Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1818: Why is it so difficult to pick a name?

Remember in one second【】

"Just call it." Sitting in the study room at home, Senxia was looking at the new generation of palms in front of her, which was basically a stereotype. Piano paint, fit screen. Unfortunately, there is no way to make a full screen. There are a lot of gaps between the top and bottom of the screen. Besides, there are also some borders on the left and right sides of the screen. There are two rows of contacts on the top and bottom of the screen. The contacts are for controlling the handle. The handle is not directly connected, but detachable. The remote control handle or something, in fact, at this time, everyone still has a concept, so Senxia is not a maverick. Speaking of it, the wireless handle is still adopted by the public because of the old man, and it can be regarded as paving the way. Of course, as far as the situation is concerned, at least in people’s minds, the current home market is dominated by Sony, Phoenix and giant players. Sony relies on massive numbers of games. Phoenix is ​​a boutique and network giant is rich. As for um, probably only Zelda. It's getting closer, but apart from a second-generation code name, Xinzhang still has no name. The unresolved difficulty in naming, made Morinya almost give up treatment. In fact, the propaganda here has already begun. Of course, there is not yet on the bright side, but in fact, it is a strategy to invite people to experience and distribute it to high-traffic stars. Well, the latter is currently only owned by a few people such as Zhou Dong, mainly to test the ability to carry goods. But the other party has already signed an exclusive, and there will definitely be endorsements by then. Palm and other hardware devices usually rely on games to make money. But this time is different. Moriha decided to learn the Lei Sum and intelligent strategies of the Mihou. "Some kind of calculation protocol?" Qianjia heard this name, and she suddenly had such a brain hole when she was able to program. "Can't it be called the second generation or the next generation?" Lihua also walked over. Senxia shook her head and put her palm: "In the strict sense, we are not a palm, but an audio-visual entertainment device. If we continue to use it, the feeling will change." But it cannot be directly called or 4 What, strictly speaking, this is a restriction. "It should be a series," Qian Jia said, picking up a light novel. Most of the study rooms on Senxia's side are this. "This is true." It's also a series. Just as fruit companies like to use the letter "" as a logo for their products, the "" on Morinia's side is also a logo. This is not random, but because the last letter of the "n" of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​"". "Strictly speaking, this device should be a personal mobile terminal or a personal entertainment terminal. If it is abbreviated in English, it is, but it is too strange for pets." The word "p" means pets. When used here, there is actually a pun. But the expression above is too frivolous. So in the end, this method is not easy to use for Morinia. "It seems that it's really not a normal trouble." Lihua sat next to him, "but always think of a name." "Yes, Senxiajun must think of a name today, otherwise he won't want to leave the study." Qian Jia said as she picked up the happy water next to her. "So you are a watcher here?!" Lihua was shocked. "Of course. And the plans are all on Senxia's table, so he chooses one." Senxia asked people to make many plans. These plans are placed in front of Senxia. But Senxia was not very satisfied. big head. "Can't it be tomorrow?" Senxia said, "I'm a little dizzy, I'm afraid it's bad thinking." "Tomorrow? Then I will pick one." Qianjia rolled his eyes, "If you postpone it, here and the factory will have to Delay longer." If you want to sell at the end of the year, you are almost ready to start preparations now. When preparing for the job, Morinia needs to get the supplier. The supplier is not just looking for it casually. Although Wang Qi can be regarded as close cooperation, their skills are actually relatively limited. If Senxia wants to cooperate, he still needs to help them research key technologies. On the supplier side, what Senxia learned is the routine of the fruit company, joint research and development, exclusive agreements, advance payments, and policy support. Because it's too commercial, it won't start here. In short, if Morinia is delayed, the entire work progress will make a big joke because of this term. "Are you a demon?" Senxia was pitiful. "Do you remember when Gao Shidai stayed up late to write the script? It's just a name now, not that level." Qianjia said lightly. "Uh" Senxia was speechless. "All in all, or else just take a break." Lihua stood up again, "I'll get some snacks." Lihua quickly left here, only Qianjia and Senxia stared. "Don't look at me, look at the plan." "I've seen it all, you still look good." "Even if you say that, I won't let you rest." Qianjia thought for a while, and felt that not giving a reward seemed impossible, so Just say, "If you can come up with a suitable plan before twelve o'clock ~ I won't let you rest tonight." Senxia heard these words and suddenly felt a clear stream of water. Forehead, the whole person suddenly refreshed. "Leave it to me!" Senxia's brain began to turn. The name does not have to be long or very artistic, but it must be easy to remember. It's like, or, or pn, p or something. "Huh,?" Right. tablet. Senxia suddenly understood the six orifices, Qianjia's words made Senxia's last orifice also penetrated, and the whole person suddenly had a good idea. Why can't it be? Sorry, Qiao, I will use this name first. Senxia's device itself is a five or six-inch screen. In this era when the screen is also very narrow, it seems that there is no problem with it. "Rejected." "Huh?!" Startled. Instantly it's useless. "What's wrong?" Senxia asked strangely. "Too business." "Uh" right. Senxia remembered that Gang Qiao didn't have the idea of ​​a tablet out of thin air from the beginning, because tablet computers existed in the 1980s. Senxia scratched her head, her brain speeding up. It is rare that the "spiritual collection" given by Qianjia is still there, and Senxia's brain is running at 000. He looked out the window. It's spring, the weather outside is good, the blue sky, only a few white clouds. Seeing such a scene, Senxia suddenly thought of something. "R" "Huh?" "r.n

^0^Remember in one second【】

r, for short, how? "Find the state and the stones are still there, work hard.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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