Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1752: Handheld news

A certain oriental country, well-known ACGN forum, Meow Sky.

Meow Sky, which was funded by Agency A, is one of the largest forums in a large eastern country. Even the arrival of Tieba still did not make its popularity drop much. On the contrary, because this forum is translated very quickly, ACGN related information at home and abroad , Can always log in here in the first time, so the number of people here is still a lot.

After gradually turning to the Vista system, the number of people in the sky has also increased, because on this forum, there is a special beautification area, which is a variety of ACGN-related topics. Vista's beautification function is very powerful, so many people come here.

However, after entering August, the forum started to be a bit bad.

"Tsk, Ren Dong! You can drown with GBA!"

"Cut, Sogou, you don't even have a handheld!"

"If I don't speak, I will take a look."

"Oh, you know how to stir up trouble!"

Oh, "Chicken Essence" is a scornful term for fans of the Order of the Phoenix, and has the same meaning as Ren Dolphin.

The thing is like this.

At the end of July and the beginning of August, it was during the summer vacation, and at this time, some idle and bored players began to discuss handhelds.

I don't know who suddenly said: "We always have Mario, can their Sony do it?"

This word immediately spread to Sony fans, so someone said: "We have Metal Gear, do you have it? Do you? Scum!"

At first it was just a comparison, but then somehow everyone started arguing.

Then, this quarrel event spread to the entire sky of Meow.

The users of the Order of the Phoenix were watching.

Watching the excitement, of course it is not too big a problem.

"What do you look at, you guys!"

"Tsk, you are so good, we have Chinese, and the official simplified Chinese! And... can you buy the National Bank? Can you buy it? Ah? Ah? Stop talking?"

Then, the other two were silent.

Don't get me wrong, I mean, everyone sitting here is scum!

These years, there are official Simplified Chinese games, and they are still games on the console platform, really few...

What's more, the Order of the Phoenix basically makes money in hardware in a large eastern country. Many players jokingly call the cheap genuine "bring piracy bankrupt", which is really a big killer.

Of course, Lao Ren and Sony really want to enter the market of a big eastern country. Another world line of "Small Wandering" is an attempt.

But now... only the Order of the Phoenix can really see it.

Sheng You has also seen this round of tearing.

He is on the side of the Order of the Phoenix.

There is no other reason, just because of the fairy sword series.

On what platform the fairy sword is out of, I don’t know what platform to protect.JPG.

Everyone had a lively quarrel at first, but at the end, they all died down.

There is no other reason, because the number of fans of Lao Ren and Sony is far inferior to the products of the Order of the Phoenix.

After all... hard to buy!

Kirin computers are cheap and can be used as DVDs and VCDs, and they are officially supported. The penetration rate is incomparable to that of the old man and Sony over there.

Even if what they said is reasonable, it is not as good in the endless crowd.

But Shengyou knew that this was just a glamorous sight in front of him.

In the world, the most-selling PS2 is still the PS2, and the handheld world is still the old one.

The Order of the Phoenix's high-speed iteration strategy is good, but its cost is not comparable to that of PS2. Sony has the largest market, which is unshakable, and the profit margin on other hardware will be higher.

As for the handheld... the handheld of the Order of the Phoenix...


Play word games?

XReader, this machine is actually okay in a large eastern country, but it has no international influence at all. This thing is an ultra-cheap version of XBOX, which has now become a so-called "99 yuan machine" on the market.


Sheng You sighed.

In fact, Shengyou has always hoped to be able to play the fairy sword series over there on the handheld.

His dream was half realized.

Because of the existence of streaming, you can play with XBOX.

But in that case, what he has to face is ultra-low resolution, compressed text and pictures...

This is really embarrassing.

Can't watch at all.

And the most terrible thing recently is that he heard from the industry that Sony seems to be developing handhelds.

At this time, Shengyou was even more worried.

Recently, there are more and more mobile devices. A buddy of Shengyou bought a PDA.

If this continues, he believes that the Order of the Phoenix will suffer a big loss sooner or later in this regard.

"Oh, the desktop is updated so fast, but why doesn't the handheld believe it?"

Sheng You shook his head and put down the keyboard.


He inadvertently pressed F5 to refresh the page.

Then, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"The grapevine, the Order of the Phoenix is ​​developing a new handheld."

"Handheld?!" Sheng You immediately clicked on the post.

"My uncle who works in Mudbang is working in the Order of the Phoenix. According to him, the Order of the Phoenix has recently invited a group of people to test the game in a completely closed way. It seems to be a handheld..."

Damn it, really?

Uncle party? !

Shengyou was a little surprised.


Can you believe it?

Shengyou didn't know that this was actually true.

In other words, it was the information leaked intentionally by the Order of the Phoenix.

The new handheld has been basically finalized, and the test tape of the CPU has also been completed. The current development machine is mainly developing software, mainly the gesture system and system fluency.

The handheld system is more refined than the host system, because the system itself must not be a burden on the power consumption of the game.

After all, the handheld is very sensitive to the consumption of electricity, and it is definitely not good to mess around.

At this point, relevant news can actually be released.

However, in order to use Sony’s UMD, the official signed a contract with Sony. During the development process, the Order of the Phoenix cannot release information related to UMD before Sony. The term of the contract is until the middle of 2003. If Sony hadn't released a product before, the Order of the Phoenix would be able to make its debut.

As for Senxia, ​​he actually didn't consider leaking the complete parameters of the handheld so quickly-revealing the secret too early would sometimes only make others prepared.

Of course, sometimes, certain parameters may still be leaked. There is no impermeable wall in the world, and no one outside the industry knows it. It does not mean that no one in the industry knows.

But if you want to talk about the complete situation, there will definitely not be many people who know it.

"...A five-inch large screen?"

When Shengyou saw the leak, he couldn't believe it.

But when he thinks about the big screen of XBOX, he thinks... it is really possible.

"The Order of the Phoenix seems to have always believed that the big is the good creed..."

This is not a ridiculous thing about Shengyou, it is Mori Xia really once said it, and then it was taken out and made into a GIF.

So the spread of this sentence is still very high, especially on QICQ.

QICQ is a good thing.

The spread of all kinds of stalks above is super fast.

Sometimes, it really makes people's brains only think of these things every day.

"Huh? Touch screen?"

There is a touch screen on the PDA.

Shengyou has experienced touch screen.

But... how do you say it.

It feels very strange.

Because the delay of the touch screen on the PDA is really subtle.

When a program is clicked with a stylus, it is often clicked and pressed by yourself, and then the program will react after raising your hand.

This feeling is strange.

Is that sticky feeling really suitable for games?

"Fake news, it must be fake news." He felt that the news must not be true.


"Huh? Capacitive screen?"

This host probably thinks that most people don’t know what a capacitive screen is, so I will explain below. The so-called capacitive screen is a screen that can only be controlled with fingers or a human body. A similar capacitive touch is the one on a laptop. Kind.

Shengyou has also tried touch buttons on laptops.

Kylin Computer is very good, but the mobile platform is still blank, so if you want to move office, you can only use a laptop.

This is a sad story. But the official has no way.

Wang Qiwen wants to transplant it himself, but the domestic technology is not enough. Although he has developed a suitable machine, the cost is too high, the potential of mobile office is too low, and the battery will not last long.

Fortunately, notebooks are not the "just needed" of this era, so this weakness has not been exposed yet.

Shengyou recalled the notebook he had used at this time.

"That kind of seems to be really OK."

If it is a touchpad, it seems to be the case.

That kind of control is very comfortable. Compared with the resistive screen on the PDA, I don't know where it is higher.


Then Sheng You continued to look confused.

This "uncle party" was behind, and even talked about "Bluetooth". It is said that the official wants to prepare a split handle, and then connect via Bluetooth.

He thought about it, opened another web page, and then searched for the word "Bluetooth".

Then he found out that this Bluetooth or something seemed to be quite tall.

Bluetooth seems to be a term derived from someone who likes to eat blueberries and turns his teeth into a blue king.

Bluetooth is a way of wireless communication, through this method, wireless transmission can be carried out.

"This is really good." Sheng You sighed, on the one hand for this wireless technology, on the other hand, because this thing can appear in this encyclopedia.

The former is because Shengyou thought of streaming.

The official has done streaming on previous-generation machines before, but wired streaming is good, there is no delay, there will be no packet loss or something, but cable is not convenient after all.

And if it’s wireless, it’s even better...

On the other hand, the "encyclopedia" Shengyou lamented was also pioneered by Senxia.

This is a super database similar to an encyclopedia. Users can search for the information they want to know, and if not, they can also create entries. And if you want more authoritative information, you can also look at more official authoritative explanations...

All in all, this is a very interesting thing.

"Fuck, this amount of transmission is not enough."

Shengyou saw the Bluetooth transmission volume, and found that the speed of this product is actually not fast. If you want to use this thing on streaming, it seems that it is really not a useful function.

——Unless you are willing to reduce the bit rate to a blurry picture.

"Forget it."

He returned to this post.

In the back, the host said in an inexplicable manner some vendors that might support the handheld platform, and said that the official seems to be preparing a system similar to Vista on the handheld.

And then... and then there is no more.

The host said half of his words, this kind of uncomfortable things holding back makes Shengyou really feel uncomfortable.

Very unhappy!

"Another uncle party, the appraisal is complete."

"Hehe, believe you a big-headed ghost, what touch does the handheld want?"

"The big screen has no future. Didn't you read what promised next door said."

"Nuo Ji is nothing but a sawmill, a mobile device that knows the fart!"

"Strong onlookers holding GBA."

"Strong onlookers holding XBOX."

"While holding the XREADER and walking away silently..."

The original poster has a lot of news, but it is a pity that in the following post, it seems that there are not many people who believe that the official has such data, and everyone is actually making a fool of.

"Oh, I think it makes sense." Shengyou felt that it seemed to make sense here.

Because the Order of the Phoenix has never taken an unusual path.

The machines they developed are more exotic than the other.

Especially when GS was released before, the so-called "dual core" was directly screened on the Internet of a certain eastern country.

At that time, there were still many people coming out to give everyone a popular science on the difference between "dual core" and "dual CPU", and rumors were flying everywhere.

All in all, this "dual-core" concept can be said to be very hot, and even the frequency dispute between the next door I and A has become more subtle.

But Shengyou was just watching the excitement at the time.

"Is it really fake news?"

He hesitated.

The so-called three people become a tiger.

Although Shengyou thought this revelation was quite true at the beginning, but after watching the follow-up, this post was despised with chaotic rhythm. This time Shengyou is also a little uneasy.

Is it really fake news?

He felt that the news was pretty good.

However, so many people say that this is a fake, and Shengyou here is a bit shaken.

Yes, if the news is really, wouldn’t it be a vain joy?

Alas, why is there no official news? There is no shadow of a handheld on E3...

But at this moment, he suddenly received QICQ news.

This is official news from Hatsune Station.

"This is... to the mud bomb?"

It is an invitation message.

The news asks Shengyou, would you like to participate in an official game UP host activity and go to the mud bomb.

The activity process is...

Confidentiality throughout.


The last chapter is harmonious. As a last resort, write the outside content first. The content of the previous chapter has been adjusted. See when it can be released...

Two in one...

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