something, but Qianjia-senpai doesn't seem to be here yet. Normally, we ate here at noon." Senxia replied.


   "Eh? Senka-senpai?" Rena quickly looked around, seemingly trying to find Senka-senpai who was hiding in the dark.


"She will be here later." After Morinya finished speaking, he opened the door and entered the room. Then he found a pile of video tapes piled on the table. He immediately walked up, "Senior sister really prepared everything. Alright!"


   Rena behind Morika did not go in immediately. She just stood at the door, looking timidly into the room.


The room in the    is very spacious, facing the door of the room is a window, under the window there is a chair, and on the right hand is where the podium should have been, there is a desk. There are two computers on the desk.


To the left is an array of dozens of desks. On the desk, there are many video tapes. On the left front is a pile of bookcases. On the other side of the desk, opposite to the bookcases, there is one. TV set.


   "Rena, what are you standing at the door, come in!"


   Morika greeted Rena and walked into the room.


   "Ah. Yes!"


   Rena hurriedly responded, and then walked to Morinka's side.


   Morinka took a video tape and inserted it.


   "Huh..." Rena's face suddenly turned red when she saw her appearance.


   "It's okay, it's nothing to be shy."


   Morika comforted Rena.


   "Hmm..." Rena looked at herself in the picture covertly. This feeling is really weird. There is a feeling of shame playing. Looking at herself in the screen, Rena's mood is very strange and complicated.


   The second rehearsal entered by Chika-senpai. After Morinka's guidance, Rena's actions were relative to the first time. It has already matured a lot, but in the picture, Rena still feels inferior to the other two leading actors, relatively speaking. Rena is more like a senior passerby.


   No matter from which point of view, Rena is not like a protagonist, but a dragon-set character that plays a role in the key plot.


   "Sure enough, it's not enough." Because there is not much time, Mori Xia accelerated the video playback, focusing on the script of the three simultaneous appearances of Senjia Senka, Kichijoin, and Rena.


   "Yes, during rehearsal, I think they are very dazzling, I can't compare them at all." Rena lowered his head.


   Yes, if these two people go to a drama or something similar, their performance will be very good, there is almost no doubt about this.


However, Morinka strongly suspects that this is actually a chemical reaction that only happened when Kichijoin Lihua and Chiba Chika performed together. They are like magnesium element encountering pure oxygen, exuding a strong light, but when they are alone, it is just two. It’s just a substance.


However, the light of the two people together is too dazzling. Although Dongcheng Rena worked very hard, she was like a small torch burning silently under the dazzling light. Although she exuded light, she was completely covered. pass.


   Morika looked at Rena who lowered her head, and wanted to say something to comfort her.


   However, at this time, Rena raised her head, her face bursting with a smile: "Since the two seniors are so good, it seems that I have to work hard too!"


Hearing Rena’s words, Morinka also smiled: “Well, the fruit that comes out through hard work is the sweetest. Even if Rena you failed this time, in the future, when you look back on the past, you will not I will regret it."


   Hearing Morinka's words, Reina chuckled and laughed: "Sorry, I didn't mean it, Morinka-kun, what you said makes sense, but I don't know why, just...can't help but want to laugh."


   Rena turned her head and covered her face with her hands, but she couldn't hide her smile.


   Well, it is indeed a second in second grade, Morinka only discovered this after finishing talking.


"Thank you, Mori-kun, Mori-kun, what you said is very reasonable, I believe Mori-kun what you said." Rena's voice was very small, but she was right next to Mori. In the ear.


"Well, okay, let's watch while eating. Otherwise, after watching, I'm afraid the lunch break will be over." Morinka said while taking out her bento, and Rena nodded, and then read from her A rice ball was taken out of the bento box.


   Morika was a little surprised: "Rena, is your bento a dinner party?"


   Rena nodded: "Well, because rice **** are very convenient, and the food in the school cafeteria is also very expensive..."


   She took a bite of the rice ball gently.


   Plum dried rice **** are very common dried plum rice balls. Rena took a light bite and then chewed in her mouth. Her movements were very slow and fine, after chewing for a while. Rena gently swallowed the rice ball, and then continued to take a second bite. But at this moment, she suddenly noticed that Senxia was looking at her, and she blushed a little: "Is there anything wrong with Senxia?"


   "No, I just think Rena, you look cute when you eat, hahahaha..." Senxia explained a little embarrassingly. However, after explaining it, he realized that this sentence seemed to be more wrong.


   Sure enough, after hearing Morika's words, Rena blushed directly from her cheeks to the base of her ears, seeming a little at a loss. Morinatsu took a deep breath, then took advantage of the dantian aura, and used the topic-changing method: "Rena, were you also a student at Sakino Gakuen before?"


   Rena shook her head. She smiled and said, "I was admitted here. In fact, when I was admitted, I still didn't want to come, but now I can see Senxiajun, the president of Jixiangyuan and everyone here, I am now I feel very lucky."


Great. The topic was finally moved away.


   And after hearing these words, Morinka also noticed some differences.


   Eating shabby rice **** and being admitted to Sakino Gakuen... Is it possible that Reina belongs to the kind of poor and excellent students who are admitted to the school from outside?


   Although there are many local tyrants in Sakino Gakuen, they are here. There are also many students admitted from outside who are very poor.


   Morika was a little embarrassed, he glanced at the sumptuous bento Yukino made for himself. Then he glanced at Rena next to him, and then subconsciously said, "Will Rena try my bento?"


   "Hmm..." Rena was a little surprised, she blinked her big eyes and looked at Morinka.


  Sorry, did you say something wrong again?


   But I haven't waited for Mori to continue talking. Rena nodded decisively.


   Mori Xia was riding a tiger, he picked up the chopsticks, then picked up a red sausage octopus, and then handed it to Rena.


   Rena closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and... was stuffed with a warm takoyaki.


   "Huh?" What kind of magic is this? Rena opened her eyes curiously.


Then she found that Qianyu-senpai was standing on the side at this time, with a plate in her hand, and there was a stack of takoyaki in her hand, and bursts of scent was floating in the air at this time, and the next to him was Senxia-kun. It seems to be surprised.


   "The takoyaki I just bought tastes good, don't you think Dongcheng students?"


   Senka-senpai said, while inserting forcefully between Morinka and Rena.


   Rena nodded subconsciously before starting to chew the contents of her mouth.


   "Senior sister, why are you here?" Morinka was a little surprised, or stunned.


   "Ah Lala, Mori Natsu-kun, what are you talking about, aren't I here in normal times?" Senior Sister Qianjia smiled.


"But today, senior sister, you haven't come?" If on weekdays, Qianjia-senpai would be a little bit later than Mori Xia at best, sometimes even earlier than Mori Xia, but today Qianjia-senpai came very late. So Senxia thought that the senior sister would never come.


   "Of course it was to buy takoyaki to comfort you Mori Xia-kun, but I didn't expect Dongcheng classmates to be in this place now~" Qianjia-senpai smiled.


Rena looked at and looked at Morinka next to her. Her expression was a bit awkward. She stood up and bowed to the two of them: "Sorry, I'm bothering you. You guys, I will..."


   Before she said the word "leave", Qianjia-senpai smiled and held her: "It's okay, Rena, you are studying your performance with Mori Xia-kun."


   Qianjia-senpai stood up after speaking, and moved away from her position: "Don't be so cautious, let's analyze it together."


   Rena looked at Qianjia-senpai with some confusion. She didn't quite understand what the other person was thinking, but in the end, Rena nodded and responded with a slightly inaudible voice: "Yeah."




   This is how it happened. I downloaded a game at 11 o'clock in the noon, and I was playing with it all the time. At that time, I started codewords after thinking about it, and when I came back to my senses... it was night! ! ! ! !


   Cover your face, go to the codeword, and chapter two in an hour! (To be continued.)

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