Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1787: Hey, there seems to be...

Senxia watched TV without a god.

He is like a salted fish.

"Gundam SEED" is playing on TV.

Musashino avoided this schedule and did not release works of the same type.

Although Musashino seemed to be able to fight against the Gundam series, Morika decisively changed his strategy.

But in fact, Musashino himself is also aware of this. After all, this work also has their cooperation, so they also know some of the work of this work. But how much can the new Gundam sweep the world? That's impossible.

But after the new Gundam started to play, they discovered that Gundam really deserves to be Gundam, both in ratings and surroundings, are top-notch.

In terms of the future, the new Gundam is the "classic big IP".

Although Seed Gundam is not a past world view, but a new world line, but because this Gundam is an "Idol Gundam", the enthusiasm has even surpassed the past.

From Mori's point of view, this Gundam is actually different from another world line.

Not only because of Musashino's cooperation, but also because of the different styles of painting.

The works of this generation are all influenced by Musashino's new animation style.

Musashino is very big and has many talents. Of course, it is impossible for talents to enter but not to leave. The animation industry is different from others. It is highly fluid, and there are even many independent original artists.

Because of this, many talents cultivated by Musashino will gradually influence other parts of the world.

But it's just Hirai face.

Oh, Hirai's face is the face set by Hisa Hirai as a person. Its characteristic is that the hairstyle is removed, and everyone is basically the same.

He did all things like Gundam SEED and Fafna in the sky, so when many people watch these works, they often play...

There are also "August Face", "Wu Nei Face" and so on...

In fact, the biggest changes are the coloring, photography skills, post-production, and the Gundam body.

In this idea, many works have no so-called concept of photography and post-production, because they are all hand-painted works, so it's easy to get it done.

What is light pollution? nonexistent.

After drawing it out, just upload it directly.

But in the era of computer painting, the difference is big.

For example: highlight.

In the hand-painted era, there are very few so-called highlights.

However, in the new era, high gloss is always used, such as all kinds of tights and pearl socks, these are things that are only available in the new era...


Qianjia was next to Senxia, ​​poking Senxia in the face.

"Um...what's the matter?" Senxia raised her head like a salted fish.

"Isn't it that you can't see your dear Xue Nao-chan, so depressed?"

"Um... I'm not depressed, I'm just salting fish."

"Salted fish?"

"In other words, I am now in the realm of Jianxin's clear vision."

"Are you a swordsman?"

"No, I'm One Punch Man."

Qian Jia sighed.

Then, she patted Senxia on the shoulder: "It's time to take medicine."

"I'm fine."

Senxia got up angrily.

At this time on TV, it’s the actor Aslan and the heroine Kira...Bah, it’s the actor Kira and the heroine’s not right, it’s the actor Kira and the second actor Aslan. The confrontation between.

Although the two are friends, they have their own perseverance, but they are confronting each other by mistake.

The mechanical parts here are all coordinated by Musashino.

Gundam is not incapable of drawing mechanical effects.

It's just that the times have changed.

Even EVA is more textured than before. If Gundam uses the old style again, it might be abandoned.

But after passing the cooperation, the texture of the current assault (Kira's Gundam) has long been much better than the original painting.

Oh, it can't be said to be painting, mainly coloring and photography.

Of course, there are also paintings, because when making the Gundam Battle, they still use 3D for modeling first, and then repost.

Because only in this way, painting can be guaranteed-when 3D technology is not used, Gundam painting will collapse.

"It feels completely different from the previous Gundam."

Qian Jia is also chasing fan, and I have also seen the previous part.

And her biggest feeling is "quite different."

"Because it's a new series." Morinka said.

Although it is also Hirai's face, Hirai himself has also been influenced by the current style, so the style here has also changed.

This feeling is really good.

"But it's very different, but I have seen it on the Internet, and the feedback is very good now. It is a pity that the broadcast on the Internet is delayed for a week and there are restrictions..." Qianjia said, "But I prefer This style."

"Well... this feels good." Senxia was still in the salty fish.

"So Senxia-kun, can't you be more energetic?" Qianjia poked Senxia.

"I'm very energetic." Senxia said.

"Forget it. Speaking of which, our Lelouch and MUV are actually very good. Have you considered a new series?" Qianjia said, "What about some magical realism combat works?"

"Ah-this is really there. No, let's forget it."

A certain wonderful "magic realism masterpiece" suddenly appeared in Senxia's mind.

That is an absolute masterpiece.

But how to put it, this work that can't even be named, before it truly "reflects reality", was once persecuted by public criticism and was also called "Intelligent Business Opportunity."

Although the big reversal is very interesting, but it's going to be ridiculed for seven or eight years.

This "honor" should be given to others.

"What is it, what is it?" Qianjia over there was interested.

"It's nothing. I just want to say that after another five or six years, the robot warfare animation will probably decline directly." Senxia said.

"Isn't this five or six years left?"

"What you said makes sense."

"——So, Senxia-kun, don’t you have something interesting? The anti-routine one."

Although Gundam SEED feels very interesting, it's just that.

Because this work is still more traditional.

At least the routines and plot have not deviated from the line of kings.

But what Qianjia wants to see is obviously not like Well, let me think about it. "Sinxia muttered.



This one……

Hey, by the way, there seems to be such one.

"By the way, I seem to know some more interesting things. Maybe this one can really be used."

The previous "IQ Opportunity" is fine.

What Senxia thought of was another anti-routine work, a work of "God Beginning" and "Trash Ending".

Oh, not a certain iron blood gundam.

Instead, he hung the name of Lao Xu, but in fact Lao Xu only wrote the first three chapters...

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