Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1777: This is a casual game without krypton or liver, you can play with it...

"Ashamed, this can all be lost, leave the group!"

"Lose again, lose again w"

"How can it be repaired, you guys, this is an accident. It is a small probability event. I have been equipped with critical strike reduction equipment, but with only a 5% critical strike rate, I can be exploded three times in a row. Why is it not me? Is it wrong!"

Mr. yxxxx is broadcasting live.

yxxxx is a live broadcast. He was the first batch of anchors after the establishment of Hatsune Station, and a contract anchor of "Hatsune Office".

His real name is Chiyodagawa, his last name is Chiyoda, and his name is Chuan.

Chiyodagawa was originally a game enthusiast and liked games very much. In the past, he often posted his strategy and understanding on his own network.

In addition, he often contributes to game magazines, but although he likes games, the level of the game itself is slightly limited, so he always ends up without a problem.

But he himself is not tired of it.

It was a stand-alone game at the beginning, because the network was underdeveloped at that time.

Later, online games began to gradually appear, and qicq has broadened the communication on the Internet, and Chiyodagawa gradually became famous on the Internet.

After having this wonderful webcasting system last year, he tried it out the first time.

But webcasting is actually not an easy task.

Especially at the beginning, the webcast also requires that the players who watch the live broadcast also need to install the game.

To be honest, this condition is really not generally harsh.

But there is no alternative, it is a compromise between network bandwidth and picture quality.

But now, the website also allows direct live streaming of video.

For direct webcasting, the resolution of the screen is definitely not as good as the original, and even if the network is not good, the screen will only get worse.

However, this kind of website live broadcast has more stringent requirements for the host. If you want to live broadcast, the host even needs to have two gs hosts and be equipped with special capture card peripherals to be able to live broadcast. And the premise is that the broadband quality is good.

Chiyodagawa is a game lover who uses his love to generate electricity. He gritted his teeth and bought two decisively.

Then he started the live broadcast journey.

Not to mention, because of his prestige accumulated on the Internet, after he started the live broadcast, many fans have come over.

And just at this time, a game called "Infinite Boundary Line" appeared.

Although it is a web game, the connotation of this game is very wonderful, and the unique card drawing system is also very enjoyable...


All in all, Chiyodagawa started playing the game at that time, and his playing made a group of players notice him.

Not only players, but also official.

Hatsune Station found Chiyodagawa at this time.

Chiyodagawa's live broadcast effect is very good, and it has made a great contribution to the maintenance and promotion of the game's popularity.

And he doesn't just play this web game, but also games like "Dark Soul" and "Demon Soul".

The effect is also very good.

Of course, it's not that his technique is good, but because his broadcast is very comedic.

Just like now.

The difficulty of "Swordsman Miko" was originally against Kanami Eto. Kanami Eto's crit was painful, and it was easy to be halved by the opponent's empty-handed next round attack.

In order to attack this highly difficult dungeon, Chiyodagawa here chose a piece of equipment that reduces the enemy's critical strike rate.

After Chiyodagawa's calculations, he found that he could reduce the opponent's critical strike rate to the base value, which is the lowest five percent.

However, just below this critical rate, he was hit by the opposite side three times in a row...

What the hell...

But the players are quite happy to hear about this.

For the first time, Chiyodagawa was "empty-handed" by Kanami for five consecutive rounds, and the originally calculated health bar was only half-cut.

Then came various problems.

All in all, Chiyodagawa's strategy was extremely bumpy.

"How can it be repaired! I will be able to overturn Kanami next time!"

Chiyodagawa said viciously.

Unfortunately, the physical strength is gone.

He opened the game modifier and added a lot of sacred stones to himself.

I have a yen modifier, I am not afraid of you!

The gravel was full of energy, and he began to continue the strategy.

"Hmm...perfect! Perfect this time!"

Finally, this time he encountered the perfect process.

Chiyodagawa did not encounter any small-probability events this time, and then reduced Kanami to the point of slashing his blood, preparing to drive away Kanami.

"The round is over..."


Just as Kanami attacked, Chiyodagawa suddenly heard a broken sound.

"Oh ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

He screamed.

Because the sound effect just now was the sound of cracking after his equipment's durability reached its limit.

Equipment fragmentation is not terrible, just repair it.

But the problem is that when the equipment is broken, one's own side is equivalent to no armor.

Chiyodagawa's equipment durability is still quite high, but the problem is that because of the previous battle, his mentality has collapsed, and as a result, he forgot about the durability of the equipment.

Kanami has three combos, the first is armor-breaking, the second is white, and the third is critical...

Chiyodagawa was not dead.

But it's almost dead.

Because there is no attribute bonus, he can't lose the opponent in seconds.

Then the next round, but Nami got a set of skills, and he couldn't stop the white board.

"Online shame."


"This time is my own problem w"

"The program has a perfect score of 2333"

The last one was sent by a netizen named Mori, who also gave Chiyodagawa a small TV by the way. This is a virtual prop of the live broadcast station to help him reach the top of the popularity of the live broadcast area.

After Chiyodagawa was rewarded by the opponent, the whole person was better.

This Mori-sama, he also knows, is an audience who has appeared frequently recently, but it is also an "urban legend". Because this Mr. Mori likes to send the unknown "23333", many people think this is a unique usage of "ww", and they don't know why he uses 233.

Some people say that the word "3" after "233" is matched, and there is a feeling of grinning, so 233 means very happy, and 23333 is very happy, just like other people use w to express their feelings . But this man seems to have denied this statement.

But another person checked the serial number of Tieba's emoji package, and found that 233 was the serial number of laughter, and suspected that the other party found it from here.

Unfortunately, this has not been verified.

However, compared to 2333, everyone still likes to use w, but for the anchor, when someone suddenly rewarded, and then commented "2333", he knew that this "urban legend" must have come to the show.

Although his mentality collapsed, Chiyodagawa finally felt better because of the "urban legend" reward.

After continuing to work hard, he finally overthrew Kanami.

"...The battle with you is very interesting. I should return to my world. If there is a chance, let us meet again in the future!"

After speaking the last lines, Nami also left.

"Thank you very much for watching. I think my luck has finally returned. I...can go to the Dark Sword."

The Dark Sword is a weapon in "Dark Soul".

Chiyodagawa liked this weapon very much.

But unfortunately, he has never exploded this weapon in the game.

He feels that he is lucky now. If he goes to play in "Dark Souls", he may be able to fight...

But this is an illusion.

After brushing for two hours and not getting the Dark Sword, he finally broadcast the shame.

"How can it be repaired..."

He shook his head.

The whole person was lying decadently on the tatami.

This is a sad story.

But it is undeniable that from another perspective, this effect is very good.

This live broadcast effect is practiced...

That's strange.

Only Chiyodagawa here knows the sad story.

"Forget it, that's it...Huh?"

At this moment, he suddenly received a message from qicq.

It's a message from Hatsune Station.

"Yxxxx Sang, are you interested in coming to beta test a new web game?"

The person speaking is the super administrator who connects the official with the anchors.

"Hi. I'm interested. But web games are more complicated than ordinary games and consume more time. The live broadcast on my side..."

"It's okay, it's a casual game."


Chiyodagawa is very strange.

The development of web games on this world line is different from the other world line.

"Infinite Boundary" is a game born out of "Brave New World", and the latter is a game born out of the era of mud games, and the latter is also a game with a very large amount of text.

And "Infinite Boundary Line" is considered the "evolutionary form" of this type of game.

Moreover, there are huge texts and designs in "Infinite Boundary Lines". In the eyes of many gamers in this era, web games are naturally unable to compete with traditional games on the screen, and have high demands on the Internet. In terms of gameplay, there is no way to compare with ordinary games.

However, "Infinite Boundary Line" relies on the text content to be unique.

As a result, they believe that the magic weapon for web games is complex game content, exquisite game static pictures and complicated text.

Many games imitating this kind of game follow this route.

Chiyodagawa and many anchors also share this impression.

This is regarded as being crooked by Senxia.

However, at this time, he suddenly heard someone say that this is a "casual game."

"Small game?" he asked tentatively.

"No, it's a nurturing game. However, the battle is conducted in a fully automatic mode, absolutely no krypton or liver, it is a nurturing game very suitable for leisure and relaxation."

"Develop a class?"

"Hi, hi, you probably heard about it recently. P station recruited a lot of painters and wanted to develop an interesting game. That's it. This is a ship anthropomorphic game, the goal is to build it with you The lovely navy girl, go to the happy strategy map. Because the battle is fully automatic, the battle is completely effortless. You only need to repair them in time after the battle."

Oh oh oh?

It looks really wonderful!

"Hi, hi, I'm very interested!"

Not because this game is casual, but because he is very interested in the concept of ship mother.

But leisure is also good.

It just so happened that "Infinite Boundary Line" had now captured the high-difficulty dungeon by himself. He had basically completed the battle on this side, and he had entered a "long grass period".

At this time, it’s good to have a casual game to rejuvenate yourself.

"The closed beta of the game will start next week. If you are free on the weekend, you can come to Tokyo."

Chiyodagawa does not live in Tokyo, but in Osaka.


"Well, the whole process of reimbursement of expenses is mainly to take you to visit the content related to the game and conduct two days of training."


It seems that the official attaches great importance to this content.

If it's just a "casual game", it doesn't seem to make much money, right?

The number of web games is limited.

The market is supported by the heavyweight krypton gold of the players' enthusiasm.

"If we don't make money, the game can't go on." This idea is not uncommon among the web game community.

This is also a peculiar phenomenon of mud bombing.

In this country, in many cases, the game is not fun, but players feel that the game maker is very hard, so they buy the game.

um, yes.

It's not because the game is fun, but because I think the game maker is very hard, so I went to Krypton and the game.

The bad habits of many Japanese game makers can even be said to be cultivated by these kind players.

But... Morinya didn't care.

We are now an atypical Japanese game manufacturer...

"Can you tell me something about this game?" Chiyodagawa asked curiously.

"Ah, it's not content that needs to be kept secret anyway. It's best to help promote it here."

The opposite doesn't seem to care about the leakage of game content.

In other words, the other party started to look for anchors for live broadcast, just to promote the game on a large scale.

"In this game, you need to play the role of the admiral of the guard house. In the game, you need to use resources to build the ship's mother to attack the destination. The ship's mother needs your own training, and the difficult map needs your ship. The mother can continue after reaching a certain strength. In addition, the resource itself can be automatically restored, and the map can also salvage the ship mother, so this game itself will not be as strenuous as "Boundless". "

"That's it, it's really casual."

Chiyodagawa nodded.

Hearing the explanation from the other side, he immediately understood.

The game itself is also an automatic battle game, so no extra energy is needed.

Hmm, very good.


, "..."

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