Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1740: On why the leading actor wants to be "Asashi"

"Cough." Senxia cleared her throat.

The light explosion, to a certain extent, was because the mobile phone reading of the mud boom began to mature, and people began to read more and more interesting beginnings from mobile devices.

But before that, in fact, the leading actor of the "Asassi" line had already become popular in the industry.

But not, but.

In these days, most of the male protagonists are not very clear-cut. In order to allow players to bring in, these male protagonists don't even have a face, let alone any personality.

And this also led to these male protagonists inexplicably being liked by the heroine, and then inexplicably beginning to be "gentle".

The heroine often falls in love with the hero because he sees the "tenderness" of the hero that no one else can see.

This criticism has been around for a long time. In "Fate Night", the protagonist like Shiro Weimiya is actually a rare creature. Few will set the main description of the story on the protagonist, but Nasu Mushroom did that back then.

"Then, the question begins."

Morinatsu's words made everyone concentrated.

"We know that in the light of the part, our male protagonist is often referred to by the female protagonist as'Asashi (Gentle)', so what is the real situation?" Senxia said, "Option A, because A gentle male protagonist can really make the heroine fall in love, and only the female protagonist can discover the precious side of the male protagonist; Option B, this character is designed to please players and readers, but even the author does not know what this character has The advantage, as long as the heroine is forced to like the actor's "gentleness"; Option C, our mud bomb is a peaceful country, and gentleness is the characteristic of neon gold."

"Then you need to ask, the answer is super obvious," Qianjia said naturally.

"Yes, it must be B." Miss Dahe said.

"The answer is C." Qianjia said.

"Huh?" Miss Dahe glanced at Qianjia a little strangely.

"On the surface, B seems to be more in line with the option, but that is only on the surface. In fact, it has something to do with the social atmosphere. It is precisely because everyone expects to see this kind of waste-type protagonist, so the final value orientation will be biased towards this point. "Qianjia said.

"...Well, it makes sense."

No wonder I am just an editor, and others are shareholders...

That's it!

"But option B is not necessarily a mistake." Qianjia said.

Senxia turned her head and looked at Xue Na again: "Xuno, what do you think?"

"Huh? Me?"

Xue Nao tilted her head.

"I think the author's heart should be Option A."

Although the A option looks very unreliable.

But if you think about it, the author wants the heroine to discover the outstanding qualities of the heroine. If you look at it this way, option A is really the most suitable option.

Nothing wrong.

Senxia also smiled, then he turned his head and continued to look at Xi Yan who was aside: "Now, Xi Yan, what do you think?"

After Xi Yan handed over the drink, she stood by her side, closing her eyes slightly, as if she was closing her eyes to rest. After hearing Senxia's words, she opened her eyes and asked, "Master, if it is not the option in the options, Is it okay?"

"Ah, no problem." Hearing Xi Yan's words, Morika was also curious what Xi Yan thought.

"Then, my answer is option D, because of the author's laziness."

"Lazy, lazy?" When Miss Dahe next to her heard this, she seemed to think this question was weird, but as an editor instinctively, she suddenly discovered that this statement seemed to have some truth.

"Hi." Xi Yan said, "because such a character does not require much modeling costs. The author can concentrate on the creation of female characters and texts. Even if the male characters are well formed, for the audience, They don’t necessarily notice this. Because of this, if you are struggling to create a male character with little feedback, it’s better to just fit it into the template, and it can also be called "enhanced sense of substitution."

"It makes sense." Senxia sighed, "Indeed, shaping male characters is often a thankless thing, and it is inevitable that many authors want to skip class."

But it is precisely because of this that few such works are able to make their mark because the author is too lazy.

Works with distinctive male characters can stand out from the crowd. This is often not only because of male characters, but also because the author has the heart to portray these male characters, which shows their "not lazy".

For example, "Magic and Forbidden Books Catalog", the actor of this book, Kamijou Dangma, is a rare type of "If I were a younger sister, I would like him".

Another example is the protagonist of "My Youth Love Story Surely There Is a Problem" Mr. Hachiman, er, is Hikigaya Hachiman, who is also an impressive protagonist. Many readers have expressed "distressed great teacher" or something.

There is also Fuutarou Uesugi, the protagonist of "Five-Equal Hanayome", who even complained about "My cabbage was overrun by five pigs" Besides, let alone " "The hero is the heroine" such as "Fate Night".

The actor's distinctive work is not necessarily the best, but it must be very impressive.

"The author's heart is Option A, but because of laziness, their action is Option D, and the reason for this template shaping is because of the social atmosphere, that is, Option C, and then for the convenience of making the heroine like this The protagonist in the social atmosphere, so I can only use the option B method..."

Senxia made a summary.

"Well, it's the world in the work after all." Qianjia said, "it is unlikely to happen in reality."

"Yes, compared to that type, I think teacher Xia Sen's work is more authentic!" Miss Dahe looked at Senxia with a scorching gaze, "It's as if she's actually done it."

I'm not! I do not have!

Morika glanced at the unkind Chika and the smiling Yukino, he decisively did not speak.

Ms. Dahe probably also realized that it seemed more subtle to say "real experience" with a girl near the moon, so she changed her way of saying it.

"Just like in the world of "Fate No Sky", the sad love between the brothers and sisters of Kasuga is really great."

"That's a fake too." Senxia shook her head.


"The reality is impossible." Senxia said.

"The reality is..."

"Reality." Senxia stood up, walked to the edge of the window, and looked up at the sky with a 45-degree angle. He touched his face and said. "Reality is to—"


Then, he was kicked over by Qian Jia.


The first one is meow meow.

The protagonist of the Asahic system has become popular in the mid-1990s, and it can even be said that many of the future light poisons come from this...

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