Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1806: New Year's Eve Dinner

"Are you not ready yet?"

"Quickly, right away."

In the kitchen, Senxia is preparing the final meal.

The new year is coming, and the last person in charge of this year is Morinha.

In the house, Qianjia is helping to serve food, You Qi is helping to clean up the room, and Lihua is talking on the phone with her father.

Although it was not the Lunar New Year a few decades ago, this does not mean that everyone does not pay attention to the New Year. Now that the old and the new merged, everyone still attaches great importance to the new year.

"Huhuhu~ Thanks, Xiao Zi."

"This is my duty."

The one in the house with Morinka is a member of the maid team.

Even though Xiyan is Senxia's maid, Zhaoyan has already returned to Asahina's house during the Chinese New Year. Morxia simply let Xiyan pass, after all, she is a sister.

So the job of taking care of Morika-although not important to Morika-was entrusted by Yu Yan to another maid.

Speaking of it, although everyone's name seems to come from "The Tale of Genji", the heroine of the Genji Project in it is Zihime herself.

But how should I say, although this girl with the name of the heroine does have a gentle and lovely feeling, but somehow it has a feeling that is easy to ignore. This is not a "heroine".

Like other girls in Tianhai Village, Xiao Zi is also a girl who grew up there since she was a child, but she is not ignorant of the outside world, but a very normal person with common sense... Although I don’t know why, Senxia I feel that Xiao Zi looked at her recently, occasionally with some wonderful interest.

Although it is called Zi, the pronunciation of her name is not everyday murasaki, but another pronunciation yukali. Although the other party's temperament is more passerby, for this reason, Senxia quickly remembered Xiao Zi.

"Are there any more?" Qian Jia just brought a plate of dishes. After returning to the kitchen, she saw that Senxia was washing the pot. She brought the last plate of dishes and asked.

"This is the last one," Morinya said, "It's almost time to start."

Today is not a split meal system, but a Chinese meal for everyone, but everyone has two pairs of chopsticks, one of which is a serving chopstick.

"It's dinner~"

Qian Jia finished the dishes, then went back to the living room to call everyone, and finally on the sofa, she pushed her sister Shiyin who was holding the pillow and sitting on the salted fish.

"Shiyin, don't go on wandering, we're going to have dinner."


Shiyin with the pillows in her face looked confused.

Qianjia frowned, feeling that things were not simple.

Shiyin's feelings are not right these days.

Since Dong CM, Shiyin has not been quite right. A few days ago, Qian Jia was worried about Shiyin and went back to live with Shiyin for a few days. As a result, Qianjia found that when Shiyin was at home, she was obviously in a state of no health. How to put it, the feeling is as subtle as the soul is out of the body.

However, Shiyin occasionally comes back to life when Qianjia mentions "Senxia".

Qianjia simply pulled her sister over.

Anyway, Xue Na was not at home now, and after communicating with Xue Na, Qian Jia arranged Shi Yin in Xue Na's room temporarily.

Not to mention, this really has some effect.

Since coming here, Shiyin's waist is no longer sore, his legs are no longer sore, and the whole person is alive.

But I don't know why, after coming here, the sound of poetry always gives people a feeling of being in a daze all the time.

The illness is cured, but the whole person seems to be salted too.

The sound of poetry now lies lazily on the sofa.

I always feel that something is wrong.

"If you don't get up again, I will turn off the air conditioner in the living room."

"Wow, sister, are you a devil?" Shiyin trembled when she heard Qianjia's words and wanted to stand up.

Not cold, but lazy. It feels like staying up late without a good night's sleep in the past few days.

Only this kind of exhaustion can turn a person from a arrogant character to a waste character.

"You really don't plan to go and see?"

"Didn't the doctor say that it was just overwork," Ji Ye walked over, "Shiyin, the food is ready, Senxia is waiting for you."


Hearing the word Senxia, ​​Shiyin's mouth twitched, and her whole person seemed to show a reluctant expression, but her movements accelerated uncharacteristically.

"Ahhhhh, great, the character of the uprightness of the mouth has not changed~" Looking at Shiyin's back, Ji Ye's face showed a smile of "I have completely mastered it".

"Do you know what's going on?" Qianjia leaned to Ji Ye's side.

"You can actually guess it." Ji Ye's smile gradually became wicked.


Qianjia did not speak.

Shiyin is a good boy, but because of this, she is sometimes subtle.

If this child comes into contact with certain taboos that can make her feel the taste, I am afraid it will be difficult to stop.

Qianjia understands it, but because of this, she is not willing to think about it.

"Could it be that Senxia did something strange?" Senxia, ​​who was calling Yukino, suddenly felt cold all over her body.

"Because it's a very exciting thing." Ji Ye is afraid that the world will not be chaotic. "Although our classmate Moriha looks like a pure bully on the surface, he may actually be a terrible beast inside."

"...Forget it, Shiyin is in a good mood anyway."

Although Shiyin did seem to be wandering beyond the sky, at least when she was here, Shiyin was in a good mood.

That's it.

"Are you still used to here?"

After greeting Yukino over there, Morinka came to Yusu who had just helped arrange the kitchenware.

You Qi was alone here, and Mori Xia simply invited You Qi to spend today's "big day", which is the New Year's Eve.

Hearing Morinka's greetings, Yusu who couldn't speak, smiled at Morinka, and then made an "OK" gesture.

Not long after, the shaky poetic sound also came to the house.

Lihua, who had greeted her father and stepmother, also came back here, Qianjia and Ji Ye also came together.

"Little you come together too."

After calling and greeting Uncle Ichiro Sato and the old man, Morika noticed that after everyone had arrived, Xiao Zi stepped aside.

But Senxia stopped her.

"Please don't worry about me." Xiao Zi said.

"I'm not worried, because Xiaozi is also our family. Let's come together at such a time as today."

Xiao Zi seemed to hesitate for a moment, but was finally pulled to the table by Senxia.

The New Year's Eve dinner of the Morinatsu family has begun.


Happy New Year's Eve~There is another chapter~

Now that everyone says it’s not annoying, I will continue to write a little fake mother in the next chapter... ahem...

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