Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1744: The gap between people...

Lord God, oh, it's Lord Mori now, and I'm online at this time.

I will go to Senxia in Northern Europe next week. At this moment, I am using my new ID to continue to stir up trouble on the Internet.

"My uncle works in Agency A, and he just told me that "Swordsman Witch" is going to be a game! It is going to be a game like Black Soul!"

Mori's first post was an official spoiler.

In fact, many people already know about the game, and there are rumors that Hidetaka Miyazaki did it, so some people speculate whether it is a soul-like game.


Then Senxia was banned by the forum.

"What the hell?!"

Senxia took a look and found that it was because of her water stickers that she had been banned.

These people actually banned the official spoilers!

Meow him!

Senxia felt her mentality collapsed.

Forget it.

Senxia shook her head and decided to change the place.

There is no place to stay here.

Let's go to the Internet broke the news of a certain eastern country with more closed news.

Thinking of this, Senxia went directly to the largest forum in a certain eastern country-Post Bar.

With this world line, Du Niang seemed to be dead.

Senxia didn't know why, all he knew was that Brother Xiao Ma seemed to have some very powerful skills or something. It seemed to have something to do with Du Niang, maybe because of this reason?


Since there isn't, then let's do it by ourselves?

With such thoughts in mind, Morinia kept doing it, so she just created such a post system.

Not to mention, it's really hot.

"The uncle from the mud bomb burst pee!"

Senxia decided to become a party with "someone above".

Then, the post he had just posted on the A Post Bar was deleted, and the little black room waited for it for seven days.

Although the post on the "Swordsman Witch" post hasn't been deleted, the following group ridicules.

"2L sofa."



First, a few looters.

"I knew it a long time ago, what the Uncle Ghost Party used to fool with news."

"Old news, this is the newcomer who wants to be out there."

"There have been several fake news, don't you think it hurts?"

Well, because there have been all kinds of rumors before, as a result, there are still many people who post it now that they don't believe this.

Meow him!

Morinya feels so upset now.

But there is no way.

This is a sad story.

The rumors have already stirred up the news.


Senxia looked at the post on the news.

These people have big brains, and there are still people who think "Knife Maiden" will become an online game, and it is an MMORPG.

"As we all know, the earliest fortune of A club was based on "Hero Trails", but some people may not know that the A club actually relied on "Plants vs. Zombies."

But the latter is actually a casual game. A company probably also realized this, so it started to make better games, that is, online games. "

The initial analysis was quite unreliable.

Morinka made the game, in fact, for the spirit of a gentleman.

We are all gentlemen.JPG.

Well, this kind of thing, even if most people want to analyze, probably there is no way.

But the analysis behind this man is quite interesting.

"... After "Sword Art Online", A company has become a veritable online game manufacturer, and the recently launched GGO has brought them to the forefront. But in fact, A company's online game layout lacks a huge Puzzle. That is MMORPG.

... At this E3 show, Blizzard released a game called "World of Warcraft". Although this game is still in the development process, the market response has been excellent. Although A company has received rave reviews, they lack such a ‘treasure of the town house’.

So I concluded that A company must have started the MMORPG research. This time they released news about the game "Swordsman Witch", and the situation was also very special. As we all know, A club generally likes to relax with games and freeze at the same time, but this time, they did not do so. They only started the promotion of the game after the animation of "Knife Maiden" began to play. In other words, this game must be different from previous games. I boldly judge that this is an online game-and it is an MMORPG. "

No, brother, you think too much...

Senxia feels quite subtle.

Because Morinka really didn't think so much here.

In fact, "Swordsman Miko" didn't have a game at the beginning, it was purely because Miyazaki Hidetaka's own brain was opened up, and then Mori followed him.

And the type and nature of this game is not suitable for making that kind of game.

The MMORPG considered by Morinka is actually still on paper...

"This analysis is interesting..."

But I have to admit that this man's analysis is quite interesting.

Although the other party is nonsense, there is one thing Morinatsu thinks that the other party is right.

There is still a lack of MMORPG in the town of A company.

But now that this game is on the market, it is tantamount to facing World of Warcraft.

That would definitely die.

Therefore, competition must be misaligned.

Taking science fiction and action themes is a more appropriate solution.

"The original poster is full of mistakes and omissions, but the idea is very strange, quite interesting."

Senxia replied with a post.

Then he was stunned.

"Just open your mouth."

"Now that the sprayer doesn't even have any dry goods, I know it is spraying, haha."

Then Senxia was banned again. The reason was to complain to the owner...

Another bite of old blood.

Senxia couldn't bear it.

Change number!

Golden vest!

The ID of Lord God shines brightly.

The **** of the golden ID is a celebrity who posted it and the king of krypton gold. Senxia is using this identity to continue speaking at this time.

"There are so many errors and omissions, purely intentional."

Then, the original poster immediately replied.

"Worship Lord God! Ask Lord God for guidance!"

"The Great God has opened the mouth!"

"Ah, wife, come out and see Lord God!"


"Worship +1"

"Worship +2"

"Big guy is right!"

"Listen to the boss!"

Senxia was speechless.

Why is the gap between people so big?

It's just a change of People have gone from complaining to kneeling.

This difference in status and treatment is indeed very subtle.

"Forget it,'Mr Mori' is not a vest that takes the route of breaking the news."

However, he really didn't want to let Morinya be a stable and transparent network.

So at this time, he was thinking about what he should do.

But even if he thought about it, there was no way.

Because Senxia found out that her ID has all been posted, and it has been a week since Xiaoheiwu was closed...

Morinia now just wants to talk dirty...


The college entrance examination is hard 2333

Today, I will update it temporarily. The author still has four manuscripts to be reviewed.

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