Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1742: Fiery game

Although Miss Dahe is very interested in this, she is just an editor. ?????

Senxia was just talking nonsense, but Qianjia next to him was very interested in it.

"Barrage is indeed a good idea. Ah, but it's difficult to implement."

"Well, it depends on the situation."

Although interesting, it is not in line with the general trend here.

However, Senxia plans to wait until the number of users on station p is sufficient, and then slowly adjust and make a little correction to the text section.

After discussing these things, Morinia continued to pay attention to wcg. This year's wcg has begun to become intensified. It can be seen that the development opportunity of e-sports should be here.

Like Morinha, many people follow e-sports.

In a large eastern country, a group of people are yelling.

"Fuck, what the hell!"

"Zoom in! You zoom in meow!"

"Q hasn't been served once, food!"

A team from a major eastern country is being complained by a group of players.

The heroic trajectory of wcg has entered the knockout round. The match was three wins in five rounds, and just now, a team from a major eastern country was defeated by the opponent in a row against the National Team.

At this moment, a group of people are cursing the street.

And just before, they just cheered for the team's victory.

"The gaming community doesn't believe in tears."

"Food is original sin."

Liu Yong on the side sighed.

This Internet cafe is the largest in the neighborhood, and Liu Yong is a frequent visitor to Internet cafes.

He is a college student, and there are many such college students who come here to surf the Internet.

The favorite game of college students is "Hero Trail".

This kind of game that can play the black five in a row is most suitable for college students.

The consumption of this kind of games is not high, and the environmental requirements are not high. The only requirement is the speed of the Internet, but in Internet cafes, the Internet speed is the easiest thing to get.

So in the student community, this game is very popular.

In addition to "Hero Trails", the most popular is "Sword Art Online".

Liu Yong was not playing the game. He watched the game on the projection screen, and then he was typing on the document.

This is an article to be submitted to the game website.

The article is doing comparison.

Liu Yong is comparing the pvp ultimate "Hero Trail" and the pve ultimate "Sword Art Online".

Of course, these pvp and pve are the opinions circulating in the current player circle of a certain eastern country.

Senxia has a lot of influence on this world line. On the Internet of a certain eastern country, everything is very different from another world line.

The most direct impact of the emergence of "Hero Trail" is that the popularity of "Warcraft" has been affected. The two games "StarCraft" and "Warcraft" have not become so-called like the "Legend" next door. Niche games, but "Hero Trail" before "Warcraft" appeared, its map editor system was very good, directly compressed the latter's expansion space.

However, the real-time strategy games of this year are still very popular, so it has no impact on the status of the game itself.

But what you insist on is more in line with Orientalist's "Heroes Track" and "Sword Art Online", and it is obviously better.

Well, the most direct impact is that what kind of copycat games appear in a certain eastern country now requires hero xx, or **** trajectory, or **** God's domain.

And there are quite a few.

Of course, the average player directly ignores this type of game, and knockoff games are just scraps.

Moreover, these games cannot pass the trial on the Kylin computer platform.

Liu Yong positioned the former as the most popular game in the pvp category. This team competitive game is now the most popular game type, even more popular than pve.

At first, Liu Yong didn't know why this happened.

But after seeing the game in the Internet cafe today, he understood it instantly.

Because this game is not just a game at this moment, it has sublimated into a competitive spirit.

It's the same as everyone likes football.

At this year's World Cup, his friends are very passionate and excited, just as they are now.

Although in the World Cup, their own team did not score a goal, but to be able to reach the World Cup, this is already a very exciting thing.

It is the same as the previous successful bid.


"The gaming world seems to be more cruel than football..."

Liu Yong muttered in his heart.

The gaming community does not believe in tears.

When playing football, my family loses, and some people sigh, but now in the e-sports arena, there hasn't been a loss here. Someone has already started spraying.

Liu Yong didn't know that the football circle in the future would be more subtle.

"If "Sword Art Online" wants to gain the popularity of "Hero Trail", it must have a world-class competition. In this type of competition, the pvp element will be very strong, but "Sword Art Online" is a pve-based game. The game, the pvp content of this game is not bad, but it is overshadowed by greater glory..."

He looked at the crowd at the scene, and then wrote this text.

The game has now entered the third round.

A certain oriental country is currently selecting people.

Everyone is watching nervously.

At this time, Liu Yong saved the document wps to support cloud documents on the Kylin computer, allowing him to write with peace of mind in Internet cafes and then opened "Sword Art Online".

After entering the game, he found that many people were discussing things about "Hero Trail".

Although one is pvp and the other is pve, the players on both sides are surprisingly similar.

In "Sword Art Online", there is also a very good pvp battle system.

The simplest of these is a one-on-one arena duel.

This mode is a one-on-one battle, where players compete completely for power.

This mode has a good grasp of the value, so the performance of pvp is still very good.

However, the pve part of this game is even better, so the pvp side... is more subtle.

Although the official has launched this battle mode, it seems to be a bit troubled.

So after that, they launched the so-called "battlefield mode" to increase the player's pvp performance.

So now in "Sword Art Online", there are basically three players.

One is the next version, the other is the battlefield, and the other is the arena.

Although the number of the latter two cannot be said to be small, they are far inferior to the former.

And in the pvp part, there is a niche, but relatively powerful "Legend", so this part of "Sword Art Online" is more subtle.

Of course, giving up completely is not enough. Because a game is a combination of multiple gameplays, it is as if a person goes to a hotel to eat. The music played in the hotel and the attitude of the service will also affect this person.

Although the latter is unnecessary, it can affect a person's mood for eating.

Liu Yong hit such a long list of content.

When he looked up again, he heard a string of cheers.

It turned out that a certain eastern country got the first kill and took advantage of the momentum to push down a defensive tower on the opposite side.

Liu Yong's eyes were also attracted.

It's different from before.

The atmosphere changes really fast.

"In a sense, the pvp part of "Sword Art Online" is not very popular, but it is actually a good thing..."

Liu Yong thought for a while, and found some contradictions in the front and back of the article, and he was also thinking about it.

How can pve games have such a powerful influence?

In the game, Liu Yong recorded his feelings.

"The animation has been updated!"

"Updated, I have seen it."

"Hurry up and see Fan!"

While thinking about it, he suddenly discovered that the content of the latest episode of "Sword Art Online" has been updated.

At this time, many people in the game are sending messages.

The animation of "Sword Art Online" has been broadcast for half a year, and many viewers in a certain eastern country even understand what "chasing fan" is.

Before "Sword Art Online", few people even knew that most of the animations of mud bombing were episodes a week.

Domestically, we are accustomed to daily animations, such as the blue cat next door.

And "Sword Art Online" appeared on Hatsune Station, and the domestic audience understood this concept almost immediately.

"Let three chase two!"

"Let three chase two!"

"Let me wait for me!"

"A certain oriental power team must win!"

"Wish the spring sounds..."

"Wish the soul is stripped..."

Just opening the animation, he saw a large wave of barrage.

Liu Yong was taken aback for a moment.

"No, the popularity of "Sword Art Online" is already very good."

Apart from other things, it is enough to simply popularize the concept of "chasing fan" and make "Hatsune Station" become hot all at once.

Unlike the current passion and passion, Sword Art Online is changing people's concepts subtly.

For example, it is because "Sword Art Online" promotes "free broadcasting" that Hatsune Station is known to many people.

But now Liu Yong, after seeing the video, if he can't see the barrage, he will feel uncomfortable.

The plot of "Sword Art Online" is different from the plot of the animation. The novelty is even more interesting.

"Just don't know how ggo is."

Sanctuary of sharpshooters.

The name is pretty good.

But in China, the preparation of this game is also quite troublesome.

According to the official statement, it is because shooting games have higher requirements for latency, so the server requirements are higher, so the start of the test in a large eastern country will be a bit slower than the international server.

Hmm... In fact, another important reason for this is that this game has added a new anti-cheat system. Since it is a special offer... some delay is understandable.

However, Liu Yong didn't know this reason.

But Liu Yong also knows that a company is very "fierce" for external links.

"Legend" is a game that can hardly be played without a plug-in.

And when "Hero Trail" was just launched, some people here also opened the so-called "full picture hanging".

But then, the dear man was banned, and the Internet cafe was also accused.

A company does not care about winning or losing a lawsuit, but a lawsuit with a company will definitely consume countless money and manpower.

And after the opening, it will be on the blacklist of the embassy. If you want to go abroad to go to the mud bombing, it is basically useless.

This is not just talking.

There is one in the dormitory next door to Liu Yong.

Originally, I was ready to go to Nihong to study abroad, but I was blacklisted because of "playing the game", so I didn't sign the certificate.

Generally speaking, the opening of the game basically has no effect on the license, but... whoever calls it is influential!

This is also the first time Liu Yong understands what is meant by "rich and willful."

But how to say it.

When Liu Yong heard this, he actually felt quite refreshed.

"Fuck, three kills!"

"Four kills!"

"Five kills! Five kills! Five kills!"

There was a quarrel outside again.

Liu Yong looked up and found that it was a team from a certain eastern country that had actually completed the five kills reversal.

Originally, after the first kill before, the team of a certain eastern country began to waver, but was directly overturned by the opponent and fell into a disadvantage.

So at that time, Liu Yong basically sentenced him to death.

Unexpectedly, when they were pushed to the high ground by the opponent, they actually completed a wave of five kills. Then the team here took the opportunity to take down the strongest wild monster in the game and got a gain buff, and then they took the opportunity to cheer up. The other side pushed directly.


Two to one.

Seeing this directly explode the opposite Liu Yong was also excited.

His eyes were gradually attracted by the game itself.

After the third game, the atmosphere of the game was also excited.

After the game, some data comparisons of the game began to appear on the screen.

At this time, the commentary is also being analyzed.

Liu Yong paused the video, then continued to watch the scene before him.

The game has entered a white-hot stage at this moment.

Not only the scene, but the audience in the audience has also concentrated on watching the scene before them.

The picture on the projection screen is a bit dim, but this does not affect anything.

The owner of the Internet cafe also turned the volume up.

Even some people who don't play games are attracted by the venue at this moment.

For these young students in Internet cafes, what the team is doing is "winning glory for the country."

Everyone is focused.


The fourth round began.

This time, the bigger the team of a certain eastern country, the better, and it turned out to be an easy victory and victory.

Two to two!

At this time, Liu Yong had completely ignored his computer and was completely attracted by the game.

His heart is accelerating.

Finally, the fifth game began.

Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Adjust it slightly Adjust it slightly Adjust it slightly Adjust it slightly Adjust it slightly Adjust it slightly Adjust it slightly


Without this chapter, it would be very uncomfortable...

Two-in-one meow meow~

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