Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1802: Girls and dating

Shiyin walked briskly ahead.

Today is a holiday and there are many people on the street.

Probably because of the approach of Christmas. Those who walk on the street are all couples in twos and threes.

The brisk girl seemed very happy, and she walked with a light and cheerful feeling.

Senxia followed Shiyin and quietly looked at the lively girl in front of her.

She... seems really not very angry?

No, not so much as lifeless, as she seemed to be full of expectations.

The long black hair, with a pendant behind it, was used to hold and fix the hair. Compared with the appearance of Shiyin before, it was three points more mature and less green.


Shiyin is also a college student now.

In this country, this is the age to be able to talk about marriage.

"What are you staring at me for?" Shiyin noticed Senxia's gaze. She turned her head and looked at Senxia.

"It's nothing, I just think the feeling you give to Shiyin today is very adult. It's completely different from before, there is a refreshing feeling."

Morinatsu told the truth.

"Count your acquaintances~" Shiyin turned her head with reddish cheeks.

"Shiyin is as easy to understand as ever."

Senxia was a little emotional.

Before Qianjia's instigation, Morika really asked Shi Yin to come out.

Senxia was actually a little embarrassed to go out with Shiyin, Shiyin is Qianjia's sister after all. But this time it was Qianjia who hoped that she could help, and Senxia accepted it.

The two continued to walk towards the front, and the severe cold in winter did not seem to affect passers-by's appreciation of the beautiful scenery.

The whole body was enveloped by a warm atmosphere. This breath does not come from the weather, but from people.

"..." The poetry that had walked in front of him for a while suddenly became full, and then stood beside Senxia and took Senxia's hand.

"Huh?" Senxia was a little surprised.

This is not like what Shiyin would do.

"Everyone... is like this. I don't need to be a maverick."

Senxia explored around.

On the left are a pair of girls in white coats and a boy with short hair, walking on the road lovingly holding hands.

On the right is a pair of young men and women, they both wear a scarf together.

And look ahead...

"Who is that person, why are you with that woman you don't know?!"

"Let me explain..."

This is Shura Field, ignore it.

However, the current atmosphere does not seem suitable for single dogs. There is a strong smell of dog food everywhere.

Shiyin was probably aware of this subtle aura, and then she retracted back to her side uncomfortably.

Shiyin took Senxia's hand and buried his head in Senxia's clothes. However, Shiyin raised her head from time to time and looked at Morika, and after noticing Morika's gaze, she lowered her head shyly.

Shiyin seemed to think that Senxia hadn't noticed, but in fact, through the reflection in the window next to him, Senxia had already noticed Shiyin's small movements.

A smile appeared on his face.

"What are you laughing at!" Shiyin pulled Senxia's clothes dissatisfied.

"I just think you are cute. It's nothing." Senxia deliberately.


After Shiyin heard these words, her voice seemed to be much smaller, and her head was buried lower.

"..." Shiyin didn't continue to speak, she followed Senxia's footsteps, slowly walking forward.

This feeling is very good, the two people seem to be integrated into the surrounding atmosphere.


"what's up?"

"You came out with me, it was my sister's idea, right?"

Senxia was a little surprised.

But he was relieved soon.

Qian Jia can understand her sister, which doesn't mean Shiyin doesn't understand Qian Jia at all.

The younger sister also knows the older sister.

"Yeah. Didn't you refuse the previous invitation?" Senxia has a hundred ways to deny Shiyin's guess, and based on his expectation of Shiyin, he wants to hide her from her, but it's not wrong Possible thing. But in the end, Senxia chose to confess.

"Shiyin, you knew it from the beginning," Morinya said.

"It was very happy at first. But when I calmed down, I understood it."

When Shiyin was first invited, she was really happy.

But later, after calming down, Shiyin realized that this approach seemed familiar.

Thinking about it again, Shiyin immediately realized that this was something that the sister who knew her best would do.

"Obviously, if you just make an excuse, you can perfuse the past. And, I might be happier."

This is real.

Shiyin also trusted Senxia very much. Therefore, if Morinya casually perfuse at this time, Shiyin might really believe it.

However, Senxia did not do so.

"Because, I don't want to live up to Shiyin's trust in me."


For Shiyin, the lethality of this sentence seemed to be a little bit stronger. Her body trembled slightly, and she even drifted a little while walking.

"Besides, your sister's relationship is also very good. I don't want to be a sinner who destroys your relationship."

The above is also from the sincerity.

"Count you through."

The girl still had a stiff mouth, but her body was very honest, and her whole body was sticking to Senxia. After a while, Shiyin seemed to recover.

Coincidentally, at this time, two people came to an electrical appliance store.

Electrical appliance stores are very common, but there are few that use Hatsune Miku as a poster.

"Oh, there should be the latest style of headphones."

Morinka raised her head and looked at the poster. The poster's Hatsune Miku is wearing a pair of cute headphones. However, the largest and most conspicuous place on the earphone is the pair of LED cat ears.

This is a pair of cat ear headphones.

"Shiyin, do you want to try it?" Senxia asked.

"Me? But I now—" Shiyin was a little hurried.

She doesn't look like COS as Hatsune today.

"I just want to see the real poems. In fact, no matter what the poems are, they are very interesting, but today's feeling... has a very novel feeling."

"Yes, is it..."

Shiyin was a little shy and a little happy.

"Okay, try it out."


After entering the electrical appliance store, Senxia found that there were quite a lot of things here.

The old, Chinese and new generations of the Order of the Phoenix are lined up in sequence, while Sony and Nintendo are standing next to each other.

In addition to these, there are many various items in this place, many of which are peripherals.

Speaking of, the popularity of peripherals is quite common in neon. There are all kinds of interesting peripherals in this place, from light guns to car roulettes.

And Hatsune Miku has many peripherals here.

At the beginning, there were various customized themes. Later, after everyone saw the business opportunities, Hatsune Miku was simply used to develop a separate product line.

Not to mention, the sales and reputation are pretty good. Of course, the most important thing is the impact on popularity and the market.

"Ah, it's here."

Morinya noticed the cat ear headphones on the poster.

"Hello, sir, did you buy it for your girlfriend?"

Hit hard.


Because just after the clerk's words, it seemed that the poetry sound of a panic, suddenly twisted Senxia's waist.

I've been poked by Qianjia since a few days ago, and now I've been twisted by Shiyin, Morinha's waist is really suffering.

"Um-Shiyin-what color do you like?!"

Senxia shook Shiyin quickly and asked her to pay attention.


The girl didn't seem to be unhappy.

"There are many colors."

From the turquoise color of Hatsune to purple, blue and other colors, it can be said to have everything.

In the end, Shiyin unexpectedly chose a pair of pink cat ear headphones.

"Why choose pink?"

After leaving the shop, Senxia was a little strange.

"Well-it feels more feminine..."

Shiyin said after thinking about it.

However, in her words, it seems that she is not so confident.

"But actually pink is more suitable for children!"

Morinya wanted to say that, but... he still said it.

Although it was a bit out of date, Morinya felt that Shion just seemed to be so subtle.

Then Senxia was poked by Shiyin.

——The tactics of the two sisters are actually the same.

"But if you match it up with such a mature dress now, maybe it will be interesting. This kind of contrast can really be there!"

Senxia spoke quickly.

"Really, you have to surprise people every time!"

The girl curled her lips in dissatisfaction.

"Because I think Shion's reaction will be very interesting!"-This sentence, Senxia really didn't say it.

After the two continued walking for a while, they arrived at a shopping mall.

After walking into the mall, you can see two arcade machines.

Arcade machines in shopping malls are a commonly used method in the market recently. The popularity of these dancing arcade machines is a bit unexpected, but it is actually quite interesting.

Of course, the popularity of arcades in shopping malls is more abroad, and in the case of mud bombing, because the country's own arcade culture is relatively strong, there are arcade game halls everywhere, so there are relatively few arcades in such malls.

The character in the picture is Hatsune Miku.

From the very beginning, the two people seem to have been connected to Hatsune Miku.

This is not Senxia's design, nor is it an absolute coincidence.

Because the Christmas promotion season is here, there will be these various products and promotions. Hatsune Miku, as one of the best, has a good reputation no matter what.

Not to mention, although the arcade machines in the mall are relatively small, people are surprised a lot. Even the people who are dancing right now still look like COS as Hatsune Miku.

However, the degree of reduction of this COS is much worse than the "authentic style" of the poetry on the side.

Let alone the figure, the other party's double ponytail is much shorter than Hatsune Miku's.

Hatsune Miku’s double pony tails are very long, while the opponent’s double pony tails are just two short pony tails.

Senxia looked at Shiyin's hair again.

Shiyin's hair is quite long, and if it becomes a double ponytail, the length is definitely not short.

"Why look at me again? Statement in advance, even if you let me perform after COS, I will definitely not do it!"

Shiyin always felt that Senxia would be unkind.

"How could I do such a thing!" Morinya said with a smile, "I just discovered that Shion, your hair seems to be longer than last time."

When did it start?

Senxia remembered that Shiyin's hair was not so long at the beginning.

But now Shiyin's hair has reached the hip part, and it is indeed much longer than before.

"Since the beginning of COS Hatsune Miku, you haven't had a haircut, right?" Morinya said.

"You really understand." Shiyin was surprised. But she corrected it again: "It's not that I don't have a haircut or care. I can do it too. Dyeing can do a lot of damage to the hair.

"Is this the girl's persistence?"


Senxia raised her head and continued to look forward.

The actor of Hatsune Miku has stepped down at this moment. Standing on the stage is an otaku.

No, not necessarily an otaku.

Although the other party looked like a dead house, maybe he was just a simple and flexible fat man.

After this person came to power, his personal image dissuaded many onlookers. But then, this flexible fat man, relying on that astonishing movement, made people unable to help but focus on him again.

"It's really amazing. Obviously the tonnage is so big, it can be so amazing."

After the song was over, the flexible fat man seemed to have noticed everyone's gaze.

Later, his face also showed a pleasant smile, and then switched to the song of green onion, and began to twist more frequently.

By this time, Senxia was no longer surprised whether the other party was a flexible fat man, but was surprised that such a fat man was able to perform such high-frequency movements.

What the saying is, terrifying! Really terrifying!

"Let's go, such a beautiful girlfriend didn't look at her, but she just went to see a flexible fat guy!"

Shiyin pulled Senxia's clothes with some dissatisfaction.

But the next moment, both Morinka and Shion seemed to notice something was wrong.

"Wow...! You just forgot about it! Forget all about it!'s all to the clerk, my head just got crooked..."

Shiyin clutched his head.

She was stunned all of a sudden, because the word "girlfriend" used by the clerk before As a result, because of some absent-minded relationship, Shi Yin suddenly used the word "girlfriend" casually.

"Know it!"

Morika patted Shion's head gently.

I'm not at a loss anyway.

No matter what Shiyin said, she was also her own "little sister".

"I'll keep that sentence in my heart!" Senxia also began to talk about it.

"Forget it! Forget it! Forget it all!"

The girl's small fist punched Senxia's chest. A quite interesting scene.


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