Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1759: Big touches

This game is meowing and poisonous.

Tony has played three sets.

But... can't stop.

This game code-named "Heartstone", at first glance, looks like a PVP card game like Yu-Gi-Oh, but in fact it is not just like Yu-Gi-Oh.

This game is a one-to-one game, where both players choose cards and then draw cards. There is a certain amount of blood between the two parties, and after the blood volume drops to the minimum, it will fail.

Players have a point of mana at the beginning, and the mana is restored to full value every round, and the maximum value of each round is increased by one point, up to ten points. It takes mana to summon men and use magic.

They can summon men with attack power and health, and these men can attack each other. Attack the enemy's subordinates, you can annihilate them, or you can choose to directly attack the enemy himself.

However, when the enemy has a subordinate with the ability to taunt, he can only choose the one with the ability to taunt to attack.

In addition, the players themselves also have hero skills. If they consume mana, they can use hero skills. Depending on the role chosen, the abilities that can be used are different.

It seems to be a very simple gameplay.

It's easy to learn by accident, but it's hard to master it.

"Huh... I won."

Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

He had just faced an extremely dangerous situation, he had no subordinates on the court, and there was a red knife on the opponent's scene. Brother Hongdao had 5 points of attack power and 6 points of life. When he was below half blood, his attack power doubled, and he had only 3 points of life just now.

In addition, there is also a tower shield warrior on the opponent's field. The opponent's buff has stacked 12 life points, which is simply not possible.

But the opponent didn't have much blood. But at this moment, I took a handful of "soul stripping".

Soul stripping is an equipment card. This card is a sickle in the game. Many players who follow the route of nuns like to have a strong soul stripping.

In this game codenamed Hearthstone, this weapon is equipped for the player to use. After the player is equipped with this weapon, they can directly attack the opponent, and this weapon has a special effect, which is to be able to ignore it. ridicule.

The proper soul hits directly.

The final "face" made Tony finally turn defeat into victory.

"This game is really interesting, and it's not on the same level as what I saw before... I think even the game king is not an opponent of this game."

Yugioh is sometimes too complicated. Various magic cards, trap cards and monster effects.

Especially for physical cards, these have to be calculated by yourself, which is really troublesome. However, although Yu-Gi-Oh has games on the console platform, there is not such a simple, clear and easy-to-use version.

And most importantly... this game has a good sense of substitution. Tony was also playing "Sword Art Online". His previous character took the two-handed sword route, and then there was a soul stripping at this time, so he simply created a new account to practice against the devil nun.

And this time, he finally relied on this soul stripping, and Tony felt that this sickle was simply his lucky thing!


"Of course, this game was planned and designed by Mr. Xia Sen himself." Kuroshima Ichiro laughed.

In fact, among their internal employees, this game is also very popular.

The official is also preparing to use this game as a "full-platform interconnection masterpiece", while landing on PC, GS and other platforms.

It was originally going to log on to PS2, but the old PS2 is impossible, but it is said that the new model will support a larger capacity storage system, so there will still be opportunities in the future-the biggest feature of online games is the update of the content.

"That's it, you really deserve to be Teacher Xia Sen."

That's it.

It feels normal to say that.

If it is a masterpiece by Mr. Xia Sen, then I feel as if I can understand it completely.

"Yes, the boss always has a lot of whimsical ideas." Ichiro Kuroshima couldn't help sighing.

Senxia always has a lot of whimsical ideas.

Some of these whimsical ideas seem quite unreliable, but in many cases they can make people shine.

Such a magical game is not just the one in front of you...

Tony is satisfied, and he and Ichiro Kuroshima have a pleasant conversation.

The key is...the money is in place.

Well, yes, even though I have said so much, in fact, the most, greatest, and greatest key to solving the problem is getting the money in place.

Having said so much, but as long as the money is given, it is the most shouting.

what? Do you want colorful black? Do you want colorful white?

That's right, you are the father of Party A, and you have given a lot of money, no problem at all!

Money can make things worse.

As long as the money is in place, even if it is a nauseous design...sometimes it is not impossible to do it.

What's more, is this something that even oneself can sink into?

I like the game, and the money is back.

When two pieces of happiness are stacked together, they naturally become greater happiness...

And Ichiro Kuroshima over there also felt that he was quite relaxed.

He was recently promoted to a director of A company.

He has been promoted very quickly in A company for so many years. A company doesn't think much about seniority, but has high requirements for ability.

This situation is actually increasing in mud bombing.

The main performance is in the IT industry.

In the traditional industry of mud bombing, the phenomenon of class consolidation is very serious. If a person wants to gradually climb up, he can only be experienced.

But in emerging industries, there is no such restriction.

So at this time, there are many upstarts.

Because of the gradual rise of the Nishi Roppongi business district, there are also many such upstarts who will buy houses there, and now some people are gradually calling them the "Roppongi Clan" or something.

Ichiro Kuroshima did not go to Roppongi to buy a house because he had a house in Musashino.

"But this game is really enjoyable..."

However, compared to Hearthstone, he prefers the card game "Slaying Spire".

Killing the Spire is a tower-climbing game. It is also a method of inflicting damage to the enemy through your own hand, and then continuing to advance.

This game is not very popular, but when I play it myself, the sense of surprise is still great.

After Tony left happily, he went to the hotel with everyone.

Although some of you live in Tokyo, but the free four-star hotel...don't live in vain.

What's more, there is a buffet...

Neon Gold eats very little, but this does not mean that they have a small appetite. When they can eat, they can still eat very well, such as a buffet...

At this moment, everyone is eating buffet dinner here in the hotel.

"Oh, it really deserves to be Company A." Just when he returned here, Tony saw Teacher Huang Ye and others sighing.

"Oh, Teacher Tony, what's the good thing?" Teacher Huang Ye saw the other party and immediately went over to say hello.

"Hi, it's a new game. In the future, I may have to come to the A side."

Showing off or something, sometimes does make people look bad, but sometimes, just can't help but want to show off, such a happy thing, you can be happier to say it.

"As expected of Mr. Tony." Teacher Huang Ye sighed.

"You're not bad. Don't the DW company also want you to do design?" Oda teacher next to him also smiled.

Tony is not the only person who cooperates. The teacher Huang Ye next to him also has a job.

It's just that compared with the other party, Huang Ye's work is more adult...

"Ah, I'm oriented towards adults, and I can't compare with Mr. Tony... But the DW company is pretty good..."

DW is a vest for the adult market. There are more violent, bloody, and other content.

Teacher Huang Ye's experience on this world line is also subtly different from that of another world line, and it also belongs to that kind of "alotrope."

"What games are there in DW society..." Tony was actually a little envious. After all, among the painters, there are no adult-related paintings, but they are actually the minority.

In this world line, Mr. Huang Ye is particularly good at drawing biological equipment. He first became famous for painting the doujin's biological armor for the RPG version of "Guilty Crown", and then began to show his prowess on CM.

It just so happens that DW is making a war chess game with various sister papers.

This is a game that has not appeared in another world line, and it also belongs to the development of this world line.

To be precise, it is the new work of DW that was influenced by Mori summer's "Fleet Collection".

In this game, most of our characters are sister papers.

The country where the sister papers are located is facing an attack from the abyss. These tentacle demons from the abyss will hunt and grab the sister paper, and then send them into the abyss.

The human world is facing an unprecedented crisis in the game. At this time, they developed a lot of biological equipment by studying the power of the abyss. Unfortunately, this armor is only adaptable to sister paper.

Therefore, the sisters began to put on a variety of biological equipment.

"I was found out because of a coincidence." Huang Ye said modestly, "In the beginning, I posted a picture of a centaur monster on station P."

With that said, everyone else also thought of the other side's picture.

In the beginning, Mr. Huang Ye just put a set map, and the content on the map is a centaur.

But in fact, this is just a fraud. This is a set of three pictures, and there are settings written by Teacher Huang Ye below.

In the back, the other party took an exploded view, which is actually a life form similar to a headless horse. This life form **** the lower limbs of the creature into it, parasitises or controls the life form.

After that, this picture caused a lot of discussion at station P. Teacher Huang Ye took the opportunity to expand the content and turn it into a short story.

Well, it will be launched this summer CM.

"After that, they watched the story of the space colony I drew before, and then they invited me."

This story tells the story of a girl's space suit that was damaged on a certain planet and was fused by an alien creature.

The DW agency valued these designs of Teacher Huang Ye, and felt that this biological equipment was very consistent with the settings of his own home, so he took the opportunity to invite the other party.

This time everyone came to visit. When Tony went here to discuss, Mr. Huang Ye also went to the DW agency next door, and he came back only a little earlier than Tony.

"The story of putting girls on various biological equipment and then attacking the abyss is very interesting to me." Teacher Huang Ye sighed.

"Is it okay to say that?" Oda-sensei next to him was a little surprised.

"It's nothing, the DW agency also wants me to do this. He also wants me to use the P station to find a way to gradually release some biological armor settings."

In this way, the game is slowly heated, and then the pre-game heat is maintained...

"It's not bad." Teacher Dashan on the other side also came over.

There is also a steak that has just been fried on his plate.

He sat down and said: "This world is changing so fast."

"But it has also become better." Teacher Oda sighed, "Our works, sold electronically through the P station, can actually sell several times the physical version..."

"Yes, yes, I know now that the number of readers who like me is many times as I expected." Teacher Dashan also sighed very much, "To be honest, I was really worried that I might get mad anytime, anywhere. It's done. But now, I actually feel that I can live by relying solely on Hua Doujinzhi..."

This is change, this is the gap.

For painters, this is an excellent era.

What they don’t know is that a better era is still in the future, and the current drafts are actually not so much before, but in the future, when a certain eastern country rises, life will be better for artists here... …

"I don't know what will happen next." Teacher Oda is also full of expectations outside.

Speaking of this, Teacher Huang Ye remembered: "I remember that company A seemed to be a community before. It seems to be a small community like the kind of log message..."

"Ahhhh, my side is too." Teacher Dashan also remembered.

"It seems like a" Tony also remembered, "It seems that it is not only limited to paintings, but also a public platform."

Senxia has promoted this position to these teachers.

So many of you actually know this.

And they were called over, in fact, part of the reason was also for this.

——They have a lot of popularity on P station, and they are also the first users to be selected.

Senxia will also be a user himself. He also thought about taking pictures and posting to Moments, which he thought about before going to Northern Europe.

It’s just that Senxia probably doesn’t have that thought now


I reviewed Hearthstone today...I am getting more and more unintelligible. It’s still the earliest...

Two-in-one meow meow~

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