Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1795: This guy is very bad!

"Trust me, everything I do is for the good of the princess."

Senxia always felt that Qianjia looked at her with weird eyes, so Senxia had to declare once again that everything she did was for the good of her role.

It's not for writing tragedy or something.

"This is called authenticity."

"Ahhhhh, I remember you said it before. Kneel to the truth."

The homophony of the last four characters is Chinese.

"Ahem-it's different."

Senxia quickly said: "In fact, it is like this. After dividing into a dual route, I found that the whole story seems to start to become deeper."

Yes. This is the unexpected joy that Moriha discovered.

Because the story can be divided into two routes, this method can make the story more in-depth while ensuring that the story of the main route is not affected.

"A story route is mainly based on combat, of course, there are also humanistic care and resourcefulness, so here can ensure that the main story of the story is abundant. But now we are talking about another story route, that is, the literary and opera route. The support of the first route, so when we are working on the second story, we can deepen the whole story."

In general works, when considering the mood of the audience and the development of the story, there is a problem that needs to be considered, and that is the structure of the story.

However, when the route was divided into two episodes a week, Morinia found that she seemed to be able to tell a big story in depth.

This kind of story is relatively slow, not suitable for the machine combat series.

For example, if a machine combat work does not appear until the last few episodes, the player will definitely rebel.

But after having a basic board, another route extended can be more in-depth.

"Well, then tell me, what are you going to do? Really let the Princess Palace go to the factory?" Qianjia looked at Senxia.

"What, your Royal Highness is going to the factory?"

Erika came over.

Senxia not only gave the story, he actually matched the character design of the protagonist.

So Erika still likes that princess.

But at this moment, she suddenly heard Senxia saying that she would let the princess go to the factory.

"It's okay, Erika, aren't you also a maid?" Morika said.

"It's different. The maid is a kind of romance, but if you go to the factory...well, it's too realistic." Erika felt that Mori summer's words were too realistic.

Senxia shook her head, no matter what others thought, she just said, "This part, I think it should be the transformation of Princess Ethelam."

Morinya told the others what he said before.

"Well, the economic crisis...layoffs...economic difficulties...well, isn't this the nineties..."

Unlike Qianjia who felt like the Europeans in the eighteenth century, Erika thought of the nineties. After being drunk and squandering money in the 1980s, the mud boom in the 1990s was fully tightened, and he began to spend his first "lost decade."

What is the first lost decade?

Well, because there will be a second lost decade and a third lost decade...

"Almost, but a little deeper." Morixia said, "The earth as a whole is facing an economic crisis, factories squeeze workers, and Martians in order to obtain more raw materials and markets to solve the survival crisis, so in turn invaded the earth."

"According to you, it seems that both sides of the war have that meaning?" Qianjia suddenly said, "Where is Sarajevo?"

The fuse that triggered the First World War was an assassination.

Qianjia naturally thought of this when he heard Senxia's words.

"Well, of course learn from it."

Seeing everyone gathered around, Senxia had no choice but to put down the unfinished barbecue.

Then he said: "A design completely out of reality is impractical."

"Simply put, is it the reshaping after the elements of modern warfare are mixed. The Martian knight is the red deer of World War II, and the fuse is the event of World War I, and then there is an economic crisis."

"Yes. For people on Earth, the biggest contradiction now should be the contradiction between the people's basic material needs and the increasingly serious inequality. And Mars also squeezes the bottom layer and taps the potential for war, but these bottom layers are in When facing the robbed earth resources, they will also cheer. These people are also the perpetrators..."

"It feels very subtle," Qianjia said.

"Ah, it's simple. Let's put it this way. Moving the mud bombs of World War II to the Mediterranean or England of World War I, it's almost like this."

In fact, the difference is still far away, but it is easier to understand.

Morinka, who has released herself, is so confident and unpretentious.

"Alright, okay, let's talk about it after setting the background, you can talk about the plot first." Qianjia said.

"Yeah." Senxia said, "In the beginning, the heroes and heroines acted together before they found Deucalion. But after having Deucalion and establishing a basis...I mean the stronghold, they faced the enemy's attack. In order to end the war, the princess lurked into Yanglu City to talk to the emperor, and then learned the truth. Then the stronghold was destroyed, Inaifan led the others to start a strategic shift, and Ethelam was actually half-house arrested by her childhood sweetheart. stand up."

"After that, the Martian knights began to digest the territories occupied by the earth, and Ethelam took the opportunity to escape. However, she found that both the earth and Mars were under martial law. Although she fled Yanglu City, she could not leave the city. "

"At this time, the Martian Knights started to implant biochips in everyone for his own notice. The Ethelam in disguise was also implanted with biochips for monitoring and could not escape. But luckily , She is just considered to be an ordinary person, not as a princess with a chip implanted."

"Wait a minute. There are billions of people on the earth, and millions of people in a city, is this really okay?" Qianjia objected.

"Is there any sense of reality to find in the virtual world...well, but strictly managed, it seems to be a little unrealistic to do so. Forget it, how to deal with this problem, and discuss with the supervisor at that time." Senxia is very unscrupulous. Skip this question.

"All in all, the middle of the story is probably here." Morinya said, "Later, she learned how miserable these bottom layers are. The peace she called for was unrealistic from the beginning, because even without her assassination , War will definitely break out, because if there is no war, then the inside of the earth and Mars will split."

"Senxia, ​​you must be breaking the girl's dream... Forget it, go on." Qian Jia shook her head.

"Ahem-this is for a better future. Just as the bottom layer of Pandora's box is the light of hope, our story must be bright in the end, and mankind will be redeemed in the end."

I believe you big head, Teacher Xia Sen is very bad.

"Uh-then I will continue."

Senxia felt that the eyes around her were winding around her, and that uncomfortable feeling made Senxia a bit subtle.

Senxia continued: "The life at the bottom level has completely transformed Her Royal Highness. The twelve hours of work a day cannot be less, and every day is busy, but it is always fruitless. Here, she also knows a few things. A female worker."

"To make matters worse, prices are still rising, and the Martians are plundering food on the market."

"The princess knows that the people of Mars also need food from the earth, but when she discovered that a female worker she met was unable to obtain food because of rising prices, and finally starved to death, she felt a sense of love for her people for the first time. This kind of hatred. This kind of hatred caused the princess to be distorted. She knew that her people needed food, and she also knew that it was her own people, but she just couldn't control the kind of disgust and hatred from her heart. And at this time, she thought of Slein leading herself to see the scenery at the bottom of Mars. Because the earth sells food at high prices, it is also difficult for the bottom of Martians to obtain food, and Mars is not a highly productive place. People also face this tragedy, and they also have the same hatred..."

"...Are you a demon?"

Erika couldn't bear to look straight.

Obviously a pure princess, a princess who loves her own people and is even willing to sacrifice for them, at this time, hatred of her own people arose.

Senxia is poisonous!

Is this demonic plot a moral decay or a distortion of human nature?

"I am the Sunshine of Light now! No matter what the process is, as long as the result is good!"

Senxia stood up and protested.

I need .JPG for the story.

"It seems that after Xue Nao went to study abroad, Senxia Jun decisively turned black." Qian Jia's face was determined.


"Erika, you have to believe me!"

Morika looked at Erika, who lowered her head.

Senxia looked at Xiao Tou, who hesitated and said nothing.

He looked at Yousu, who had a formulaic smile on his face.

"Ah, by the way, Lily, you must understand me... Lily?"

The second sick girl was not here at all, she hid behind a tree not far away, looking at the big devil with fearful eyes.

"Well, let me see how you reverse it." Qianjia finally decided to let Morinya continue.

Otherwise, the story is stuck here, maybe it really makes people depressed.

"Uh-okay." Senxia was helpless. He really felt that he had reformed, but unfortunately, this person did not believe in himself.

This is embarrassing.

Senxia can only continue to conceive: "At this time, Ethelam finally noticed what the chains of hatred and the shackles covering the majority of the people are. But at this time, she still felt that the pace of the war stopped. People will get a chance to breathe. But there is no such thing. Because the world is not changed by human will. The work at the bottom has made Her Royal Highness discover a terrible fact: these bottoms are just a one-time crush. Things."

Senxia took a new skewers and quietly changed positions. It is terrible to be surrounded by people.

"The bottom is slowly withering, and the middle class is beginning to fall to the bottom. The upper class is becoming more and more developed, turning the side branches into the middle, and then the middle to the bottom. This world is the world where the bottom is constantly being discarded as garbage. , These people don’t even have a future... and the same thing happened on Mars. At this time, Ethelam thought of the first time he met Inaihan, at that time, he was in the library Inaifan has already told Ethelam that war is not an end, nor a result, but a process. Perhaps some wars are irrational, but most wars have the same purpose. Eliminate excess population and expand. Territorial market, foreign transfer contradictions..."

"Then, she realized that the desire for real peace is not a slogan, nor an empty talk, nor is it a so-called initiative. Mutual understanding can actually not solve any problems... Ah, by the way, if you say that When there is hatred, you can show the princess to see the two scenes of the Martian's joy of getting food and the debilitating and dying of friends next to her, so that there is a contrast... ahem, I continue.

After noticing everyone’s dangerous gaze, Moriha, who just wanted to add drama, could only shrink: "At this time, there are naturally resistance organizations, but Ethelam realized that such a struggle cannot solve the battle itself, because of these. Human thoughts are equally extreme. Therefore, if you want everyone to understand each other, there is only one way, and that is—"

"President has become a soldier?"

"This transformation is too cruel..."

"Um... so poor."

"Wait a minute. Senxia, ​​I always feel that this plot is not right." Everyone was babbling, and Qianjia felt that Senxia's part was a bit subtle.

And Morinia continued to speak: "——That is love and peace."


The others are confused.

There was a lot of paving, why did it end up like this?

This is actually related to Ethelam's character, because on Senxia's side, the other's character is closer to the true Virgin. But if this kind of operation is not good, it is easy to become a Virgin.

So Morinka's handling here is quite concerned.

"Don't forget, our story is not the real world." Morinya said, "Our story now needs a community of human destiny. In this story, the world is fragmented, and the Martian Knights are similar to enclaves. System. And the method that Her Royal Highness thought of was to put the torn world together again. People may never understand each other, but the pace of advancement will not stop. As long as it does not stop, the road will continue to extend... "

"Although I don't quite understand, I still feel understandable." Qianjia probably understood.

"Ahem, in a nutshell, at this time, Her Royal Highness realized that if you want these people to live, you must resist, but you need to be organized. At this time, Inah's forces are also preparing to attack where the princess is. The city and liberate it..."

The hero and heroine are finally going to be together again. It's just that at this moment, everything is different...


Ahem, no need to contact the real world. In the animation, solving problems is of course relying on love and mutual understanding!

And this is not the final version of the story, it will definitely need to be adjusted when the supervision comes.

The part of releasing myself is finally done...cough cough...


Writing Chinese network

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