Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1775: Kuroshima Ichiro's investigation

"Hey, I missed Xia cm perfectly."

Ichiro Kuroshima had prepared the perfect summer cm strategy.

But unfortunately, everything is impossible to achieve.

Kuroshima Ichiro was in Fengyang at this moment, listening to Fengyang Huagu Opera.

"Speaking of Fengyang, Dao Fengyang, Fengyang is a good place. Since the birth of the Emperor Zhu, there have been nine years of drought in ten years..."

The performance over there was pretty good.

Ichiro Kuroshima has been working for so many years, and he can understand some related words.

Ichiro Kuroshima is here to investigate.

Not only for the Three Kingdoms era, but for other historical eras, he also has to investigate.

"Since you are going, you might as well invite professionals to record all the representative buildings and features."

Although the Demon Capital was a metropolis, the Demon Capital and a certain eastern country were really related to a dime in ancient times. There was no big part of the Demon Capital. In ancient times, they were all under the sea.

So after arriving here, Ichiro Kuroshima went to Xuzhou for the first stop. This is where the allusions of San Rang Xuzhou occurred.

After going to Xuzhou, Ichiro Heidao came to Fengyang Ancient Town to investigate this "Zhongdu" in the Ming Dynasty.

"Fengyang was called Zhongli in the Three Kingdoms Period and belonged to Jiujiang County. Later, it was under the jurisdiction of Xuzhou in the Jin Dynasty. At the end of the Sui Dynasty, this was the famous Bozhou and Du Fuwei's site..." It was Teacher Wang.

"That's it."

Hearing what he said here, Ichiro Kuroshima was also looking at this ancient city.

After listening to Teacher Wang's statement, Ichiro Kurijima here turned to listen to the Fengyang Flower Drum Opera there, but at this time, the Flower Drum Opera had finished a round, and the tour guide was explaining at this moment.

"...Zhu Yuanzhang is a nostalgic person. After he became the emperor, he thought of his hometown Fengyang. This Fengyang is his hometown, how could his hometown be poor, so he put hundreds of thousands of rich Jiangnan families Moved around Fengyang. Fengyang was the central capital of the Ming Dynasty and one of the capitals. It must be strong. But Fengyang in the Ming Dynasty was not as developed as the Jiangnan water town, so these people often missed home, but they were afraid of Zhu Yuanzhang, They don’t dare to go back clearly, so how do they go back? They just pretend to be beggars all the way, begging to go back to their hometown to visit... "Since Emperor Zhu came out, there have been nine years of famine in ten years." In fact, is it famine? They will all go home to visit..."

Although Ichiro Kuroshima could understand a little bit, he actually didn't understand it. He turned his head and asked Professor Wang for help.

But Professor Wang said: "The tour guide actually doesn't know the history. The Fengyang Huagu Opera was established in the middle of the Qing Dynasty and flourished during the Republic of China. We heard that the Huagu Opera here is a story from the Ming Dynasty. In fact, it is impossible to sing in the Ming Dynasty. This is a story that explains the generations, in fact it is based on the past to satirize the present, and it is about the history of the Qing Dynasty..."

"...Also, there is such a saying?" Kuroshima Ichiro was shocked.

"Yes." Teacher Yi also added, "Now when we talk about the Qing Dynasty, we talk about the prosperity of Kangxi and Qianlong, but in fact, the prosperity of Kangxi and Qianlong was the prosperity of sweet potatoes. It was an era of population growth that was completely supported by foreign high-product species. But in fact, Kang In the dry and heyday era, people’s material life was extremely scarce, and they were also greatly oppressed. They didn’t dare to resist. What should we do? Naturally, they could only curse themselves, but they could not curse explicitly. The literary prison is prosperous, and they are also afraid. What should I do? I will blame the emperor of the previous dynasty when I scold Huai.

But Teacher Wang is obviously more insightful about this period of history: "In fact, it is very unlikely that the lyrics were like this. The evolution of the lyrics may have undergone changes for a long time. Because you can see that the Qing Dynasty wrote Ming history. In fact, they have a characteristic, that is, they desperately washed the ground for the emperors of the Ming Dynasty. By comparison, you can find that a remarkable feature of the Qing Dynasty history is that the emperors are all sages, at least they are not stupid. It's the following. But why they wrote this, one of the important reasons for this is to make themselves more legitimized, telling everyone that if one day we have a problem, it must not be the emperor's fault, but the following It's wrong. Don't say it, it works."

"So that's it." Ichiro Kuroshima nodded ignorantly, "This history is really amazing, if I can, I really want to tell the story of this history."

"I think this history can indeed be written. Why not?" Teacher Yi also thought it was great.

However, Ichiro Kuroshima shook his head: "Teacher Xia Sen won't let him. He explained that the DPRK, Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China are better not to write.

Teacher Wang and Teacher Yi looked at each other.

Teacher Wang shook his head: "This history is really hard to write, especially when it comes to war topics, it's easy to make mistakes."

Both of them are insiders in the power room, so they naturally know how subtle this period of history is.

Don't talk about foreign countries, even at home, when writing this part of history, you have to think about it.

rpg can do it, but war theme... really can't do it.

"But Mr. Xia Sen also said that we can do something interesting, such as diving into subjects. And our fairy sword can also be used for reference, so some homework is still to be done."

Of course, the main problem lies in the three countries.

This is just passing by, and Ichiro Kuroshima will organize a team to gather the scene.

In the game, some locations do require some homework.

For example, in this game, Senxia requires some classic maps to be produced.

For example, Chibi is the first place the modeling team of Caifeng will go.

After watching Fengyang, Ichiro Kuroshima will go to meet with the team just formed.

Modeling is a huge project, and the preparatory work is also very large, from determining the art style, color tone, characters and so on.

Ichiro Kuroshima felt a little pain in his head.

The production of this trilogy is terrible...

"The history of a certain oriental country... is really extensive and profound." On the train back to the magic city, Ichiro Kuroshima was quite ashamed.

"That's why it's so charming." Teacher Yi smiled, "If I didn't come to play games, I might have become a history teacher, haha."

"Go and go together!" Teacher Wang also smiled.

Maybe the two were not so rare to be teachers at the beginning, but they have been called "teacher teacher" all the time, and the emotion in their hearts has also been drawn out.

Kuroshima Ichiro also said: "I heard that the martial arts of a certain oriental country is also very powerful. Is there any reference value in this regard?"

However, hearing Ichiro Kuroshima's statement, both of them shook their heads.

"Martial arts and battlefields are not built. If it's an rpg, you can do it, but you should pay attention to battlefield games."


Hearing what Teacher Yi said, Ichiro Kuroshima suddenly thought of Morinatsu's. Mori summer asked Ichiro Kuroshima to try not to involve that kind of "unparalleled" content.

This game allows players to use personal force to gain an advantage on the battlefield, but players are strictly prohibited from mowing in the game.

"Then...Is there any battle that I can refer to..."

Kuroshima Ichiro is actually quite distressed, the real battle... it seems really difficult to do?

Teacher Yi and Teacher Wang looked at each other.

Then Teacher Wang said: "In fact, the real battlefield intensity...I think you can watch the Black Soul series."


Mr. Wang's statement made Ichiro Kuroshima bewildered.

Teacher Wang hurriedly explained: "The mobs in the Black Soul are very powerful, capable of playing in seconds. And often one can resist, two will be stretched, and three will basically stop. In fact, on the real battlefield, one to one is actually It's very dangerous, one hits three, but I really stop cooking."

But Ichiro Kuroshima was a little puzzled: "Then those unparalleled fighters we saw are all fake?"

Teacher Wang shook his head: "It's all true, but in fact, in addition to their personal strength, the armor on them helps these warriors. The battle between the soldiers is cruel, but the armored soldiers are in defense. Very strong, this is the same regardless of the East or West."

"That's it."

Ichiro Kuroshima blushed.

It turns out that I am not only a historical novice of a certain eastern country, but also a world history novice.

"Although historical restrictions are very large, but if you study carefully, the inside is still very charming." Ichiro Kuroshima smiled wryly, concealing his embarrassment.

"Defensive power is one aspect," said Teacher Yi. "The generals are from their own backgrounds, so there are enough educational resources and physical fitness. This is also another aspect. If there is not enough physical fitness, a set of iron armor is used by ordinary soldiers. On the body, this soldier may not be able to hold it."

"That's it." Ichiro Kuroshima nodded.

Kuroshima Ichiro now has a rudimentary form of the game in his heart.

He said: "I now basically have a concept of the game we are going to do. Players have three types of attributes in individuals. One is related to their physical fitness, which is related to the player's own combat effectiveness; the other is related to command. The content is related to the soldier's ability; the other is the content related to internal affairs, and may also be related to a part of intelligence.

The attributes of heroes and generals are partially simplified on this, while soldiers are even more streamlined to only adjust their personal attributes.

On the battlefield, I think the main weapon still needs a long sword. Well, because players like it. Of course, we can arrange for ordinary soldiers to use long weapons.

There are many types of battlefields. I told you about them last time. I thought about it this time. We may also need some war weapons to make the battlefield more interesting. I think these are also There can be.

In addition to the battlefield, it is the internal affairs part. Or to extend it a bit more, it is part of some simulation business class. In this regard, players can do business and develop base areas. Players can use their own power to lobby other forces to join forces..."

The train was inconvenient. Ichiro Kuroshima could only take out a piece of paper and paint on it, while the other two people gathered together and looked over.

"Well, it's very interesting." Teacher Yi nodded, "I think this part of self-customized equipment is quite good, but it should be noted that this design can easily have some weird and out-of-the-modern designs."

Teacher Wang disagrees here: "I think it's actually quite interesting if players design something beyond the times. The game is about freedom. It would be great if you can let yourself go."

Teacher Yi originally wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, he said, "This is really not very sure. In fact, I also thought about what I would do if I traveled to the Three Kingdoms Period. Then I thought about it, if it really arrived. In the Three Kingdoms era, and if I have power, I will probably develop productivity, and then try to make a matchlock gun..."

No matter how modern people study the battles on the feudal battlefield, they are not witnesses after all. There is really a gap in this aspect compared with the ancients.

But what are modern people best at?

Of course it is an updated concept and concept!

then what should we do.

In that case, if we go there, why not light up the science and technology tree?

"The Three Kingdoms era full of guns..."

Ichiro Kuroshima thought for a while.

Zhao Zilong is in Changbanpo, holding Gatling in seven in and out...

On the Yangtze River, Zhuge Liang borrowed an arrow from the straw boat, and Cao Mengde made people move out the bronze cannon...

Ahhhhh, my eyes, my eyes!

Ichiro Kuroshima felt that the style of the Three Kingdoms had completely collapsed.

Teacher Yi said at this time: "If you say that, I remember Lulu Xiu of Teacher Xia Sen. The story I'm telling now is the Three Kingdoms."

The story of a certain oriental country in Morinia is the story of the Three Kingdoms, and everyone can see it here.


Not to mention it's okay.

When Teacher Yi said that, Ichiro Kuroshima suddenly felt that the Three Kingdoms era had suddenly become the era of Gundam Contest.

Damn it.

The picture is so beautiful that I dare not look at it!

"But there is one thing to say. If it is not required for mass production, but small-scale hand-made, if you want to make one or two muskets in the Three Kingdoms era, it is actually not a big problem." Teacher Yi said.

"By the way, Mr. Xia Sen is also very interested in firearms. If we want to add this element to the game, what era should our history be set at the earliest?" Ichiro Kuroshima thought of a question and moved by the way. Talked about the topic.

"If it is a technological level, the Tang Dynasty has the conditions. If it is calculated according to history, there is a little bit in the Song Dynasty, but it really needs to be applied... Well, at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty."

Teacher Wang is not as familiar with the Three Kingdoms as Teacher Yi, but he still knows more about this part of the content.

" Unfortunately, that era was not very easy to write..."

Ichiro Kuroshima thought.

That period of history is actually not difficult to write.

Rather, there are very few legendary stories in that history.

Except for Zhu Yuanzhang, several other forces have no such reputation at all.

At least the three countries are definitely inferior.



Little Witch Academy, Space Patrol Luluzi, and Superman Gullit all share the same worldview!


Two in one.

The author of the 3900x and movie tickets that could not be grabbed, continues to be shocked...

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