Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1748: It's so good

Seeing Senxia's unhappy look, Lihua chuckled.

"I suddenly seem to understand why Qianjia always likes to tease people."

Because this feeling is really interesting.

It was like this.

But if it happened to yourself, it would not be so wonderful.

And Senxia found that there always seemed to be a group of uneasy guys around her.

Qianjia is definitely one, and it makes people heady every time.

Ji Ye is also one, and she is still bold-even though she finally sold herself.

Alice is one of the super fans who will give the key and important personal items to Morika, but Morika can’t bear this love...

Oh, in fact, Senxia is also a messenger herself.

It's just that Morinka herself is stubborn at this time.

"Ah ah, forget it, let's not talk about this." Senxia shook her head and decided not to talk about it. "Anyway, this website will definitely develop, that's enough."

The current situation is actually pretty good.

"But I didn't expect that everyone would care so much about foreign affairs." Lihua was still quite surprised at this point.

"Everyone likes to know what other people think, and for some people, being able to see the scenery of another world is also a very interesting idea." Senxia said, "but translating this thing is quite interesting, I plan to Take a sum of money to invest in translation software."

"translation software?"

When it comes to investment, Lihua resumes her work attitude.

"Yeah." Morinya said, "We can build this function into the web page, so that everyone can perform machine translation according to the function they want. The level of this translation may not be very good, but it will certainly be satisfactory. The curiosity of many people."

In the future, translation will become very powerful, and even image translation will appear. Smart phones such as Sanbang and Daisy even come with this function.

In fact, the reason why a feature is unpopular is not because people don't like it, but because the technology is not mature.

For example, the VR game console developed by Lao Ren a few years ago is a model of immature technology.

In the future, VR equipment will become hot, but also because of the immature technology, this equipment is still a niche.

But try to think about it, if VR equipment is like that in Sword Art Online, how popular will VR equipment be?

This is a very simple reason.

"Is this a component of the browser?" Lihua understood.

"Well, don't we have an extension? But this translation function can be built-in."

Senxia decided to call behind Google mother throughout the process.

Compared with Du Niang, the development of Google Niang is more prosperous on a global scale, and Senxia can refer to many of these things.

Of course, if the company's center of gravity is different, the center of gravity is also different.

"Senxia, ​​your ideas are always wonderful." Lihua sighed.

Because Lihua just couldn't understand some of Senxia's thoughts. But Morinia's operations always surprised Lihua.

Afterwards, Lihua also analyzed it, and she felt that Senxia actually made sense.

For example, Senxia said that he will only be a generation handheld.

Lihua felt strange at first. However, after conducting market research, Lihua found that many machines in the PDA industry are already very powerful, not inferior to mobile phones, and some PDAs already have some casual games on them.

This development trend reminds Lihua of PC.

This is the development of the PC industry. People used dedicated consoles to play games at the beginning, but now, people have not only played games on consoles, but also on PCs. Some games on PC are no less than Host now.

Of course, not only PC, but also GS.

Lihua has summarized this, and the simple conclusion is that all-round equipment is gradually replacing special-purpose equipment.

For example, now, the mobile device industry is making a "smart phone" device that can integrate PDAs and mobile phones. Lihua believes that this kind of equipment is the future of the mobile industry.

"Actually, I know everything about the future... well, most of them."

Reminiscent of the changes caused by the different world lines, and the butterfly effect of some people because of their own influence, Morinka feels that she can't speak her own words.

However, the general changes can still be grasped by Morinia, so Morinia can still grasp the general situation.

"It's like you are going to talk with Nokian this time?"

"Ah, this is not on the way."

The cooperation between Nokian and Morinya is not big. However, since Nuoji had come together, Senxia decided to cooperate with the other party in line with the idea of ​​having money but not making no profit, and thinking that pigs would not kill them.

At least Moriha has gathered a lot of good things from Nokia's side-and Nokia itself doesn't seem to care about it.

Simply put, it's like a touch screen.

It’s actually quite a technical thing to be able to make high-resolution screens smaller these days, and manufacturers are also doing this here. Most people are racking their brains to pack as many pixels as possible. Among the screens, large screens will only be considered when they have to.

Because of this, Nokian sneered at some of Mori's previous thoughts. In their opinion, a simple large screen has no future.

This is something that Senxia can't change-only facts can educate them, just like the fruit phone in the future.

Senxia felt Lihua seemed a little angry.

He walked to Lihua's side: "Just drop by when you return. Finland is also a good place."

The airport outside the window is a hot summer scene. It's the hottest time of the year. It's a good choice to go to Northern Europe to escape the heat at this time.

But by this time, Senxia was a little curious and nervous.

Lihua's mother's family...what kind of family is it?

"Now, Lihua, how much do you know about your family?"

Lihua shook her head when she heard Senxia's words: "In fact, there are not many."


Lihua's father had a continuation, and the relationship with Lihua's mother may not be very good.

"Now." Lihua turned her head.

She was facing the window, with a slight blush on her cheeks.


" able to go with me...I'm... very happy ~ she blushes.

"Nothing, I'm very happy too."

Senxia said with a smile.

"Such a trip to Northern Europe with only two people is also very romantic."

"Romantic..." Lihua's eyes wandered.

"Um..." On the other side, Xue Nao frowned.

"What's the matter, Master Xue Nai?" The question was Zhen Tong who came over as a guest.

"Nothing." Xue Nao clicked his brother's radar.

She frowned, feeling that things were not that simple...


Dizzy, flustered...

Going to lie dormant...

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